
Sorry Redfall, I'm not going back to 30FPS console games

Redfall is taking the wrong path on the inevitable new-gen crossroads

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masterfox415d ago

of course you will, because you love Gamepass and gamepass is soOOOoOOOo good and you will obey what MS wants you to play, and if you don't obey them they may end up buying you :D

Snookies12415d ago (Edited 415d ago )

Gamepass has been an amazing value for quite some time now. Will it last? I doubt it. Is it good for gaming? Maybe, maybe not. But the value is undeniable at the moment. Especially when you can essentially keep it for free after your first month if you just do daily searches and Rewards quests. It's going on 8 months now that I haven't paid anything for GamePass Ultimate. On top of that, I still get enough Rewards points beyond what I use for GamePass to get Walmart giftcards from time-to-time.

So, I'm getting free online multiplayer access, free access to their entire GamePass library on Xbox and my gaming PC along with free giftcards to shop with. All for about 5-10 minutes a day of searches, polls and simply checking out random games from GamePass. I used to be pretty anti-Microsoft back in the day. But this is actually the best service you can get in gaming. Once again, it CAN be 100% free if you put in the daily time to keep it that way. (At least for now, who knows if they'll change up things down the road!)

blacktiger414d ago

I'm always anti Microsoft, google and definitely Apple. Sony will soon be added to the list with that garbage attachment disc drive. That's one way to kill disc. I know their plan

EvertonFC414d ago (Edited 414d ago )

What I found with both ps plus extra/premium and GP I consumed the content during the global lockdown and now I find content just trickles through across the year ONLY warranting the odd Month here and there.
I don't understand subscribing for 12 Months which is what I find the problem of these subscriptions wether that be GP/ps plus, Netflix, Amazon prime etc.
What did gamers do during a global pandemic, sit there moaning on N4G all day instead of playing GP/ps plus sub games ?
I hear gamers having a back log of subscription games yet what did they do during the pandemic ?

VenomUK414d ago (Edited 414d ago )

For me, 60fps is desirable but 30fps is absolutely fine - I've been playing games at 30fps for years and often choose fidelity/graphics mode because I love to see the crispest visuals.

I don't understand why Redfall won't have 60fps at launch considering this is a Microsoft first-party game that is being made just for its own platforms and it has set the launch date. Does this mean the game is being pushed out too early to meet the set launch date? Does it mean 60fps mode provisions were not being made during development and that will be something that has to be started after release? There seems to be some similarities with the Halo Infinite release. I hope that Microsoft isn't insisting to Arkane that the Redfall release date has to be met.

GamesAsAService414d ago

Thanks for the advice.

Kind of crazy how how your comment which is giving advice for people to get gamepass for free has more downvotes than upvotes. I wonder what that is about.

JEECE414d ago


How is an attachable drive specifically designed for discs meant to "kill disc" as you say? It literally gives people who initially opt for all digital to buy a disc drive later so they can use discs (an option not available on Series S or PS5 Digital). Is it your theory that the external drive will look so stupid that people will opt against having it? Because a lot of people already have external HDDs attached to their consoles and those don't look great either.

TheEnigma313414d ago

Gamepass isn't that great.

Godmars290414d ago

Redfall is likely being pushed out in the state that it is because of Gamepass. Became MS wants content, and Redfall being "free" softens the impact of it being substandard.

Does this make any sense? No. Its business. It just has to look like its making money.

Bathyj414d ago (Edited 414d ago )

So it's the cheapest service in gaming but you still don't even want to pay that? Don't even want to support the service youre championing. This is why Xbox gaming is going downhill so fast and will continue to.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 414d ago
Lifexline414d ago

What I don’t get about people like you is why do you care if there are people who genuinely love game pass why does it bother you?

Redfall might be a lot of fun regardless of what the internet spews. The internet does not mean the majority or else call of duty wouldn’t sell the way it does judging by the hate it gets online. I guess misery likes company Can your parents not afford an Xbox for you let alone game pass?

Vengeance1138414d ago

It's important because if this not giving a damn at all about game quality and performance becomes the standard then thats all anyone is going to get once more and more companies start seeing all the data. Why bother having any game at all have a smooth 60 fps? Gamers clearly don't care much for it and will just play whatever is cheapest. Why bother investing millions into a true next gen AAA game when gamers don't want that, they'll just play whatever their subscription service spits out?

