
Upcoming Nintendo Switch Games of 2024

Daman Shelley from NoobFeed writes - The Nintendo Switch is a console with such a large catalog of games that grows with each passing year, and 2024 is no different. This year, there are plenty of games to be excited about, from remastered classics to fresh new takes on a genre; here's a list of some of the Nintendo Switch games we can't wait to play.

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cthulhucultist138d ago

As regards exclusives, Nintendo has already announced 5 games for 2024 (4 of them remakes/remasters):

Princess Peach Showtime
Luigis Mansion Dark Moon
Paper Mario 1000 Years Door
Mario vs Donkey Kong
Another Code Recollection

A Nintendo direct given prior history, will most likely to air on February to add some new surprises to the above catalog of games.

Since however this is the year that Switch 2 is released, we will have to lower expectations and expect more ports, remakes or second tier Nintendo games.


Tales of Kenzera: ZAU (XS) Review | VGChartz

VGChartz's Lee Mehr: "Reminiscent of The Last Case of Benedict Fox, Tales of Kenzera: ZAU feels like 2024's definitive example of mismanaging Metroidvania 101 tenets. And it's a shame to be that harsh when its inspiration feels like a wonderful antidote to the soulless company (EA) backing it and the commercialized entity (TGA) which first advertised it. Through an impassioned sense of grief, Abubakar Salim wanted to craft a story that authentically tries to wrestle with those same feelings. That's a great achievement of the medium as a potential creative outlet. Unfortunately, though, it's saddled to a haphazardly-designed game that falls short of sustaining that enthusiasm and squaring up against its contemporaries."

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SoloGamer14d ago

this review is a 5.5 🙄 that game is WAY better than that!

coolbeans1d 19h ago

Ouch. I'll admit this one is more of a 5.5/6 score coin flip (if you will), but that's about all I can muster for it. There's so many other Metroidvanias out there that do a better job at game design.


Unicorn Overlord Review - Gamer Social Club

Embark on an epic adventure in Unicorn Overlord, a medieval fantasy game filled with stunning visuals and captivating character design.

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Examining Tales of Kenzera: ZAU's soundscape of grief with composer Nainita Desai

Antony writes: "We talk with composer Nainita Desai on how she poured grief and acceptance into Tales of Kenzera: ZAU's stirring soundtrack."

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