
State of Play returns this Wednesday

PlayStation: "Join us January 31 for 40 minutes covering 15+ games, including Stellar Blade and Rise of the Ronin."

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-Foxtrot125d ago (Edited 125d ago )

I just prey any brand new announcements aren’t live service

Eonjay125d ago

I would like to see a nice mix. I'm already excited learn about the new for some new PSVR2 games!

purple101125d ago

Yep psvr2 games one big one, if we’re lucky… pffft

Abnor_Mal125d ago (Edited 125d ago )

I hope to hear the new Snioer Elite game on Meta is making its way to PSVR. Also I HOPE Capcom announces RE7 PSVR2, but that’s a pipe dream at best.

DafunkyRebel125d ago

What I wouldn't give to see another Ace Combat game in next gen VR2

fr0sty125d ago

Give me Wipeout and Astrobot, I'll be happy.

ApocalypseShadow125d ago

This comment sounds better.

It's like they don't even want to see what is offered for an online game before trashing it. And I'm not even an online gamer.

Gamers asked for Sony to create online games that are just as good as their single player games. But won't even give even one a chance that would help Sony in the long run.

--Onilink--125d ago

Would have liked to see fewer trailers and a bit more time on each.
40min on 15+ games leaves very little time for each game, especially with Stellar Blade and Ronin getting an extended look

When there are too many quick trailers and its just back to back to back, things start to blur out by the end

Babadook7125d ago

Yeah we need to see the next big AAA VR2 game after RE4 R.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 125d ago
thorstein125d ago

"Prey" "live service"

Well played, good sir, well played.

jlove4life124d ago

Could've been better i pay there's no live services seem to draw more interest

Redemption-64125d ago

Hope we get a good live service game. A good mix of games is what i want.

Eonjay125d ago

This! Give me options! I play a little bit of everything.

jznrpg125d ago

Id prefer less live service but I’m open to trying some if they are done well.

RaidenBlack125d ago (Edited 125d ago )

"On the 31st, Ronins will Rise, we’ll die Stranded, have a Rebirth and Kojima will fulfil his dream. Sonic will live in the shadow of his generation while the hills will remain Silent Until the Dawn when you’ll need to catch the Metro. Just don’t be a Judas about it."
"Have a Stellar Wednesday!"

Metro, Silent Hill, Judas ~ are the ones I am most excited about ... and curious about Stellar and DS2

jznrpg125d ago

Any? There’s going to be one or 2 probably We already know they are working on a bunch that are supposed to release over the next 6-8 years or whatever it is.

Bend’s game is supposed to be a MP type game maybe that one. Horizon MMO (rumored to be an mmo) game (I liked some MMOs like EQ, FF11/14 LOTRO I might try it) could be there plus the others they briefly showed Marathon and that one heist game from Haven studio. 1 or 2 of those most likely will be there. I’ll give them a chance but most likely will have little interest in most of their live service stuff but ya never know. Loved Warhawk, SoCoM and stuff like that back in the day.

Rocketisleague125d ago

I just pray there is a few new announcements

DoubleYourDose125d ago

I read it's possible that Concord is shown again.

DarXyde125d ago

I have faith they've learned a valuable lesson.

MrBaskerville125d ago

New announcements? Wouldn't count on it. Sounds like a third party thing. Best case they finally show us Concord. But I assume it:s mostly for upcoming stuff.

FinalFantasyFanatic125d ago

I'm hoping to see some new stuff, and hopefully it isn't too far away.

StormSnooper124d ago (Edited 124d ago )

Why? I’m purely a single player gamer, but I don’t see anything at all wrong with PlayStation also having live service games.

Xbox pretty much is only live service.

-Foxtrot124d ago

They’ve announce enough

We don’t want Sony dipping into that field when their bread and butter is pure single player experiences. It’s fine if they have a multiplayer component like old school classic multiplayer without the live service drip feed seasons and the like but they should stick to what they know

Apart from Wolverine, what other brand new first party AAA games are coming from them? There’s nothing from their main studios.

We will probably get Spiderman 2 DLC but that’s it so far

StormSnooper122d ago

Does it HAVE to be first party to count? We have single player exclusives arriving with release date, why does that not count?

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 122d ago
SegaSaturn669125d ago

Need suikoden remake release date after the delay,

InUrFoxHole125d ago

We need something. Would love to hear a new socom

Shiro173125d ago

That would be amazing but doubtful. Who would they have making it 🤔🧐🤔 29488;

InUrFoxHole125d ago

No clue at this point but I would also be down for KillZone even if it's just MP

Johnh5223125d ago

Can you imagine even a full remaster of the first one.

InUrFoxHole125d ago

I remember playing part 3. The most realistic sounds I've heard in a game at the time.

