
Final Fantasy XVI | State of Play | April 13, 2023 [ENGLISH]

Fans have been eagerly awaiting more info on the world, characters, and powerful Eikons of Final Fantasy XVI.

dumahim416d ago

Whew. Visuals looked good, but damn near everything else about that convinced me to not play it.

Snookies12416d ago

Gameplay looks better now than it has in any other trailer, lol. No idea what you're on about there.

dumahim416d ago

I was seeing Life is Strange level of horrible lip synch. The voices were good, but they didn't seem like they should be the voices coming out of the characters they came out of. Kind of boring character designs. A single playable character. QTEs. A fireworks show with every swing and to the point of being unable to tell what's going on at some points with other characters and enemies also having their own light show. Going completely real time action combat which kind of seems like they're chasing God of War. In and of itself isn't bad, but it isn't what I'm looking for from a Final Fantasy game.

Sonic1881416d ago (Edited 416d ago )

You need some new eyes. The only GOTY contenders, imo is Zelda and Final Fantasy at the moment. There's nothing else I've seen this year that has convinced me that it will win GOTY. Final Fantasy and Zelda is miles ahead of every contender unless I'm blind

EvertonFC416d ago

Maybe Spiderman too for GOTY contender also

TheKingKratos416d ago

You guys are saying anything is Game of the year without seeing Spiderman 2 yet

Hold off on thr hype till those games release

Michiel1989416d ago

Baldur's Gate 3 says hello

Sonic1881416d ago (Edited 416d ago )

I think Spider-Man will definitely be a contender and probably win lots of awards but it will be hard for it to win GOTY over the two games I mention above. I'm not saying it's impossible. Tbh I think Zelda is going to win it but who knows. I cant remember if there's ever been a Final Fantasy AAA game and Zelda game come out the same year 🤔 or maybe I'm wrong

DarXyde416d ago

Game of the Year is typically an uphill battle for exclusives. Not impossible, but it is difficult.

Based on what we've seen, while I think FFXIV is looking great and appears to have some influence from Lost Souls Aside and Devil May Cry, I don't see it taking down Zelda.

Either way, you can't miss with either.

andy85416d ago

@DarXyde to be fair 3 of the last 6 years GOTY winners have been exclusives

ravens52416d ago

Wait!!! Hi-Fi Rush. That was a goty contender as soon as it came out lol, righ?

Rainbowcookie415d ago

I like it how people say spiderman as Goty but they haven't even seen a snippet of gameplay..

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 415d ago
darkrider416d ago

Maybe you are talking about another game, but that news is already from yesterday. Now we are talking about next Gen gaming

Hofstaderman416d ago

One can clearly see why this game is a State of Play feature. It is sublime.

Obscure_Observer415d ago (Edited 415d ago )

"Now we are talking about next Gen gaming"

FFXVI looking good but nothing, absolutely nothing about that game screams next gen.

I bet it´s powered by some SE´s old gen engine reason why they wont tell which one is it.

leahcim416d ago Show
SullysCigar416d ago

TF did you watch?! Lol

That was epic. It had all the best stuff from Final Fantasy (even a cool little 8-bit mechanic, with retro FF music!) and lots of the good stuff from The Witcher 3, with boss fights that look like something from GOW3 and fully realised combat akin to Devil May Cry games. I thought it looked awesome!

Things I don't like: Clive is a shit name and his buddy's voice doesn't match the character model, in my opinion. Everything else has me HYPE!

Hofstaderman416d ago

Dude I’m totally sold. And I’m an old school final fantasy fan. I feel like I’m in school again, have not been this hyped since finishing FF7 back in 1997 and waiting for FF8.

EvertonFC416d ago

My hands won't be able to keep up with them frantic boss battles 😂🤣

Vengeance1138416d ago

You'd need to actually own a PS5 first before thinking about playing which from the sound of it, you main on Xbox.

Tapani416d ago (Edited 416d ago )

I'm actually the same. I think Visuals look good, but the systems look quite shallow and linear, and the enemies are extremely spongy! I really can't understand why nobody is talking about this, but the combat literally is the single-player action RPG model of the Destiny.

Also way too many elements from FFXIII and FFVIIR, where you just try and push the buttons at the right time to drain down a stagger bar, until you get access to a HP bar which you then again start draining down. That is an incredibly boring mechanic for someone who is coming from say FFT, Original Sin, Nier or Dark Souls games. Even Nier had a bit too spongy enemies for my taste.

FF games used to start in a way that you could just one shot enemies, and bosses took strategy and thinking and there were interesting combat mechanic tricks to fight them well. This is just the same thing as FFVIIR or FFXIII: how to drain the bars down. I wish they had gone the Dark Souls way of combat, it would have been much more impactful.

