
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Review: Letting Down the Jedi Order - ComingSoon

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order was a Padawan that was destined to be a Jedi Master with its next installment because of the solid base Respawn established. But instead of realizing its potential, Survivor squandered it by repeating many of the same problems and introducing new ones. Combat lacks the precision a parry-focused game requires and still tries to straddle the line between a soulslike and a faster action game, resulting in a conflicted and often frustrating experience. And while the story does bring up some ideas worth inspecting, its quality is diminished by its messy and unearned final act. It does hint at a more intriguing next chapter, but it’s not easy to have faith that yet another sequel will make good on its potential, given how disappointing Survivor is.

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SullysCigar403d ago

Yeah, sadly I've seen some other low ones. I think it's a bit of me though, so I'm getting it!

CrimsonWing69403d ago

A 6.5!? Way to ruin anyone taking your criticism seriously.

ChasterMies403d ago

Maybe that’s why IGN hands out so many 8/10 scores. Because they want to be taken seriously.

CrimsonWing69403d ago

Wait, so 6’s are the only scores to be taken seriously?

And I always thought IGN was known for 7s?

Are we changing it up now? I’m confused.

ModsDoBetter403d ago

People tend to get very defensive about reviews and disregard anything that doesn’t align with their hopes for a game.

At that point, is it a review or is it just confirmation bias?

Play the game and make your own mind up.
If you’re excited for a title, like genuinely excited, best thing to do is avoid reviews because if you read/hear a negative thing, you’re more likely to notice it during gameplay and it can hamper your experience.

Hope those who pick the game up, enjoy it!

IanTH403d ago (Edited 403d ago )

The real issue is people don't actually *read* reviews, they tend mostly to look at scores. If they do read it, many mostly don't do so with an eye for anything outside the lines as they are written. Which is to say, if a thing someone says is negative, they don't look to see why it might be true for the writer, or how true it would be for them personally as the reader.

If the author has open world fatigue and you don't, that's a massive difference. If they don't like a specific mechanic that sounds much like one you do, mentally ignore that part of the review & focus on the rest. Best is to find an author you like that aligns with your taste. Outside that, you have to do some critical thinking and averaging of what you're reading.

It seems like most people don't really like to do that. And any time things don't line up with their idea of what it *should* score, or what they score it (if they happened to have played it), BIAS is so often shouted from the rooftops. Or someone is getting paid. Lack of journalistic integrity. You name it. Rarely do people just accept it as a simple difference of opinion.

You are very sadly right; very few look at reviews to inform a purchase anymore. They do so to confirm their existing beliefs which they simply do not want challenged.

CrimsonWing69403d ago (Edited 403d ago )

I guess the difficulty comes from seeing 9’s and 8’s, looking at the meta score (which is an average of gathered review scores) that is an 86% based off 84 reviews, and then you have a 6…

I don’t understand like why it’s baffling that people maybe call this out. It’s one thing if the majority were 6’s, but uh… I think if the average is an 86, which lets just say 8.5/10 for arguments sake, and you have things going 6 or below… seems like someone didn’t get it 🤷‍♂️

IanTH403d ago

For one thing, Meta isn't an actual average. It is pretty close, but they weight different outlets differently, so it is skewed to a degree.

But there is not a single thing on this planet that is going to be universally loved. I'm sure there is a game that has ranked in the 80s on Meta that you would personally rate in the 6 range. In that case, is it that you "didn't get it"? Or is it that it just wasn't for you, and it is OK that not everything has to be for everyone?

CrimsonWing69402d ago (Edited 402d ago )


So, what’s the point of reviews then if a game technically can’t be good or bad?

There can’t be a wrong review then, right?

What’s a game you like and feel has exemplary design and raises the bar for the genre AND sets a standard for the industry?

According to you, I can say none of those statements exist for the game and it’s one of the worst pieces of sh*t I’ve ever experienced and give it a 1/10. Is that a review that holds any truth and is beneficial for a consumer wanting to make an informed purchasing decision? It sounds like that’s a Yes going by your logic.

I guess the real question to ask is what is the point of reviews when any score can be accurate, but also not accurate? Do you just make your decision based on a number you were hoping the game would get?

IanTH401d ago (Edited 401d ago )

The point of reviews are....you read them, and try to suss out - for yourself - what to make of the information given. There is no such thing as an "objective" review. There is no way you can ask 80-100 people to review anything on the planet & get back the same score from each of them.

There's a reason there are 100 reviews you can read - not all of them will apply. If they all said the same thing, then what would be the point? We'd just get one central review authority, and they'd review all games.

Different things are also more or less important to different people. Maybe you don't mind performance issues, maybe a reviewer does. Maybe you care deeply about gameplay and skip the story, maybe a reviewer finds the story of games to be hugely important and docks the score harsher for having a poor one.

You also took my point & kinda twisted it to the extreme. We're talking, in this game - and in general - about reviews that are at least sensible. This scored in the mid 60s here versus an average in the mid 80s. That's not a 1 out of 10. That's a couple of points, and there's a whole article attached as to WHY that score was chosen. We, as consumers, have the onus on us to look at reviews and reviewers to determine which ones feel not only sensible, but if they apply to us. If they don't, then we have another 80 reviews to look at.

So read this review. Read one that scored in the 80s. See what differed. See what resonates with you and what doesn't. If this was a 1/10 review, yeah, that would raise some red flags. You don't ever hardly see those for a reason, and it is because that is a score that is generally indefensible. But a 6.5 versus an 8.5? Sure, that seems reasonable that someone could differ a couple of points.

And I don't understand the last question. Do I just make my decision based on a number I was hoping it would get? No, I read reviews. But that does kinda sound like what you are doing, doesn't it? The Meta says it is an 80s game, any review outside that must not be one that can be trusted. I think the biggest takeaway is a tale as old as time - a number is a poor representation to attempt to totally encompass the quality of something as complex as a game. Read a few reviews. A better representation of how you'll enjoy the game is in the words & your reflection of them - and even perhaps a "bad" review has one point many others didn't cover - as opposed to judging all other reviews as reasonable or not if they aren't within x% of the average.

yeahokwhatever402d ago

Reviews are NOT representative of how much any specific person may like a game. Your advice of "if you're interested, play it" is actually really solid. Many of my most enjoyable gaming experiences have been games panned by critics that I would not have played.

gleepot402d ago

It is absolutely confirmation bias. I love your comment.

ModsDoBetter402d ago

Yep - 95% of this site’s user base are so fragile and want to justify their console of choice at every turn so they tend to get really petty about review scores. 😂

Confirmation bias like no other.

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Michiel198974d ago

please don't adapt anything more from that trilogy, thanks


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