
Forspoken Has Been Rated By The ESRB, Will Feature Microtransactions

ESRB has officially rated Forspoken "M for mature audiences", alongside including in-game purchases as a feature.

blackblades846d ago

Eh, im safe I don't buy MT content

VenomUK845d ago (Edited 845d ago )

I'm going to write an email to SquareEnix on behalf of the entire N4G community to ask them if there are any innovative ways they can implement NFTs into the game before launch.

Christopher844d ago

*hovers over permanent ban button*

ScootaKuH844d ago

Please do. I didn't want this game anyway 🤣

Fonsecap844d ago

Better yet, ask them to make the game a NFT, so we can buy and resell for thousands of profit

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 844d ago
gamer7804844d ago

Ya not the MT that is worrying about this game it’s the lack of information story and what’s going on. It still feels like a tech demo to me.

Christopher844d ago

I mean, for a new IP, seems pretty clear to me. Sarcastic teen gets teleported to a fantasy land with a magical bracelet, learns a ton of magic, gets talked down to by a lot of adults, saves the day, roll credits.

Teflon02844d ago

Story was explained like a year ago. The heck do you want? For them to spoil the whole story. It's a teen from the real world telephoned to another world and trying to find her way back. There's really nothing more they need to tell you. You're either going to try or not

gamer7804844d ago

@christopher what I mean is more depth to what we’ve seen, it seems very lightweight.

844d ago
FlavorLav01844d ago

If they’re cosmetic only then I don’t give a rats a$$. If it’s anything other then that, we might have a problem. Enix is and still should be under the microscope after their Avengers game…er.. “happened” haha

Jaces844d ago

You should care because putting cosmetics behind a pay wall takes away from the fun of earning and unlocking them instead. Think if GoW had all the badass gear cosmetics locked behind a paywall, not cool. It only encourages them to keep adding MT's little by little.

TheEroica844d ago

You got downvotted for placing value on your gaming life.... How dare you.... Currently 15 down votes from 15 puppets who hate that you have more control in your life than they do.

neutralgamer1992844d ago

Activision made more than 5 billion dollars from Micro transactions so why are we surprised other publishers are following that trend

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 844d ago
victorMaje846d ago

Isn’t this a single player game? MTx = Goodbye.

DarXyde845d ago

I'm inclined to agree, but if it is anything like DMCV.... I'm not happy about it, but I can live with it.

northpaws844d ago

Tales of Arise has it too, but the game is amazing, haven't paid for any of the microtransactions.

I still prefer games that don't have those, but I am ok if the game is solid.

pietro1212844d ago

I don’t them at times. I used the Tales currency because I couldn’t stand doing those awful side quest (which was the only way to make money in the game)

TheEroica844d ago

Man this game looks so bland on paper... Watching it play is even worse. Strikingly unoriginal.

Teflon02844d ago

Pretty sure they just mean little things like say a costume. MYX is like a buzz word. They need to just keep those for games as a service and just call this dlc. It's really not a big deal, every single player game has dlc these days, you just ignore them

SonyStyled844d ago (Edited 844d ago )

I think we are in a transitional period where dlc is considered a micro transaction if it doesn’t include a multiplayer map pack/single player expansion.

A few years ago we started the same thing with the word “exclusive,” and now the change of how gamers perceive the words dlc and MTX.

I didn’t read the article so I can’t comment on what the micro transactions are for this game, but skins and all else under a paywall are something that should be included in a game paid by the original purchase, yet the income of some who pay for those extras has set the precedent for developers to pursue that extra income. Remember online passes? Well here we are again with developers offering an extra charge to us gamers to have access to the package we’ve already paid for (excluding map packs). That development time can be used to make a sequel we would pay for, but now spent on extra skins in games. I agree with you, it should be for GAAS games only if it’s not actually dlc (mp maps, sp expansions).

