
Starfield proves there is something very wrong with video game reviews

A reader is disturbed by the controversies around the launch of Starfield and what it means for the reliability of game reviews in general.

Jin_Sakai259d ago

Glad someone called out this BS practice by Microsoft and Bethesda.

“It’s very obvious that the reason they withheld the copies is to try to get the Metacritic review as high as possible before launch, and in fact the Xbox Series X/S score was somewhere around 87 at that point and is now down to 83 with the Eurogamer review and presumably set to go lower once Edge’s is out – and anyone else that was left out.“

darthv72259d ago (Edited 259d ago )

Seems this BS practice has been around a lot longer than MS and Bethesda.

purple101259d ago

Bethesda softworks started 1986
Metacritic started 2001.
So not literally no,

Care to expand on the viewpoint though?

NotoriousWhiz259d ago

^ Are you implying that there were no reviews before metacritic?

r2oB258d ago


I believe his argument is that Bethesda was around before the practice of manipulating metacritic review scores, which was the OPs comment. If you wanted to bring video game reviews into the argument, MS has been around before them. Video game journalism geared towards consumers didn’t start until the early 80’s, Microsoft was around before that. However, I agree with darth’s sentiment, although technically his wording is incorrect. This practice has been going on for years, but that fact doesn’t make it any less BS when a company does it today.

Old McGroin258d ago

@ purple101

He obviously meant the practice was around before what has just happened with MS, Bethesda and Starfield. He didn't word it well but...still not sure how you could possibly think he meant Metacritic number massaging was going on since before 1986??

Godmars290258d ago

Since the beginning of the industry sadly. Probably even before Nintendo Power.

JackBNimble258d ago

I agree with the statement that reviews are bullshit.
Reviewers only score a game on opinions alone, and have completely ignored what the word objective means.

We get subjective reviews not objective reviews, which could very easily be done and would probably be an instant money maker in this industry if any ( so called ) gaming journalists decided they had the balls to do it.

But all these journals are bought and paid for and are about as trustworthy as Unity.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 258d ago
259d ago Replies(1)
Reaper22_259d ago

You know what else is BS? The hypocrisy that comes from gamers who only see it as a problem when Microsoft does it.

Reviews are just opinions. Why are you so emotional about a game that you obviously have no interest in? If the game was only 50 on metacritic would you be saying what you are? I don't think so. It's time you guys get over this Starfield thing. At the end of the day it's just another game. I'm glad the game is having some success. Why would any true gamer want any studio or Publisher to fail?

anast258d ago

"It's time you guys get over this Starfield thing."

We have found the new general of gaming. Standing by to take your orders sir.

crazyCoconuts258d ago

You're right that some people hating on Starfield is a thing.
But the point of the discussion around bad practices around how reviews are handled is also right - it's obviously a thing.

Obscure_Observer258d ago

"Why would any true gamer want any studio or Publisher to fail?"

Because in the minds of some people, only a gaming company is allowed to shine.

Fortunately, actual numbers show they´re minority and just bunch of sad losers.

darthv72258d ago

To be fair, it is the petty fanboys who want games/platforms/companies to fail. The gamers just play the games and enjoy themselves regardless of what anyone thinks.

crazyCoconuts258d ago

In terms of wanting a company to fail, there is nuance in everything. If Microsoft succeeding involves them buying up all the biggest publishers/game companies, then I want them to fail.

ravens52258d ago

U mean like Forspoken lmao. Ima say it every thread. Talk about hypocrisy.

ChronoJoe258d ago

I think they’d see it as an issue when anyone did it. But who else does? As far as I’m aware Nintendo and Sony don’t. When I used to write reviews they were always easier to get codes from than Microsoft. The only others I can think of were Japanese companies like Square, but I just found them harder to communicate with rather than actively blacklisting me. Activision we’re the easiest, even when writing for a small publication they used to send me everything, even when it wasn’t requested.

