
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Review - yet another high-profile release marred by technical issues - WGTC

'Survivor' expands on everything that made 'Fallen Order' so great, though the experience is sadly marred by performance problems.

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masterfox403d ago

others 9s and this one 6 , yeah "professional reviewers " FTW ! lol, sadly honesty is going down the drain these days :(

SullysCigar403d ago

I actually just saw a 6.5/10 too, but they can do one, I've seen enough to know I'm in.

XbladeTeddy403d ago (Edited 403d ago )

Scoring a game down due to technical issues is actually an honest thing to do, commendable in fact. Sites ignore that all the time.

dumahim402d ago


I'm kind of split on that concept. Kind of like factoring in a game's price in the review score. The price and technical issues can change, but review scores often do not. I fully support people bringing attention to any technical issues, but don't think likely temporary issues should play a big part of the score.

But I guess on the other hand, if more games got bad scores at launch for these issues, maybe they'd stop shoving these games out there in a poor state.

blackblades402d ago (Edited 402d ago )

It can also be fix via patch, imagine doing a review and someone reads/listens and plays it and its nothing like what was said. Its not the 90s/00s and my comment still stands its always that 1 or 2 reviews thats the opposite.

FTLmaster403d ago

Just because it doesn’t align with other reviews, it doesn’t make it any less honest.

CrimsonWing69403d ago

So then no review can be right and no review can be wrong? Like at that point why do we have reviews?

Sgt_Slaughter403d ago

This just in: Not everyone agrees on everything.

If you can't handle a lower review because it goes against the grain, I'm not sure why you're looking at any of them.

masterfox403d ago

lol is not me not handling lower review scores, i give rat ass about it for higher and lower scores I only care of my own criteria, what Im trying to say here it doesnt make any sense there are 9s all over the place but suddenly someone put it a 5 or 6, and is not about someone reviewers has differente tastes , if you do a review for the general public based on that on your personal taste well sorry my friend you are being biased simple as that, and is not my problem that people cant even understand what impartiality means(google it lol), somebody the 9s or the 6s or lower are definitely lying or both, Im pretty sure Cyberpunk 9s and 10s score on release date are spot on right?, the game was near perfect .... haha. bu...but...they have different tastes!! XD

VivaLaManual403d ago

It sounds like it runs like a dog. That HAS to be part of the review score.

SullysCigar403d ago

Absolutely. If nothing else, I appreciate the heads up, because I'll hold off until I see a couple of patches have landed. Got plenty to play in the meantime, but I am drawn to this game.

-Foxtrot403d ago

To be fair here they are taking a stand and talking about poor technical issues

Maybe the others didn't talk about it because they usually don't which is annoying

Remember Pokemon Sword and Shields IGN score completely leaving out the technical issues and then the reviewer saying that a "review is not the time and place to talk about them". Some were even a little generous with Cyberpunk.

Sonic1881403d ago (Edited 403d ago )

That's the reason why I'm curious about the day one patch. Will it fix most of the technical issues 🤔

Chris_GTR1403d ago

somewhat concerning though , I bought Jedi fallen order at launch and it was glitchy , i actually got to a point where it was a game breaking black screen and couldnt progress until the next week when they patched it.

kingnick402d ago

Most of the professional reviewers and big YouTuber's get free review copies and they want that to continue so they don't write overly negative reviews or mention things the developer/publisher has asked them not to.

Flewid638402d ago

Are they supposed to all have the same score? This is my most anticipated game and I love the first one....doesnt mean everyone has to enjoy it.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 402d ago
Einhander1971403d ago

I felt this way about Calisto, but I still enjoyed it regardless of the negative reviews. Again this new Starwars title has been hyped up. It looks ok but not 147gb good. I will probably get it when it's cheap.

Sniperwithacause403d ago

No matter how cheap you buy it for, it will still take up the same amount of space.

StarkR3ality403d ago (Edited 403d ago )


Hahahaha, that made me laugh but it's so true 😂


Just delete once you're done, that's the beautiful thing about story focused one and done games my dude, doesn't have to be COD where it sits on your hard drive for that odd game on warzone with your pals.

Flewid638402d ago

Everyone shitted on that game. I have ZERO interest in Dead Space...and yet....Callisto Protocol is one of the most amazing games I ever played. Graphically untouched as well.

StarkR3ality403d ago (Edited 403d ago )

Tbh as I understand it the reason why the couple of low review scores are because of the massive frame drops even in performance mode. Day 1 patch seems to have fixed a lot of issues, but still if that's the experience they got then the review score should reflect that.

All in all the game has already reviewed quite a lot better than fallen order, even with the performance issues present. If a few frame drops is all that's holding this game back, then we're in for a treat.

jznrpg403d ago

I am going to play this in next couple of months or so but I have too much on my plate right now gaming wise. It seems I would have ended up waiting either way .

Pyrofire95403d ago

Famous video game journalist site WEGOTTHISCOVERED.com give middling review to new Star Wars game.
Let's see how score bait turns out for this one! Let's get those RAGE CLICKS in buddies!

XbladeTeddy403d ago

They're scoring it down because technical issues. I wish more sites would have the balls to do that instead of ignoring performance problems.

ravens52402d ago

I don't believe technical issues should be in a review. You should definitely inform the readers, but not deduct points for it. What happens when it's all patched up and perfect but people see a terrible review score. They pass on it for problems that no longer exists.

XbladeTeddy402d ago (Edited 402d ago )

@ravens52: It's about honesty. Games are not cheap, any issues with performance should be taken into account. It's for the benefit of the consumer.

If a patch makes it better they should give reviewer said patch.

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Michiel198974d ago

please don't adapt anything more from that trilogy, thanks


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