
QJ.net: Theseis Interview with Track 7 Games

QJ.net has posted an interview with Theseis developer, Track 7 Games.


Lost And Found: Games Gone MIA-Located at E3?


"Prior to E3'09 I listed 22 games gone Missing In Action (MIA) that I hoped to see at E3. Well in this update you will see which ones re-appeared, which ones remain lost, and which ones are stuck in production waiting for a publisher to help out."

Superfragilistic5465d ago

If only...

Rare are working on Natal along with two other projects. Hopefully Molyneux will bring the shy guys at Rare out into the sunlight to spill the beans.

I'd definitely be interested in a new Viva Pinata or Perfect Dark with Natal controls.

Godem5465d ago

I just want a new Conker from Rare!

darkmurder5465d ago

I was downloading SSF2 Turbo HD and when I looked at my hard drive as it was downloading it came up as Perfect Dark, very odd lol.

Immortal Kaim5465d ago

God, I would love a new Conker...Come on RARE, what are you hiding?

allegionary5465d ago

I'd love a PD0 2! Even though it was only first gen, the multi was fantastic!

Freak of Nature5465d ago (Edited 5465d ago )

Rares KI3 with natal would probably be very popular....

My choice would be an all new pushing the limits proper Banjo threeie and or a new full blown new gen Conker.Done with all the attention Rare and Microsoft can give them...Go all out,bring some new mechanic,raise the bar.....If not Banjo or Conker,give me Kameo 2 and or a new gen cart racer.....A new act/adv/platformer IP would be OK in my book too.....I just hope they can return to their former glory....They need to push for it,and not settle for just good enough...

Edge Of Twilight...I saw it at E3,looked at some nice target renders,saw some pre-viz art from sections in the game,and came away pretty impressed,a sleeper hit in the making? I do doubt it's Fall 09' release however,but hope I am wrong,and it does come,has potential....

Halo Chronicles... I have two former art/work partners that worked on it as late as August 08'.they did concept art,design.....My best quess is it will be all about natal and 3D....blink,blink....

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5465d ago
Forrest Gump5465d ago

Oh,it's actually NOT found :(

gaminoz5465d ago

Not yet. Rare are hard at work at SOMETHING...question is what? Perfect Dark Zero 2 for Natal? That would be cool...

XboxOZ3605465d ago

Well I'd certainly like to play for Ms Dark, that's for sure.

I thought we would have heard about some of the ones still MIA though, plus there were a few quite horses that slipped through no one was even expecting . ..

Immortal Kaim5465d ago

Wow epic list of games...So many still MIA though.

XboxOZ3605465d ago

While they are MIA, there's still work being done on them, it's just that the dev are a bit quite on them, while some have simply been moved aside for faster moving items that bring in the $$'s so the other newer IP's can be worked on.

We're just going through our huge Xbox 360 games listing atm, removing released and canceled games, and adding a swag of new ones that are poppping up around the globe.

gaminoz5465d ago

I'd love to know the percentage of games that make it to market that were listed for 360...

Is it the economic downturn or is it the rise in gaming standards with the big publishers putting out mega games that dwarf interest in the little guys? Is it just too hard if you're not Ubi, EA, Activision etc.??

allegionary5465d ago

I really doubt too many of those will be finished; they may be made for PC or show up in a year or two. I wonder what the devs do when they have a game on hold?

Make another that will be put on hold or make a Wii ior DS game...

DoctorQ5465d ago

Dead Island....man, you developers think your sooooo funny, well, you know what, you kinda are as i thoughht that Alan Wake was gonna be pushed back a fair bit, still, great list

XboxOZ3605465d ago

The number of games 'coming' from PC platform increases every month mate, not decreases. Many have shown up on our listing over the years, and a good number of those have made it into reality as developers realize the huge untapped market that is available on consoles, if they can capture it.

Doesn't make either platform better or worse, or one game better than the other, it simply means we as gamers get more games, better and bigger choices, and the industry grows.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5465d ago
gaminoz5465d ago

What happened to all the MMORPGs that were supposed to come out on 360? They just did a Casper....

allegionary5465d ago

I doubt well see an online MMORPG on consoles.

XboxOZ3605465d ago

They certainly did, where was APB, and Huxley??? I think I heard some rumblings about them somewhere, but unsure. Those two would certainly be interesting games on the 360, or any console for that matter.

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Theseis Canceled?

Worthplaying writes: Theseis is a new conspiracy-fantasy adventure game where players are caught between the mundane and the supernatural, following the clues of a long-lost ancient artifact that could spell disaster or ascension for the entire human race, only you will determine the outcome. Greek website ByTheWay claims a reliable source revealed to them that the game has been canceled, which seems to be confirmed by developer Track7's former PR rep, but it's literally all Greek to me.

Read Full Story >>
Diselage5501d ago

Kind of disappointing, not enough games about greek/roman times.

