
Which is the Best Shooter This Christmas?

Split-Screen.com writes: "Call of Duty: World at War, Resistance 2 and Gears of War 2 - It's been a big year for gaming and the three titles have been slugging it out at the cash counter for a while now. All three were possibly the most anticipated games in the genre, and amongst the most hyped games this year. They all, in fact, deliver the goods, and deliver them good but in very different ways, which is what has led to the kind of reception that each has gotten.

"All in all then, it's a close run, and one would be hard pressed to pick a winner. Which is the best shooter this Christmas? Hit the jump to find out."

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tatotiburon5645d ago

according to metacritic, VGA and more that 3 million people, Gears of War 2 si the shooter to get this christmas and the best shooter of the year. R2 avg shooter.

But COD5 is amazing also, the game is sick!

Pennywise5645d ago

It takes a real creep to recommend a broken game (matchmaking) to people. I dont understand how you guys just give free passes to 360 exclusives.

R2 is a great game that has taken a lot of my time. But explaining this to you and having you understand it is like breaking down a brick wall with my head.

Like my friend who just bought a 360 said to me: "You really appreciate the PS3 a lot more when you own both consoles". But I am sure he was just being a fanboy... /s

Mr_Bun5645d ago

Don't blame Tattertot...It is easier to talk out of your @ss when you have no idea what you are talking about

tatotiburon5645d ago (Edited 5645d ago )

oh my little droid, Gears of War 2 mp was fixed last week, the last patch made wonders in the matchmaking, i already beat the horde mode and co-op IN STORY MODE (not crappy extra missions) insane dificulty with no problems and the MP is better than ever...did the patches fix LBP as well?

Even L4D is better than R2, better reviews and this game had a lot of goty for best multiplayer of the year. Ah sorry buddy, your 60 mp players and 8 co-op shooter fails one more time.

of mr bunny, another droid that thinks that epic doesn't fix GeOW2 issue and he knows what is he talking about lol

Pennywise5645d ago

Ive played both games Toto.... I like R2 better. L4D was kinda cheesy. You missed the 7/10 L4D got earlier... I dont think the reviews are THAT much better.

LBP MP is fine... If you havent played it, how can you talk??

Ive played GoeW2, L4D, Halo3... I play games for fun.

5645d ago
Pennywise5645d ago

Thanks for your input rainman.

Keele5645d ago

Yup Gears 2 > R2.

R2 is suck.

Pennywise, dude, it's okay to be pissy. Hell, If I wasted like 40 bucks cash on a flop game I'd be pissy too. Just sell that crap on ebay or something and maybe some idiot like you will buy it and you'll get half your money back.

Pennywise5645d ago

I am not pissy because I bought R2, I like the game. If you knew how to read you would know why I am pissy. I cant stand ignorant people who have no clue what they are talking about. I doubt either one of you DB's have played R2.

And I dont usually respond to 1 bubble trolls like yourself, but I figured I would give you a response in the Christmas spirit and tell you to fack off.

Dark Collosis5645d ago (Edited 5644d ago )

Is this actually a compitition? GeoW2>the rest.. And why bothering putting R2 even in this comparrison? Hell L4D is better than R2 by far...

@Pennywise who said "Ive played both games Toto.... I like R2 better. L4D was kinda cheesy. You missed the 7/10 L4D got earlier... I dont think the reviews are THAT much better. "

L4D meta score is a solid 89
with NO scores yet reported under a 8/10

comparing to your beloved R2 which has a meta score of 87(by the way 89>87 just so you know) and has a reported SEVEN scores BELOW a 8/10......

Let me see here WHO should we trust a FANBOY with a evil clown as a pic of himself or videogame reviews recorded by metacritic??? Tough decision.

Then Pennywise also said QUOTE "If you knew how to read you would know why I am pissy. I cant stand ignorant people who have no clue what they are talking about." Man you must hate yourself.....

Faztkiller5644d ago

Resistance 2 by far best shooter
Gear 2 really good but suck online with all problems @^^ no they have not been fixed. left4dead sucked unless u got it on pc
graphics where horrid on xbox 360

fufotrufo5644d ago


Left 4 Dead-7/10 -Unknown Website

Resistance 2-6/10- EDGE- Biggest Gaming Mag in UK


Left 4 Dead- 89% - 2008 highest rated exclusive console shooter

Resistance 2- 87%

so yeah..Left 4 Dead ..a game out of nowhere ...took the crown for best FPS 2008

emm sorry Resistance 2

Magic_The_Celt5644d ago


if you want to play that game

the PS3 has the highest rated exlusive of all time

So PS3 has the best Exlusive period, right?

