
Editorial: Microsoft's Answer To Blu-Ray Is DMD

Whether you call it downloadable content, game add-ons or digital media distribution, the new wave of accessing information for console games is drastically evolving thanks to die-hard efforts of Microsoft and Sony. The industry is continually finding ways to break out of the reliance of hard-copied media formats. And even though both Microsoft and Sony are vying to gain exclusives with their respective online services, Microsoft has taken things a step further for the sake of keeping the Xbox 360 alive in 2009.

It's no surprise that the Xbox 360 is showing its age every year on the market. Toss in the fact that between the red rings of doom and the disc scratching fiasco, the Xbox 360 isn't looking future proof at all.

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LightningPS3PS35641d ago (Edited 5641d ago )

because atleast it acknowledges that blu ray is finally beginning to take off. That's the difference between day and night for the PS3.

This obviously isn't the first time that blu ray gets written off because of digital downloads. And it won't be the last.

Comparing, digital downloads for movies vs blu ray and then talking game content is confusing the situation for me.

Both PS3 and XBOX 360 are providing plenty of downloadable game content. PS3 is and has with Little Big Planet, Motorstorm, Dead Space, 360 obviously has the infamous GTA IV episodes.

The XBOX 360 199 sku doesn't even have a hard drive and it's selling pretty good, where does that play into all this future talk?

BattleAxe5641d ago

If all they use on their next system is DMD, then the games are going to have to be small- medium size. That means that MS is going to go casual next time around. They've watched Nintendo take the world by storm and I'm betting thats where MS is heading.

thewhoopimen5641d ago

MS is DooMD if they think they can just wish their way into a new format.

PAPERCHASER03965641d ago (Edited 5641d ago )

With the current internet speeds we have, this idea would be in the distant future my first question would be servers and how many because say you get a huge release and 500,000 people or more are trying to download on release day how do the servers handle that magnitude or more

edit* And cable company and providers will also clean up with the cost to you to provide and maintain satisfying speeds

meepmoopmeep5641d ago

i would like to inform everyone that i do not write the articles i submit

i'm not this stupid.

MorganX5641d ago (Edited 5641d ago )

All I have to say is, I have more Blu-ray movies than PS3/360 Games and DVDs. And I want more ...

I've loaned more movies than games. That's why MS and everyone else wants DMD. Azzholes. Can't loan a DRM'd DMD. Can't trade it in. Can't sell it. No way to screw you into paying for it twice if your crappy console dies and your license gets hosed.

Physical media is dead, Long live physical media!

UltimateIdiot9115641d ago

Totally agree with you there. I love physical media because I can loan it and it's filled with bonus content (bluray). Not only that, I enjoy looking through my collection and letting other know what I have. I can't do that with DMD. I can't show my friends what games I have through DMD.
I like tangible items, and I can trade with my friends or sell it if I don't want it anymore. I wish I could sell back some of DD but I can't.

Jake11115641d ago

T4 can now download at 274MB/sec. Therefore a 50Gig game would take 3 mins.

I love the PS3 and Sonys blue ray but they must be taking into consideration that hard drives are going to be huge in the next few years and download speed will push up to T4 in developed countries.

shamusl935641d ago (Edited 5641d ago )

T4 is completely unrealistic for the US or other countries at this point. You also fail to realize that Hard Drives have a maximum throughput much, much lower than T4 internet speeds (about 50-100 MB/S MAX), and the speed of servers on the other end. Just because you have a T4 line doesn't mean your going to be getting anything close to T4 download speeds, most data centers (whole centers that everyone would share to download that content) have about 10-20 T4 lines currently. T4 would also not reach most parts of the country, most parts of the country don't even have broadband (anything faster than dial up).

I have one of the fastest residential connections in the US (30 Mbit/s, about 3.5 MB/S), and pay 85 dollars for it. T4 usually costs in the tens of thousands of dollars a month right now, and for the last few years, with no foreseeable decrease in price in the near future. Your argument is invalid.

hfaze5641d ago

Ummm... not quite so for a T4 line...


A T4 (which is not common at all) runs at 274.176 Mbit/s using 4032 64Kbit/sec channels. That works out to 34.27Mbytes/sec, not 274Mbytes/sec. Remember, there's 8 bits in a byte...

The only carrier type that can give those kind of speeds would be an OC-48 at 2488.32 Mbit/sec (311.04Mbytes/sec).

Now, keep in mind that a T3 (45Mbit/sec) typically runs around $7,000/Mo. (I priced it out in the Philadelphia area for my last job)

Granted, Verizon was offering 50Mbit/sec down, 20Mbit/sec up (6.25Mbytes/sec down, 2.5Mbytes/sec up) FiOS service in the Philly area, but even that was $145/Mo.