Seraphim258d ago

and there is the problem. Reviews are not just opinions. At least professional reviews. They need to be matter of fact based, on the games own merits, strengths and weaknesses. It also leads to bad reviews of otherwise good games. As does it to bad reviews simply because the reviewer does not like the genre of the game they are being paid to review. Professional reviews need to get back to matter of fact, not opinions, those are what user reviews are for; opinions. 2 cents

neomahi258d ago

Xbox are ones that generated the hype, they were in over their heads, it's not the peoples fault, they just listened to Xbox and what Xbox told them repeatedly and wouldn't shut up about, consumers just ended up being smarter and called their bluff. It's not the people, Xbox generated the hype

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 258d ago
Petebloodyonion258d ago

So how come PC Metacritic didn't come down?
Let me guess they aren't truthful.

But surely the media never protest by giving a bad score to the game when they are not happy about a situation
like IGn 3/10 score for Prey and Gamespot 6/10 for HP Hogwart.

anast258d ago (Edited 258d ago )

"So how come PC Metacritic didn't come down?"

The PC has more modding options. The game needs to be modded drastically.

crazyCoconuts258d ago

User reviews in Metacritic are in the 6/10 range for both PC and Xbox.
Steam reviews (PC only) are in the low 70's.
It's a broad recognition that the game is just ok, which makes it more obvious when you come across the 10/10 reviews.
That and the vocal journalists that were not given review copies makes for an interesting case study of what's wrong with the system I guess

Petebloodyonion258d ago

Didn't know that PC reviewers now included the notion that users will mod games when establishing if the product is good or not and more importantly when they have received early copies before mods are out.

I'm sure the same logic could apply to TLOU2 on PS4 with a 5.8 user score (that's after the removal of some negative reviews asked by Sony) vs. the 9.4 critics review right?
As for Steam, I'm pretty sure that 76% are positive reviews do not equal a low 70 and are higher compared to the true honest review of the main UK media outlet.

OMNlPOTENT258d ago

I’ve seen you in almost every starfield article I’ve clicked on, why are you so triggered by other people enjoying a video game?

Zeref258d ago ShowReplies(2)
PhillyDonJawn258d ago

Honestly doing that only shoot themselves in the foot. Cause now those reviewers will give it a lower rating out of spite. I know I would.

Obscure_Observer258d ago

"Honestly doing that only shoot themselves in the foot. Cause now those reviewers will give it a lower rating out of spite. I know I would."

That´s is nothing but a valid reason for you to never get a review code again from any publisher or studio which values professionalism.

It might be news for you, but Sony has a list of blacklisted sites or/and reviewers which will never get a review code from them.

A quick research will get you up to date.

dumahim258d ago


Are you saying blacklisting reviewers is the same as cherry picking who gets one early enough to get a review out on time, but still getting them a code?

Obscure_Observer258d ago

"Glad someone called out this BS practice by Microsoft and Bethesda."

It was a BETHESDA decision to give review codes! And I think they´re right!

Eurogamer´s 6/10 was nothing but expected, since they got jealous because Digital Foundry got a copy while they don´t.

There´s lots of reviews that come out later and still gave Starfield great scores.

So you´re in some conspiracy BS here.

shinoff2183258d ago

And there's alot that called the game on the issues it has.

Zeref258d ago ShowReplies(4)
lelo2play258d ago (Edited 258d ago )

The opinion that matters is our own opinion. For me Starfield is a great game, and it's my GOTY so far... yes I played Baldur's Gate 3, it's a great game but I prefer Starfield.

If you base your opinion on other people, you let them define if a game is good or not... then I feel sorry for you.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 258d ago
259d ago
shadowT259d ago

8/10 is still a very good game

Profchaos259d ago

Sure is however if all the usual outlets got review copies over fan sites and streamers who gave ratings and had them contributed to the total would it have been a 8 still is the question.

There's a element of bias that needs to be discussed when Xbox fan sites start handing out perfect scores that's questionable also to low scores are questionable to.

OMNlPOTENT258d ago

You’re acting like PlayStation fan sites didn’t hand TLOU2 dozens of undeserved 10/10s lmao

Storm23258d ago

In your opinion. It is a 10/10 to me.

Profchaos258d ago (Edited 258d ago )

@storm good to hear you love it but that's not the point.

@ominpotent there is a difference windows central could have requested and received a review copy of tlou2 or PlayStation sites could request tears of the kingdom for review also if they wanted however Bethesda was cherry picking it's reviewers in this instance and even sending it to no name fans with basic stream setups who reviewed and I use the word loosely their game on YouTube.