What’s the next progression of this though, buy a game but have to pay extra to watch the epilogue after the gameplay has ended? I think that’s where a lot of the concern comes from with aged gamers. All else the outrage is from those who don’t understand the difference between MTX and dlc. Maybe this articles author has confused dlc with MTX?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 844d ago
-Foxtrot846d ago

Annnnnd pre order cancelled

Can wait until it’s discounted

Michiel1989845d ago

you shouldnt pre-order to begin with, its what makes companies get away with shitty unfinished games because they released a good trailer or 2.

RPGer844d ago

Good trailers?? The only good trailer was the first one when things were very simple and no story content.

The game main character literary based on the voice actor, everybody whinging in the trailers, fps looks so bad (Square Enix profession even for full games especially their europe sector), main character keeps make annoying sounds with every jumps and arial movements.

The good things about it is the powers, it looks like another Infamous or Prototype. I mean good settings, amazing super powers and ability, but packed with pooring storiy and meaningless progression.

I have a feeling it will be all about a depressed goth girl, who eventually will prove her own power and capability in a fantasy world.

Another perfect $29.99 Square Enix game.

Teflon02844d ago

Trailers were good to me personally. Not sure what anyone's crying about. It sold me from the first showing and hasn't worried me since

Michiel1989843d ago

@rpg im not talking about forsaken specifically with that trailer comment. Just in general, companies release a cool trailer and people are already in line to throw money at them. Often enough when that game comes out its not finished, buggy or what have you.

I dont mean that you should never get hyped for a game because of a trailer, but pre-ordering is counterintuitive from a customers perspective.

DaleCooper844d ago

Probably a good idea. The more I see about the game the less I like it, and I actually started out pretty excited for it. I could be surprised, but I doubt it.

zsquaresoff846d ago

Enthusiasm went from hyped to totally dead.

Flawlessmic845d ago

Yeppp feel the exact same way, was really looking forward to this and now and that excitement just evaporated.

Will certainky be waiting for reviews now to see how bad the mtx are.

844d ago
pietro1212844d ago

Because a game has DLC? You know you don’t have to buy it.

SinisterMister845d ago

I don't understand the hate people are giving the game already. It's not as if the title is going to be Pay to Win. Have you even seen how well the open-world freerunning gameplay looks? I, for one, will be definitely purchasing Forspoken.

-Foxtrot845d ago

Well lets break it down

The dialogue is a little off in places, which is strange because Amy Hennig is usually been good with dialogue

MT's are bad...especially for a single player game which just brings up so many red flags, why do they need them in a single player game. Don't care if it's not pay to win or if "I don't have to buy them" enough is enough, there's no middle ground if we want rid of them or don't want them to get worse.

From what we've seen SO FAR (based on what we've been given as potential consumers), while the freerunning looks cool, if you look beyond that, the open world looks pretty baron and empty.

845d ago
-Foxtrot845d ago


If you think DLC and MT are the same I pity you

MrNinosan845d ago

The last 3 Assassins Creed games are to me, the best 3, and they have sold millions.
I never spent a cent on mt for any of those games, and still spent 100+ hours in each, with enjoyment.

No one is forced to pay mt, but as long as there are thousands of people spending money to get a better looking cloak, hat, boots or whatever, it will continue and I see no issues with that.

In Final Fantasy VII Remake I spent money on mt and I'm happy to support the developer of it's implemented well.

Again, no one force you.

However, when it goes over to p2w, there's where I see issues with it. Or when you almost have to buy it to progress in a singleplayer game (which I haven't experienced so far in any game).

chronoforce845d ago

If I am not mistaken most of the actual story and narrative was written by Todd Stashwick and Allison Rymer. I remember Whitta mentioning on a YouTube podcast Hennig and himself were mostly involved in world building. Similar to GRR Martin's involvement with Elden Ring.

I expect the game to be an evolution somewhat of FFXV. There were barely any npc's or wildlife roaming about on the map. Entire roads were practically empty of any other type of vehicle other than your own. The story is probably going to justify this by saying it's too dangerous for anything to venture or sustain itself outside.

Anyone that did not like FFXV is probably not going to like Forspoken either.

dumahim844d ago

"In Final Fantasy VII Remake I spent money on mt "

What MT in FFVII Remake?

