
Halo Infinite Single-Player Review - IGN

Halo Infinite’s single-player campaign, like a new generation of Master Chief’s MJOLNIR armor, powers up a 20-year-old series, by both returning to its roots and blazing new trails to build off of. By shifting to an open-world map while retaining the classic gameplay both on foot and in its iconic vehicles, it offers a level of freedom in combat not seen in any prior Halo game. There’s a lot to do in this expansive playground, and completing its never-dull-or-overwhelming list of activities earns more combat options and, ultimately, more fun. It doesn’t quite recapture the environmental variety or memorable story of the original trilogy, but it’s still a thrilling return to form for one of gaming’s most beloved series, and for Master Chief himself.

Orchard910d ago

The reviews are looking great - looks like 343 finally cracked the Halo formula for both MP and SP. Excited to try this out on Wednesday.

Lightning77910d ago

I also want to point out the last 2 or 3 years key members have been leaving the project, having everyone worried this past few years. Even had a underwhelming showcase last year. The fact that they came together to deliver a very solid Halo experience is impressive.

4Sh0w909d ago

Hell yeah, sounds like its great. Maaan the MP has been taking all my free time, now seeing that the campaign is very good & about 25hrs on legendary I couldn’t be happier right now. 343 did a great job handling all the criticism and delivered BIGTIME. I cant wait to check it out for myself.

gamer7804910d ago

Shouldn’t have been rated this high when it’s not feature complete. I love halo but it should be finished when released. That said I can’t wait til may next year when the game will be finished and polished.

TornRaptor910d ago

Halo always's delivers more game features than a typical Sony or Nintendo 1st party game, and that's not a knock on them, as they both make great games. I just wanted to point out that what they are delivering is more than most games ship with. Personally, I only want to play the campaign by myself, so I am happy, for others waiting on coop and forge they know it's on the way.

thesoftware730909d ago

How do you know it's not "Polished "..where did you read that ?

gamer7804909d ago

@tornraptor that may be true but I just hold halo to halo standards and not other games.

@thesoftware730 I’m not speaking to halo specifically but every game released now a days has patches the first few months to fix things or make them better.

gravedigger910d ago

Oh boy....

Double standard, Orchard. You said that you won't play GT7 because it requires online, but look at this :

John Linneman
My biggest complaint regarding Halo Infinite really is that the disc doesn't contain a playable game. This'll be the first Halo game you can't really own as a standalone copy. This is not a good trend and I hope MS reconsiders things like this.


Internet connection an absolute requirement for getting Halo Infinite. But i guess, it doesn't bothers you for....Xbox game

BehindTheRows910d ago

That’s why you can’t get worked up when he says stuff. Just know the hypocrisy exists and move on.

OT: Gonna check it out when I have time. Still on Vanguard and the new Sherlock.

Orchard909d ago (Edited 909d ago )

@gravedigger That’s not always online.

It’s common for games to required extra content via download when purchasing the disk nowadays, this has been the norm for a while on most consoles (minus Switch). A lot of games also out strip the disk size now - smart delivery also contributes to that problem.

If I get a disk and install it - can I play offline? Yes - so not always on.

Also I will be playing this on PC not Xbox, so it’s not an “Xbox game” as you put it. PS5 is my primary console, and my only next gen console.

Plus you selectively left out the part of my comment where I said “because racing games are skippable for me”. I don’t consider good FPS games skippable.

Also, Still stalking and obsessed with me I see. Now that I blocked you from sending me your many PMs per day, I guess you now follow me on the comments section instead 🤡

@BehindTheRows sounds like more of a you problem than a me problem 🤷

gravedigger909d ago (Edited 909d ago )

Quote :

"That’s not always online.

It’s common for games to required extra content via download when purchasing the disk nowadays, this has been the norm for a while on most consoles (minus Switch). A lot of games also out strip the disk size now - smart delivery also contributes to that problem.

If I get a disk and install it - can I play offline? Yes - so not always on."

Looks like you didn’t read John's tweet correctly. You CAN'T play game offline at all. Disc is useless. For trash actually. Net connection is an absolute requirement. Many games like Returnal for example, CAN be played OFFLINE. Halo Infinite SINGLEPLAYER campaign you CAN'T. As John pointed it out this'll be the first Halo game you can't really own as a standalone copy. This is not a good trend and he hopes MS reconsiders things like this.

As John said in tweet : Yeah, from what I've seen, if you install it while offline, it says it's incomplete. If you go online and let it try to start, it'll tell you to wait until December 8th



"Also I will be playing this on PC not Xbox, so it’s not an “Xbox game” as you put it. PS5 is my primary console, and my only next gen console."

