
Diablo 4 fans plan Season 1 boycott after disastrous patch notes

The most recent patch for Diablo 4 does not appear to have gone down well with the community so far.

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sadraiden320d ago

Funny how this game has nothing but 9s and 10s out of 10, but the people actually playing the game say it's fucked. Grim Dawn has got my back.

notachance320d ago

It is, one of the main complaint about d4 is it’s lack of end game contents. What did the devs do in season 1? Instead of adding endgame contents they make the characters weaker and the leveling harder so that players reach end game way longer, it’s stupidly hilarious.

Christopher320d ago

Don't forget to take a break from the game, though, because people are playing it too much! https://n4g.com/news/255911...

Crows90319d ago

The issue isn't lack of endgame content. There's actually a good amount....the big problem is that the entire game is that same content. Nothing really new and exciting opens up. There is not other content except endgame content since everything scales more or less and you're going to be doing the exact same activities that they want you doing at end game. Sure you get "new activities" but they take place in the same areas you've already been in. It's horrible game design AND endgame design.

frostypants319d ago

The issue is this weird mentality that end game is the whole point, where players just rush through what was intended to be the actual experience. Blizzard unfortunately cultivated this attitude with what they did to World of Warcraft. So it's kind of their own dumb fault.

notachance319d ago

@frostypants ‘Rush through’ is a weird wording of ‘we don’t have enough content’ as the campaign is only 10 hours long on average, even I only took maybe 4-5 days to finish it and that was by playing at most 1-2 hours a day.

Maybe that’s enough if it’s a meticulously crafted single-player experience, but this is a forever-game intent on keeping you engaged as long as possible with randomly generated dungeons. Intentionally padding the game is the laziest possible solution.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 319d ago
raWfodog320d ago

One of the Diablo 4 devs was also chiming in about how Baldur’s Gate 3 shouldn’t be considered a standard for RPGs. Small studios have a point but AAA devs should be ashamed that they are doing damage control for their own games.

Christopher319d ago

I'm amazed any developer would support business decisions over game innovation decisions. I know they were praising BG3 in the process, but it's sad to see a game that is doing so many things right and for other developers to say "Hey, this great thing over there? Our execs don't want that for our games because it isn't worth it when they know we can sell less to you for the same and we're okay with that."

CobraKai319d ago

I read Ubisoft or something saying something similar. Like BG3 is an anomaly. Don’t expect this game to be the new bar or something. My thinking is, if BG3 turns out that good, it should be the new bar.

-Foxtrot319d ago

I know

It happens all the time with massive AAA games full of MTs or built on live service with huge publishers behind them.

Al I’ve seen is people complaining and being let down by the game

If reviewers were honest and marked games down not just for the flaws but shitty business practices in the game then developers might hesitate doing it next time

Tzuno319d ago

Those 9s and 10s are for campaign, it is solid, no one had the time to touch the end game more profoundly in that short review window, they fk ed up the endgame, world bosses are a joke, dungeons are boring, get back to the drawing board.

babadivad319d ago

I'm still having a blast. I haven't gotten to truly end game content yet. Part of the fun is playing with my friends.

Jin_Sakai319d ago (Edited 319d ago )

And yet people keep buying into it. Sad.

“Diablo 4 reached 10 million players in June, driving a record quarter for Blizzard”



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Terry_B320d ago

..smart people wait until mid /end of 2024 to buy Diablo 4.

notachance320d ago

now that MS and ABK deal nearing its completion, no need to bother buying ABK games anymore, just wait until they show up on gamepass

Terry_B320d ago

Hell no. I buy games, I am not renting them and have bad luck if they are removed from a service

starsi360320d ago


Microsoft don’t remove first party games from gamepass - once they’re on, they're on for good

rippermcrip320d ago

And how does the make sense? The replayability of the game is due to the seasons and changes they make, so what's the advantage to waiting exactly?

Terry_B320d ago

I guess..or hope that everyone thinks different about that matter. I played Diablo 1 and 2 for many years as example. With different character classes and different own goals. There were no seasons or anything and that was totally fine.

Beside that...Diablo 4 should have more than enough to offer in 2024 when the expansions are out and the game got many balances and smaller updates. + there are enough other great arpgs similar to it on the market.

