
Rumor: A Next Metal Gear Is... Metal Gear Solid Touch!?

Hideo Kojima said that we'd still have a couple week's worth of speculation on what "A Next Metal Gear Is...", but rumored scans from Famitsu may have spoiled it. It's Metal Gear. For the iPhone.

Maxned5647d ago

What?! Wow. I just took the iPhone off my x-mas list.

Its probably not true...

Nathan Drake5647d ago (Edited 5647d ago )

Macworld is on January 5th,they're going to unveil it as a portable exclusive.

Please dont fire me sony :D !

5647d ago
Critical_Hit5647d ago

I freaking called it in the original article. This game should be interesting to say the least.

SL1M DADDY5647d ago

Maybe all of that Apple advertising in MGS4 should have lead us all to believe that what we all suspected was going to come true. Come on, it's obvious Hideo Kojima likes Apple and Apple likes Hideo. With all that advertising in MGS4 for Mac, why would he port the game to the 360, an MS product?

UltimateIdiot9115647d ago

Yeah, I thought it was pretty obvious from the start. The whole game was a trojan for advertising Apple products. I love the game but the Apple products were all over the place.
Kojima still rock though.
I'll probably try this out on my brother's ipod touch when it's out.

solidt125647d ago

I Agree with SL1M DADDY. when the news first broke I thought about the Interview Kojima had where he talked about how much he loves his Ipod, then in the game you have a Ipod, plus they are using Mac's. It was obvious it was a game for the Ipod Touch/Iphone. I really doubt Microsoft would have a game on it's system with so many references to Sony and Apple there biggest competitors.

prowiew5646d ago

Probably game will be at least 7gb and only cut scenes

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 5646d ago
Lord Anubis5647d ago

the idiots are in denial. every 360 fan is. they want to ignore the image of the iPhone/Touch and pretend it's a rumour.

walken75647d ago

i worked for at&t and played a lot of the iphone games. Man they suck. I'll take a gameboy advance over that anyday. Motion controls (terrible, except in the labyrinth style games), touch screen control (even worse, cover up the screen with your fingers), and then the terrible service and overpriced plans. Ipod touch is the way to go. That iphone has more problems than people know.

PirateThom5647d ago

Well, that's that sorted out.

TOO PAWNED5647d ago

not a rumor it is confirmed, change title.

Xbots go:"but but but it had green light :(" BUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA

GiantEnemyLobster5647d ago

Two fails put together=Epic Fail. Thats what this is.

thefragilenin5647d ago

Consider this a rumor for now, especially until we see something that looks more legit — and hopefully in higher resolution.-that's from Kotaku.com.

Kleptic5647d ago

its not from kotaku...its from famitsu...a much more credible source...kotaku is just a N4G, where they have 'employees' digging for this stuff instead of regular hobbyists...

the original find was when a user posted the scans on Neogaf...

I agree that doesn't necessarily mean that this is exactly what Kojima was talking about with 'waiting a few weeks'...but this more or less confirms a game for that touch thing...

Nathan Drake5647d ago

If you think the biggest undercover Sony fanboy is going to put his game on the 360,you're in for a surprise

solidt125647d ago

The guys who disagreed must not of played the game. To many references to Sony and Apple for Microsoft to get a port. They would have to take out parts of the game. It's not impossible to do but it won't happen if Kojima can help it. Major climaxes in the game reference past Playstations also. If you have played the game then you know what I am talking about.

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gold_drake11d ago

if they make their mobile games playable on ps5 and their maybe new handheld, that would be huge. cause i aint playing any free games on my phone, cause mobile games suck. haha.

Retro198610d ago

I like mobile games, but the problem for me is that «free games» usually has alot of p2w or other microtransaction connected to them. LoL, Hearthstone, civ, fm etc is great on iPad 😊 Would love to see rise of kingdoms etc Get rid of p2w formula.

Guitardr859d ago

Does anyone remember PS MInis from the PS3 era? I feel like most of those were mobile games that were ported...No reason they couldn't do that again I suppose. :)

gold_drake9d ago

yeeeess i had some of them haha

P_Bomb9d ago

Ha, I remember those! They didn’t have trophies so I’ve lost track of most of them, but I remember Hysteria Project and Angry Birds.

piher9d ago

I feel like people don't understand what mobile gaming is anymore.

It's not the button phone cheap Tetris clones or movie licensed stuff anymore.

Mobile gaming is huge games like Genshin Impact Honkai: Star Rail, Wuthering Waves, Amazon and Bandai/Namco's Blue Protocol games with budgets that rival and even exceed AAA, but even things like CoD and other big western games have mobile versions.

All the games listed also have PC and console versions.

Sony already owns several big mobile games most famously Fate/Grand Order.

gold_drake9d ago

i feel like you are overblowing what other ppl have said ha.

most mobiles are still very much your gatcha style of gaming.

the games u listed, absolutely, but that wasnt even my comment. mobile games, if they are not on anything else, sucks. so to have them on a handheld with buttons or on a console to, would be a win for me

Philaroni10d ago

I'm going to say this and ether A: I'm crazy or B: I'm crazy, but do any of you remember when Sony years back had the Xperia Play. Touched one never got it myself. If Sony is looking for a handheld (Look at Apple with the games it can run on there own devices) I wonder if maybe, just maybe they try to make a play for the Phone space again. Just my 2 cents, well with inflations I guess my 2 dimes.

Kurisu10d ago

Make an Xperia Play 2 that actually has functionality with the PS5 and I might bite! Loved the Xperia Play, showing off Crash Bandicoot on it was great but that's the only game I had for it.

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