
Final Fantasy 16 PS5 Exclusivity Explained by Square Enix

Final Fantasy 16's PS5 exclusivity explained by Square Enix, as it involves optimization and promotional support offered by Sony.

Obscure_Observer458d ago

Square/Enix choses Playstation and that´s business as usual. Bethesda choses Xbox and that´s business as usual.

It is what it is.

Babadook7458d ago (Edited 458d ago )

I think it’s more accurate to say that Final Fantasy fans have been choosing PlayStation for decades. This deal is just the latest example of SE recognizing that brand loyalty. Promotional support doesn’t likely have to amount to much in terms of actual dollars spent by Sony to be the deciding factor. Sorry Xbox fans but that’s how it works.

Obscure_Observer458d ago (Edited 458d ago )

"This deal is just the latest example of SE recognizing that brand loyalty."

Square used to be a solid partner for Nintendo which they had millions of fans worldwide before they´d decided and left them behind to follow Sony to never look back; so I don´t think SE recognizes "loyalty" as major factor.

PS5´s userbase is 30 million vs Xbox Series consoles with a 18.5 million usersbase, not much of a staggering difference to warrant a decision to not port for Xbox consoles imo, so I´m positive that SE would undoubtedly make more money going multiplatform, but still...

They chose to go exclusive with Playstation for whatever reason and that´s ok.

Bethesda knew they would lose some Playstation faithful when they decided to be acquired by Microsoft.

Square/Enix knew they would lose some Xbox faithful when they decided to go exclusive with FFXVI on PS5.

They don´t care about our feelings, they care about their money! !fter all, they have a business to run.

Gamers wil chose with their wallets. Like I said: Business as usual. It is what it is.

Babadook7458d ago (Edited 458d ago )

"Square used to be a solid partner for “Nintendo which they had millions of fans worldwide before they´d decided and left them behind to follow Sony to never look back”

Prior to the decades I referred to.

“PS5´s userbase is 30 million vs Xbox Series consoles with a 18.5 million usersbase“”

Check Final Fantasy 13 or 15 sales. Playstation titles (FF) outsells Xbox by 2x - 4x.

Obscure_Observer458d ago

"Check Final Fantasy 13 or 15 sales. Playstation titles (FF) outsells Xbox by 2x - 4x."

Still not a reason to refuse and port for a 18.5 Million userbase.

Anyway, I just hope for PS5 owners to make SE´s risky decision with FFXVI worthwhile, because Babylon´s Fall floped hard and Forspoken got luminous productions shut down.

Final Fantasy isn´t nearly as popular as it used to be back in the day, so I hope for this new iteration to be more successful than their last FF main game.

Now, Playstation and SE seems pretty confident though, they gonna release FFXVI in the same month that both Street Fighter 6 and Diablo 4 will be out, which is a pretty bold move.

2023 will be an awesome year for gamers all around.

Godmars290458d ago

FF fans have been choosing Playstation since FF7. MS might have managed to lure Square away during the 360 era, but nothing really came of that. Not on the level of FF7, much less anywhere close.

andy85458d ago (Edited 458d ago )

@obscure it is a reason though. Japan doesn't like Xbox but it's not even that, if they made a version for Series X then they would have to make a dumbed down version for Series S. 80% of XVs sales were on PS and that gap would be even wider now that Xbox gamers seem more reliant on gamepass which it wouldn't be on. It probably isn't worth the effort.

wiz7191458d ago

@babadook it’s more PlayStations in people’s homes then Xbox’s so wouldn’t it be obvious that it would sell more on PlayStation ?? Given when FF13 was on 360 it was on multiple disk , didn’t nobody want to hassle with that. It sold more due to circumstances not just popularity , but with a 117 million PS4s being sold and the FF7 remake only shipped around 6 million , how many are you really supporting ?

fr0sty458d ago

"PS5´s userbase is 30 million vs Xbox Series consoles with a 18.5 million usersbase, not much of a staggering difference to warrant a decision to not port for Xbox consoles"

This fails to factor in the extra money needed to invest into optimization of the game so it will run on Series S, or having to remove features from all versions in order to make the full game playable on S.

Obscure_Observer458d ago


"This fails to factor in the extra money needed to invest into optimization of the game so it will run on Series S, or having to remove features from all versions in order to make the full game playable on S."