Its now when gamers need to voice their thoughts and push back else horrendous practices like this and full on laziness becomes the norm and by the time you realize, its too late and thats what gaming is now, sub 30 FPS, low poly model janky mess. Thanks GamePass...

Crows90414d ago

What a way to be both ignorant and childish at the same time. Good job!

masterfox414d ago

chill everyone, is just a comment. :D

just_looken414d ago

If more and more games become yearly throw away titles like sports and or live service always online then gamepass is the future.

If you look at the cost of 2 new games 2 then gamepass for a year you will see 2 new games equal year of gamepass. Up north its $110 for a new game so $220 on 2 live service games or $180 a year of gamepass ultimate.

I perfer paying for gamepass ultimate each month then buying 2 liveservice games a year.

shinoff2183414d ago

Your not buying the games though your renting. As an older gamer sure I'll dabble a little on gamepass and ps plus but if I truly want or enjoy the game I'd prefer to own it. Own it physically it's the only future proof way

just_looken414d ago

Did i say i am buying them? please point out were i said that?

I said alot of game today are throw away titles so buying 2 of those equals a gamepass ultimate sub for a year there for i prefer gamepass.

babaloyns fall gothem knights anthem avengers forspoken etc name few you can buy and "own" or put that money into a gamepass sub

CrimsonWing69414d ago

Dude c’mon, this is one game in how many that’s launching later with a performance mode pass. If anything Gamepass is good so you can try it and see if you can enjoy it at 30fps without having bought it.

Let’s not act like every game on Gamepass is 30fps and this is some Microsoft conspiracy.

Yes, I think it’s ridiculous to release this now instead of waiting for the performance mode, but I’d say voice that to the dev and publisher. The service, if anything, is the best scenario for a game releasing like this. It’s better than paying $70 and then realizing all you can do is trade your game in and lose money for not liking it.

agnosticgamer414d ago

Sony fans crap on game pass especially when roughly 4-8 games rotate out monthly… Sony fans awfully quiet when 32 games dropped from the PlayStation equivalent… including 1p Sony games…

shinoff2183414d ago

Agnostic,what your numbers don't show is that ps plus has more games by a large margin so 32 games doesn't mean as much as if 32 games left gamepass. Cute though

GamesAsAService414d ago

"According to Karen R. Koenig, M. Ed, LCSW, projection refers to unconsciously taking unwanted emotions or traits you don't like about yourself and attributing them to someone else."

S2Killinit414d ago

MS can buy 30 more frames for you soon and take 30 frames from everybody else if they want to.

Hofstaderman414d ago

I chuckled when I read this.

GhostScholar414d ago (Edited 414d ago )

Dude really? At least be a little crafty when you decide to troll. What is goooooood about game pass is I’ll just play something else until the patch is ready to go in a month. Let’s not pretend other games haven’t had to patch in 60 frames after launch. It’s happened with games on every system. Calm down

shinoff2183414d ago

It's xbox guys jumping in on this to. Their going crazy out there over it. I think its dumb as fk. Some gamers these day are extremely fickle. Yall know what we had to put up with back in the day. Frame dips when 5 characters came on screen , frame dips with explosions. It's not a huge deal.

GhostScholar414d ago

At least Microsoft doesnt mass exodus 30 games at a time from game pass.

Hofstaderman414d ago

That’s all you have? Here let me help you…at least Microsoft hasn’t released a AAA game in two years.

shinoff2183414d ago

Gamepass doesn't have as many games as ps plus. It's said there's 700 games on ps plus idk I'm not counting. If it's true 32 games ain't much when you look at it like that. Yall exaggerating all this. It's a none issue.

King_Noctis414d ago (Edited 414d ago )

It is unacceptable at this point for this game to ship with only 30fps mode. Delay the game if needed, 30fps in FPS is bad especially for people who prone to motion sickness like me.

However, what I find funny is people like you would defend Sony to infinity and beyond had they came out with something like this.

Don’t be a hypocrite, folks.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 414d ago
Jin_Sakai414d ago

A FPS on current gen consoles in 2023 is laughable.

Number1TailzFan414d ago

Not sure I understand, unless you are getting at the fact that controllers are kinda sucky for FPS? In which case I agree.