It is an Xbox game, from XGS. You know :
PC Gaming is better with Xbox on Xbox.com

So, Xbox game everywhere

Orchard909d ago

I think you're having difficulty reading what he has said. You need to be online to install it, afterwards, you can play offline. You just need internet for that initial download. Not sure what's hard to understand about that.

That's also very common nowadays when games struggle to fit on disks, and Smart Delivery has made that worse since multiple versions of the game need to be on one disk to be truly offline.

If you consider that an Xbox game, then that is down to you. I consider it an Xbox Studios game. An Xbox game to me is a game that plays on the console only.

Either way, I play any game that is good and enjoyable. I'm not tied to a single platform/company because I like to experience a wide array of games. I primarily game on PS5 and PC, have a PC Game Pass subscription, but I also play on Switch too.

gravedigger909d ago

Quote :

"I think you're having difficulty reading what he has said. You need to be online to install it, afterwards, you can play offline.

I don't. John wanted to play IMMEDIATELY offline a damn singleplayer campaign. He couldn't. No need to defend a no ownershipnl of physical disc like John Linemann stated.

Orchard909d ago

So you agree that it isn't always online, since you can play offline after an initial setup phase.

Okay, great, we are in alignment - no need for further discussion :)

gravedigger908d ago

Quote :
So you agree that it isn't always online, since you can play offline after an initial setup phase.

Okay, great, we are in alignment - no need for further discussion :)


So, you are cheering for no ownership of physical disc. :/

Nveretheless, for a 1st party game it is a dick move for any user whose game was made for a specific platform. Basically you don't own a game/physical copy. For a 3rd party game wouldn't say a word.

Orchard908d ago (Edited 908d ago )

Im not cheeeing for anything. I’m saying that’s the reality. If you go buy a game that is > the disk size, which is semi common nowadays, you own a license to the game and can download the rest of it, that’s it.

My copy of DS for PS5 needed an update to play - does that make it always online? Of course not.

This happens on both PS and Xbox regularly. Switch less so.

gravedigger908d ago (Edited 908d ago )

Quote :

Im not cheeeing for anything. I’m saying that’s the reality. If you go buy a game that is > the disk size, which is semi common nowadays, you own a license to the game and can download the rest of it, that’s it.

My copy of DS for PS5 needed an update to play - does that make it always online? Of course not.

This happens on both PS and Xbox regularly. Switch less so.


You're wrong regarding Demon's Souls and also don't put Halo Infinite and Demon's Souls in same basket. Demon's Souls can be played OFFLINE. You can IMMEDIATELY play Demons when around 30 GB of data from disc are installed on console. Also, when you try to enter Boletaria for the first time, if enough data are not installed on console from the disc, it will ask you to download a little more data from the disc . Also, you can finish Demon's without any update OFFLINE.

So, you own a Demon's, but you don't own a Halo Infinite. Period!

Orchard908d ago (Edited 908d ago )

I was referring to Death Stranding, not Demon Souls.

And there are plenty of other examples of both PS4/5 and XB1/SX games where the disk is not playable at all or not fully playable without internet/a download.

This is nothing new nor is it always online.

gravedigger907d ago

Quote :

I was referring to Death Stranding, not Demon Souls.

And there are plenty of other examples of both PS4/5 and XB1/SX games where the disk is not playable at all or not fully playable without internet/a download.

This is nothing new nor is it always online.


You're wrong about Death Stranding too. You can play it OFFLINE without a sweat. Around 30 GB of data is needed to be copied from disc to start playing. Game is fully playable OFFLINE. But of course, you can't use online features if you don't download a latest patch. Halo Infinite and Death Stranding are not the same.

Orchard907d ago (Edited 907d ago )

"You're wrong about Death Stranding too. You can play it OFFLINE without a sweat."

You can indeed play it offline, just like you can play Halo Infinite offline.

I literally just re-installed Death Stranding DC a few days ago, it required me to take a sizable download to start playing... Dude do you even have a PS5 lol - not that this means DS is 'always online' anyway, it isn't.

Again though, always online means a persistent internet connection is required to play the game - Halo Infinite does not require a persistent internet connection - you can pull your network cable and keep playing just fine.

Not sure what's so hard to understand about that concept... but if you don't understand it now, you never will so I won't even try to educate you any further.

gravedigger907d ago (Edited 907d ago )

Quote :

"You're wrong about Death Stranding too. You can play it OFFLINE without a sweat."

You can indeed play it offline, just like you can play Halo Infinite offline.

I literally just re-installed Death Stranding DC a few days ago, it required me to take a sizable download to start playing... Dude do you even have a PS5 lol - not that this means DS is 'always online' anyway, it isn't.

Again though, always online means a persistent internet connection is required to play the game - Halo Infinite does not require a persistent internet connection - you can pull your network cable and keep playing just fine.