844d ago
-Foxtrot844d ago (Edited 844d ago )



Criticise a PS game = Xbox fanboy

Criticise an Xbox game = PS fanboy

Well…fml right


Teflon02844d ago

Foxtrot you think of MTX as something worse but literally it means Micro transactions which is what weapon, costume, item dlc is and Square, Bandai, Ubi etc have had that in their single player games since like ps3. It's really not a big deal, didn't ruin tales of Arise, didn't ruin a bunch of games. It's just hearing MTX immediately makes people hate without being logical

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monkey602845d ago

I'm interested in the game and this news won't entirely kill it for me yet but I also think it's way too early to be planning on buying as of now when we know so little about it.

I also stand strong against ever preordering a game

Show all comments (115)

Most Disappointing Game of 2023

VGChartz's Craig S: "Who doesn't love a good dose of schadenfreude every now and then? There was no shortage of that on offer in terms of video games last year, hidden in plain sight amongst the more genuine disappointments (I'll leave it for you to decide which category each of the following games falls into).

One unfortunate trend when it comes to the biggest disappointments of the last year was that so many were new IPs, including Bethesda's latest major release Starfield, the Arkane Studio B-team's abortive attempt at a co-op vampire shooter, and Square Enix's action RPG Forspoken. Mega-franchise Call of Duty and the perennially delayed The Lord of the Rings: Gollum round out the list of Nominees."

Read Full Story >>
Profchaos132d ago

I think disappointing and bad are not the same thing.

The article calls out lotr Gollum that was not disappointing it was bad

Redfall is both disappointing and bad.

starfield, MW3 sure disappointing.

But if I was to add some disappointments of the year I'd add

firewall ultra absolutely a dumpster fire that killed the studio.

007 goldeneye the port of the N64 game it's disappointing as we didn't get the rare remaster version and the switch version has very poor controls.

Rdr was not the remake we wanted a simple port that didn't even run at 60 fps on launch on ps5

Jedi survivor Just broken on day 1

coolbeans131d ago

-"The article calls out lotr Gollum that was not disappointing it was bad"

I personally fall on the 'Gollum disappointing' spectrum. Here's why: even though Daedalic Entertainment was hopping out of their point-n-click lane, they *were* a solid group of devs that had an unexpected concept. Those two things, cheering on a dev taking a risk with a brand and the odd-yet-intriguing template, at least made me hope for something decent; instead, it's the reason they're only publishing now.

CBaoth131d ago

But the concept never stood a chance, even in the heyday of the Metal Gear/Splinter Cell days. When this was announced, no one was intrigued by its premise. Fell flat on its face. Even if Gollum had come out to glowing reviews the game would've struggled to perform financially. That's why it's not disappointing, just bad. Had no hype. All the other games Prof listed had the potential to sell great or be reviewed better but failed. Low effort remasters like the GTA collection, the RDR port, and MGS Collection could all sell well but still be severely disappointing. Gollum was uninteresting at concept, terrible in its execution. The result was expected sadly.

Sephiroushin30d ago

I don’t know but i don't even would put Gollum on a disappointment list, those list would be for games people expected much more than what they delivered and most people expected Gollum to be bad!

-Foxtrot131d ago

Goldeneye is so weird

We got no proper remaster for it despite the fact it was being worked on and it was almost done apparently then the Xbox version didn't come with online play but the Nintendo Switch one did...the Switch...the system where online play is a f***** ballache.


RhinoGamer88132d ago

I recently came back to Redfall, my lord...the controls and movement were a disgrace! I felt like my character was drunk. Zero fine movement control. The XBOX producers on this game should be fired.

OtterX132d ago

I think Diablo IV deserves to be on this list. While not the worst made game, it was one of the most disappointing. Many of us had such high expectations for it and it turned out to be so incredibly dull, a slog to play.

