
Battlefield 2042's opening weekend has been a disaster

Hard crashes, server issues and persistent problems plague the early launch.

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aaronaton929d ago

If you think it's bad now, wait until Friday....

0hMyGandhi929d ago

I don't get it. The reviews seem to be pretty good...
Like, EGM gave it a 100 friggin percent.

Abear21929d ago

Playing in a controlled environment on the best servers

--Onilink--928d ago

Surprisingly its IGN that refused to provide a score because of how little time the review event provided to actually look properly at all the modes.

Ninver929d ago (Edited 929d ago )

These devs just love failing so much.

GameZenith929d ago

GTA: DE opening weekend was a disaster.

But no major media would ever cross Rockstar.

roadkillers929d ago

I really don't think they need to, it's getting hammered by the most important people: The Fans

DOMination-929d ago

I don't know why, its not like Rockstar will ever do promos with websites or send free stuff so there's nothing to lose.

PapaBop929d ago

I've seen a fair bit of articles on things like review bombing. Besides, this is about EA and F**k EA.

OneLove928d ago

Means they came a long way. I remember when gta had so much controversy back then.

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Yi-Long929d ago

I really wish Battlefield games would just focus on being Battlefield games

BenRC01929d ago

When it works it's a great bf experience, but on my sx I've had complete system shutdowns, screen freezes, controller freezes, animation locks, you name it.
But like I say, when it goes right it's brilliant fun playing breakthrough. Conquest is just a messy free for all.
Gonna need a hell of a lot of patching

Gaming4Life1981929d ago (Edited 929d ago )

Dice needs to make dedicated rooms for team deathmatch and squad deathmatch like they have for conquest and rush. I tried to browse custom rooms and join one but the game always just takes me back to the main menu. I can always play rush or conquest with no problem which is great fun.

ChubbyBlade929d ago

I’d hardly call a hero shooter a bf experience. It feels like cod warzone with vehicles and apex characters.

There’s a skin with long frizzy hair and stud belts snd another with some dumb butcher coat looking thing.

Nothing about it even looks like a battlefield. It looks like a bunch of cosplayers.

rzac929d ago

Thats odd I haven't had any of those issues with mine. I mean some bugs here and there but no crashes and a couple errors joining games here and there.

UltraNova928d ago


It only gets worse considering this is not a free to play game like warzone. The gold edition here costs 100 euros. ONE HUNDRED EUROS for a broken BF game with no campaign, that has lost it's identity.

EA/DICE really loves losing.

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anubusgold929d ago (Edited 929d ago )

I been playing it I've had fun on pc i have seen a few bugs like my scope disappearing and when i zoom in and my gun aims to the right for some reason when i try to quick scope. But over all on my PC with a 3070 with HDR on at 1440P my game runs ,feels, and looks great.

slate91929d ago

Same. Running a 3070 1440p.
Had a couple server issues Friday night, to be expected. But its been smooth for me. Especially considering bf4's disastrous launch

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poppatron16d ago

Does anyone care at this point? Fingers crossed the next bf is golden, don’t think the franchise could take another epic misfire. Good on them for continuing support for 2143, just too little too late


EA says largest Battlefield team yet is building ‘another tremendous live service’

Electronic Arts CEO Andrew Wilson stated in a recent EA Earnings Call, that the next Battlefield "it is going to be another tremendous live service.”

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-Foxtrot25d ago

Another? ANOTHER?

Is he honestly trying to make out like the last Battlefield was a huge success, not just as a game but as a live service game? I'm sure these guys live in their own echo chambers, they are so far removed from reality or they just like talking out of their arse trying to rewrite history.

Also why say such a tone deaf statement when you know the state of live service games at the minute and how many gamers feel about them. Bigging up the next BF game as live service does not give me any excitement or hype.

LordoftheCritics25d ago

''is building ‘another tremendous LIE service’''


just_looken24d ago

This is nothing too new

They had plans of a universe of live service games

Also these studios made 2042 there is no new massive team its the same team

Well same team minus the seattle boys that were canned

This is all again same news different year but it seems very few remember what happened before covid.

Walalon23d ago

At least they put car freshner trees up their asses to think smelling their own farts smells good at this point to be so out of touch.

RaidenBlack25d ago

Just make another Battlefield 2 ... or BadCompany 3 ... EA

XiNatsuDragnel25d ago

Bad company 3 instead of live service bs

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