NotoriousWhiz124d ago

I would love a new Socom but... part of the magic of Socom on the PS2 was the community. You could hop in a random lobby and it wouldn't be toxic name calling non sense from squeaky kids. Nowadays, if people talk at all, we're probably more likely to get someone blasting music over their mic, instead of forming up squads to complete an objective.

monkey602125d ago (Edited 125d ago )

The rumour was true so. That same rumour also said a new Kojima project, Silent Hill 2 and Judas would make appearances. Oh and a new Metro game

Eonjay125d ago

For the Kojima project isn't that DS2?

Sephiroushin125d ago

As I mentioned above it could be DS2, a new game or the project could be a movie, leaker mentioned Kojima will fulfill his dream, and Kojima for a long time has been wanting to direct a movie which is kinda one of his dreams!

monkey602125d ago

I actually thought movie myself

jznrpg125d ago (Edited 125d ago )

DS2 is most likely the project but it could be DS2 and a new project but seems less likely

RaidenBlack125d ago

ngl, even though the list seems mostly third party (I am open for 1st party surprises as well) ... its a goood third party list ... stellar blade, new Metro, ken levine's judas, Silent Hill 2 ... all the hot stuffs
now only if the MGS rumor comes true as well ...

FinalFantasyFanatic125d ago

Regarding MGS, maybe they'll announce Vol. 2, it's pretty obvious there was going to be another collection coming up.

Sephiroushin125d ago

could be a movie though, leaker mentioned Kojima will fulfill his dream, and Kojima for a long time has been wanting to direct a movie

MrBaskerville125d ago

DS2 date and gameplay seems plausible. Silent Hill 2 also seems likely, though I'm not sure Sony has ever acknowledged that it exists. So wondering if maybe Konami would do their own Sh2 blowout at some point.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 125d ago
Crows90125d ago

We'll see. Sony needs to realize MS has got a ton of money to try and drive them out of business.

MS for better or worse has a ton of console exclusives coming. Sony...not nearly as much.

I hope they can wow us. Would like to get some more use out of the PS5 5his gen.

Hofstaderman125d ago

Maybe they sneak in a "how to play physical media" video. It would go like this: go to store, find aisle of games, choose disc, buy disc, insert disc, play disc. That would be hilarious.

fr0sty125d ago (Edited 125d ago )

Man do I miss those days... Shu, Kaz... Adam... Jack... PlayStation doesn't quite have the "personality" behind its PR these days. They need to get that back.


125d ago
Zeref125d ago

As hilarious as that empty 1st party list for 2024. Seems like this State of Play is not gonna change that either based on the leaks 😬

goldwyncq125d ago

Sony’s too lame for those kinds of videos nowadays. It feels as if their PR department has been overtaken by AI.

Tedakin125d ago

that wouldn't age well since everyone is going to be digital in a few years.

FinalFantasyFanatic125d ago

That would be savage, especially if they montage the originally moment, then add that on the end.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 125d ago
Eonjay125d ago (Edited 125d ago )

Sony has plenty of console exclusives coming. This year so far know of Stellar Blade, Rise of the Ronan, Silent Hills, Concord, FF7 Rebirth, GranBlue Relink, Pacific Drive, Helldivers 2... So it just sounds like you are trying to create a narrative that doesn't exist. In fact, I am absolutely crushed with the content coming in February alone.

Also... I think Sony is aware that Microsoft has a ton of money.

Crows90125d ago

Obviously I'm referring to 1st party...sounds like you don't quite understand the narrative that does exist.

crazyCoconuts125d ago

A lot of signalling from MS execs about bringing games to other platforms. Will be interesting to see where MS draws the line on exclusives

125d ago
Vengeance1138125d ago (Edited 125d ago )

MS has had "a ton of money" since they first entered the industry, at no point did it help them. Sony's still here, not to mention after the last Xbox direct, there really is no threat coming from them this year unless you're into games build for "Modern Audiences". Yikes!
MS needs to realize that making great games is the main driving force in gaming that will drive players to your ecosystem, not subscription services with shovelware filler titles.

Zeref125d ago

It's funny you made that comment about "Modern Audiences" when your kin have been calling Spiderman 2 and Last of Us Part 2 "woke"

Lightning77125d ago (Edited 125d ago )

"MS needs to realize that making great games is the main driving force in gaming that will drive players to your ecosystem"

Didn't know Indians Jones, Avowed, and HB2 are shovelware filler.

This is you we're talking about here after all.

FinalFantasyFanatic125d ago

There's a reason everyone else is curb stomping Xbox, they just can't put out the games like Sony/Nintendo do. Although I am getting tired of this "modren Audiences" thing everyone else doing, it basically just makes the game blander and less fun.

