
Halo Infinite Is So Back, Baby

Halo Infinite’s Squad Battle playlist—which features fan-favorite map, Valhalla—makes it finally feel like a franchise peak

4Sh0w303d ago (Edited 303d ago )

"But maybe, just maybe, Halo Infinite has always been this good. It just needed a familiar conduit, a recognizable face, to remind you of that."

-Personally I really liked the campaign, traversing the open world was a breath of fresh air & alot fun for me, but yes I completely understand the launch multiplayer content criticisms. Now since then they've added a ton of really great multi content, -maps, modes, weapons & forge, smooth Halo-style combat gunplay -Infinite is currently very underrated imo very satisfying but Im biased I love Halo.

crazyCoconuts303d ago

I found the campaign to be really lacking, but the open world was good. That fun halo combat is really what saved it from disaster

Sonic1881302d ago (Edited 302d ago )

The Halo campaign has been lacking for years. Halo 5 had the worst campaign of them all imo

InUrFoxHole303d ago

The only dislike for me was lack of content

TheEroica303d ago

Good for Halo! Been a bit of a rough ride on infinite. Seems like people are happy. Well, except the insecure downvote people.

Profchaos302d ago

I really disliked the open world it felt empty and pointless to me it was filler that seperated point a and point b. Some of my favourite levels in the halo franchise have involved traversing levels in warthogs but to spend 90% of this game doing that it became really stale.

If there was more interesting landmarks side missions and some scenery changes it might have been a good idea but what we got was emptier that an early 5th gen open world sandbox.

On the flipside however once we got into a interior it felt like halo again structured a d fun but once we were outside it was a snoozefest

ModsDoBetter302d ago

35 people who haven't played the game disagree 😂

shinoff2183302d ago (Edited 302d ago )

Eh it happens. I get disagrees as well probably from that person also when not saying anything that makes sense to disagree with. I personally just never liked halo. When I had the og Xbox back in the day, halo wasn't in the rotation at all.

ModsDoBetter302d ago


Absolutely, people like to nust disagree for the sake of it without adding to the discussion.

Halo 1&2 were amazing but on the OG xbox the game I played most was Republic Commando. 😂

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 302d ago
yarbie1000303d ago (Edited 303d ago )

No, it’s not. Nice copium ya got there tho

Lightning77303d ago

No it's not? According to.... Who? What he said was all truth and facts.

Nvm, That's right according to N4G how can I forget..... Because N4G says so.

-Foxtrot303d ago

"Because N4G says so"

I think the player count does...

Crows90303d ago

Players say so. Players don't just randomly stop playing a good game

PapaBop303d ago

Well it's hardly booming is it? Halo used to be one of the most popular online multiplayer games and is a shallow husk of it's former self. It's a shame as the gunplay is really good but they dropped the ball hard on it.

JEECE303d ago


They really do though. Because most players are more attracted to live service nonsense than good gameplay.

ModsDoBetter302d ago

Echo chamber: 100.
I'd be curious if yarbie has actually played the game.

Notellin302d ago

Yeah people like @Foxtrot and @Crows90 comment here. Completely anecdotal fanboy nonsense all the time.

They mention player count but they don't know any of the numbers or have enough intelligence to interpret them.

BlackTar187302d ago


It has an average of 3k players. That is not a great number.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 302d ago
Lightning77303d ago

@Fox it peaks at well over 8,000 players on Steam. That's just steam alone who knows what the Xbox player counts are.

Content is what keeps ppl coming back and the game finally doing it.

CBaoth303d ago

ride or die for MS, eh? Does it ever get tiresome? It's summer - I barely play anything now. Put the keyboard down, go out n have some real fun. Two days from now I'll be sipping margaritas in Key West getting ready for Dirty Heads/Sublime concert. Please tell me you won't still be here arguing over a piece of plastic!

darthv72302d ago (Edited 302d ago )

@black... he said "peaks", you say "averaging". When something "peaks" it means to hit a high point. Averaging tends to be lower so... why cant both be correct?

Metal4ever302d ago

actually it is nice show of feelings getting hurt you got there though

jznrpg303d ago

Is it really ? If you don’t release a fully fleshed out product at launch most people won’t consider coming back a year or 2 later regardless of what’s done. It can have a following but it won’t be significant.

4Sh0w303d ago (Edited 303d ago )

I never said people have to come back. I said its a great game, I enjoy it, thats all.

Noticeably the people who constantly hate on Halo though typically have a long history hatin' Halo -same old ps loyalists so their opinions are irrelevant to me anyway....objectively by campaign, content & features Halo Infinite is better than most shooters out there & personally speaking Halo Infinite plays butter smooth, with great sandbox gameplay, weapons & maps....sure the early criticism for missing content is fair & if that made folks lose interest as I said thats perfectly understandable. Fans/Gamers have every right to give up on Halo if they want. I dont make a dime either way so it is what it is. But I do know based on history of n4g ps folks comments if it was not a iconic Xbox exclusive, it wouldn't be hated on nearly as much as it is, but like I said many longtime Halo fans really enjoy it so that's all that matters.

DarXyde303d ago

jznrpg isn't talking to you.

The article clearly says "Halo Infinite is [so] back" and their response is "is it really?"

It is a direct reply to the article itself, not you.

4Sh0w303d ago (Edited 303d ago )


You are correct jznrpg wasn't talking to me so I shouldn't have directed my comment to him, my apologies.

Doomeduk303d ago Show
anast303d ago

It's not even in the top 100 on Steam Charts. These are articles are a bit of a joke. Infinite has only averaged about 3k players last month. Actually the percentage has declined.

fr0sty303d ago

Joke or not, Kotaku collected their check and laughed all the way to the bank...

anast303d ago

I believe they have lost quite a bit of money over the years. I think they got bought out by Univision...but yes they are collecting a check of some kind.

anast303d ago

3k average player count is not back for an IP like that.

Notellin302d ago

For a series that has been almost exclusively console it's entire lifespan and has zero players in the competitive scene using keyboard and mouse I'd say using Steam charts is useless information.

Thank goodness here at the N4G forums nothing is said of importance and is all fanboy anecdotes.

You couldn't analyze an excel spreadsheet let alone an article with words.

anast302d ago (Edited 302d ago )

It shows people that actually bought the game...The competitive player scene...yeah... Provide me with other actual data then I will change my mind if it needs to be changed.

Of course, ad hominem attacks are only used by people that cannot provide an actual argument, which you did not even offer a spread sheet. This is interesting because it seems to be the sparing utensil that you wanted to use. So, whether or not I can read should be the least of your worries.

CrimsonWing69303d ago

I’ve moved on a long looooooong time ago.

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