Games honestly used to be more interesting mechanically in the 90s. I think I will stick with Baldur's Gate 3 (and only because Larian is making it) and play other real RPGs as they come out. And I say this with a bit of sadness and disappointment.

a7madRyan416d ago

Watch the 4k ver, i know u will change ur mined https://youtu.be/UfP_3UD5qF...

Abracadabra416d ago

Game looks average.
Way overhyped.

FinalFantasyFanatic415d ago (Edited 415d ago )

After a decade plus of disappointment, I find it hard to get excited for a new FF game, FF16 looks fine in this state of play though (some of the moments looked really cool), maybe I would feel differently after trying a demo of the game.

MADGameR415d ago

Sounds like a delusional X Box fan

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 415d ago
Elda416d ago

Curiosity got the best of me so I watched due to me being a fan of the FF franchise. From the past gameplay trailers I've watched leading up to this one there's no doubt in my mind that FFXVI is going to be one hell of an interesting enjoyable game like most FF games. This is definitely a GOTY contender.

Lightning Mr Bubbles416d ago

There's no doubt that I'm buying this game day 1... That being said, I've always been pretty clear that this game doesn't look like the typical Final Fantasy game to me. I mean where's the steampunk world and all the gorgeous Waifus and Pretty boys?

Gameplay looks amazing no doubt, but ultimately for me it comes down to whether the story carries any weight. Meaning, well it give me any feels... Usually you need a good Waifu for that, and it seems like Jill Warrick is our best bet for this game, she's the main female protag.

SimpleSlave416d ago (Edited 416d ago )

That gameplay was all over the place. Square really did manage to capture the over active imagination of a 6 year old with the edgyness of a 15 year old all hoped up on sugar and caffeine.

A game for the TikTok/Social Media generation if I've ever seen one...Jeez. Not for me.

Thank the gaming gods for Elden Ring and Zelda. Games designed for old folks that can't pay too much attention and stuff or whatever I guess...

Hofstaderman416d ago

Take it you don’t own a PS5?

SimpleSlave416d ago (Edited 416d ago )

Sorry kid but you're gonna have to slow down and elaborate. Take your time.

darkrider416d ago

Of course. Its easy to understand after this state of play.

dumahim416d ago


Ah, I dislike something so that makes me a troll? I guess you've never disliked anything in your life, right?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 416d ago
andy85416d ago

He means you don't have a PS5 that's why you're bashing it. Elden Ring you don't need to pay attention? You need a degree to figure out the lore 😂😂

andy85416d ago (Edited 416d ago )

Don't say he should elaborate then 🤷 and you can dislike games, but when your comparison makes absolutely no sense like has been pointed out multiple times. How in any world is a difficult game like ER good better for older people? When FFXVI has many accessibility options. How's that for concentrating on gameplay not lore

SimpleSlave416d ago

I don't really see why you're defending this person. They went mid and got flushed. Simple.

Now, somebody is Flagging this Golden Comment Thread...For shame!!! So lets move on and never talk about this ever again.

Cool? Awesome.

shinoff2183415d ago

Simpleslave, I'm not a fan of it either so your atleast no alone. I definitely prefer the old school ff games. Ff still hasn't touched the magic it used to have. Ff hasn't been the same since atleast ff10

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 415d ago
DankSinatra416d ago ShowReplies(1)
Aloymetal416d ago

''Thank the gaming gods for Elden Ring Games designed for old folks that can't pay too much attention''
Bad example.

SimpleSlave416d ago

Those are perfect examples. 95% of the time you can actually see what you're doing. The gameplay in those games are also not design for spastic schizophrenics.

This game on the other hand...well...Like I said. This is for the ABCDEFU generation.

I didn't even actually insulted the game and the wack jobs came out their hiding holes just to get triggered. Fantastic.

darkrider416d ago

Extremely bad example. Don't know if they even play the game. Elden ring got no mercy. You are dead, mistake, dead, mistake dead, dead, dead, dead, dead

EvertonFC416d ago ShowReplies(1)
I_am_Batman416d ago

Not sure what triggered your anger, but adults usually don't have a mental breakdown over a video game they don't like. Are you trying to be provocative or something?

I grew up with the 16-bit era and I don't waste my time on social media, yet somehow I think this looks incredible. Maybe it's because you're wrong about the audience they're targeting.

SimpleSlave416d ago

Let me let you in on a little secret...Don't tell the rest just yet ok? Kewl. Adults actually develop a sense of humor and take things in stride and understand I wasn't actually taking this seriously. Just an obvious observation with some good ol' gaming humor.

But you know who would've gotten triggered?..."a 6 year old with the edgyness of a 15 year old all hoped up on sugar and caffeine." No cap bro and stuff or whatever. Now you know. Pass it along bro.

Listen, unlike you, I grew up and I absolutely waste my time in social media...which, by the way, THIS is one of them Social Media thing. So count yourself lucky YOU don't waste your time here...Oh, wait.

