
Starfield has fewer players on Steam than Skyrim

PCgamesn writes, "The Starfield Steam player count has dropped below that of Elder Scrolls Skyrim, just two months after the new Bethesda RPG first launched."

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TheEnigma313201d ago

Probably because most are playing it on GP. No reason to buy it full price when you can get it cheaper.

Crows90201d ago

But I thought that the claim was it sold well? If it barely sold on Xbox because of Gamepass then most sales would be on steam no? And it that's the case and there's very few players active...that doesn't bode well for something people would play for years

Profchaos201d ago

Anecdotally I know quite a few people who were obsessed at launch but they're interest fizzled out around two weeks and then dropped it completely around CP phantom libertys launch.

Seems that was a trend as the last month has been wall to wall releases if imagine most people moved on

EvertonFC201d ago (Edited 201d ago )

The truth is, the game was average to good at best, nothing to set the world on fire and when all said and done it'll probably sell about 4m across Xbox and PC which ain't great but the bigger problem for MS is that it didn't increase GP numbers.
Most GP casuals probably never played more than a few hours etc.

StarkR3ality201d ago


Exactly what I did, played it, beat it within like 60 hours, initially enjoyed it, and then replaying Cyberpunk made me realise how many elements of the game were below par.

itsmebryan200d ago

How does this change the number of games already sold 9n steam and everywhere else? The people that bought the game could has finished. I for one don't continue to play games after 8 complete them. Numbers may change as new content comes out.
Do you feel a month and a half is not long enough to finish a game?

mkis007200d ago


This was supposed to be a new skyrim. A game that has unlimited replay value for 10 years.

Juancho51200d ago

It’s a trash game. Only popular because there was nothing else to play on that console.

Lightning77200d ago (Edited 200d ago )

Do you expect the game to have 100, 000 players every month? You realize Skyrim has wealth of content and more mods and has been around for 12 years vs 2 months you also expect pplto ng+ 100 times also? Whenever the new Expansion drops the player count will go up that's how it all works. Plus they plan on sticking with it for 5 years this is only the beginning.

Congrats fail submission post. Next up let's post Exo Primals player count next, Mortal Kombat player counts.

Your little immature hate parade for this game is chilling you need to see a doctor bro.

babadivad200d ago

It did sell well. Doesn't mean people will keep playing it though. Both can be true.

Crows90200d ago

So I guess all these millions of players are hardcore gamers spending 10+ hours every day and finishing up the game quick. Doing all the content etc,...yeah right. Its a boring mess and most likely dropped it soon after starting it up.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 200d ago
StormSnooper201d ago

It says it dropped below skyrim two months after release.

Armaggedon201d ago

To be fair, Cyberpunk doodoos on Starfield when it comes to presentation and character builds and progression.But Starfield has its merits that have value.

StarkR3ality200d ago

Thank you! First person I've seen on here take a measured approach to Starfield other than me, it's disappointing but still can be a good time if you're into those games.

DivineHand125200d ago

I doubt it. Starfield doesn't seem like a game people will go back to like Skyrim. Skyrim is also on game pass for new comers.

GhostScholar200d ago

I agree. As much hate as this game gets I’m still playing it. Maybe like I’ve said it’s just a game made for me. I’ve had a blast with it, and I think it’s Bethesdas best narrative. It’s fallout in space which is a dream game for me. Im sorry for the people who don’t enjoy it, but I’m not gonna blast a game I have 250 hours in.

Zeref197d ago (Edited 197d ago )

The hate boner people have for this game (even before release) is actually disgusting.

These people aren't gamers.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 197d ago
201d ago
boing1201d ago

There are simply better games to play currently.

Armaggedon201d ago (Edited 201d ago )

Better is subjective. Starfield s***s on other games in certain aspects, and vice versa.

BehindTheRows201d ago

What games does Starfield "s**t" on?

ziggyzinfirion201d ago


The amount of loading screens.

Armaggedon201d ago

I said it s***s on other games in certain aspects. Games have “strengths and weaknesses” of course.

Armaggedon201d ago


All of them items and objects need to load and be instanced bruv.

BehindTheRows201d ago

What aspects? From what I played, it did nothing better than other games and certainly didn't do anything substantially better. So, my curiosity remains.

Armaggedon201d ago

Let me specify: Starfield has crafting and Elden ring has crafting. This is to highlight that games have their own perks that give them value, and its not always as simple as game A is better than game B.

VivaChe200d ago

Oh god is the phrase "it s***s on..." becoming a thing now?

Crows90200d ago (Edited 200d ago )

Critically better games.

But you've stated it very nicely. Starfields shits a lot

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 200d ago
Flenter201d ago

The game sucks...get over it

Armaggedon201d ago

Perception manipulation at its finest

Rude-ro200d ago

Yes. That is what Microsoft’s marketing does.. pays for hype, manipulates, and drives impulse purchasing.
Through their sponsored content creators and media partners.

EvertonFC201d ago

I enjoyed it, but it felt more like a good 3rd party game than a AAA 1st party game.
As far as I'm concerned MS still has to convince me/gamers they can make AAA OMFG games.

Armaggedon201d ago

It doesn’t meet industry standards, but that has its own merits. Bethesda is just doing their own thing.

CrimsonWing69201d ago

Well, it’s been out long enough to beat it and it’s sort of super boring. How long are you expecting people to play this for?

badz149201d ago

According to Todd Howard,"for many years to come"

CrimsonWing69201d ago

I’m really amazed people still give him the time of day.

anast201d ago

More people are still playing Skyrim...

Show all comments (82)

Starfield's recent player spike is good, but it needs its Cyberpunk 2077 moment now

Starfield's recent player spike is a good sign, but Bethesda desperately need to line up their Cyberpunk 2077 moment.

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ZeekQuattro9d ago

I feel like the second big update that releases late this year will do just that. Part of the story expansion is also new means of transportation on planets.

P_Bomb9d ago

A good DLC could turn some heads. The Destiny games got momentum that way too.

piher9d ago

What player spike?

I checked steamcharts through the link in the article and it went from 8,000 to 11.500, so yea 20% but when the game peaked at 330,000 It's safe to say that the actual effect of this update was negligible.

LostPotato9d ago

Doubt it'll ever get redemption. As many developers have said in various interviews it's beyond saving.

Just release the mod tools and expansion and move on.

Profchaos9d ago

Cyberpunk 2077 had some strong bones i disliked it on launch because I could see the potential I could see the strengths of what they wanted to achieve but it wasn't done yet

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Starfield fans want mech piloting added after Bethesda teases "major features on the horizon"

Starfield fans are asking Bethesda to introduce mech piloting to the game after it teaser "major features" on the horizon.

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Jingsing10d ago

They didn't get the memo the game is dead and the Bethesdabots only want magic and fantasy.

Boy_the_CowRoy8d ago

Starfield fans? The game only has 9 thousand current players, worldwide! As a company you cannot waste time on creating "Major features", it is simply not profitable. Just move on.


This Fan Just Turned Starfield Into Star Wars By Installing Over 100 Dedicated Mods

The YouTuber DeityVengy has transformed Starfield into an open-world Star Wars RPG, or The Mandalorian, with over a hundred mods.