
Modern Warfare 3 and Call of Duty Devs Respond to God of War Voice Actor Dig

At last night's Game Awards ceremony, God of War's own Chris Judge made fun of Modern Warfare 3's short campaign, and the devs were upset.

GoodGuy09177d ago

Truly brave of Judge to do this lol. The man deserves much praise.

VenomUK176d ago

It was just a joke. I get that these devs feel invested in their game and are protective of it when it’s criticised on the world stage - but they shouldn’t take Christopher Judge’s words as an attack. The art director then taking the engagement of God of War! It’s not like Judge cares, he’s the voice talent, he’s not PlayStation!


Jin_Sakai177d ago (Edited 177d ago )

"funny" but yeah the metrics that CoD absolutely destroys all of the God of war games (probably combined tbh) in is also equally laughable (if not more) . https://t.co/QDhc3qZ1se”

— Ajinkya Limaye (Aj) (@iddqd_Aj) December 8, 2023

And that right there is the problem with CoD. You value bank over making a good game. Have you looked at your reviews? How embarrassing this comeback is.

Good job Chris Judd for having the balls to call these guys out. You can see the insecurity in their responses.

Rainbowcookie177d ago (Edited 177d ago )

Yeah with almost feels like a 100 CODs and sometimes 2 a year if it didn't destroy with numbers I would shocked...but its the MP of which GOW has none. Single player vs SP GOW destroys COD , but in true Cod developer fashion they don't own their mistakes. Taking on the GOW franchise because an actor calls you out seems like guilt or over compensating .


Hell yea that was a super insecure response. If anything the developers should've laughed and just count the money. They know it's wack af to make a campaign that short.

Dandizzle176d ago

yeah but those COD games are worhless trash after a couple years. GOW games will live on for decades

frostypants176d ago (Edited 176d ago )

Limaye deleted the tweet. They should just admit they phoned this game in and apologize...or say nothing at all and take their medicine.

Binarycode176d ago

COD is a crossgen title that's been banged out every year on year and sits in the best selling genre. FPS.

God of war is a story game and a amazing one at that. GOW 3 remastered is the one of best games of all time.

God of war reboot 2018 has sold 23million copies including pc.
God of war Ragnarok has sold 18million copies, not on pc.

Best selling cod is 31million.

I'd say God of war is doing well considering it's genre.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 176d ago
XiNatsuDragnel177d ago

Kratos actually made point cod dev grow from this.

-Foxtrot177d ago


Ooooo they are p***** off and being bitter someone called them out

Obscure_Observer177d ago

Talk Shit, Get Shot!

Body Count fan here.

Crows90177d ago (Edited 177d ago )

Not really. They don't know what a good single player game looks like.

He makes a valid criticism that cod fans themselves have and they return with invalid criticism and actual insults.

Very petty. And a sign that they don't see a problem with the short ass campaign.

OptimusDK177d ago

The difference is GoW only do single player narrow story games. Nothing wrong with that but it’s not his place to shit on a game that does much more with all the game modes they do. Shitty move if you ask me.

Sephiroushin177d ago (Edited 177d ago )

what much more do cod besides mutliplayer and selling skins that you dont see since its a 1st person shooter not 3rd person?
you could say the campaign but then is utterly crap that is doing nothing or worst, hurting the multiplayer. the multiplayer after 3 weeks is none existent, nobody wants to play that crap, and even warzone is decreasing and decreasing on players, it gets up when something release and goes below downhill after 2 weeks, even apex has more players than 3 cods together and that when just new warzone maps etc released

Crows90177d ago (Edited 177d ago )


Because he is an employee for a single player focused developer it magically becomes not his place to point at the criticism that everyone agrees with?

You're right, there is nothing wrong with long single player campaigns with quality content and storylines. There is definitely something wrong with short ass campaigns with no quality. With all the money they bring in they couldn't do better...in other words God of war outs cod to shame.


@optimusdk bro they make "war games" and they can't handle some shots. They need to step the single player game part up and quit being female body parts.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 176d ago
Redemption-64177d ago

Most people are laughing at these devs that get so triggered over Judge making a joke about a fact. He didn't even say anything about the devs, just joked on the game being very short. You and your ilk are truly special. Facts don't care about your feelings

Obscure_Observer177d ago (Edited 177d ago )


Dude, personally, I found Judge´s joke very good and hilarious. I´m not pissed about it. I´m not even a COD player.

That said, TGA is a big worldwide event where the work of developers around the globe is supposed to be appreciated and celebrated.

And yet, Judge decided and took advantage from his moment and privileged position, going live to public shame those developers work for a few million people audience made of gamers, developers, executives and media.

What he did was unnecessary and borderline disrespectful since he did it at TGA. He could had used his social media channels to do it. He could reached the developers themselves.

He made a conscious decision and now he must face the consequences, whatever they´re.

Redemption-64177d ago


What consequences? You mean triggered salty snowflakes like you and your ilk

The Wood177d ago

Dudes on perpetual autocap. The only consequence is tears from the brittle

derek177d ago

@Obscure, disrespectful? Lol. Relax, you act as if Judge asked them to dim the lights so he could talk about a very serious subject, cod campaigne being too short. The fact that they're acting this way shows the know it's a serious topic to some.