Christopher320d ago

There's a balance game they're playing, between how much power they want to give characters and how little the community will accept as a baseline of said power. Waiting might get you to a point where you come in and there won't be big updates that massively change the balance of your class and the changes will be minor in nature (if at all) down the road.

Honestly, it's quite frustrating to have such big swings in class abilities like this in a game that, even with D3, was just about you becoming powerful and not about maintaining some sort of difficulty scale that favors specific builds and leaves some to just be ignored. Heck, the fact there are unique gear in this update just for specific builds and not items for all build types should tell you how this game will look in the future.

Bobertt320d ago

Smart people would avoid Blizzard games.

Crows90319d ago

Smart people would play Diablo 1 when diablo 5 comes out.

Cernunnos319d ago

Smart people stopped buying Activision-Blizzard games many years ago.

dumahim319d ago

Or enjoyed what was good about it and bailed after realizing there was no reason to keep playing and before they made it worse.

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BlackDoomAx320d ago

I hope they will do what they say.

Rynxie320d ago

Yeah, they nerfed my sorc to oblivion. The sorc already has to deal with disadvantages and was the weakest character, but now? It's just a bad joke. I played yesterday and it's crazy how badly they nerfed her. My mana (yes, mana that us sorces already suffer with) was reduced, my vun damage was reduced from 190 to 162, my critical chance reduced, my critical damage reduced, my armor from 5500-5800 reduced to 4700. My cool downs increased due to them reducing cool down affects.

I too, decided I would stop playing until they fixed this crap. Because it's just not fun. Monsters are also dropping less gear in dungeons.

dumahim319d ago

Aren't sorcerers the one that has a glyph or two that you can't really use because there isn't enough nodes in range to make use of the extra boost?

Tankbusta40320d ago

This is a GAAS title....get used to it...but hey they already got your money

jznrpg319d ago (Edited 319d ago )

And they will be asking for more sooner than later. You want new conentent? Buy this battle pass

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anast1d 18h ago

This game is about to get buried by Path 2.

LordoftheCritics1d 17h ago

Still no global chat or group finder.

The emptiest MP game ever made.

OtterX1d 17h ago

1 more month then I can celebrate 1 year since i stopped playing and uninstalled the game.

Walalon1d 15h ago

We are on the same team brother!

Rynxie1d 12h ago

I uninstalled d4 after they kept screwing over the sorc build and I beat the game. I also uninstalled immortal after reading the end. I actually went back to d2r here and there.

just_looken1d 2h ago

The only thing i enjoyed in D4 was the mp side but after they gutted my hunter build then again wanted me to grind for over hundred hours each season i too quit like you.

Its insane though a year has already passed.

Daeloki4h ago

Hard pass, gave it a chance on launch with a friend, but we made it a bit past act 1 only to realise how tedious it was.


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Tapani13d ago

Is Diablo IV worth it for the Single-Player experience today? I understand it has got many patches and improvements.

Daeloki13d ago

I honestly don't know what they could have changed/patched to make the game enjoyable since last summer. I played the campaign a bit past act 1 with a friend and it just becomes incredibly boring and repetitive. I uninstalled shortly after and haven't looked back. However, with me it may just be a case of that it's not my kind of game. I just didn't enjoy the endless cycle of going into a dungeon, collect loot, teleport to town, sell/dismantle, teleport back to dungeon, collect loot, teleport to town, sell/dismantle... rinse and repeat. That cycle was about 80% of the game back then, completely drowning out the story for me. If there is a demo, or you have a chance to test a friends copy then I'd recommend that before spending any money on it.

Kosic13d ago

I loved D3 and would play a season for weeks.
D4 came out I reached level 60 ish and grew bored, I tried again in S1 and got to the same level and quit. I heard about the loot revamp, and briefly tried season 3 before jumping into the new season.
The game is better because it's easier to feel this progression smoothly increase, without hitting such a large road block, but I am level 61 and in Torment 4, and again I just don't feel the urge to continue.

I found a lack of direction of what to do, the thing that puts me off is the bland world, hell-tides are rather boring. Kill a non stop spawn of demons and summon a boss...

If you can get it for cheap, give it a try, or do a Gamepass trial and play it there.