
Sonic Drift Is Getting A New 16-bit Reimagining, Thanks To Fans

Noah N. Copeland, the lead director of the excellent 16-bit fan reimagining of Sonic the Hedgehog: Triple Trouble, has just announced that he and a small team of developers are busy working on a free Mega Drive / Genesis-style tribute to the Sonic Drift series. And better yet, there's a demo available now for you to try out.

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SimpleSlave175d ago

Fanbase does
What you can't do over at Sega
Fanbase does
What you can't do over at Sega
Fanbase does
Fanbase does...What Segawon't!

lellkay175d ago

This team is absolutely killing it. SEGA should hire them and have them put out a collection of 16-bit remakes of the 8-bit games.

-Foxtrot175d ago

It’s always the fanbase saving Sonic

Hell the Mania studio basically started on fan projects