As for "Glorious 60FPS" as said in the article, I would say 90 and above is noticeably smoother.

SullysCigar414d ago

Lol of course more frames is smoother - hardly observation of the year there. 30fps is not enough for shooters, especially where it's competitive. It's that simple.

XbladeTeddy414d ago

Obviously 90 is smoother. 60 is the general standard for this gen's consoles hence why talking about "glorious 60".

NotoriousWhiz414d ago

First person shooters on console is fine. But it should be 60 frames per second minimum.

FinalFantasyFanatic413d ago

I'd rather play my FPS games on PC, but either way, I want at least 60fps for a good action experience (if I can max out my monitor's 144 refresh, then it's even better).

mjchitown414d ago (Edited 414d ago )

did you say that about forspoken gotham knights and a plague tale requiem 30fps? no you didn't . you was ok with that

cry babes already in the chat doing damage control but not playing forspoken . forgot that sony4g

414d ago
repsahj414d ago

why should he? forspoken got perfomance 60fps and unlocked performance if you have VRR and 120hz monitor/tv.

BehindTheRows414d ago

Forspoken isn't not a co-op/multiplayer FPS. The issue is mainly down to the game type + framerate.

Aloymetal414d ago

Why all of you green fans keep bringing 3rd party fillers not made by Sony to the 30/60fps conversation?
Let me know when top tier 1st party Sony games like guerrilla, ND, Santa Monica etc...release 30fps games as the only choice then you can talk all you want.

Chriswheeler22414d ago

Isn't Forspoken 60 fps? And yes we all bitched about a plagues tale too lol.

andy85414d ago (Edited 414d ago )

No because Forspoken wasn't 30 😂 and Plague Tale was 40 fps and there's a 50% difference between 30 and 40 fps which is very noticeable

chobit_A5HL3Y414d ago

what are you talking about? people shat all over gotham knights for not being 60fps lol forspoken had a lot of other flaws to focus on other than the fps, too. don't worry, though, i'm sure redfall will fall short in other areas, so there will be plenty more to criticize once it releases lol

FinalFantasyFanatic413d ago (Edited 413d ago )

I don't care about Forspoken or Refall, Forspoken was obviously not going to be good, and I don't think Redfall will be either.

Plague Tale Requiem might be more forgivable since it's not an action game (I actually haven't played it yet). This is just Xbox fanboys doing damage control... Eternally.

mjchitown412d ago

love the damage control. lol

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 412d ago
darthv72414d ago

I guess it would depend on the game. Some are fine at that speed, others... not so much. I wouldnt play a racing game at 30. I have... but 60 is better. Action or RPG, those can be just fine at 30. 60 is ideal for fighters, racers and shooters (both fps and shmup). THIS particular game is going to be at 60, it has been shown to run at 60 and im not entirely sure why they would release it at 30 but I'll just wait to play it after its patched.

FinalFantasyFanatic413d ago

I could easily play a puzzle, visual novel or turn based game at 30fps, but most of everything else I'd rather have a much higher frame rate.

GotGame818414d ago

It's getting a 60fps patch. Just don't play it till the patch comes out.

SullysCigar414d ago

When's that? They also promised to patch in features for Halo Infinite that are still missing TWO YEARS later.

Zhipp414d ago

Different developer. I don't know where arcane has ever significantly dropped the ball like 343.

Aloymetal414d ago

Sad part is MS spent half a billion $ (allegedly) making it....Sad and embarrassing.

TOTSUKO414d ago

@Zhipp The balls been dropped bro wdym lol

Strange99414d ago

Who cares when that is? Go play another 10 games in the meantime. Not happy about the state of the game before release? Move on.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 414d ago
Ninver414d ago

Just delay the game until it's up to standard.

antikbaka414d ago

Sony: They will release downgraded games on our console!

Microsoft: Hold my beer

Deathdeliverer414d ago

I actually laughed. That was good. “YOUR games? Wait till you see what we do to OUR games!”

aconnellan414d ago

I’ve logged in just to let you know this is the funniest thing I’ve read all day.

Big “they hurt themselves in their confusion” energy

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Redfall's final update, which adds an Offline Mode, is available and it's 16GB in size

Arkane Austin has just released Game Update 4, the final patch for Redfall which is 16GB in size and adds an Offline Mode.

