
Todd Howard shares a new concept image for Starfield in celebration to National Space Day

We shall discover what's out there.

Obscure_Observer757d ago

Love the beautiful art.

Also, I think this image gives us a clear hint about who might be our second companion. O.o

Smok91757d ago (Edited 757d ago )

Whether you agree or not, try looking at the picture it’s more than obvious. You don’t even have to read this time lol

alb1899756d ago

The sense of exploration.....hmmm!

Magog757d ago

Concept art? This thing is still 4 years away from being finished.

757d ago
Godmars290757d ago

At this point, given their track record, just have till the game's actually out day-one to judge it.

Godmars290756d ago

I know the following will only inflame the typical FB BS, but if you're insisting that Howard is doing what he's always done in regards to a release and all Bethesda titles have had issues if not major ones, then how is this one going to be any different? Where is the show of faith or confidence on their part?

Starfield's day one release will answer all. It will either shut people up, make them whine in denial, or most likely continue typical FB BS cause no side can or will admit they were wrong.

DOMination-757d ago

Yeah, what a terrible track record they have over the last 20 years. From Metacritic:

Morrowind - 88
Oblivion - 94
Fallout 3 - 91
Skyrim - 94
Fallout 4 - 84

Before you scream Fallout76, it wasn't developed by BGS Maryland. It's also apparently quite decent these days I hear.

Out of interest I had a look back through old Starfield articles from a couple of years back and to my complete unsurprise saw comments from both Magog and Godmars excited for it and praising both the game and developer. What's changed, lads?

SinisterKieran757d ago

I love these games but anyone who’s played these games. The first year is terrible.
These games are so bug ridden that anyone with a brain knows these games should be scoring 50-70 because they’re so broken with bugs that are game breaking.

Baffles me how they scored so high at launch.

Godmars290757d ago


"Baffles me how they scored so high at launch."

Since Morrowwind they've had a dedicated following and mod community that welcomes fixing "their" game.

ABizzel1757d ago (Edited 757d ago )

I don't think anyone with common sense would deny that the games they make are stellar worlds in their realm of WRPGs even if you don't like their games such as myself (except for trolls/fanboys of course).

But with Bethesda, what I will say is they only made a single game last-generation and it was considered by your own posting of metascores, their worst game. Not to mention, it came out early in the generation where reviewers were still giving passes on technical and performance issues, of which only "cult following" reviews get a pass on as of late (So like Souls they might get a pass).

My point is there is reason to be hopeful but concerned. Many fans are hoping Starfield is Fallout in Space which I'm sure they'll be happy with even if it gets Fallout 4 scores or lower, but for myself and many others, Starfield is a chance for them to bring millions of other gamers on board who just can't get with certain failing of Elder Scrolls and Fallout by improving several areas that their games have been lackluster for decades IMO, which are Gameplay (especially combat) and technical issues.

But we'll see, and hopefully this is an evolution and not just more of the same.

HardKnockKid24757d ago

@SinisterKieran, which bugs did you encounter specifically?

Magog756d ago

That's just a lie. Bethesda Maryland had a huge hand in making Fallout 76.

Terry_B756d ago

Never played one of these at launch, eh?

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EvertonFC757d ago

You do realise it comes out this year or maybe a small delay early nxt year right ? and I'm a PS fan.

Magog756d ago

Released and finished haven't been the same thing in the games industry for over a decade. Especially games like this one.

Terry_B756d ago

Actually..this might be true. Even if they release it in 2022, that game will be "finished" ..in other words have all the bug fixing it needs in 4 years.

756d ago
756d ago
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darkrider757d ago

What is this? How hard can it be to put a real Pic from the game?

757d ago
gold_drake757d ago

thats all good and well, but i think ee all want to see stuff from the actual game, not a new concept art.

kikicub757d ago

If this was coming also to PS5 there would be heaps of praise and how wonderful it looks...and how much better than on the Xbox....smh

rippermcrip757d ago

How wonderful this concept art looks?

kikicub756d ago

I didn't say it look wonderful, I'm saying that's what the fanboys would say. But the proof is in the down votes...

BrainSyphoned756d ago (Edited 756d ago )

No we would be talking about how wonderful Skyrim looked and ran on PS3.
As in terrible, Sony always got the shortest stick in optimization from them in case you forgot.

rippermcrip756d ago

No one is bragging about a game in their console because if the concept art. That's why your comment don't make sense and you're getting downvoted.

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