Anyways. This looks schizophrenic. All over the place. Unfocused. ADHD. I should know...And if you don't suffer from any of that, you will after you spend time with this game. I guarantee it.

At the end of the day I think it's YOU who are the one wrong about the audience they're targeting. Seeing how most of the people here reacted and got absolutely triggered all over their keyboard, I say I pegged their audience perfectly.

I_am_Batman416d ago

@SimpleSlave: You have a strange sense of humor.

dumahim416d ago

Right. Couldn't swing a sword without a fireworks show happening. Some of those fights with other characters had so many effects going off, you couldn't really see what was going on. QTE stuff, some scrolling shooter stuff. Reminded me of Space Harrier.

raWfodog416d ago

52 year-old long time FF fan here, and I am stoked for this game. Played every single one of them and loved how the games have evolved over time. I’m an ‘old folks’ gamer for sure so I don’t know why you think we can’t love this and games like Elden Ring at the same time.

RoseSapphire415d ago

I think the issue you're having here is thinking this all happens at once, non-stop, from moment to moment. That's definitely not the case. At its fastest this was God of War, and at all other times it's just a typical RPG.

F0XH0UND922415d ago

Game looks amazing. Glad people are calling you on out on being a troll as well.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 415d ago
Shane Kim416d ago

It was really overwhelming with all the stuff that was going on. Can't wait for this game!

Hofstaderman416d ago

All of my reservations have effectively been dispelled. I can’t bear the two month wait!

Aloymetal416d ago

Lol, I feel the same way but in my case the wait for those 2 months won't be as painful thanks to this beauty ;).....

Hofstaderman416d ago

Oh man! That’s an excellent way to kill the wait.

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LordoftheCritics40d ago (Edited 40d ago )

I don't know about ''great'' rpg.

Most epic fight sequences and presentation? Yes

Worst side quests ever? Yes
Boring traversal? Yes
Empty worlds? Yes
Demo is infinitely more mature than the actual game? Yes
FF16=MMO side quests + Devil May Cry Lite

Alos8839d ago

I'd give it the great part, it's the RPG part I find dubious.

EternalTitan40d ago

There is no Roleplaying/decision making in this game.
No crafting there isnt even character builds because just like Dante/Bayonetta Clive has all skills and loadouts available to him.

CrimsonWing6939d ago (Edited 39d ago )

What do you mean there’s no role playing? Also, I’m fairly certain I made builds with Eikon abilities and I’ve gone to the blacksmiths to literally select craft weapons and gear. 🤷‍♂️

EternalTitan36d ago

How many 'builds' can you make?
Weapons and gear only increase numbers. Tell me about elemental weaknesses and status.

CrimsonWing6936d ago (Edited 36d ago )


Elemental weakness isn’t an RPG defining end-all-be all element.

What statuses are you asking about? F*cking status buffs and debuffs? You talking about stats that increase with gear crafting? Because all that’s present in the game.

The fact that you even admit there’s builds and RPG elements contradicts your claim. No matter how limited they may be, they exist in the game, therefore it is an RPG. I think the correct critique is instead of claiming it’s “not an RPG” you really mean to say it’s an RPG not as in-depth as it’s contemporaries. Regardless, it’s an RPG nonetheless even without “elemental weakness” playing in combat.

EternalTitan35d ago (Edited 35d ago )

"Elemental weakness isn’t an RPG defining end-all-be all element"
Why not?
Where is your source for this?

CrimsonWing6935d ago


So you’re telling me if a game has all the elements and mechanics of an RPG except elemental weakness exploits in combat that they’re not an RPG?

C’mon man, how about you show me where it says an RPG must have elemental weakness mechanics?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 35d ago
CrimsonWing6940d ago

Let’s be honest, this isn’t a “great” RPG. I am in the camp that it IS an RPG, no DMC game I’ve played is designed like this… but in terms of being a great RPG… well, I much prefer the RE-Trilogy over this.

That being said, I do think the DLCs have probably the best boss battles I’ve played in a game. Omega was crazy and the battle theme just amplified that for me. In the other hand, I’m struggling to think of a game that has a boss battle as great as Leviathan. Like, I played it on FF mode and it was sooooo intense and just a gorgeous and fun experience. The music was also top notch!

However, I really disliked most of everything of FF16. The Benedikta arc was fantastic, but after that the game was boring and a slog to get through. I think the boss battles were the best parts, but also inconsistent for me. Bahamut was peak for the base game, but everything else didn’t surpass that experience until you play the DLC bosses.

VersusDMC40d ago

The 2 DLC's were great. 2 new eikon ability sets (leviathan and...) and a survival/bloody palace mode with Rising Tide were great as well.

repsahj39d ago

The Base game is already great for me IMHO and the 2 DLC will even make it better.


FF16 The Rising Tide: The Best Build In The Game After 120+ Hours Invested

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