In my opinion this game is far from impressive from a visual and performance perspective, imo. If the S can run games like Flight Simulator, Hellblade II, Gears of War 6 and Forza Motorsport for example, I can´t fathom why it wouldn´t be able to run FFXVI.

But that´s just me and my two cents.

Besides, Xbox Studios would gladly help SE with any technical support they would require. That´s not a good excuse.

But I´m not here crying for this game to be ported to Xbox, Sony can have it, I don´t care. If I want it, I will just play it on a PS5 or PC.

CobraKai457d ago


I felt Nintendo had a hand in Square moving to PlayStation. Sticking to cartridges at the time wasn’t the best for the games Square was making. In this case, technology was the deciding factor.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 457d ago
Aloymetal458d ago

Enix chooses PlayStation because that's where most of the games will sell as usual. Bethesda chooses xbox because Todd has always been in bed with MS/Phil and received a big a$$ check and that's business as usual.

rlow1458d ago

Suurrreee , it’s always the same with you guys. Everything sells on PlayStation and MS just gives big fat checks. How original.

SonyStyled458d ago

Aloy, you’re a PS fanboy don’t paint the rest of the PS community in a very good light similarly to how a couple others do for another console. The vast majority of the PlayStation community is twice your age or more

Aloymetal458d ago

You assume too much but at least you got the ''you're a PS fanboy'' right, been that way since 1996 and never been disappointed, but wait, was I supposed to be upset because you called me that???...

DashMad458d ago

dragon quest sell more on Nintendo platform than PS that doesn't stop SE to make PS version, DQ 11 originally was meant to be PS4 exclusives, the leak said that board director said it would sell far less so they decided to make 3DS version and yep the 3DS version outsold PS4 version. announcement of DQ12 suggest it would be PS exclusive the moneyhat must be sweet for them to ignore their main audience lol.

wiz7191457d ago

@Aloymetal MS was the ones who helped Bethesda get into making games for consoles in the first place ..

If it wasn’t for Microsoft , Bethesda wouldn’t even been in the console space ..

Gamer_Dude457d ago

Why doesn't Square choose all platforms and sell their game everywhere?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 457d ago
shinoff2183458d ago (Edited 458d ago )


It is a bit different though. On xbox they have only missed a couple games. Square releases alot on xbox still. Forspoken , ff7 remake ff16 and maybe a couple more. Where as bethsada if you own a Playstation your sh out of luck for anything from them

Now onto Nintendo and square. That relationship was ruined by alot of stubbornness. From what I've read square went to Nintendo. Hey this cartridges aren't doing it could you go disc based. Nintendo being Nintendo decided not to heed squares advice and square moved on to Sony due to Nintendo sticking with cartridges. Alot of developers did the same. Sony was more in a right place right time situation. Thats the just of what I've read.

Maybe right now but what about reports of in the uk ff15 selling 80 percent on ps and only 20 percent on xbox. Not a good look from xbox gamers. You don't think that played a part in squares decision. Like I've said before. They probably talked about a deal. Square took xbox numbers(square game sales on xbox) crunched some numbers and seen the deal was worth making it exclusive.

I'm not saying this or about every Xbox gamer but it's readily available information that for whatever reason they aren't buying and just relying on gamepass. It can't be discredited.

I use gamepass myself but some games I'll still buy physical. Starfield fallout most obsidian stuff and inxile.

gangsta_red458d ago (Edited 458d ago )

"Maybe right now but what about reports of in the uk ff15 selling 80 percent on ps and only 20 percent on xbox. Not a good look from xbox gamers."

These percentages don't really tell the whole story and I know there's a fallacy that can probably be applied to these type of comments. Of course FF will sell more on PS considering PS has a larger install base, but whats the ratio of sales for Xbox in the wild? I'm guessing FF sold enough for Xbox's install base for them to continue to release FF games on Xbox.

Let's not forget that Square dropped exclusivity of FF Versus to make it multiplatform. If Xbox sales for FF were that dismal, I doubt Square would even bother to release games for Xbox. I could also argue if the game sales were so bad then why the need for Sony to continue to pay for exclusivity for their own system?

"From what I've read square went to Nintendo. Hey this cartridges aren't doing it could you go disc based. "

Square actually had a FF in development for the N64 and it was cancelled in favor of FF 7 for Playstation. I remember seeing pictures for the next FF in Nintendo Power.