Not sure what's so hard to understand about that concept... but if you don't understand it now, you never will so I won't even try to educate you any further.


Yes, i have PS5 and you can play Death Stranding OFFLINE without a problem with no patches needed. Unless if you want to use online features. Also, if you upgraded the PS4 disc version to PS5, then yes, you need to download PS5 upgrade. Unless if you have PS5 disc version then you don't need to download anything. It can be played OFFLINE immediately when you start the game for the first time.
Halo disc is trash at first, it is not usable just like John stated. Death Stranding IS when you start it for the first time. Don't put Death Stranding and Halo Infinite in same basket because it is not. Like i've said, for a 1st party game it is a dick move for any user whose game was made for a specific platform. Basically you don't own a game/physical copy.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 907d ago
Shuckylad910d ago

Looking forward to the campaign, it’s been a while since I got my teeth into a story fps.

NeoGamer232909d ago (Edited 909d ago )

Ya, I hear you.

Far Cry - Just more the same Far Cry
CoD - Well, it seems every campaign fall another notch
Battlefield - They've just abandoned campaigns

Nice to see a decent FPS story again. And I loved when I heard there is 25 hours of gameplay (Heroic difficulty).

86 on Metacritic, when was the last time a FPS got that kind of metacritic rating?

theindiearmy909d ago

"86 on Metacritic, when was the last time a FPS got that kind of metacritic rating?"

Well, Deathloop came out just a couple months ago and has an 88. So we didn't have to go back very far.

NeoGamer232908d ago

Fair enough, but I don't think too many FPS are scoring 85 or higher the last few years. 85+ is reserved for the best of the best shooters.

(Personally, I don't know why shooters can't score higher. Certain genres just get lambasted. FPS, Simulators, RTS, and most arcade racers. Meanwhile action adventures and RPGs get the glory)

Plagasx910d ago


BenRC01910d ago

I feel a shift coming. Happened every gen since ps2.
With this, forza and ps5 not really doing anything atm (and if stock allowed) having the premier fps and driving game, not to mention how ridiculously good gamepass is, xbox could once again overtake ps5.
Don't care BTW, have both, just find it interesting.

CS7909d ago

I don’t think they would overtake PS5 sales wise.

But I do find myself feeling Xbox envy from time to time when I boot up my PS5 and there are only the 4-5 games I’ve bought for it.

First time in my life I’m looking to pickup an Xbox.

But PS exclusives are too good to ignore.

Owning all three consoles is the really tempting now. Glad to see they’re all doing well.

nitroxhotshot909d ago

Gona be honest I’ve had a ps5 since launch and I’ve played mainly PS4 games on it. Bit underwhelmed so far. Debating picking up a Xbox series s but kinda feel I’d not get the full potential of halo on that, but reluctant to spend all that money for the x 😵‍💫

sammarshall102909d ago

I don't see it. Horizon Forbidden West and God of War Ragnarok will be all the talk next year

TheDoomedGuy909d ago

Um...this is when Xbox finally get something big....PlayStation has had several really big hits already this year....with more bigger hits coming next year while Xbox hasn't got much and whatever it will get, most will be thanks to Bethesda and other recently bought studios for IP that used to be multiplatform.

Atticus_finch909d ago

Over 5 million units behind and that with the cheapest next gen console. So not happening this gen. Special with Horizon and GT7 just a few weeks away.

anast909d ago

Halo is an average game stuffed with MTs and progression issues. Forza is the only top tier experience so far. I don't see a shift, I see more of the same.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 909d ago
TGGJustin910d ago

Ah yes Ryan who also gave Halo 5's campaign a way higher score than it deserved. I stopped trusting him. I'm more inclined to believe this is probably more around an 8

starsi360910d ago (Edited 910d ago )

How can you be inclined to give it an 8 when you haven’t even played it. Honestly, the internet really brings out the stupid in some people.

909d ago
909d ago
r2oB910d ago

That’s only a point difference, hardly a disparity.

Tedakin910d ago

Okay then explain Gamespot's 9, and Game Informer's 9.3? Ryan do those too?

Orchard910d ago

This review score appears in line with what other media outlets are coming up with.

EmperorDalek910d ago

Did he review the campaign by itself? I know IGN gave Halo 5 a 9, which I would probably agree with as the multiplayer was fantastic.

gamer7804910d ago

He’ll be factually correct but he’s a huge Xbox fan.I’d rather see someone else review it. This was rated too high for a game unfinished.

FPS_D3TH910d ago

Man 1 point is not only semantics so why post about it but how can you review a game you haven’t played. Lol great post 👍

thesoftware730909d ago

That's a good score 2 man..I would play a 8 game..means its it's good!

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 909d ago
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