
JP Games announces ‘cutting-edge RPG for adults’ SHALLAH

Hajime Tabata-led studio JP Games, in collaboration with artificial intelligence development and sales company Quantum Solutions, has announced SHALLAH, a tentatively titled “cutting-edge RPG

jznrpg119d ago

Interesting ideas and a cool premise but it has to come together and that’s a tall task. The AI they are talking about in this game is for in game AI and it to react to you which we have heard from a Sony patent as well. Have to see it in practice to know if it’s just cool sounding marketing or actually adding to game design and gameplay.

Cacabunga119d ago

Inshallah it will be good

*I’m out*

azedean119d ago

That was an easy one but a very god one :)

banditz119d ago

it probably wont make it to playstation...

senorfartcushion119d ago

Ai development and sales?

Talk about a recipe for disaster

-Gespenst-119d ago

Red flags, the videogame. Pump and dump, the videogame. JP Games' first game was a F2P Metaverse-like pos (Paralympics-themed, which is cool, but lasted 6 months because JP Games Paralympics license expired - so much for that), and they've got some other game in development called "Gemina Games", which also uses Metaverse-like / Web 3.0 technology, and is basically just gamified NFT speculating. This new one is being developed in partnership with a "sales company", and uses AI - it's almost certainly another attempt at getting rich quick with another doomed technology. Makes me glad that Hajime Tabata left Square Enix - not that they're immune to the temptation of all this garbage. Still, I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up being another Yuji Naka.

Art's nice, though. Whoever made it should go work for someone else. Unless of course they generated it with AI.


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