TheTony316125d ago

People don't care about Xbox no matter how much money MS has. Their future is multiplat.

Crows90125d ago

So far Sony has been lucky that for whatever reason most of MS newly acquired studio games have been major disappointments.

Starfield could have been the next Skyrim...except they messed up big time.
Redfall could have been a good arkane game...except they messed up big time.

I mean what are the chances?

Even Indiana Jones could have been a 3rd person action game to rival uncharted....except it's machine games and they specialize in 1st person.

So many possible huge hits all being coincidentally subverted.

anast124d ago (Edited 124d ago )

MS is like the bargain bin at Walmart, it's just a bunch of jank in a box.

Hofstaderman124d ago (Edited 124d ago )

Its very sad. The 360 won me over with Blue Dragon, Eternal Sonata, Lost Odysee, Halo 3, Mass Effect and all in one year. They are very far gone.

StormSnooper124d ago (Edited 124d ago )

MS doesn’t have more, they have more mentioned. PlayStation has more upcoming. MS is in emergency more.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 124d ago
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Stellar Blade Dev Teases More Suits & Content Updates, Discusses Sequel Plans

Stellar Blade developer Shift Up has teased more suits and future content updates, and has also discussed plans for a sequel.

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thesoftware7303d ago

This game reminds me of when my daughter used to play the Bratz dress-up game on the Gamecube.

VersusDMC2d ago

Pretty sure in the bratzs game you also finish off a boss by cutting off it's arms and impaling it to a wall. Both games are well know for their violence. 🙃🤣

thesoftware7302d ago

People seem more excited about the cute dress-up outfits rather than the actual game.

CrimsonWing692d ago


So, games with alternate costumes like fighting games, games like Resident Evil, Devil May Cry, hell let’s say the Souls-like games when you’re choosing cool looking sh*t for builds and crap ton of other games that do this are like the Bratz game?

Like, why in the f*ck do people get all douchey when a game is about titillation. You play Halo or anything? Do you like “dressing up” Chief? I guarantee you this wouldn’t be a response for Street Fighter 6 season pass costumes. I enjoyed running through RE4 Remake with different costumes, not once did I think it’s “dress-up.”

I know you thought you were being clever with the snarky comment, but instead you just sh*t the bed with it. Devil May Cry must also be like Bratz with the alternate outfits… Geezus, sometimes I just can’t with the comment diarrhea some people spray on this site.

thesoftware7302d ago

They both have a lot of cute outfits with which to dress up your avatar.

DarXyde2d ago

I'm guessing because it's another game that you wanna play, but your pride won't let you...?

thesoftware7302d ago

So?...err, I mean No!

Nah, my backlog is too big at the moment, and the demo was just ok for me.

I won't get it anytime soon unless my daughter wants to play a dress-up video game again. It would be kind of strange as she is 28 years old, lol.

Hypertension1402d ago (Edited 2d ago )

You backlog doesn't seem to be an issue when Xbox release a game.

Tust me, this game is amazing. It's better than anything Xbox has put out this generation.

The demo is barely scratching the surface.

thesoftware7302d ago


No, but I think that sounds awesome because the Bratzs sucked, so dismembering them in a game may have been fun.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2d ago

Stellar Blade Tops Circana April Charts

The latest US sales data is out, and while hardware may be down for the big 3, software is ruling the day, including Stellar Blade topping the charts

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helicoptergirl4d ago

Must be weird for Xbox fans to see Sea Of Thieves at number 4 on the NPD charts

ravens523d ago

The "best selling" game!?!? Lol. The narratives, I swear.

PhillyDonJawn2d ago

No it's more funny than weird. Cause ps fans swore SoT was bad and didn't interest them at all 😂

helicoptergirl2d ago

Everyone knows a game can change in 6 years. The beta testers on xbox one are apparently laughing so you tell me. Well the definitive edition players look to be enjoying themselves. Thanks for your service

PhillyDonJawn2d ago

"A game can change in 6 years" 😂 no game ever.

CrimsonWing693d ago

Well, would you look at that Sony! Guess there’s an audience after all for this stuff.

JEECE3d ago

I wonder where the change from "NPD" to "Circana" ranks on the chart of lamest rebrands? And yes I know it changed awhile ago it just annoys me every time I see it.

anast3d ago

People like this game, despite the big puritan push against it.

Hugodastrevas3d ago

Stellar Blade deserves it, it's just a gorgeous well-optomized working right out of the box game. Would plat all over again.

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Stellar Blade developer interview with spoilers

Famitsu: "About a month has passed since the release of Stellar Blade It is said that an update including a new mode will be implemented on May 24, 2024, so we interviewed Director Kim Hyung-tae and Technical Director Lee Dong-gi again. We asked him about the future prospects for this work."

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