
Upcoming Unreal Engine 5 Games That Look Phenomenal

These are some of the most promising upcoming Unreal Engine 5 video games that look absolutely phenomenal.

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DarXyde318d ago

Isn't Hell Blade II running in UE5? Bit of a weird omission.

How did I not know Silent Hill is running on UE5?


30 Huge Gaming Reveals That Could Happen Soon

Here are 30 potential announcements to look forward to in the coming weeks, from long-awaited remakes and sequels to brand-new titles.

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Black Myth: Wukong Will Reportedly Offer New Game Plus At Launch, Features Over 80 Boss Fights

Game Science's upcoming action role-playing  game, Black Myth: Wukong, will reportedly offer a New Game Plus mode at launch, and will feature over 80 boss

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savedsynner12d ago

IIRC I think the game is mostly boss fights, like a boss rush mode or Shadow of the Colossus. I would imagine From could do 80 boss fights in a souls game if 90% of the enemies were bosses lol.

Double_O_Revan11d ago

That's what I felt when I watch the trailers. It will be mostly boss fights or sub boss fights. That's still cool. I love Shadow of the Colossus. I don't need a million little enemies. Just the vide I got from the trailers.

gold_drake13d ago


for some reason, i thought it was out already haha

anast12d ago

You might be thinking about "Wo Long Fallen Dynasty".

Double_O_Revan11d ago

I've made that mistake many times. Almost even bought it when it showed up on sale a few weeks ago. Had to look it up to be sure.

potatoseal13d ago

Wow. This is really shaping up to be a special game. Hope that turns out to be true

TheProfessional12d ago (Edited 12d ago )

Happy this isn't vaporware! That is a lot of bosses though I wonder if some are randomly generated?

rpvenom12d ago (Edited 12d ago )

It won't be randomly generated. A lot of it is based on chinese mythology.

They probably reduced the cannon fodder enemies and mini-bosses to hit 80+ bosses.. is my assumption.. but I really hope I'm wrong and we get a action rpg masterpiece. Been anticipating this game for a long time.

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Rumored PlayStation May 2024 showcase could happen this week per industry insider

A renowned industry insider has suggested the rumored PlayStation May 2024 showcase featuring Silent Hill 2 could happen this week.

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Petebloodyonion20d ago

Why would Sony do that and how would this benefit them?
1) It would piss off their media partners (IGN, Gamespot, Edge, etc.) since they would have to allocate resources fast to cover the event.
2) Risk of not having great coverage or proper coverage from the various source
3) It could give the impression that they are not confident in their own stuff.
4) They would miss the chance to hype the event losing viewers and losing free marketing time.

Again I'm calling it bogus unless it's a small showcase before the big one or because they want to announce that Hellbalde 2 is also coming on PS5.

SlothLordPootus20d ago

As far as I can remember, they typically give a week heads up for these sorts of things.

Lightning7720d ago

I was about to say Sony always gives a week in advance for their show.

VersusDMC20d ago (Edited 20d ago )

Last year it was a weeks notice.


May 17th announcement for may 24th show.

VersusDMC20d ago

Nintendo always tweets that a direct is happening tomorrow but no one cares.

Sony gives a week or days of notice and we get anti sony type fake outrage like this.

But good luck trying trying to get some Sony hate going...

Petebloodyonion20d ago

You just mention it!
Sony gives a week in advance NOT just a couple of days.
So I fail to see what Sony's hate movement I'm trying to start when it's a basic business strategy to not piss off your partners (ask Sega).
And I doubt it's hate to ask how it would benefit Sony in doing so.

thesoftware73020d ago (Edited 20d ago )

Huh? What?

Bro you really should relax, if what you read was some kinda negative against Sony.... seriously, is that what you got from the comments?

Bro, he was debunking the rumor, and gave perfectly good reasons why it would be unlikely, and your Nintendo Direct comparison is different, as this is supposed to be a BIG Sony showcase, not a surprise 20 min direct, and Sony 's pattern has been one week.

Slow down warmonger.

VersusDMC20d ago (Edited 20d ago )


"1) It would piss off their media partners (IGN, Gamespot, Edge, etc.) since they would have to allocate resources fast to cover the event."

That is implying Sony is preventing them from doing their job properly therefore negatively affecting their business...but i guess that's a reach in your mind?

And it's not like they need that many resources to cover the stream. They just need 3 people to react to the stream live and make some easy articles made up mostly of summaries of Sony provided press releases. They would have enough time to "prepare" if it was announced with one days notice.

Petebloodyonion20d ago

" That is implying Sony is preventing them from doing their job properly therefore negatively affecting their business...but i guess that's a reach in your mind"

No, it simply implies that some media all over the world might (keyword MIGHT) not properly cover the event like having proper articles for each game announced, or having a proper preshow. maybe some popular YouTubers won't have time to prepare or simply your local newspaper doing an article on tech and game.

So why would Sony take a chance?
What benefit would that give them?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 20d ago
Petebloodyonion20d ago

Before I get tons of replies for Sony given a week in advance, my initial comments are related to the notion that the Show could happen this week as the title mentions.
Now to be fair the complete article mentions that Jeff said the Show could happen later in May giving time for Sony to give the normal 7-day notice.

Again not trying to start a negative thing here just thinking that it's bogus that Sony will have a show this week

notachance20d ago

Yeah as much as I’d like to hear what sony’s 1st parties have cooked, it’s not their style to shadow drop a showcase.

Still waiting for ghost of tsushima 2, I’m ready whenever man..

KwietStorm_BLM20d ago

You're assuming media outlets don't know about it.

gold_drake19d ago

i can tell you that no one cares if ign is pissed or not.

watching a livestream and writing stuff aint the world. many habe done that before your god ign.

fr0sty19d ago (Edited 19d ago )

As a former gaming journalist that covered Sony & Nintendo's E3 conferences 3 separate times and was flown out to multiple press events for THQ, Square, and EA, let me inform you of this thing called an "embargo" that journalists are put under... it's very possible that details of this event have been given to the gaming press, but they are not yet allowed to discuss it. In fact, that may be where our leaker got their info...

Petebloodyonion19d ago

Tks for sharing this info :) but let's be honest I doubt that Jeff Grubb would left in the dark due to his notoriety while the rest of Gamespot ppl are in the knowing.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 19d ago
20d ago
Hofstaderman20d ago

Going in with no expectations but likely will see something that resonates with me.

FinalFantasyFanatic19d ago

I hope there's something impressive in there.

DeadlyFire20d ago

Nah they will announce it probably, but it won't happen right away soon though yes.

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