
‘Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3’ Review Scores Are Below Redfall, Forspoken, Every COD Game

This really has to be a five alarm fire for Microsoft, who needs to get a handle on this IP and get away from this insane Activision crunch schedule for pumping out increasingly terrible yearly installments just for something, anything to sell during the holiday.

Flawlessmic203d ago

can only hope it means, no more yearly releases and more like a new cod game every 2 -3 years which should coincide with a massive increase in quality, while also allowing other devs a realistic chance to fight for the FPS crown as currently no one can compete with a series that has like 7 dev studios working on it at all times churning out games yearly.

darthv72203d ago

They could theoretically release a mainline cod every other year and fill in the off years with expansions. They now have a wealth of IP to cover things in the event cod had to switch to semi annual.

StarkR3ality203d ago

Yeah I remember rumours of the abandonment of the yearly cycle and was actually quite excited about what that would mean for the series. Clearly the chickened out of that and pulled this game forward to fill the void.

Don't see the point in buying a live service game every year when I won't be able to consistently play it due to other releases and by the time I might have time to play it, there is another one on the horizon. Seems like a waste of money and why I would never buy any of the battle pass/addiontional content. You get 3 seasons of content and then that's it really.

Markdn202d ago

When your trying to sell your company for 69billion you wanna show you can pump. Out games, I guess money doesn't buy quality.

StarkR3ality202d ago

I've seen a lot of blame on Microsoft on this situation.. please stop.

It's fine to criticize when valid but just throwing around baseless accusations makes you seem stupid. They didn't pump out this game due to the Xbox takeover, if anything Microsoft will defo abandon the yearly cycle in my opinion due to game pass and making the most out of each release.

They released this because they're greedy fucks and always have been, way before the takeover.

Einhander1972202d ago

Yes, there is no possible way this was rushed out the door so that Microsoft could have a CoD game to pack in with their consoles for the holiday.

Just like even though Zenimax had never put out any game in the last three generations that was as unfinished as Redfall totally wasn't because Microsoft needed a game to release.

Inverno202d ago

Technically they release COD every 2 -3 years cause there's several different studios working on separate games. Development time isn't the issue, nor would more time apart fix what's wrong with the series. This game is viewed and used as a cash cow, and so long as they can release copy paste jobs and heavily monetize them, quality is not a concern.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 202d ago
Plague-Doctor27203d ago (Edited 203d ago )

Anyone who thinks MS spent $67 billion to acquire the highest selling IP every year only to take a step back, look at its quality, and decide to space out the releases to lose revenue is delusional

Chevalier202d ago

No way in hell they stop the yearly releases. It makes too much money. They would probably just spend some of the money to do some PR to try to smooth things over instead.

gold_drake203d ago (Edited 203d ago )

guess they never expected that to happen after their billion spending.

but i doubt ms cares about scores. at this point.

Profchaos203d ago

They've been awful quiet I still can't see them not getting an idea if the quality of the game prior or at least a briefing post Acquisition.

Activision shareholders were probably cheering having the MW3 hype prior to the same meant bigger payouts when the merger occurred probably why they forced it

Popsicle202d ago

Well to your point, Phil did say that an 11 out of 10 game will not move Xbox consoles.

Lightning77202d ago

MS themselves had nothing to do with the game development or the scheduling and release of the game.

Popsicle202d ago

Never said Microsoft had anything to do with the development of the game. Was isolating Gold Drakes reference to MS not caring about scores.

franwex203d ago

The three studios three years released was good, except for sledgehammer. Sledgehammer simply cannot handle the three year cycle. Infinity ward and treyarch are fine. Maybe treyarch faltering a little bit with black ops 4, but coming to the rescue in 2 years with black ops Cold War war-again, sledgehammer failing.

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purple10132d ago

The game is now broken and displays “dev error 5433” and won’t start a multiplayer match