I would say that it will be a WHILE before residential connections even come close to those speeds at a reasonable cost.

mikeslemonade5641d ago

DMD that is so stupid. I can't see myself saying the word DMD it sounds stupid.

thereapersson5641d ago

Do you know how EXPENSIVE T4 is? It isn't even viable on a consumer level in the US, which is the 360's major market.

One of the dumbest posts I've seen in a while.

Sergeant Osiris5641d ago

signing deals with movie studios to stream 1080p deep color first run films to the 360. Obviously they don't have any competent engineers to tell them that due to bandwidth limitations, availability of broadband, and ISP greed. This plan has EPIC FAIL written all over it.

SonyOwnsNextYear5641d ago

DMD will fail JUST like HDDVD.

i told you hddvd would fail, way back when execs were saying they were beating bluray at every turn.

Smoke and mirrors, people...thatsall microsoft has banked on this generation.

Megatron085641d ago

1st off known ps3 fanboy site. 2nd the writer seems to to have no cluing about whats goin on in game. "If Microsoft can stave off the masses from accelerating PS3 sales" Does this idoit not know that the 360 sold almost 900k in nov while the ps3 sold a lil over 300k ? Yeah thats mass selling alright but it all being done by MS not sony. 3rd a lil over a week away from 09 and he sayin there be a new xbox in 10 if there was going to be an new xbox in 2010 we'd heard of it already ms announced the 360 2 years b4 it came out sony announced the ps3 3 years before it came out.

Oh and as for DMD or DD failing like blu ray will. Well its already proven that it going no where its been around for 15-20 years DD music as almost put an end to CD's DD'ing games is finally starting to take off. Btw for all the sony fanboys out there sony was one of the 1st companies to do DD games. back in 2000 sony release the 1st expansion to EQ that you could only get on disc by special order other then that you had to DD it. So in a way MS is just expanding on something sony started. I'm bet by the time the next systems come out there will be a lot of games that you can only get by DD on both the sony and ms systems

hfaze5640d ago

"Oh and as for DMD or DD failing like blu ray will. Well its already proven that it going no where its been around for 15-20 years"

Really... Digital distribution has been around since 1988? (20 years ago) Wow... I wonder how long it took to download an MP3 at 1200/2400 baud?

Illegal digital distribution of music has been around since 1995. I remember playing around with WinAMP 1.0 back then, and downloading MP3's off of private FTP sites back then. LEGAL digital distribution of music didn't hit mainstream until Apple's iTunes store opened up in 2003.

"DD music as almost put an end to CD's DD'ing games is finally starting to take off."

Well... DD music didn't start putting a dent into CD sales until broadband became common for consumers. Yeah, people were downloading music before that, but it would take about an hour per song (at 56k modem speeds).

The reason it works well for music is because MP3's (or .flac, .aac, .ogg music files) are SMALL (~3-8MB/song), and current commodity Internet connections (cable modems, DSL, satellite, hell even 3G mobile connections like EVDO rev. A, HSDPA, and UMTS) have the bandwidth capacity to make those downloads quick and convenient.

When you start talking about movie/show and FULL game downloads, you're talking about file sizes an order or magnitude larger than music downloads. Even with compression, you're talking about multi-gigabyte downloads. It is just not quite convenient yet.

Take for example downloading the contents of a single-layer DVD. You're talking about 4.7GB of data. Even at 8Mbit (the current highest bandwidth cable modem and DSL commonly available here in the US), you are still talking about 80 minutes and 21 seconds to download that data, and that's assuming you are pulling the full 8Mbit your connection can handle (which rarely, if ever, happens).

Once consumer Internet connections @ 50Mbit/sec are common, THEN I can see digital distribution of movies, shows, and full games start becoming a feasible reality. That would put a 4.7GB download at around 12.5 minutes (once again, assuming a full 50Mbit download the entire time). While consumer 50Mbit connections are available at this time (Verizon FiOS here in the states), they are FAR from commonly available.

Not to mention, you have cable carriers and telephone companies putting bandwidth caps on consumer Internet connections, charging you for any overages... Just imagine downloading three full games (8.7GB, the capacity of a dual-layer DVD) in a month, along with online gaming, then getting your broadband bill the next month and discovering that your bill DOUBLED for that month due to going over your limit.

Digital Distribution of movies/shows and full games is not going to die, it's just not quite ready for prime-time yet.

jackel 925640d ago

But my one and only concern is that if you compare the average American internet speed it is still sluggish(about 4 mbps), either ms will have to offer there own internet that is close to japans average of 60mbps then I can see dmd taking off.

f7897905640d ago

Not fight for bandwidth for 48 hours for a game I cannot resell.