The fact that PlayStation sites handed out 10/10s is trivial because they would have done it anyway same as Xbox sites it's the fact that independent sites that have no bias and review multiplatform games were dismissed from the review pool while biased streamers were allowed in is the problem

alexkarkar259d ago

Starfied is should have 2/10, thought. The problem is much bigger then this article leads to believe. Basically they force shit down your throat and say it is a delicacy. The gamers blindly believe them, they completely lost the capacity to think for themselves.

Reaper22_259d ago

Thank you. You just proved my point in my post above.

OMNlPOTENT258d ago

Had a stroke trying to read the first sentence of what you just tried to type.

ChasterMies258d ago

That’s the problem. So called “review sites” start at 5 and go up from there. 8/10 should be beyond good and into the realm of excellence. Review score inflation has been a problem for a long time but has become nakedly obvious with Starfield because of how Microsoft cherry picked sites that received early access to the game.

Profchaos258d ago

I recall it all started when IGN gave GTA IV a perfect 10 it definitely deserves that scote at the time it was far and above anything else at the time however there was sort of a me to response to that suddenly everyone expected the next highly anticipated game to also get a 10 and we got many articles explaining why and what a 10 means especially from IGN and this was back in the days of decimal points in their scores.

Sun of it all is we kind of need to abandon review scores and numbers and move back to a more traditional appraisal system based on a bad, alright, good and great review score as games will always mean different things to different people

TheCaptainKuchiki259d ago

Review embargos should disappear FOREVER first of all

CBaoth259d ago

exactly sink or swim time. Had 2-4 years of development time to produce a working game. Selectively handing out review codes to ensure an inflated score really gives a bad taste in people's mouths. Of course MS knows it has a little army to defend against valid criticisms. And yes I'd post the same goddamn message if this was BG3 and Larian or Insomniac with Spiderman we're talking about

Rdeal259d ago

And if that happened they wouldn't give out review copies because don't have to, just be glad they do

ChasterMies258d ago

If review embargoes disappeared, publishers like Microsoft would just do more cherry picking with early access codes. If cherry picking early access codes disappeared, publishers like Microsoft would just flood Metacritic with reviewers for hire. My advice for the gaming community is to follow a group of review sites you trust, i.e. sites that don’t hand out 8/10 to every game.

northpaws258d ago

I think having embargoes is fine, otherwise any randomly site can rush out a fake review weeks before the launch date just to get clicks, but it shouldn't be a date that they can set as whenever, like maybe it should be always a week before the release by law.

That still wouldn't help if developers withheld copies though, meaning no proper reviews can be done ahead of time even if everyone is allowed to do so.

dumahim258d ago

Embargos are fine. Cherry picking who gets a code early and who gets one later isn't.

Going without an embargo just incentivizes people to push through a review as quickly as possible to get ahead of everyone else.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 258d ago
Christopher259d ago

The real problem is putting scores to reviews. People should read reviews more, especially those that take the time to cover the game in detail and don't just gloss over everything.

258d ago Replies(5)
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Starfield's recent player spike is good, but it needs its Cyberpunk 2077 moment now

Starfield's recent player spike is a good sign, but Bethesda desperately need to line up their Cyberpunk 2077 moment.

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ZeekQuattro9d ago

I feel like the second big update that releases late this year will do just that. Part of the story expansion is also new means of transportation on planets.

P_Bomb9d ago

A good DLC could turn some heads. The Destiny games got momentum that way too.

piher9d ago

What player spike?

I checked steamcharts through the link in the article and it went from 8,000 to 11.500, so yea 20% but when the game peaked at 330,000 It's safe to say that the actual effect of this update was negligible.

LostPotato9d ago

Doubt it'll ever get redemption. As many developers have said in various interviews it's beyond saving.

Just release the mod tools and expansion and move on.

Profchaos9d ago

Cyberpunk 2077 had some strong bones i disliked it on launch because I could see the potential I could see the strengths of what they wanted to achieve but it wasn't done yet

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Jingsing10d ago

They didn't get the memo the game is dead and the Bethesdabots only want magic and fantasy.

Boy_the_CowRoy8d ago

Starfield fans? The game only has 9 thousand current players, worldwide! As a company you cannot waste time on creating "Major features", it is simply not profitable. Just move on.


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