Nicaragua175644d ago

LOL you Xbots make me laugh.People who have actually played Resistance 2 know that Resistance 2 CRUSHES Tears Of Bore 1.5,that's just the way it is.Resistance 2 has better single player,better online,better weapons,better enemies/bosses etc.

Max Power5644d ago

magic you just farted in their mouths and convinced them it was steak.

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5645d ago Replies(5)
Omega45645d ago

Gears 2 obviously, its the sequel to the biggest new IP this gen and GOTY 2006 cant get much better than that

Also being rated higher and selling more than the other two games also helps solidify the point, but Call of Duty comes a close second

SL1M DADDY5644d ago (Edited 5644d ago )

Didn't COD5 sell more copies when combining both the PS3 and Xbox 360 sales than Gears of War 2?

It's funny but the same thing happened on G4 the other day. They claimed that Activision only sold 1.4 million copies of the game in comparison to Gears 2 selling 1.5 million... But that is just the Xbox 360 numbers. If you add the half a million copies sold on the PS3 in North America alone it looks like COD5 is the one shooter selling the most this season...

AngryHippo5644d ago

.....since when did sales figures make a game great, isn't that what PS3 fans and 360 fans keep saying, when a game sells bad?! Actually what does make a game great? Is it the review scores? No, because most of them are 'biased' according to alot of people. Is it the sales it generates? No, because apparently according to a number of people, "sales don't make a great game". So my conclusion is that its up to the individuals personal preference and opinion. Just because you disagree with it doesn't mean you should try and prove them wrong to make your opinion seem like the right one.

read disc error5644d ago (Edited 5644d ago )

but I understand why people would prefer COD. it's a good game and it's easier to get good at the multiplayer because the game is full of noobs who only play COD.

Gears 2 is the highest rated of the 3 also and is the only title that has scored above 90 on Metacritic. who cares if some random blog no one reads thinks otherwise.

Torch5644d ago (Edited 5644d ago )



kewlkat0075644d ago

EPIC I'm sure doesn't mind the comparisons...Gears of War 2 is that good.

Easily gets my choice for 360 Shooter. I can't say the best one out as I have not played the others...maybe those that have both could share some thought

vickers5005644d ago

"Also being rated higher and selling more than the other two games also helps solidify the point"

So you like games that sell well? Hmm, I would rather have a good game rather than a popular one, but 2 eaches own I guess.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5644d ago
Spike475645d ago (Edited 5645d ago )

Well I wouldn't say the biggest new IP this gen, you make it seem as if Gears is the second coming, which is typical for a person like you.
If you have an xbox360 and PS3 and you want a shooter, sure get Gears of War 2 if you like it, don't pay attention to reviews because most are biased.

Although I would wait out until Killzone 2 ;)

ionstorm5645d ago

i waited for R2, guess that didnt turn out good ....

crystallakekiller5644d ago

yes ionstorm resistance 2 disapointed me too...alot! i wont buy the 3rd one for sure! but for killzone 2,i cant wait for this game,i just know i'll love it

AngryHippo5644d ago (Edited 5644d ago )

'you make it seem as if Killzone 2 is the second coming, which is typical for a person like you.' See, simple to turn that around isn't it.

'don't pay attention to reviews because most are biased', I did exactly that with Resistance 2, and once completed felt a bit underwhelmed and disappointed.

So just wondering, if Killzone 2 reviews are all 9.5-10's will you still be saying don't pay attention to reviews and that they are mostly biased?! No, didnt think so.

Edited Post - Took off last paragraph due to it being off topic, sorry.

stevenhiggster5644d ago

Killzone 2 will be the second coming bieatch!