Megatron085640d ago (Edited 5640d ago )

hfaze so you whole agruement is base off the fact that in late 90's early 00's that it was slow to download music and you are right about that I remember it takin 5-10mins even up 15 mins to download songs using dail up. Right now I'm using a slow ass crappy dsl. With that I can still download 1 gb in less then 30 min off my 360 and stream movie off netflix (takes like 1min to buff). Hell it takes like 20mins to install blu ray disc to a ps3 and you still have to use it mainly off the disc and it still has the same loading times a 360 using a dvd drive. Plus the next system wont be out for another 3-4 years. Now take into account moore's law. Plus you didnt take anything in to account for compression. You could compress 9gb into 1gb 20 gbs becomes 2gb even with a slow ass dsl that like 1 hour download. Its funny how you are against DD of game and a sony fanboy when sony is the one pushing this tech more then anyone else. Way back in 2000 they release EQ RoK that you could DD the ps3 is only system that lets you DD whole "next gen" games. Sony would drop blu ray so fast if they could get everyone to buy DD movies.

F7 thats right you cant resell them and you wonder why sony wants to DD games so much and MS and even the big N

SaiyanFury5640d ago (Edited 5640d ago )


Here we go again with this DD spin. You want to download a 10GB game to your 360's HDD? Great, I hope your not one of the cheapies that bought the 200 dollar arcade unit. Even if you weren't I hope you're not planning on playing that game you're trying to download in the next 4-5 days because 10GB is a lot of information to get in case you weren't aware of that. Oh yeah, I hope MS is planning a 320GB model HDD to be available because HD video games take up a lot of space. Think 120GB is a lot? Download 10-20 HD games and see how fast that space fills up. On top of that I hope MS makes it a little more affordable than their 120GB HDD priced at 150 dollars.

It always comes back to internet infrastructure. Most people do not have the connection speed to make DMD or DD or whatever they want to call it today a viable means of delivering games. I just recently downloaded the A-Team DVD rips which totalled 33GB. That took me 2 weeks to get on a connection speed of 1.5mbps. Most people are on faster connections yes, but considering the sheer size of games these days, even those faster connections wouldn't be good enough. Metal Gear Solid 4 is 50GB, how long would that take to download on a connection of say, 10mbps? I'd still assume a long time and that's IF your ISP doesn't cap your download bandwidth. With the recent trend of ISPs throttling bandwidth DD isn't even conceivable. People who still argue that Blu-ray isn't the best form of high capacity deliverance of this generation simply don't have a view of the bigger picture. Everyone else does.

MorganX5640d ago (Edited 5640d ago )

Good point no one seems to ever mention. ISPs greed is leading to a rise in bandwidth caps. So much for en masse DDs even if the bandwidth was there, ISPs will cap it trying to extort more money out of users.

There are reasons why PDFs didn't kill print media, and DD won't kill disc media. I mean, even BD-Live is rather meaningless to me. I have my movie, extras, deleted scenes, alternate endings. I really have no use for BD-Live. If I want to watch a movie with someone I'll do it in person or on the phone. Who wants to type while watching a movie. And let's remember, Microsofts DDs are stereo or plain old DD 5.1. Forget about downloading uncompressed audio or even DTS-MA, which of course Xbox cannot decode anyway.

Pika-pie5640d ago

MS next console being DMD only. There are still many homes that dont have broadband, even areas of certain countries (even in the UK) that cant get it.

But MS dont have much choice, they either go Blu (providing Sony lets them use their tech) which would mean that every console sold would also result in extra cash in Sonys pocket (bitter ironey). Or come up with their own format which could be very expensive.

+ Show (19) more repliesLast reply 5640d ago
Corepred45641d ago

is something that's always been there since almost launch? No way. True it will help with smaller games but what happens when a gigantic game comes out that needs a lot of room. Are people with Xbox's supposed to download the whole game to their HDD? That HDD will run out of room really quick, isn't their max size like 120 gig? This is in no way an answer for Blu-Ray. Microsoft needs to switch to Blu or find something else but DMD is not the answer.

Danja5641d ago (Edited 5641d ago )

DMD will never replace a physical disc , some ppl prefer to have a physical format.

as for gaming DMD wil always be an after thought disc based games will never die because , but i can DMD getting more popular as time goes on since the PS3 has already showed that ppl are willing to buy full games online..

but who the hell is gonna gonna downloading X amount of GB is just lame..not to mention the HDD wouldn't even be able to hold 10 games ...plus to include game saves on HDD...

