
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Screens, First Plot Details Revealed, Due in 2023 for Next-Gen Only

Respawn and EA have announced Star Wars Jedi: Survivor! Check out the teaser alongside the first screens, and plot details for the game.

ClayRules2012736d ago (Edited 736d ago )

“Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is being developed by a veteran team at Respawn, and is being headed by Stig Asmussen (God of War 3). From the press release, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is being built for current-gen of gaming hardware (read: PS5, Xbox Series X|S, PC), and is due to be released sometime in 2023“

So glad to hear it’s NEXT GEN ONLY.

So excited for this game. And I like that Stig is heading it!

excaliburps736d ago

Hopefully they are making it next-gen only since they are doing crazy stuff visually and with the added horsepower. I mean, that makes sense, right? No way they'd alienate millions of last-gen players/buyers.

CrimsonWing69736d ago (Edited 736d ago )


Why else does any game only come out for a next-gen console?

The whole “alienating” millions of last-gen players/buyers never was a problem for 8 freaking generations. Why in the world in 9th gen is this all, “what about the millions of players from last-gen?”

The world is really weird that we now can’t move onto a whole other generation because of people in last-gen…

Here’s what all those millions of people can do, move onto next-gen.

MIDGETonSTILTS17736d ago

Stig is a legend, GoW3 is still the only game I’ve Plat’d. I even beat it on Chaos, even though there isn’t a trophy

ClayRules2012736d ago

He is indeed. Wow, really? That’s interesting, yet, also amazing that you got the platinum on the game. I could NEVER beat the game on Chaos (I wouldn’t attempt it either, I’d probably break the controller and tv haha) but props to you for doing that!

What’s your opinion on God of War (2018?) I’d really like to know.

MIDGETonSTILTS17735d ago

Chaos isn’t that hard once you appreciate how OP the dodge stick is.

And 2018 was awesome. A huge departure, but I think they needed to. Even Mario has gone through serious shake ups in mechanics in order to avoid becoming stale. I haven’t beaten the hardest difficulty yet, but I’m working on it.

MIDGETonSTILTS17735d ago

*2018 is a much deeper and difficult game.

ClayRules2012734d ago

I’m glad to hear you thought 2018 was awesome and it was worth your time!

Yeah, good point about Mario and the changes done there in the mechanics.

I’ve told some of my friends God of War was needing a change in that department (because it had gotten stale/repetitive for me and others) and while I know they loved the old mechanics, change isn’t always a bad thing and it paid off in the end.

Best of luck on the hardest difficulty in 2018’s game. I tried, too much of a pain for me lol.

MIDGETonSTILTS17734d ago

I try to look at the hardest difficulty as not something to beat, but something to chip at forever.

I only attempt it for games that I truly can replay forever, because you are bound to hit a difficulty wall and end up repeating a check point for 3+ hours. But, almost always, you’ll realize that you neglected to adapt to a game mechanic of some sort. Like, maybe you don’t dodge or parry enough, and the enemy you’re stuck on is actually designed to push you to be a better dodger or parrier…..

Once you realize how you’re swimming against the current of the mechanics’ design, then you finally allow the game to teach you to be even better…. And it’ll feel very rewarding to realize that you somehow managed to become even better at the game.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 734d ago
moriarty1889736d ago

Loved the previous game and cant wait for this gem!

Nitrowolf2736d ago

Glad it got a next-gen upgrade to, gonna replay it soon

VerminSC736d ago

Finally some Current Gen only games! I got my PS5 in 2020 and I’ve had like 3 current gen games…

Joejohn736d ago (Edited 736d ago )

"I got my ps5 in 2020 and I've had like 3 current gen games" - now imagine if you were an xbox series owner only...

SonyStyled736d ago

Don’t grind that grain more finer than it is. Be happy with your gaming console and not imagine if you have another. Xbox is having a hard time producing games for the duration of a year. If you don’t play on Xbox, let it go. It’s not your problem.

Joejohn736d ago (Edited 736d ago )


Thanks for the lecture, but I own both consoles. I have every right to voice frustration, and comment when I feel standards aren't being applied equally.

lucian229736d ago

First game was so boring, hopefully that changes.

Nacho_Z736d ago

You're probably ok to skip the new game if that's your opinion of the original.

I thought it was great and I expect more of the same.

lucian229736d ago

Yeah though never know it could be better. My main issue was the shallow combat. If they Amp it up it could be a lot of fun. Sometimes a game has a good base and a sequel expands in just the right ways.

Ataraxias736d ago

Itemization or rather the lack of it was also quite boring. Poncho palette swaps are not a good reward for exploration.

ChubbyBlade736d ago

You’re on your own with that one there bud

Joejohn736d ago (Edited 736d ago )

No it wasnt, sounds like a you problem. Shallow combat? Lol, no.

CrimsonWing69736d ago

Did we play the same game? The intro got me immediately and it didn’t let up from there. The train sequence was pretty fantastic and there were tons of exciting set pieces. How far did you get?

lucian229735d ago

I got like 10+ hours in? Played on hard mode too. Just wasn't fun. Train sequence wasn't fun either

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 735d ago
Aussiesummer736d ago

And the screens are just from the rendered trailer. Ffs.

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Michiel198974d ago

please don't adapt anything more from that trilogy, thanks


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