BattleAxe5644d ago

I agree R2 wasn't that great, but as far as Killzone 2 goes, I can't wait. I havn't seen one negative preview of this game. Theres also been alot more development time that has gone into Killzone 2 as opposed to R2.

i tried getting into R2 online for about 2 weeks and it just didn't turn my crank. Sony really need Killzone 2, because they havn't had a great blockbuster online game yet this generation. (Socom really isn't that good this time around either)

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5644d ago
Sonyslave35645d ago

peenywise so so mad that Gears of War 2 destory R2 rise of flop

sinny5645d ago

I played both gears2 and R2 and comparing those two games is just retarded. They are so different that is like comparing MGS4 with Tomb Raider just because both got guns.
I like both, i can play both. YOU DON'T .
Cry more fanboy

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Looking Back At 2008, An Unbelievably Incredible Year Of Video Game Releases

Huzaifa from eXputer: "2008 was home to the likes of Call of Duty: World at War, Dead Space, GTA 4, Far Cry 2, Left 4 Dead, and many other hits, which is outright remarkable."

ChasterMies37d ago

Some of these low paid video game “news” writers weren’t born before 2007.

just_looken37d ago

Here here

Those that were around before 2000's i am sure are like me that think we entered a world of non readers or those that follow without question.

I can not wait to see fallout 3 a goty game even though it was about water with non content until you add the dlc/updates then you got the performance/crashing

CrimsonWing6938d ago

I don’t think anything can compare to 2023

lucasnooker38d ago

1998 - the best year in gaming! Metal gear solid, crash bandicoot 3, medievil, half life, ocarina of time, thief, tenchu, resident evil 2, Spyro, tomb raider 3, oddworld abes exodus, banjo kazooie.

It was a different breed of a gaming era. You’ll never understand what it was like back then. The aura of gaming, it was different!

KyRo38d ago (Edited 38d ago )

I second this. Gaming was a lot more varied and fun than it is today. I'm 35 so getting on compared to some here but I got to see all the changes from NES up to now but I've never felt so disappointed in any generation than I have this current gen. I was expecting more from this generation rather than prettier versions of games that came before it. Game mechanics have become so refined that alot of games feel the same and has done for a while now.

Maybe it's time to have a break for a while. I love gaming but I don't feel I get much fun in the traditional sense out of it anymore.

CrimsonWing6938d ago (Edited 38d ago )

Metal Gear Solid, Resident Evil 2, Abe’s Exodus, and Ocarina of Time are the only things from that list that I liked.

Here’s the 2023 game releases that I personally liked… and big releases that I didn’t care for:

- Dead Space Remake
- Wo Long Dynatsy
- Resident Evil 4 Remake
- Diablo 4
- Fire Emblem Engage
- Hogwarts Legcay
- Street Fighter 6
- Hi-Fi Rush
- Like a Dragon: Ishin
- Octopath Traveler 2
- Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters
- Final Fanatsy XVI (actually ended up not liking this, but it was still a big deal release)
- Baldur’s Gate 3
- Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon
- Lies of P
- Mortal Kombat 1
- Marvel’s Spider-Man 2
- Starfield (Ended up hating this one, but big release)
- Super Mario Bros. Wonder
- Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (I’m an old-school Zelda fan, but didn’t really enjoy this game)
- Alan Wake 2

I mean, honestly I’ve never seen a year of major IP releases like that, ever.

Profchaos38d ago (Edited 38d ago )

Isn't it just a generational thing realistically.

I've been gaming since way back and I some of my favourite games go as far back as the late 80s for me each generation has a year or two of game changing releases one after another before an inevitable dry spell.

I kind of agree gaming had a different feel games hit different because we didn't have the internet nothing got spoiled and you really had to put in the effort to beat a puzzle which could set entire groups of people looking for a solution. But most importantly games were experimental and not as cookie cutter as today even basics like controls were not universal today r2 is shoot l2 is ads garunteed you can't deviate from that in a shooter back then it could of been square, R1 or R1 and circle nothing was standard.

But as time moves on a new generation picks up their controller they are going to be interested in different things that PS1 demo disc with the t Rex blew our primitive 16 bit brains back on launch but to kids today it's laughable.
The new gen of kids coming into to hobby seem to value different things to us there seems to be a huge focus on online play, streamers, gaming personalities, and social experiences, convience of digital downloads. To me I value none of that but that's ok like my parents not liking the band's I would listen to its just the natural cycle.

Gameseeker_Frampt37d ago

Just about every year in the 7th generation was great and something we most likely won't experience again.