Sonic1881132d ago

It's basically Diablo Immoral 2.0 with lots of microtransactions

DarkZane132d ago

Diablo 3 was as much as a dumpster fire at launch, but a year later, it became a very good game and was well worth playing. Give Diablo 4 the same time. In a year, it's going to be awesome I bet.

coolbeans131d ago

I was under the impression their most-recent update fits that bill.

OtterX131d ago

K I'll try reinstalling in a year or 2.

I didn't play D3 until after the first year, so I will certainly give it another shot.. especially to try and get my money's worth out of it. But at launch, I was bored out of my mind and uninstalled it.

Sonic1881131d ago

That's the biggest issue. Unfinished games with lots of flaws and issues during launch. Unfortunately, most gamers don't forget or forgive that and would rather spend their money on another game

jznrpg132d ago (Edited 132d ago )

Jedi Survivor was disappointing for me because I waited until a month ago to play it and it still has major issues. My saves were getting corrupted so I had to restart an old save however many times and a plethora of other bugs.

Of course there is Redfall Starfield but to me it’s MS overhype underdeliver so I expected it to some extent but not as bad as it was.

Gollum had little to no expectations.

Forspoken was a disappointment but not as bad as it was made out to be especially if you turned on Japanese voice acting. It was a 7 type of game but it looked like it could have been better.

Diablo 4 was scored well at launch but all my friends that loved and played 3 (after years of swasons) up until 4 were disappointed with 4 and don’t play it anymore .

Factions getting canceled was a bit of a disappointment. Not huge as I don’t play gaas much but it was disappointing.

Nintendo not releasing Switch 2 again was disappointing to me. I don’t use my Switch much it’s just so outdated and mosty kiddy games release some more games that I want to play not my kids!

No physical copy for Alan Wake 3 disappointing as hell, actually beyond that it is upsetting (to some extent,I will live of course)

Gamers getting used to owning nothing and renting games is very disappointing. I don’t watch Netflix anymore it’s mosty mediocre crap and rental services will go that direction if allowed.

CBaoth131d ago

this whole gen has been a major disappointment to me. Least amount of gaming I've done since bar/clubbing days. Watching fanboys argue now is akin to a couple of kids fighting over the front seat of a short bus. They can't even argue over games anymore.....cuz there aren't any! With two of the console manufacturers "switching' over to x86 architecture we shouldn't be having these draughts but here we are. And the third happily chugs along selling games on decade old microchips with an OLED screen.

Profchaos131d ago (Edited 131d ago )

X86 is a shared architecture but both run different development pipelines so they still have to Dev for those consoles plus PC and Arm if a switch port is included.

None of this will reduce Dev times games are complex now probably more than they need to be honestly but if every studio takes 3 to 5 or even 10 years to bring out their big titles there's going to be many dry spells

On that note arm processing is far more efficient than x86 I think Nintendo is making the right call sticking with that and we will probably see Sony and Microsoft do the same next gen as more effort is being made to bring arm into desktop space lately

Profchaos131d ago

Being disappointed that Nintendo isn't releasing ultra violent games is like being disappointed that the the next GTA game is open world. Plus totk and Metroid prime remaster did come out this year that's about as violent as they will even get

Im pretty certain that one experiment in publishing devils third is one they would like to forget.

Plus all rumours for the switch 2 places it's release in 2024 they make killer numbers at Christmas if they announce they are making a switch 2 those sales dwindle and shareholders get upset. If a switch 2 doesn't release this year that's disappointing. And if third party's don't develop for it even more so there's zero garuntee they will

I agree gamers getting used to owning nothing is a huge disappointment I don't think many will go silently into that one though


I Hope 2024 Isn't As Bad For PC Ports As 2023 Was

Ahmed from eXputer writes "The quality of PC ports has been seeing a severe decline recently, and many gamers have had enough."

anast173d ago

Switch Forspoken with Redfall.

JEECE172d ago

It can be an unfortunate trend in our industry to lump games people were looking forward to that didn't end up meeting their expectations and were just okay (Forspoken) with games that are broken (Gollum) or little more than asset flips (The Day Before). If expectations (and price) had been set appropriately, Forspoken wouldn't even be that bad.