"Sony was more in a right place right time situation."

You can also thank Nintendo for this. Fun fact, the playstation was supposed to be a CD add on for Nintendo's system at the time. Nintendo and Sony were to announce their joint partnership, but Nintendo announces that they would not go with Sony for their disc based system. Sony was pissed because that was some ultimate disrespect and decided to take their add on for Nintendo and make it it's own console, Playstation.

GotGame818458d ago

You can play Bethesda games on PC and cloud. Nobody is out of luck if they don't have an Xbox.

Stanjara458d ago

I just wanted to write your comment.
Those FMV CGI animation could not fit even on one black PS1 CD back in the day.

I would also add PS Japan fans also buy merch.

FF limited editions, figurines, mc Donald deals, clothing brands and all hent... Kmmhmm... Anime stuff.

Xbox zombie fans searching for $1 GP codes on the street.

Psst..$1 GP dude... -What did you say to me?

$1 ... Gppp....game pisssst

shinoff2183457d ago

Gangsta red

Literally its said square left nintendo behind due to them having major problems trying to get it(ff7) onto cartridge. I know all about the history. Nintendo just wouldnt budge due to being stubborn.

wiz7191457d ago

@Shinoff the things is Bethesda is still releasing multi platform games tho and still supporting the ones that’s already out. Only games that’s been exclusive are new IPS , why wouldn’t they be though ?? It’ll be the same thing Sony is doing with Bungie. How much you’re willing to bet the next dishonored or Doom will be multi platform ? They currently doing it now , every new Minecraft game and expansion been getting multi platform releases. Psychonauts 2 is also multi platform after Double Fine was bought by MS. Elders Scroll 6 being an exclusive is a given , ES always been associated with Xbox. Bethesda had a tight relationship with MS for 20 years now , the ES Morrowind was the first console ES and that was because of MS. Bethesda wouldn’t even though about making ES on a console if it wasn’t for MS.


+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 457d ago
Crows90458d ago

Except not true. Bethesda sold much more Skyrim on PlayStation than Xbox. all Bethesda published games did better on PlayStation. Not business as usual.

Obscure_Observer458d ago

"Except not true. Bethesda sold much more Skyrim on PlayStation than Xbox. all Bethesda published games did better on PlayStation. Not business as usual."

I said: "They chose to go exclusive with Playstation for *whatever* reason and that´s ok."

Translation = They don´t have to justify their reasons for doing exclusive business with Sony. It´s their business and they´ll run it the way they see fit.

Oblivion sold more on Xbox. Did Bethesda skipped Skyrim on Playstation or even the Wii because of it? NO.

Xbox games sell more on STEAM when compared to Playstation games sales.

Would YOU accept a Half Life 3 exclusivity for Xbox consoles? No, I don´t think you would.

The problem with part of the Playstation community is that self-entitled people live under the illusion that just because they have the best-selling console every studio or publisher should bend to Sony, something that never happened and never will.

Sony always had closer ties/relationship with Capcom, Kojima, Square/Enix, From Software...

Microsoft always had closer ties/relationship with Bethesda, CDPR, VALVE, SEGA

So Microsoft always had a closer relationship with Bethesda and according to Todd Howard, that relationship definitely weights over the decision to be acquired by them, it´s not just a money thing.

I see the same scenario happening in FFXVI case (obviously in a much smaller scale).

Crows90458d ago


Xbox did bring PC games to consoles. That's it. How do partnerships exist with MS? They're not successful. There's no real partnership other than $$$.

Obscure_Observer457d ago

"There's no real partnership other than $$$"




Gabe Newell always had a closer relationship with Microsoft in comparison with Sony. ALWAYS!

Since he thinks Xbox Series X is better than the PS5 (same opinion applies to X360 vs PS3) he could make the SAME deal Sony did with Square and bring Half Life 3 exclusively to Xbox Series consoles.