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PassNextquestion2d ago

I'm not interested in this game but i think it's great they added the offline mode for those who are.

darthv721d 5h ago

It was okay at first... once they added the performance update it was definitely better.

TwoPicklesGood1d 23h ago

Bury this turd. It’s only good as a reminder of what devs shouldn’t do.

mkis0071d 6h ago

I hate the concept of an announced final update.


Would It Have Even Mattered If Redfall Were Good?

Even if Redfall were a good game, the closure of Hi-Fi Rush proves even that doesn't matter in the industry.

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Profchaos20d ago

Yeah it would have mattered especially since their huge game that year wasn't all that it was cracked up to be remember redfail was almost heavily promoted and hyped not to the level of starfield but still more promoted than the average game.

There was still a decent marketing campaign behind the game I'm sure millions were spent advertising it on websites and I saw a few billboards and bus stop signs in real life

darthv7219d ago

their biggest mistake was showcasing it as being a 60fps game only to release it at 30. That really soured the taste so that when the real 60fps mode was released, many still didnt want to give it a taste. i tierd it at 30... it was okay, but playing it at 60 is a much better experience and a better overall game. Its really not that bad once you get past the drama surrounding its initial release and just play it for what it is. It has some pretty decent aspects but nothing groundbreaking. It feels like a typical fps from the ps360 days... of which there were many.

jwillj2k420d ago

No it wouldn’t matter it wouldn’t bring in enough profit to offset their 100 billion dollar acquisition. It would maybe delay the inevitable by some months.

Profchaos19d ago

Pretty much no game in Bethesda stables makes cod numbers instantly even fallout 4 Bethesda's best selling game sold 12 million at launch and over the next 10 years climbed to over 32 which cod would do rapidly

CrimsonWing6920d ago

I would f*cking think so. Good games are what draws people to your platform. It’s why I adored the 360 era with Gears of War being one of the highlights for me. You make sh*t games and it just makes your platform that much worse and you start gobbling up studios I like and then killing them off it also makes me hate your platform as well… just sayin’

franwex20d ago

Unless the game would’ve been War Zone, or Fortnite level. No. Maybe even Hell divers 2 I doubt would’ve been enough.

Eonjay19d ago

Helldivers 2 realistically has earned about half a billion which is definitely a success considering it probably cost Sony $50 million to make.

However you would still need 140 releases to at least be that successful to break even on a ACT purchase.

This is how you know the goal for Microsoft was to reach those crazy subscribers numbers. Without them the whole plan falls apart.

Exvalos20d ago

No it would not have, the ABK deal was great for Microsoft but horrible for Xbox. Over 100 billion dollars in acquisitions. That money has to be made back. That ABK deal essentially destroyed Xbox as we know it.

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A Flawed Game Till The Very End, Redfall Deserved To Die, But Not Arkane Austin

Hanzala from eXputer: "Redfall was a bland, repetitive game with no post-release support; it deserved to die, but why kill Arkane Austin over one mistake?"

z2g23d ago (Edited 23d ago )

What short memories everybody has. According to the internet they became “the worst studio” after redfall… the internet made redfall a bigger deal than redfall just being a shitty game becaus *gasp* Xbox bought them and” just wanted shitty gamepass games so quality wasn’t a priority”.
(The reality was it was just rushed to market to fill a release hole).

Everybody wants Xbox to fail but as soon as closures start happening suddenly that was never the hope at all and Xbox is just evil.

What has happened to humanity. Being so extreme with viewpoints paints everybody into a hypocritical corner where the side of the story your on depends on which side makes Xbox look worse. Read the internet. Your disagrees are lies.

Shame. Gamers never want to accept their role in all the shit.

My heart goes out to those laid off. Not sure why those studios had to close but I suspect they were costing more money to operate than they were brining in revenue. It does cost money to fix games. Cyberpunk’s road to redemption was prob approaching the price of the original game.

That sucks and I’m angry about it but that’s also business and I’m in the same boat myself at my job as we speak… so it’s not like I don’t have sympathy. But I’m tired of the short memories, the lack of true empathy and opinions being driven by branding. Disgusting.


People wanted Xbox to succeed, especially after THE biggest media acquisition in history and effectively owning the entire existing Western RPG genre; but we knew they would fail, and they’d drag down an entire genre with them.

Nobody wanted this, but it was foreseen.