
The Finals Preview: This Hunger Games Shooter-Style FPS Shows Promise But Has Major Issues - IGN

The Finals is an exciting first-person shooter that strives to break boundaries in the modern FPS space. The Finals is brought to life by ex-DICE developers, who are aiming to create a ground-breaking (pun intended) FPS, but it has some major issues, too. Here's our first preview.


The Finals’ new Season 3 teaser is giving us Terminator vibes

The Finals Season 3 will mark a drastic tone shift for Embark’s FPS game, as this new teaser alludes to a massive game-show overhaul.

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The Finals’ ongoing easter egg hunt is pure monkey business

Embark Studios continues to take The Finals players on an easter egg hunt, with a new step forward taking us closer to a grand discovery.

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The Finals fans rejoice as APS turret gets nerfed to oblivion

Embark Studios' latest The Finals patch notes finally nerfed the APS turret, and players are celebrating its arrival.

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CrimsonWing692d ago

Do you guys post about anything else?