
Why is 2023 Set to Spark a New Golden Age of Survival Horror in Gaming

Survival horror in gaming is set for a revival in 2023, and for fans of the genre it couldn't come soon enough.

shinoff2183455d ago

It's coming with a couple remakes. Slow down. Dead space is dope. I lost interest in the re universe after playing re4 in gamecube day one. So that's how I'm looking at it. As a straight hater

SullysCigar455d ago

(not my disagrees!) try survival horror in VR, it makes the world of difference.

Yui_Suzumiya454d ago

Resident Evil 7 is what ushered in a new era of survival horror in my opinion

hombreacabado454d ago

i beat resi 7 and village and i didnt find them to be good particularly ethan is always putting his limbs back together again so its like why even be afraid of death when you are so supernatural you can just reattach anything that is lost.

S2Killinit454d ago

Horror in VR is next level for sure.

ApocalypseShadow454d ago

Yup. Because of VR. True fear, tension and immersion can't come from a flat screen.

DogJosha454d ago

It has though... The only element that VR improves is immersion. Fear and tension comes from atmosphere, story, and gameplay.

S2Killinit453d ago (Edited 453d ago )

Well, he did qualify his comment with “true” fear.

I mean sure a flat game can be scary as hell. It can mess with your head and all, but you are still scared of what's on the screen not what’s around you. The sense of presence is heightened with VR. But I dont want to preach something we all agree on anyway.

454d ago
hotnickles454d ago

Just saw a trailer or something called beneath that looked fun. It looks budget but in a good way. Dead space 1 remake was dope. I ran into one bug where the camera locked in place but other than that solid. Resident evil 4 this month. Silent hill on the way back. We need condemned and fear to come back.

Ninver454d ago

F.E.A.R remake in VR would be absolutely insane. Wouldn't be able to sleep right for a while.

hotnickles454d ago (Edited 454d ago )

Condemned would hit me worse in VR.

CorndogBurglar454d ago (Edited 454d ago )

FEAR is awesome, but it isn't really survival horror. It's a normal FPS game with a little girl ghost that shows up in the backgrounds sometimes.

You have tons of guns and ammo at all times and you never fight anything other than soldiers through linear levels. There's really no Survival Horror aspects in it at all.

hotnickles454d ago

The most impressive part about FEAR was the AI. That’s what I remember the most. It was more survival horror than most to me lol.

Yui_Suzumiya454d ago

Gimme Condemned 3! After 15 years I'm still waiting to find out what the cure is!

mastershredder454d ago

Set to spark? …erm … the new golden age in survival horror is already going on yo.

Are you that scrub Pachter with his foggy crystal ball of guessing or something?

enkiduxiv454d ago

We need new IP to come out before we call it a golden age. These remakes are great, don’t get me wrong, but we aren’t adding anything to the genre that wasn’t already there.

And let’s be honest, RE4 is a popular Resident Evil game but it’s not much of a horror game. You’re basically just gunning down angry Spanish people, which always makes me feel a little uncomfortable.

hotnickles454d ago

Horror is supposed to make you feel uncomfortable. That’s the point.

enkiduxiv454d ago

Yeah. More like I’m uncomfortable murdering seemingly ordinary Spanish townsfolk rather than actual monsters though. I get the zombie genre was a bit tired by the time Re4 rolled around but I think Re7 and Re8 have done a much better job of evolving the old formula.

RE4 is pure camp. A lot of people love it, but it just wasn’t my thing.

hotnickles454d ago

Seemingly ordinary townsfolk? They weren’t though lol. They’re the first level, low level monsters trying to kill you. You felt bad because they were Spanish?

If it’s not a horror game what would you call it? I get that it’s not the survival horror of yore but what else would it be?

AshleeEmerson454d ago

Lol funny but true. I love resident evil 4 but I cannot and will not be buying this if this doesn't get a full VR mode.

I would love to see something new, perhaps from Hideo kojima or something. We need a new standard of horror for next generation and vr.

Resident evil is amazing and I'm playing village in VR right now and it's just incredible but we have been playing horror games that are similar for a long time and it's time for some different psychology to go into the thought of making these things.

Something truly disturbing and plays on the strengths of virtual reality and stays away from its weaknesses.

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Andrew336118d ago (Edited 118d ago )

What's catastrophic is loading that website on mobile.

118d ago
isarai118d ago

"feared" it was a joke from day 1, I was laughing not in "fear"


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127d ago
XiNatsuDragnel126d ago

Looks better too which is even more wild

Profchaos126d ago

Can't recreate perfection it seems.

Basically more credit to the theory this was a massive asset flip and a crash grab scam