
The Day Before: Exclusive New Gameplay Trailer and More

IGN : Check out some more exclusive gameplay and release details for The Day Before. There's also a reveal of something new coming from publisher, Mytona and developers, Fntastic. The Day Before is a new open-world MMO survival set in a deadly, post-pandemic America overrun by flesh-hungry infected and survivors killing each other for food, weapons, and cars. Looking like a cross between The Last of Us and The Division, The Day Before is an open-world survival game coming to PC with elements of PvP and PvE, pitting you against other players and the game's take on zombies called infected.

Neonridr960d ago

lol the first time it cut to the city and that music started playing.. WTF XD

ColtPSSX960d ago

Yeah I wonder what made them decide that was the best song to match the atmosphere of this game lol

Jin_Sakai960d ago

Looks pretty good but the awful music choice threw everything off.

IanTH960d ago

I guess at least it isn't the same "tick tick BOOOM" kinda song you get with these kinds of trailers, we all know the one. But this is...something else, that's for sure.

Also those character models are lookin' a couple gens old lol.

bloop960d ago

Such a contrast to the environments, where the shopping mall almost looks real.

Whoever chose that music must have been on drugs.

IanTH960d ago (Edited 960d ago )

6:36 on is also quite the thing. "OK guys, when you start speaking - and I mean EVERY time you start speaking - put your arms out, palms facing one another like you are telling the audience how big a fish you caught. Nailed it!"

Aussiesummer960d ago

Public speakers they are not , lol

bitcoinbrown117960d ago

who the fuck okayed that music?!.... who on the board said..."ok...now add this great track by a washed up weading band"...jesus!..creative director needs to be tied and chained and beaten for 5 days straight by very weak people weilding sacks of potatoes....so the pain is drawn out/.

Aussiesummer960d ago

Grow a sense of humour....or bust a blood vessel....that's more likely.

Inverno960d ago

I find it hard to believe that's real gameplay. It's so unusual to see such level of polish in a devs first 3D game. Usually there's something off like animations not being smooth or graphics looking rough here and there but there's some real effort being put into this. I'm a impressed, if it looks like that and turns out good at launch they're gonna have a lot of eyes on em

Aussiesummer960d ago (Edited 960d ago )

Not sure about the game but that was a good little showing, they have a sense of humour which the world seems to be lacking these days, they threw a curve ball, I like it.

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10 Games So Awful That They Got Deleted

Let's count down games that were so bad that they just had to be recalled, delisted, and left alone as a tale for the history books.

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25d ago

The Day Before Was Much More Catastrophic Than We Feared

Fntastic's The Day Before was a giant, catastrophic mess. They treated their employees unfairly, scammed, and kept devs out of the loop.

Read Full Story >>
Andrew336118d ago (Edited 118d ago )

What's catastrophic is loading that website on mobile.

118d ago
isarai118d ago

"feared" it was a joke from day 1, I was laughing not in "fear"


YouTuber Spent $1,500 And Created The Day Before Parody That Looks Better Than The Original

YouTuber Crimson has created a parody trailer of the defunct zombie survival game The Day Before. More proof of what a joke The Day Before was.

127d ago
XiNatsuDragnel126d ago

Looks better too which is even more wild

Profchaos126d ago

Can't recreate perfection it seems.

Basically more credit to the theory this was a massive asset flip and a crash grab scam