
Street Fighter 6 Might Be Releasing For Xbox Series X

Street Fighter 6 might not be following its predecessors in the release regard, as per game listing for Xbox Series X consoles.

Imortus_san818d ago ShowReplies(1)
DarthZoolu818d ago

If it doesn’t Capcom will never get another dime from me!

ABizzel1818d ago

You have every right to spend your money, but I want to understand your logic.

You're mad at Capcom for potentially making their game exclusive to a specific platform(s), because you choose to exclusively play on a specific platform(s) said game won't be on?

818d ago
RedDevils818d ago Show
neutralgamer1992818d ago

I don't think it will because I believe so y has in works the agreement to acquire capcom

PapaBop818d ago

Only reason SFV was PS4 and PC exclusive because Sony helped fund the development. Capcom are in a far better place now financially, I see no reason why they'd keep this new one an exclusive too.

fr0sty818d ago

Capcom wasn't in dire straits when SF5 launched, their profits have been growing for 9 years in a row (Sf5 came out 6 years ago), and they've been posting record profits every year since SF5 released. The vast majority of the sales that drove those profits came from PlayStation consoles, so Capcom doesn't exactly have much reason to make SF6 multiplatform.

VersusDMC818d ago

And Monster Hunter Rise should have been in everything.
And Dead Rising 3 should have been on everything.

Capcom does 3rd party exclusives with everyone! Best you can hope for is the game you wanted to be on the system you have. It is what it is.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 818d ago

Good because SF5 being exclusive to PS4 was BS. No third party games should EVER be exclusive. I don't care who funded the game it's just not right.

818d ago Replies(2)
1Victor818d ago (Edited 818d ago )

“BS. No third party games should EVER be exclusive.”
But buying 3rd party developers/publishers and blocking their games from the competition is ok ?

@Darth I remember a lot of Xbox players saying the same about Metal Gear 4 and 5 did well on Xbox. 🤦🏿🤣
To tell you the truth I don’t doubt that capcom would make it exclusive to PS5 and pc as Sony owns Evo one if not the biggest esport tournament and street fighter is a big part of it

neutralgamer1992818d ago


Man that's not how business works. If Sony or Ms help fund the project than they have every right to dictate which platforms get that product


I know you add that S/ in the end but Ms has the offs stacked against them when it comes to buying any Japanese publishers



I'm fully aware how business works and like I said in my post I don't care who funded the game. SF has always been a mutiplat game and should remain such. Bad enough Sony and MS are starting to buy up companies. You may be ok with where gaming is headed but I'm not.

PapaBop818d ago

Sony helped fund the development, I agree with your statement but it's hard to really call SFV a third party game.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 817d ago
StarkR3ality818d ago (Edited 818d ago )

I agree with the sentiment that this should release on all platforms. But at the end of the day if Sony are funding the development and advertising, they have every right to have it exclusive.

Tomb raider being the most egregious example in my opinion, and that was Xbox doing it.

It's a shame that this happens, but business is business guys

Zhipp818d ago

Tomb Raider was a timed exclusive. An apples to apples comparison would be Titanfall.

I don't see any real reason for SFVI to be PS exclusive, though. Capcom has the money, and the franchise is huge enough that it's guaranteed to sell on whatever platform they decide to port it to. i.e they don't need Sony to bankroll this one. If it does end up exclusive again, we can pretty safely assume Sony paid an enormous amount to get it.

StarkR3ality818d ago

I would still say it was a worse example than street fighter due to the size of the IP arguably being bigger and starting on PlayStation.

Could say the same as Crash bandicoot being an Xbox exclusive potentially also.

Yeah they would make the money either way but like you said, depends on what Sony are offering. Think people underestimate how much marketing and distribution costs. Plus they might be lowering the platform fee from the usual 30%.

It all adds up.

Zhipp818d ago

I don't know that Tomb Raider is bigger than SF. At the very least, they're close. On top of that, Playstation users can go out and play Tomb Raider today. Xbox players cannot do the same with SF5. It's simply not comparable -- I don't even understand the logic you're using to try and say the Tomb Raider deal was worse. Why does it make a difference if the franchise started on Playstation 25 years ago? What does that, or Crash now being owned by M$, have to do with the fact that there's nothing compelling Capcom to make SF6 exclusive this time?

PS, what you're describing is pretty typical for timed-exclusivity deals. I feel Sony would need to offer Capcom a little more than marketing costs to justify locking the entire game to their platform in perpetuity. If Capcom is looking to continue growing the series, they'll launch on more systems, not less. I expect to even see this game on -- if not the Switch -- then the Switch 2 whenever that comes out. Unless, again, Sony paid out the ass for exclusivity.

DarthZoolu818d ago

Business is business and I speak with my wallet!

StarkR3ality818d ago

Hey that's right mate, more power to yah

darthv72818d ago

Sony got SFV as a result of the canceled exclusive 'Deep Down' that Capcom had promised. As a consolation, Sony asked for SFV exclusivity and Capcom had to make it seem like they wouldnt have been able to make the game without the backing from Sony (which was total BS).

Looking back through the history of the franchise, there was only two other entries that were exclusive (at their respected times). Fighting street for the PCE/TG16 and the original SF2 for the SFC/SNES. Both of which eventually did make their way onto compilations but every entry after those were always multiplatform.

StarkR3ality818d ago

Yeah could be the case.

It's always a shame to see multiplatform games go exclusive regardless, I agree that exclusives are nesscessary for selling a platform and building it's identity. But third party deals like this do leave a bitter taste in one's mouth.

The industry at the moment though, building successful studios and new IP is much harder than buying existing ones.

Knushwood Butt818d ago

Super Turbo was exclusive to 3DO for a long time.

Gamer75818d ago

Tomb Raider started on PC, Sega Saturn and PS

StarkR3ality818d ago

Made it's popularity on PlayStation though let's not pretend here.

People can disagree all they like, all I'm saying is that both companies buy exclusivity one way or another, it's not a practice I like but it happens, get over going in on one company over another.

Gamer75818d ago (Edited 818d ago )

I'm not pretending anything I'm just responding to the part of your comment where you said "starting on PS" and all I did was state a fact of what platforms it was on

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 818d ago
FlavorLav01818d ago

It was rumored to be multiplat back when the Nvidea gamelist leaked. So, this isn’t really new info…

Eonjay818d ago

This. I thought it was already known to be multiplat.

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Honestly they should create a balance schedule and stick to it. "From time to time" is ambiguous and with the competitive scene booming, the last thing we need is NRS like knee jerk balance patches. I think twice a year is fair, half way through a season and then the start of the next season.


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