
It's The UK's Turn. Xbox Series X Reduced By Over £100 For Christmas 2023

The Series S has been discounted as well.

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darthv72170d ago

Best of luck... I'd think having sale prices before or during black friday would be better but a sale is a sale. Anyone who has been holding out will likely jump in.

Although, I'd also think anyone who was looking to buy a gaming system this holiday has already gotten it. So this could be too little too late. We'll see at the end of the year if this had any impact (pos/neg).

Sonic1881168d ago

It still won't help unfortunately

GamerRN168d ago

Why not? A discount in a great gaming machine right before holidays is perfect to get people involved and clear out inventory

recoctimocassirnff168d ago (Edited 168d ago )

It will help a bit, unfortunately.

Parents looking to buy gifts this season that don't know any better and don't have time to do their research will be gipped into getting this deal.

Jin_Sakai170d ago (Edited 170d ago )

For Christmas? It’s discounted because it isn’t selling.

BeHunted169d ago

That's like saying PS5 discounted because it's not selling.

BehindTheRows169d ago

Difference is PS5 IS selling, while Xbox is down by quite a large percentage from last year. And it will only get worse when the padding of the holidays is over!

Barlos169d ago

Yeah, but in the case of Xbox it's actually true.

168d ago
Sonic1881168d ago (Edited 168d ago )

I think the rumor report about the next Xbox releasing before the PS6 in 2026 might be true. Microsoft knows its the only chance they have

purple101169d ago

Series s £209.

Practically giving them away

It’s the Gillette razor business model.

Give the Handel for free/cheap then charge extortionate amounts for blades

Chris12169d ago

Using your own analogy doesn't that mean Sony are charging an extortionate amount for the handles and an extortionate amount for the blades?

purple101168d ago (Edited 168d ago )

series s digital only, have to buy games at the store prices. I buy my games on ebay half price, about a month or two after release, I then put them back on eBay (or sometimes keep) and get almost all the value back, so I pay about between £15 to £20 overall per game. except for cod, and GT7, which I've kept to play regularly.

ocelot07168d ago

Look at the second hand market. S can be had for about £120.

Barlos169d ago

Very good, very tempting.

If I had the room (and the time) for another games console I'd dive in, but I don't even have enough time for my PS5 and steam deck as it is, so I don't want to add another machine to the mix.

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