Asplundh176d ago

Not as disrespectful as slapping a '3' sticker over a 2 and selling your fanbase the same game with a little extra content.

Chevalier176d ago

The most hilarious thing is seeing people like Observer getting triggered like idiots over a joke where he took a shot at himself over his long speech last year. It's a F'n joke! Has everyone lost a sense of humour and gone woke? Lol

Crows90176d ago


You have to earn respect....especially when you do something disrespectful like what they did with the campaign. They intentionally short changed players so yeah

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 176d ago
sushimama177d ago

Shot by cry-baby devs having a sook? Ok, sure.

This does not look good for them. One side was joking and making fun. The other side was obviously offended and it shows. The unbiased are siding with the person making the joke here.

Obscure_Observer177d ago

The unbiased takes no side on this bs like most are doing right now.

Sony fans may will side with Judge, while COD fans may side with COD devs.

Redemption-64177d ago


COD fans are not even siding with the devs and the reviews from both critics and fans agree with Judge. Plus it's so funny watching you and some of these devs get so hurt over a well established fact. A guy said this 2-3 hour campaign is short and there you come crying making a fool of yourself, all because MS purchased them. Your dick riding game should be above prestige level 200 by now.


@Obscure_Observer4h I've only had playstation since they came out back in the day and play cod. Judge was right and no I didn't buy the new cod but I have the last one.

Crows90176d ago


It's not about taking sides. And you don't have to be on "Sony's" side to side with judge. What a narrow minded individual you are.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 176d ago
1Victor177d ago

@obscured:” Talk Shit, Get Shot!

Body Count fan here.”

Its very offensive that you post this comment treating shooting violence on a person for a joke.

“ I´m not pissed about it. I´m not even a COD player”
You might not be a CoD player (highly doubtful) but you are a well known Microsoft/Xbox defender and this “attack “on a developer own by them is a death penalty offense in your book.

“ What he did was unnecessary and borderline disrespectful since he did it at TGA. He could had used his social media channels to do it. He could reached the developers themselves.

He made a conscious decision and now he must face the consequences, whatever they´re.”

🤦🏿 for someone not pissed you are typing like a mad man rambling about a nothing burger.

Can you please enlighten us about those consequences whatever they ARE so we know when to call the police.

Redemption-64177d ago

The consequences is the crying from him and his ilk

Ironmike176d ago (Edited 176d ago )

Microsoft might own cod but its Playstation biggest seller fact so all this xbox fans trying g protect is laughable when it's the ps consumers that buy it the most I got for my ps5 and I own an xbox series x as well I just associate it with playstsion

Lightning77176d ago

"And yet, Judge decided and took advantage from his moment and privileged position, going live to public shame those developers work for a few million people audience made of gamers, developers, executives and media."

Good! These people dont care about ppl who actually buy their games it does take someone with high respect in the industry to call them out. This isn't just about COD, it's about Halo, Battlefield, Destiny, Diablo, Big popular MP or LS games out there Madden and every trash sports game. These devs ignore us, again the payin customer that buy these games/ seasons every year or so. At least Chris gives a damn to call out these guys. We need more of this.

The only hope we have for Cod is if MS steps in and intervenes, MS does have expertise in shooters so maybe, just maybe Cod could get back on track one day. Sorry but they needed this wake up call and I'm here for it.

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purple1013d ago

adds between 8.3-15.3 milliseconds of latency on the game they tested, - no thanks

darksky2d ago

Base latency is 130.8ms and frame gen takes that up to 139.1ms. A 7% increase in latency is hardly a deal breaker.

Zenzuu2d ago

That's hardly a deal breaker and not really noticeable. Even the folks at Digital Foundry said so as well.

darthv723d ago

Impressive results... sadly I don't have a 120hz display. I was thinking this technique could increase fps on any game that supports it regardless of the display.

purple1013d ago (Edited 3d ago )

I have a vrr telly in the lounge,

On another point, what if it were the other way around where the developer aims for higher fps, then used something like pssr to make the resolution higher, that might be better?

Any which way, PS5 pro sure looks interesting now, being they have already doubled frame rate, with JUST just this fsr3.0

sagapo2d ago

It’s up to dev’s to implement FSR 3 support tho but most probably will I guess (hope).

Eonjay1d 16h ago

Yes it would increase the framerate but it would add more noticeable latency. The impact of latency goes down the more natural frames produced. So a monitor that can push bast 60 will naturally allow the game to operate much smoother. Add VRR to this and now you have a much more enjoyable experience.

BlackDoomAx2d ago

Can it deliver the 60fps dream?

purple1011d 22h ago (Edited 1d 22h ago )

no, it delivers approx 80fps.

which is why I say why not target 60fps with this new tech and use the upscaling pssr, (Sonys version of Nvidia's DLSS, that seems so popular in the pc realm)

then we have best of both, better believe ps5pro will be doing all the above.

andy852d ago

Now I've extensively tried it I'm not too fussed about 120 fps. Give me a locked 60 and more details and I'm more than happy

anast2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

120 is a bit slow. My eyes can't look at anything less than 260fps.

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