
Nintendo Switch Was the Best-Selling Console In 2022 In UK

The Nintendo Switch had a big 2022, and another accomplishment it can add to its resume is being the best in the UK last year!

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septemberindecember513d ago

This will probably be the last time that Switch takes the crown in the UK for the year. But good job Switch!

LoveSpuds513d ago (Edited 513d ago )

I am not so sure squire, for years folks have been predicting that Switch sales will go off a cliff at some point, but the console seems to have incredible legs, especially when you consider it hasn't dropped in price at all.

I could imagine if sales did slow significantly Nintendo could easily drive up interest again with a decent price drop.

I guess we will see, Sony really have a hit on their hands with PS5.

septemberindecember513d ago

I'm not saying that the Switch will fall off a cliff. Just that next year the Switch will be in it's twilight years and PS5 will be picking up steam.

LoveSpuds512d ago

Yeah, you might be right September, could pan out that way as there is no doubt that PS5 will be in huge demand especially as Spiderman 2 is exclusive to PS5. It is going to be interesting though as a Switch slowdown has been predicted for a few years now. I am not so sure that BotW2 will drive up sales of Switch as you have to figure most Zelda fans already own a Switch from playing the first game.

The thing that makes Switch super attractive to me at this point is yhe depth of the exclusive library and the reliability of new exclusives releasing in the next few years. Of course, I think the PS5 is at that point where its library of games along with the guarantee of stellar exclusives going forward make PS5 super desirable too.

Gonna be close for sure.

thesoftware730513d ago

I can see Sony winning some months throughout the year, but a price drop, and Zelda will see Switch winning in whatever months a price cut may happen, and definitely in may with BotW 2.

septemberindecember513d ago

I don't see it, but I can't predict the future so I guess we will see! It was mostly the holiday months that put switch in the lead this year

Sgt_Slaughter513d ago

Fantastic job for the Switch once again, I really hope the next system keeps the portability aspect but with specs in-between The PS4 and PS4 Pro, they need to keep up this momentum.


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