INehalemEXI5641d ago

120 GB , could not even fit 3 games if those games where the size of say ...MGS4.

Shane Kim5641d ago

I can go for downloading PSN games, but no way in hell am I downloading "x" GB's of data. I want hard copy on my stuff and my connection is to slow. I can't be waiting 2 days just to download my game.

BrunoM5641d ago

downloads are good (for some things) but come on i and like lets say 85% of every one else love to have on their hand what they pay for .. and humm about 8Mil people with 360s dont have an HDD...

(AND just on a side note as far as download games even SONY dosent stand like microsoft does sony is the one gaving the most FULL GAMES IN FULL HD humm is it only me but some company to stand by something they have to gave it i dont see microsoft doing it . kinda weird humm stand by something that th other company is doing better even tho they dont wanna go that way.!) lol

drdistracto7075641d ago

hehe, dmd will never replace the power of blu, hell, the 400 gb bluray disc coming next year is bigger than our f*ckin harddrive

xwabbit5641d ago

This would be good for ps3 cus we can get 500GB HDD for 120 bucks loL.

phosphor1125641d ago

download a 1080p movie...at 11 Gigs each...

My point is (like many other people's) is that DMD won't get it far. Compressed DVD movies run about 700 in .avi format. That's decent, but since this article is trying to say DMD is the answer to bluray (for the 360 that is) then that means it will have to answer to the larger game sizes that won't fit on a DVD9 (8 gigs available to devs [the last gig is used for mandatory MS data crap]). So lets say, a 15 gig game...that would be fun to download right? DMD isn't the answer, and it wont be for several years..not until the US gets better broadband that is.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5641d ago
Angrychinchilla5641d ago

*looks at current bandwidth*

*shakes head in disapproval *

user8586215641d ago

funny thats their answer yet sony are the ones to release full games online, ohhh and btw ermmmm dark knight got to 2 million now!! where has dmd got 2?? :)

blackbeld5641d ago (Edited 5641d ago )

DMD(digital media download) hahahaha this is another fail.
I like it simple just plugin and play games not having to wait 1hour or more before you actualy can play games.. this is stupid!

Sonyfanclubpresident5641d ago

with continued exclusive content for big-name games and media, then they'll be standing on the perfect plateau for expanding the Xbox brand with a new console in 2010.

Why waste time purchasing a PS3 now?
If a new 360 is coming out in 2010......that will literally destroy anything Sonys old PS3 can do,there's no point in getting it at all.

As always,Sony plays behind tsk tsk tsk.

na2ru15641d ago

You effectively admitted it. The xbox has INDEED aged. PS3 wont lose support from devs. Devs will NOT be bothered to waste EVEN MORE time advancing with their polygonal rendering and texture designs when this gen has reached an acceptable standard in visual quality. You will not see any difference so soon in 2010.

lokiroo4205641d ago (Edited 5641d ago )

This should be titled microsoft's answer to the gun is leather armor.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5641d ago
ultimolu5641d ago

1. People would still like the option of physical media.
2. The slow internet speeds around here can't handle that.

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TGG_overlord2d ago

Very much so, there should be something in there for everyone to enjoy for sure.


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Why Indie Games Fail To Keep Their Place In The Spotlight

A look into the sad trajectory of indie games from high successful releases to complete irrelevancy in just a few weeks or months.

shaenoide4d ago

Easy not enough developpers to add content to the game (palworld)

Profchaos4d ago

That's the thing with gaming there's always new experiences to have why spend months or years playing a single game when there's a new experience right around the corner.

Indie or AAA if your building your game expecting long term player counts you'll probably be disappointed as gamers often enjoy something for a few weeks and move on only to return if it's truely a classic.

Out of all the generations I've experienced there's games from 30 plus years ago I still dust off and play like super Mario bros, earthbound, vice city and san Andreas being games I treasure and revisit every few years but I'm not going back to play a game designed to keep me engaged for months on end because it's also designed to milk my wallet in most cases.

Build a great game that people love make it playable offline and ask does it matter if the concurrent player count is under 100 a year post launch more often that not it doesn't

P_Bomb4d ago

The price of entry is too high to take chances like I used to. Was looking at V Rising and that ranges from $50-$130 CAD. That’s a lot for an indie imo. By the time it goes on sale, the player count might be dwindling. But that’s the trade-off, I guess.

Si-Fly4d ago

I’m glad my preference is single player experiences, Indie devs got me covered 👊🏻

Flewid6384d ago

Indie devs dont make multiplayer games?

Si-Fly4d ago

Read the article dude 👍🏻

Flewid6384d ago

Read the article. Same question.