RainOfTerror5501d ago

agreed, but the game's been in development for quite few years, and hasn't been actively heard of for over a year, so sounds like we won't be seeing it anytime soon ..


OXCGN E3 Search: 12 Games Gone MIA - Games we need to see at E3


"We get some game announcement that attracts our attention, or perhaps some images or video footage, and then the game simply… disappears? The most famous example in gaming, of course, is Duke Nukem, but there have been a number of titles this generation that have 'gone walkabout' as we say here in Oz and I'm hoping that some of them reappear at this year's E3, now less than a month away.

Is vaporware increasing due to economic pressures? Interestingly not one of the following games is a sequel. So, here are 12 of the games gone Missing In Action (MIA)..."

XboxOZ3605505d ago

There's actually quite a few more games gone MIA, but these 12 do raise some concerns. However, there has been some news rumbling from a few of these developers - so there could well be some major news coming our way from E3 09

5505d ago
gaminoz5505d ago (Edited 5505d ago )

Ya Mein Fuhrer ! LOL...seriously not a great pic...but I do miss the robot version in Wolfenstein 3D...

darkmurder5505d ago

Ja mein fuhrer, I shall get the SS on it asap.

Immortal Kaim5505d ago

I haven't even heard about some of those games. The Crusaders: Invasion of Constantinople looks awesome, what a great time period to explore. LOL Hopefully we get a solid release for Alan Wake at E3 :)

gaminoz5505d ago

Yeah I'd love for that game to come about. I even enjoyed the Knights of the Temple games last gen set during the Crusades. The website for Crusade Constantinople has some good concept art and story but without a big publisher will it get out there on the 360?

Superfragilistic5505d ago

I have no doubts we'll see Alan Wake for a number of reasons, some which I can't share, but the most obvious is that it has a solid publishing agreement which many of the others simply don't!

Seems like many are concepts or working prototypes that developers are trying to sell off to publishers, in what is a buyers market if a publisher is willing to take the risk.

Having said that, Edge of Twilight, Dead Island (zombies!) and The Crossing sound promising.

But the Outsider sounds like a poor man's Alpha Protocol.

gaminoz5505d ago

Exactly Super...

There are some great concepts that could be polished up by the big publishers, but with EA making huge losses and the global financial freakout, will they take the chance and buy NEW IPs?

I'd be interested to know what you think, as you seem to understand these things...

Superfragilistic5505d ago (Edited 5505d ago )

As you note it's all about the balance of risk/reward... so while things are cheap there's a lot of risk in untested IPs, particularly from untested developers. One way to mitigate that risk is to only acquire IP that fits into popular genres/markets that aren't oversaturated with content.

I think forget EA as they're in a cost cutting mood. But keep your eyes on Acti-Bliz as they have plenty of cash to buy up cheap devs and IP if it suits, particularly if it fits something that's lacking in their current portfolio and production slate. Ubisoft is perhaps the dark horse, with a very different approach to development and acquisitions.

So of the 11, ignoring Alan Wake which is spoken for, Dead Island, depending on its quality, looks to be the best buy from a publisher/executive point of view. It fits two popular genres (FPS and sandbox), with a focus on a young market that is currently craving zombies but has little real offerings (Left 4 Dead, COD: WAW, Dead Rising). The impressive sales success of Left 4 Dead & COD's map pack perhaps illustrate that "zombie demand" is still very much outstripping "undead supply". :)

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5505d ago
gaminoz5505d ago

I also notice that a lot of them are 360/ PC games...not PS3? Not trying to start a flame war, but it seems the more PC-type titles that are also listed for 360 are the ones going missing.

Those games have a lot in common: they aren't sequels, they all have interesting concepts, and they don't come from big publishers. It's a shame if they don't re-appear because there are a few I'd love to play!

Bathyj5505d ago

Is an Xbox site.

They're hardly going to plug PS3 games.

Superfragilistic5505d ago

Err actually they tend to plug PS3 games a lot.

They were even at the Killzone 2 launch and gave the game like a 9/10! lol

And if I remember correctly they gave GOY to MGS4 last year, which as much as I enjoyed it, kinda pissed me off... I had other favourites.

But whatevs each to their own, but plenty of kudos to OXCGN for keepin it real. :)

PSP25505d ago

a lot of 360 games have gone MIA i wonder yyyyyyyyyyyy....

Superfragilistic5505d ago

I don't know yyyyyyyyy... could you tell me?

gaminoz5505d ago

Yes I find it troubling, but hardly surprising. A lot of these games were announced before the PS3 had much penetration in the market.

IaMs125504d ago

Not trying to start anything but maybe they hushed up because they are now planning a PS3 version since they see potential in it then will reveal more. But somehow i doubt we will see half of them anyways

Godem5505d ago

the Edge of Twilight artwork in the pic looks awesome!

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