Would you accept and respect his decision? Or would you be here crying yet again because another company chose Xbox over Playstation? I guess we both know the answer. Lol XD

wiz7191456d ago

@Crows90 boy now you know that’s BS LOL
XBOX launched ES on consoles .. it’s also funny Skyrim is ratings is sitting at a 9.3 on 360 and a 9.0 on PS3 lol
The PS4 and Xbox One versions , yeah it sold more on the PS4 .. but I mean that would be common sense since technically the Xbox One sold like shit compared to the PS4.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 456d ago
Nacho_Z458d ago

Square chooses Sony because they want to work hand in hand to make the best game possible.

Bethesda chooses Microsoft because they stumped up the money to buy them.

That's how it is.

Obscure_Observer457d ago

"Square chooses Sony because they want to work hand in hand to make the best game possible."

From Pete Hines:

"As we’ve all shared, the expectation is that Bethesda Softworks and our studios will continue as we have in the past, just with more support and resources than we’ve ever had before."

More support and resources than Bethesda ever had before, which means Starfield and all of the Bethesda future games will be better than ever thanks to Xbox Game Studios support AND resources!

We´ll see which one will turn out to be the better game. Lol.

Traecy458d ago (Edited 458d ago )

Luminous productions has merged within S-E, so basically it's still a part of Square Enix. From the recent previews of FFXVI most media outlets that played the demo are praising the game. FFXVI will be a hit for S-E & PS5. Babylon Fall was a Platinum game published by Square Enix.

MADGameR458d ago

Bathesda is dumb as hell for choosing X Box lol That's like saying ''Hey! I want to take guarenteed BIG losses on my finances!'' absolutely illogical and stupid.

DOMination-457d ago

Bad take

Naughty Dog are dumb for being owned by Sony because they’d get another 10 million sales if they were multiplatform

See how that’s not really how it works

gold_drake458d ago

thats not the same thing and you know it.

DarXyde458d ago

It might make more sense to say that Xbox picked up big publishers that were wounded. Zenimax was acquired during the Fallout 76 chaos, ABK deal went public when the scandals came out.

Obscure_Observer457d ago

You forgot to mention Obsidian, which PS fanboys on N4G said at the time of the acquisition were in a near bankruptcy state.

It´s gonna be awesome to see those crippled/wounded publishers and studios deliver awesome games now that they have proper support and resources now they´re under Xbox Games Studios.

DarXyde457d ago (Edited 457d ago )


A few things:
1. Not sure if you're implying I'm a PS fanboy. If so, that's a pretty lazy mischaracterization of where I stand. I am quite far removed from "rah rah Sony".

2. I'm very clearly talking about publishers. Obsidian is not a publisher.

3. I don't think resources were ever the outstanding issue with Zenimax. Love the not-so-subtle "ABK is one of those wounded publishers that will be under Microsoft" point you slipped in there. Maybe, maybe not. Let's not speak with such certainty on things we know nothing about.

4. Irrelevant to this reply in general, but did you seriously say Microsoft has a closer relationship with SEGA? Based on what, Jet Set Radio being on Xbox? Please explain because I would personally argue they're closest with Nintendo.

ChasterMies458d ago

Bethesda to chose Xbox because Microsoft bought Bethesda.

DOMination-457d ago

It’s that simple. Don’t know why there’s so much arguing

Also Square work with Sony because Sony gives them money. Again, it’s just that simple.

sinspirit457d ago (Edited 457d ago )


Square chooses PlayStation because it sells so little on XBox it's not worth developing for it, and hampering their game design and output for the Series S is not worth it for them. Square turned a leaf on their decision to use Unreal and prioritize game development quality and efficiency versus using an in-house engine to save a good buck. Next gen was coming up and might have even allowed their engine to work well enough and they still made that decision. Alongside that decision is also whether they should develop for a platform that not only does not sell that much, but also requires them to develop for a box severely underpowered for this generation. If XBox first parties already have issues with supporting the Series S and are having issues delivering on promises then why wouldn't a major third party seeking high fidelity gameplay experiences?

You're living in the distant past and comparing apples to oranges. Your examples make no sense either. A decision financially beneficial based off of consumer feedback versus a company selling because the owners wanted money is night and day.

MS thought they could use the cheaper option to gain market share and draw in consumers and it backfired because they didn't care about the developers, again.