2009 for example had Assassin's Creed 2, Batman: Arkham Asylum, Dragon Age: Origins, Uncharted 2, Halo 3: ODST, Killzone 2, Borderlands, Bayonetta, and Demon's Souls to name a few.

just_looken37d ago

It still amazes me we got over 7 rockstar games ps2/ps3 but 3 for the ps3/ps4/ps5

Dragon age 1-3 and mass effect 1-3 in 7ish years what a generation.


65 Year Old Gamer Racks Up Ridiculous Stats After Playing 1 Game for 15 Years

A very devoted fan of Call of Duty: World at War racks up incredible in-game stats while playing regularly for the past 15 years.

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franwex332d ago

Well, he definitely got his money’s worth.

Abnor_Mal332d ago

Same as Shirley Curry playing Skyrim for years. In the next Elders Scrolls game they should have her in the game as some form of npc.

andy85332d ago

She is, I read she will be a character. Not a dig in any form but I hope she's alive when it releases

Relientk77332d ago

That's over 7,000 hours geez. What crazy stats

nitus10332d ago

Actually it is very easy to up the number of hours you have been playing a game. Basically all you need to do (assuming you have a PS4 or 5) is to place the console into stand-by without exiting the game, so if you do this a one hour gameplay actually becomes a 24 gameplay or longer.

boing1332d ago

What? So the game is still runinng when you put it to sleep? What?

EvertonFC332d ago

It's actually sad not an achievement but hey we need the full story details.

Knushwood Butt332d ago

There's someone on my friend list that has more than 6200 hours on Uncharted 4.

vTuro24331d ago

7k hours over 15 years isn't that crazy. The fact that he's been playing the same game for 15 years is more impressive.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 331d ago
anast332d ago

And then you got people that want to finish a game every week.

Rhythmattic332d ago

Nailed what is the Spectrum... For good and bad, Quality or Quantity..Or the unreasonable to reason for. ;)

jznrpg332d ago

Of course you will hit a ridiculous stat after 15 of anything.
My main character for Everquest had over 500 days played in the first 6 years of the game. I was young then and had a lot of time on my hands. I don’t think I could duplicate that again until I retire and not sure I could match it if I tried.

EvertonFC332d ago

500 days in 6 years is nothing lol, you do realise how many days in a year right ?

poppatron332d ago

I might be getting the maths wrong here, I think 500 days in 6 years works out at an average of just over 6 hours every single day. For 6 years. That’s pretty serious

EvertonFC332d ago

Edit: wrote this early this morning, I understand it's lots of hours now lol at myself 😂🤣😜

RedDevils332d ago

The only way to achieve this, is by having no life outside of video game lol.

Outlawzz332d ago

Strange choice of game but hey that's some devotion. Congrats to them!

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Ranking The Gears Of War Games From Worst To Best

The Gears of War series has been a consistent deliverer of quality for Xbox, but which games are the best?

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KicksnSnares712d ago

Gears of War is my favorite video game franchise, and the Locust is my all-time favorite faction.

My rank list:
1. Gears of War 2
2. Gears of War 3
3. Gears of War 1
4. Gears of War 4
5. Gears of War 5
6. Gears of War Judgment (No Locust in multiplayer was a disgrace)

ChasterMies711d ago

Agree 100% with this ranking. The campaign in Gears of War 2 is among the most fun campaigns ever made. It’s been downhill from there.

Zombieburger638710d ago

I’d say gears 2 and 3 are pretty even. I absolutely loved both of them.

darthv72711d ago

2 is still my favorite but 5 is also up there (for me). Then I'd say 1, 3, 4 and Judgement. Tactics isnt the same type of game, so it seems odd to rank it among TPS when its a strategy game. So I make that one all its own. Pretty fun game too.

Jericho1337711d ago

The first is and has always been the best one imo - the story, the levels, the set pieces, the soundtrack - as close to perfect as a campaign can get.

I’d say the series had been on a continual downhill slide until 5.

Om4ever711d ago

Naaaan ... 2 is the best by far

MadLad711d ago


I love the series as a whole, but 4 was pretty by the numbers, and Judgement was just ok.

LoveSpuds711d ago

I played them all since picking up a Series X about 7 months ago. Personally, I don't think time has been kind to the earlier games and they feel very slow and repetitive to play. Whilst the newer games may be prettier, they stick with the original gameplay mechanics too much in my view so as a whole series of titles, I think they are pretty average games.

Not to say they weren't fun and I have a lot of nostalgia for 1 and 2, I just think there are far better action games out there.

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