
I've Stopped Playing Overwatch 2

It’s not unusual to burn out on a game, especially one you’ve played for hundreds of hours. And across the two iterations of this franchise, I have put in a lot of time. And it’s still, fundamentally, a fantastic experience. Once a game starts, and it starts with the right team, there’s nothing else quite like it.

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blackblades413d ago (Edited 413d ago )

The guy has a problem with unlocking characters. Saying its alot of work to unlock a character in the BP. Its not a lot of work when you just playing the game like normal and enjoying the game. You have plenty of time to unlock the character. The character is unlocked at level 45 and end of the battlepasss is like level 80 and it goes on til level 150 for titles. My usual time of playing brings me to at a level of 120 at the end of the season. The store has add-on of a free 10level up each season. Comestics maybe a pain but it doesnt bring you back to a game. The enjoyment of the game the competiveness of pvp matches brings you to the game.
On the side note its a f2p game they have to make money. Thats how this work people that want whatever can pay for it. Guys like me will never pay for cosmetics casue theres no need to.

Deathdeliverer413d ago

Well lucky for y’all that even got to enjoy it. I was so dejected when my save got jacked up or something with the migration because 95% of my skins, emotes, poses, intros, and such are gone from the original Overwatch. There is NO way I’m doing that again. Had Overwatch came out as a full part 2, not a part 1.5, and didn’t have any of that transfer stuff I would have been cool. To get on there and it says I’m a legacy player with like 30 minutes played had me sick. Somebody has my stuff and I got theirs is my guess. Either way, so ended me looking in that games direction. Tried to resync, delete and reinstall, the whole 9.

blackblades413d ago

Everybody got there stuff, mines was like that for a couple of days at that time. You had to give it time. You probably did something or you havent been on it since.

kingnick413d ago

I can see why some people are annoyed at paying for a Battle Pass for the privilege to unlock items should you meet certain criteria.

I played a lot of OW1 (full RRP day 1 purchase) but the monetisation changes made to OW2 make it feel like the game was created to milk money out of players and to do that they shutdown OW1 so players had no alternative.

Quickplay solo or in small grounds is a pretty horrible experience and there is a lot more throwers in OW2 which makes me think some people are just playing to unlock cosmetics and couldn't care less about being a good teammate and/or winning matches.

zaanan413d ago

Agree on shutting down 1, that was a major dick move.

TheColbertinator413d ago

Best to move on then and enjoy other games

Father__Merrin413d ago

Couldn't even get into it. I went 8n thinking it's like an arena shooter but some of the characters don't even shoot properly wasn't 8mpreased

blackblades413d ago (Edited 413d ago )

They all has different play style, its not CoD or fornite

Elda413d ago

I haven't played in over a month now, moved on to playing other games.

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Overwatch 2's Big Matchmaking Changes Explained

Overwatch 2's newest update for Season 10 comes with big changes and additions to the game's competitive matchmaking and progression.

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Overwatch 2 ditches another PvE game mode

Blizzard Entertainment has recently announced the discontinuation of the Hero Mastery Gauntlet mode in Overwatch 2.

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LG_Fox_Brazil10d ago

They will probably focus 100% on the pvp because if Marvel Rivals steals their spot it will be very hard to recover it

jeromeface8d ago

Marvels IP roster is much more interesting than overwatch's... and I'm willing to bet a better developer than actvision/blizzard. If Rivals has a PvE mode its over.


Let's Be Real, There Is Nothing "Micro" About Microtransactions Anymore

Microtransactions have gotten ridiculously overpriced in recent years, with titles now offering cosmetic skins worth more than some games.

Terry_B28d ago

Yup..this is 100% the sad truth

z2g27d ago (Edited 27d ago )

The elephant in the room tho is personal accountability. It’s easy (albeit basic) to blame the big, bad corpo, but microtransactions wouldn’t be where they are if gamers didn’t spend money on them. As it stands the MTs usually make more than the game. Publishers know raising game prices will cause backlash, so they do MTs to compensate. But the adult conversation is consumers determine the success of products with their wallets. So if MTs are a huge thing, it’s because we as consumers told them we like them by giving them a lot of money for them. So if you don’t want them to be a thing, convince your fellow gamers to stop buying them and expect that games will be decently more expensive. You all can disagree all you want, but reality is a bitch, and eventually you have to live in it.

anast27d ago

Trying to convince people is the least realistic thing. If we are trying to be adults, actual action is what changes things not "convincing campaigns" on platforms owned by the people 'you' are going against. It's madness and idealistic.

ApocalypseShadow27d ago

Easier said than done. I've told gamers for years to not buy micro transactions, expensive dlc, etc. Gamers bought it anyway. Didn't fit on a DVD that would have fit on a Blu-ray disc.

I also told some gamers to not pay for online like Xbox Live because it would force the rest of the industry to only offer playing online if you pay for it. Told them not to support a broken console that Red Ringed. To not support Xbox One because Microsoft tried to take away game ownership and how you play your games. To not pay for a console by one manufacturer where a, now 3 trillion worth, didn't make enough games at the level of Nintendo or Sony who are worth less money.

How much of that did you support anyway with your money then go back and read your comment again.

notachance27d ago

yeah that was like telling people not to do drugs or alcohol, these game companies invested a lot of money in researching about how to make people buy MTs, from creating mechanics like loot boxes, purposely make the game grindy, all the way to menu designs and what color and sound effects played when gamers bought MTs.

It was specifically engineered to take advantage of vulnerable and prone to addiction people.

bradfh27d ago

People always struggle with issues like drinking, drugs, and gambling. But in games, especially those played by kids, microtransactions are another way companies take advantage of them. It's a problem that needs addressing.

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S2Killinit27d ago

I recommend everyone read this article.

My suggestion is to name these transactions, what they ARE: Hidden-fees.

isarai28d ago

I mean except for the amount of content you're paying for.

Hugodastrevas27d ago

There never was, the only time I paid for a microtransaction was on Blacklight Retribution (PS4) and it was because I enjoyed the game a lot so I felt the devs should get something for all that entertainment (€5 "membership")

-Foxtrot27d ago

The devs wouldn’t get that though, that shit goes straight to the higher ups who do f*** all let’s be honest.

Hugodastrevas27d ago

Probably, but I wasn't as cynical back then and €5 wasn't a big ask to get the guns with grinding instead of renting them, and the game was good (still is on the PS5/4)

CrimsonWing6927d ago (Edited 27d ago )

I couldn’t believe what Blizzard charged for horse armor and cosmetics in Diablo 4…

I remember back in the day when a season pass was $15 and you got everything included in it. Now, I see them at $60 and you still don’t get everything.

CantThinkOfAUsername27d ago

That's just Blizzard. Unlike Bethesda's $0.99 horse armour, Blizzard's first microtransaction, Sparkle Pony, cost $15.

Phoenix7627d ago

Bethesda out did themselves a few years back with 76. They released a Xmas bundle for half price on day of release! So, was meant to sell for only $12 from day 1, but tried to convince everyone it was half price, by marking it at $24!

Shane Kim27d ago

As soon as gaming wasn't deemed nerdy anymore, and reached the casuals this happened. We're smart, but casuals play mobile games and other stuff, and don't really have anything to compare. They think gaming is supposed to be like this and pay for in game purchases.

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