
PlayStation Plus Premium: Is it really an Xbox Game Pass rival?

The VG247 team reacts to Sony's big PS Plus revamp, and opinions are… tepid.

darthv72796d ago

Im understanding this as combining the existing + and Now and adding in PS1 / PSP / PS5 streaming & downloads as well as new game trials. The new game trials would be kind of like day one releases on GP. Letting you play a new release and then decide if you want to pay to keep playing it.

I honestly thought PS1 was already supported on PSNow since they digitized all those PS1 games back during the PS3 era.

796d ago Replies(4)
CaptainHenry916796d ago (Edited 796d ago )

What about PS2 and PS3 games🤔 and over 800 games . They're using microsoft azure now as well

darthv72796d ago

What about them? They are already part of PS Now.

Eonjay796d ago

Plus it offers over 700 games. That is seriously a lot of content.

darthv72795d ago

Well... that's the PS Now side of it. It's always offered a huge catalog of games. This is the equivalent of making something old look new again and people feeling like they are seeing it for the first time when its been there all along. They just chose not to notice because it was a separate thing.

Deathdeliverer796d ago

Until it actually releases there’s no way anyone can say. Having games from each PS gen including PSP is pretty sick. (No vita though) When they say every major publisher is supporting it does that mean day ones like gamepass? Sony already said PS5 games will be on, we just don’t know if a new release every now and then is on the menu.
I have gamepass ultimate and I’ll have this. If they are TOO similar though, as in they both have the same games, I’d probably drop one.

glennhkboy796d ago

I guess it just means those 3rd party PS1, 2, 3, 4 games already in the PS+ services get the blessing from their publishers/ developers.

DaCajun796d ago

PS plus original is still the same, thankfully. PS+ premium is just PS+ and PS Now combined for the same price as both added before, $59.99x2+$0.01=$119.99.

Just a rebranding of the previous 2 seperate offerings and people are acting like it's something new and the greatest thing ever. It's still the same good deal as before plus $0.01 more, lol. People have been wanting them to simplify it for a long time now. Most hoping for a discount in a combined offering, which in someway there is in the middle tier.

The only new things that I've noticed are just a medium tier and the previously free 5 hour game trails for certain games locked behind the premium tier now. If I've missed something else new please correct me.

Godmars290796d ago

HAs Game Pass really proved to be a positive for Xbox?

alb1899796d ago

Yes it does. Isn't it good for you?

NecrumOddBoy796d ago

Positive with the audience. It’s not profitable but I don’t think it’s a major loss with how much MS makes as a global company.

SpineSaw796d ago

Sure it a huge positive for Microsoft but the reason they went to the GP service is they had to they could not sell their First Party games those games a just are a level or 2 below what Nintendo and Sony First Party has to offer.

MadLad796d ago

Several studios under Microsoft put out award winning games last year, from what I remember.

OMGitzThatGuy796d ago

Only game that wasn't selling well before game pass was FM7.

SpineSaw796d ago

You mean those multiplayer games with all that replay-ability that so few are still playing Halo Infinite and Forza 5. Those award winning games?... lol Like I said a level or 2 or more below Sony and Nintindo First Party Studio games.

MadLad796d ago

There's a lot of people still playing Horizon 5. Halo Infinite is having issues with their multiplayer, but I loved the campaign.

You're just biased.

If you want to be that way, who even was still talking about Horizon "Forgotten" West since Elden Ring dropped?

Godmars290796d ago

How aren't you bias with a comment like that?

SpineSaw795d ago

There be absolutely no bias in facts. The Microsoft website and Steam site that report most games played both report gamers have moved from Halo Infinite and Forza Horizon 5.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 795d ago
glennhkboy796d ago

Yes, GamePass is generating profit for MS for the last fiscal year.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 795d ago
MadLad796d ago (Edited 796d ago )

Sounds like a glorified emulator with a price tag, honestly.
All I can say is Microsoft has been doing that for 3 generations now, and actually went back and improved the games for free.

The only useful thing here, for me, would be giving you a trial for games so you can have a more informed decision before you purchase. But again, you're now already paying to have that.
And Sony has one of the worst refund policies to be had otherwise, so it's almost like you're paying to remedy that.

MIDGETonSTILTS17796d ago

At the very least, they didn’t crate barriers in order to artificially increase the price of their base service in order to create an inflated value proposition.

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