Tired of the forced comparisons with intent to mislead and play down a side while playing up another. It's ridiculous that so consistently we have try-to-be stealthy fanboys always first-posting every thing and trying to manipulate the rest of the comments this way. We know this is particularly a certain-sided habit on here and it's quite worth being labelled as trolling. Get off whatever group chat and discord channel you guys are using to run this group that does this and just be a real part of N4G for once.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 456d ago
z2g458d ago (Edited 458d ago )

promotional support is just fancy talk for: "Sony paid us to keep it off other platforms".

This is just more of Sony's hypocritical MO.

The3faces458d ago

Without MS funding Stalker 2 would of ceased development.

Goosejuice458d ago

That's just one example though. There have been games where Sony funded as well but still got hate for that. MS has plenty of 3rd party and indie exclusives every year just like Sony. But only 1 get hated on for it

Pedantic91458d ago (Edited 458d ago )

Tit for tat i suppose . ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Goosejuice458d ago

Guess it just confuses me how some of these people hate sony for having 3rd party exclusives but not MS who also have multiple of them

DOMination-457d ago

But Sony have been doing it since the mid 90s. They are both guilty of this practise.

Exclusives give identities to consoles. First or third party. If anything they are much rarer than they were in the 90s when the Xbox and PS2 had radically different libraries.

Dawknight316458d ago

Wait so games like Starfield and Stalker 2 and those timed exclusive indies like Tunic and Deaths Door don’t matter? They weren’t bought.

Stanjara458d ago

Eastward... Jesus that thing is not on PS yet.

BandarHub458d ago (Edited 458d ago )

If you ask me this it's strange to make this game exclusive.
FF has always been more popular on the PS and they were going to outsell Xbox 10:1, no matter what. Why spend millions securing it as an exclusive?
I think that Sony bought it to show that they had exclusives mid-way through the year. If they didn't then they only would have Forspoken and Spiderman 2 for 2023.

excaliburps458d ago

Maybe Square Enix doesn't think the Xbox market is big enough to warrant the dev and marketing cost? Just guessing but maybe given the Xbox brand is pretty much dead in Japan, and JRPG's are mostly popular in Asia and Japan (where the Xbox brand is very, very weak), they didn't think it's worth it?

Traecy458d ago

Agreed.Folks saying Sony paid for exclusivity when there's a possibility Square approached Sony with the deal of exclusivity.

JEECE458d ago

Yeah the "Sony moneyhatting Square Enix to get an exclusive" situation always seems like a better deal for Square than Sony, because they were already going to sell far more copies of their games on Playstation than on Xbox. If they can get Sony to throw them a bunch of money and still sell almost as many copies as they were going to sell anyway (plus cutting out or delaying the costs of porting the game depending on whether it is full or timed exclusive), why not do it?

phoenixwing458d ago (Edited 458d ago )

It is a better deal for square but Sony gets some clout with jrpg lovers this way. The main reason I wanted a ps5 in the early days was knowing it would be on ps5 first and foremost.

Now though I keep my ps5 because of 3d audio. It's just that good with the headset.

Crows90458d ago

Well for one the series S is quite a problem for devs. Secondly they development costs and headaches of making it run on another system wasn't worth it to them.

This gen Microsoft insulted gamers with yet again the weakest console available.

Traecy458d ago

Imagine playing FFXVI on the Series S in blurry 720/900p.

Obscure_Observer458d ago

"Well for one the series S is quite a problem for devs. Secondly they development costs and headaches of making it run on another system wasn't worth it to them.

This gen Microsoft insulted gamers with yet again the weakest console available."

We´ll see about that when we get games comparison between Starfield and Fable running on Series S vs FFXVI and Forspoken running on PS5. Oh, there´ll be comparisons between GT7 (PS5) vs Forza Motorsport (XSS).

We might found out soon enough.

GotGame818458d ago (Edited 458d ago )

PSVR2 just released along with free patches for some games like RE Village and GT. That more than makes up for fewer 1st party standard game releases. From what I've seen PSVR2 is amazing.

Also Sony has a very strong 1st party lineup already available for PS5.

MeteorPanda458d ago

How is it strange when Sony have had their engineers working alongside the devs to make sure this game pushes the specs of the ps5 along with it's unique loading times.

The Japanese work closer together than western development teams - you always see colabs amongst themselves

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 458d ago
Exvalos458d ago

The facts are final fantasy sells like trash on xbox, and has sold well on sony consoles for decades, we as a community have pushed ff14 to being the world's most popular mmo, xbox gamers just don't really play final fantasy, it is what it is.

