
Is Diablo 4 on Game Pass? Xbox reveals it's coming this March

Diablo 4 will be the first Activision Blizzard game to arrive on the service, with more Activision Blizzard games to follow.

spicelicka108d ago

It's barely been 9 months, I think that's legit.

Obscure_Observer108d ago

"better late than never."

How? We´ve been told that *no* ABK game would make its way over to Gamepass. XD

2024 just got even more incredible for Xbox gamers!

We´ll continue to get BIG AAA first party and third party games Day One on Gamepass despite of all doom and gloom BS!

Phil had delusional fanboys slapped hard today!

Rockstar108d ago Show
Traecy108d ago

Delusional?? The irony. LMAO!

GamerRN108d ago

Who said no ABK game would come to GamePass? We were told they wouldn't come in 2023. I expect all first party games to still be on GamePass, otherwise the value is about to disappear.

notachance108d ago

"We´ve been told that *no* ABK game would make its way over to Gamepass."
told by who? literally no one said this. you just pulled that out of your ass to make a reply lmao

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 108d ago
Christopher108d ago (Edited 108d ago )

*** How? We´ve been told that *no* ABK game would make its way over to Gamepass. XD ***

Who has been telling you this? More windmills for arguments sake here? Are you just choosing the lowest common denominator of arguments to make yours look better? That's like arguing against the thoughts of a troll, you're going nowhere and they're winning by playing that game.

Of course 'Every. Single. ABK. Game. Will. Go. To. Game. Pass.' Why the heck wouldn't they?

*** Phil had delusional fanboys slapped hard today! ***

Wow, you met him and that's how he treated you? Ouch. Sorry about that.

InUrFoxHole108d ago

You sound mad. Xbox and Phil are rocking it.

Christopher108d ago (Edited 108d ago )

***You sound mad. Xbox and Phil are rocking it. ***

I don't know how to respond to this attempt to create yet another imaginary conflict/opponent. I literally agree with Obscure about more big AAA first party games Day One on Game Pass, and that makes me mad?

Kaii108d ago

*Diablo 4’s Hellish Microtransactions Go From Bad to Worse With $65 Horse Bundle That Costs More Than the Game Itself

It's ok though because they'll be dropping the $100? expansion this yr

Christopher108d ago

With their ridiculous MTX costs, it should have been F2P out of the gate.

thesoftware730108d ago

You mean the completely cosmetic MTX? That affects my gameplay 0%


What about Helldiver's 2, that game has MTX that actually affects gameplay...Foamstars has MTX as well, do you also think Helldiver's 2 should be F2P?

Christopher108d ago (Edited 108d ago )

***You mean the completely cosmetic MTX? That affects my gameplay 0% ***

MTX isn't about use, it's about taking advantage of FOMO-prone personalities.

*** What about Helldiver's 2, that game has MTX that actually affects gameplay...Foamstars has MTX as well, do you also think Helldiver's 2 should be F2P? ***



GamerRN108d ago

These people are ridiculous... The cosmetic only mtx are fine. They affect NOTHING gameplay wise. It's all about flex

Christopher108d ago

***The cosmetic only mtx are fine. They affect NOTHING gameplay wise.***

When put in as part of battle passes, they purposefully elongate the time and/or purposefully put in difficulty barriers to achieve said goals to encourage players to spend money. This affects every player as it affects their gameplay design goals overall, which are not focused on improvements but methods to redirect people towards spending money.

thesoftware730108d ago (Edited 108d ago )

Oh so now cosmetic MTX is the exact same as actual gameplay altering MTX! Lmao, that is the first time I can recall someone taking such a silly stance just to attempt to hide their bias.

Let me show you the difference as FOMO is in fact not the same. Let's say I buy a purely cosmetic MTX because, I personally like it. It changes nothing really, I will still have to play as skillfully as any non funky clothes wearing person. Now, let's say I can't get past a level or boss in a game, oh, they are selling the super duper, 50 megaton no reload needed gun for $10? I buy it, nuke the level with ease...I just Paid to win. If you can't see the huge, gigantic different in that, you need to open them peepers.

Ok, please show me where you promoted that Helldivers 2 should be free.

Next is your logic, intentions, motivation, argument is bias, stinks, and, also clear as day. It's borderline ridiculous, the bad part is you are aware of it.

You are the "say anything" type of guy I see.

Christopher107d ago (Edited 107d ago )

***Oh so now cosmetic MTX is the exact same as actual gameplay altering MTX! Lmao, that is the first time I can recall someone taking such a silly stance just to attempt to hide their bias. ***

Didn't say this. I explained how cosmetic MTX affects gameplay.

*** Ok, please show me where you promoted that Helldivers 2 should be free. ***

That's literally my first comment about Helldivers 2 ever. And it's to say it should be F2P.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 107d ago
anast108d ago

It's already getting the GP treatment. This means it undersold.

Retro1986108d ago (Edited 108d ago )

Smart move. More people will play it and more people will buy cosmetics. I wont buy cosmetics, but i will play it now 😊 until PoE 2 arrives.

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anast1d 18h ago

This game is about to get buried by Path 2.

LordoftheCritics1d 17h ago

Still no global chat or group finder.

The emptiest MP game ever made.

OtterX1d 17h ago

1 more month then I can celebrate 1 year since i stopped playing and uninstalled the game.

Walalon1d 16h ago

We are on the same team brother!

Rynxie1d 13h ago

I uninstalled d4 after they kept screwing over the sorc build and I beat the game. I also uninstalled immortal after reading the end. I actually went back to d2r here and there.

just_looken1d 3h ago

The only thing i enjoyed in D4 was the mp side but after they gutted my hunter build then again wanted me to grind for over hundred hours each season i too quit like you.

Its insane though a year has already passed.

Daeloki4h ago

Hard pass, gave it a chance on launch with a friend, but we made it a bit past act 1 only to realise how tedious it was.


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Tapani13d ago

Is Diablo IV worth it for the Single-Player experience today? I understand it has got many patches and improvements.

Daeloki13d ago

I honestly don't know what they could have changed/patched to make the game enjoyable since last summer. I played the campaign a bit past act 1 with a friend and it just becomes incredibly boring and repetitive. I uninstalled shortly after and haven't looked back. However, with me it may just be a case of that it's not my kind of game. I just didn't enjoy the endless cycle of going into a dungeon, collect loot, teleport to town, sell/dismantle, teleport back to dungeon, collect loot, teleport to town, sell/dismantle... rinse and repeat. That cycle was about 80% of the game back then, completely drowning out the story for me. If there is a demo, or you have a chance to test a friends copy then I'd recommend that before spending any money on it.

Kosic13d ago

I loved D3 and would play a season for weeks.
D4 came out I reached level 60 ish and grew bored, I tried again in S1 and got to the same level and quit. I heard about the loot revamp, and briefly tried season 3 before jumping into the new season.
The game is better because it's easier to feel this progression smoothly increase, without hitting such a large road block, but I am level 61 and in Torment 4, and again I just don't feel the urge to continue.

I found a lack of direction of what to do, the thing that puts me off is the bland world, hell-tides are rather boring. Kill a non stop spawn of demons and summon a boss...

If you can get it for cheap, give it a try, or do a Gamepass trial and play it there.