Workshyskiver458d ago

The Xbox One which sold fair less of a share to the PS4 than the XsX has to the Ps5, accounted for 21% of FF15s first weeks share. If you as a business can't make that large of an increase to sales worth it for minimal return, then you are incompetent. But given its Squaresoft thats looking pretty reasonable.

Chevalier458d ago

Really? That's some crap reasoning. Xbox 360 were basically tied with PS3 for console sales and 2/3 of the sales were still on Playstation even with Xbox best selling system.

Xbox gamers don't buy JRPGs anywhere near where close to Playstation and Nintendo customers. Would explain why Octopath 2 only released on the Switch and PS4 recently for example and skipped Xbox completely.

Auron458d ago (Edited 458d ago )

Sony paid. And we will find out soon what else they paid for. Thanks to the ftc case.

gold_drake458d ago (Edited 458d ago )

we might never find out, documents like these dont tend to be for the public to have access to.

and Square might aswell approached Sony, as their games sell better on playstation

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The Nerd Stash: "Final Fantasy 16's DLC is a worthy adventure that adds a lot of jaw-dropping moments and more Hollywood-style fights to an already great RPG."

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LordoftheCritics40d ago (Edited 40d ago )

I don't know about ''great'' rpg.

Most epic fight sequences and presentation? Yes

Worst side quests ever? Yes
Boring traversal? Yes
Empty worlds? Yes
Demo is infinitely more mature than the actual game? Yes
FF16=MMO side quests + Devil May Cry Lite

Alos8840d ago

I'd give it the great part, it's the RPG part I find dubious.

EternalTitan40d ago

There is no Roleplaying/decision making in this game.
No crafting there isnt even character builds because just like Dante/Bayonetta Clive has all skills and loadouts available to him.

CrimsonWing6939d ago (Edited 39d ago )

What do you mean there’s no role playing? Also, I’m fairly certain I made builds with Eikon abilities and I’ve gone to the blacksmiths to literally select craft weapons and gear. 🤷‍♂️

EternalTitan37d ago

How many 'builds' can you make?
Weapons and gear only increase numbers. Tell me about elemental weaknesses and status.

CrimsonWing6937d ago (Edited 37d ago )


Elemental weakness isn’t an RPG defining end-all-be all element.

What statuses are you asking about? F*cking status buffs and debuffs? You talking about stats that increase with gear crafting? Because all that’s present in the game.

The fact that you even admit there’s builds and RPG elements contradicts your claim. No matter how limited they may be, they exist in the game, therefore it is an RPG. I think the correct critique is instead of claiming it’s “not an RPG” you really mean to say it’s an RPG not as in-depth as it’s contemporaries. Regardless, it’s an RPG nonetheless even without “elemental weakness” playing in combat.

EternalTitan35d ago (Edited 35d ago )

"Elemental weakness isn’t an RPG defining end-all-be all element"
Why not?
Where is your source for this?

CrimsonWing6935d ago


So you’re telling me if a game has all the elements and mechanics of an RPG except elemental weakness exploits in combat that they’re not an RPG?

C’mon man, how about you show me where it says an RPG must have elemental weakness mechanics?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 35d ago
CrimsonWing6940d ago

Let’s be honest, this isn’t a “great” RPG. I am in the camp that it IS an RPG, no DMC game I’ve played is designed like this… but in terms of being a great RPG… well, I much prefer the RE-Trilogy over this.

That being said, I do think the DLCs have probably the best boss battles I’ve played in a game. Omega was crazy and the battle theme just amplified that for me. In the other hand, I’m struggling to think of a game that has a boss battle as great as Leviathan. Like, I played it on FF mode and it was sooooo intense and just a gorgeous and fun experience. The music was also top notch!

However, I really disliked most of everything of FF16. The Benedikta arc was fantastic, but after that the game was boring and a slog to get through. I think the boss battles were the best parts, but also inconsistent for me. Bahamut was peak for the base game, but everything else didn’t surpass that experience until you play the DLC bosses.

VersusDMC40d ago

The 2 DLC's were great. 2 new eikon ability sets (leviathan and...) and a survival/bloody palace mode with Rising Tide were great as well.

repsahj40d ago

The Base game is already great for me IMHO and the 2 DLC will even make it better.


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