
New PS5 Model Is Lighter Due to Smaller, Worse Heatsink And Runs Hotter

From PSU: "The new, revised models of the PlayStation 5 weigh in at 300 grams (0.66 pounds) lighter than the original models. The big question has been “How?” With the specs and outer form factor the same, what has Sony changed or sacrificed to result in the new model weighing less. The answer is a smaller heatsink, resulting in the revised console running hotter."

Christopher1009d ago (Edited 1009d ago )

It's only 3-4 degree difference and isn't an overheating issue. And, the fans are designed to ramp up as heat increases, so where it is doesn't matter as it would generate heat in an enclosed space eventually regardless if you don't have ventilation. Not an issue with the console.

But, hey, let's use "significant" and "worse" to sell the video while ignoring how fans work.

Edit: They also completely gloss over that the new fan has longer fan blades by not having empty space towards the center. That means more air moved each rotation.

Sonic-and-Crash1009d ago (Edited 1009d ago )

you easily understand what will follow and how they will mis- present the thing when the guy has behind him only Nintendo and Xbox swag

the heat sink may be smaller (with insignificant perfomance details) but is more robust from screen and it may solve the louder sound on some PS5 s that imo comes from the big leafs of the old heatsink

Christopher1009d ago

If that's all it was, I would go with that. But, there is a reasonable breakdown in there that others don't have right now.

VenomUK1009d ago

Hey Guys I’m Austin received undeclared sponsorships from Microsoft -true facts. So if he is the one that comes out with negative appraisals of PlayStation products then that makes it a conflict of interests from him and Microsoft.

Go check out his YouTube page.

Orbilator1009d ago

For sure, he always been pro Xbox, I'm an Xbox user and even I can see this is just a clickbait article.

EvertonFC1008d ago

Scares me 19 people disagreed

gazgriff2k121008d ago

No not at all watch it without any bias

1008d ago
+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1008d ago
CobraKai1009d ago

Thanks. Saves me from wasting my time.

ElvisHuxley1009d ago

You make more money focusing on traffic than you do being honest, a seemingly irreconcilable problem with media in general.

--Onilink--1009d ago (Edited 1009d ago )

So…while I agree that its not that big of a deal, 3-4 degrees measured that way (which is not really an accurate way to do it), its very likely an even higher difference at the actual component (gamersnexus explained it very well on their initial PS5/Series videos)

probably just a couple more degrees diference, but still though, 5-6 degrees is still a 10% increase, which is not marginal by any stretch, though surely nothing to actually worry about. I do hope they also took the opportunity to improve the cooling that was lacking in some of the memory modules

Also, they did mention the difference in fans, they even checked if they had the same weight

Christopher1009d ago

They mention it but don't explain why that's important at all. But, they spent minutes on the heat while *never* mentioning that the fans will still upswing when it reaches certain internal temperatures while using an external camera device measurer rather than the much more accurate internal measuring device.

Honestly, it's like they found the best way to make it sound bad while ignoring what was done that was good.

John_McClane1009d ago

Gamers Nexus did a test on the launch PS5 and said the ram ran extremely hot and called for Sony to fix the design. Maybe they did with this new unit, only time will tell.

gravedigger1009d ago

Not necessarily. Regarding RAM, Spawn Wave tested RAM in the same way as Gamer Nexus ( with multimeter and sensors on chips )and got temperature 79 degrees with plates on console, Nexus got 88 C with no plates

Worth watching :


gravedigger1009d ago

Austin Evans is Xbox guy ( he said that PS5 has boost clocks, indirectly saying that PS5 is 9 TF console ) Only Xbox people are saying this. And saying that new PS5 is worse because he measured exhaust temp with damn MOBILE PHONE which is idiotic at least.

Old PS5 one is overengineered while Sony were settling on final clocks etc and didn’t have a complete thermal picture.

Its the heatpipes that take the heat ( in new PS5 they are longer by a double ) away anyway, not the sink - the sink removes the heat from the pipes to be taken away by passing air. There is still a lot of heatsink surface areas so as long as that is soaking away heat into the airstream and allowing the heatpipes to continue to have capacity to remove it from the APU I see no issue.

Quieter means they’re achieving enough cooling with slower fan speed - which may or may not mean lower airflow depending on the fan design and airflow channels. And hotter exhaust suggests they’re removing more heat. So this may be a *better* design despite being smaller

Needs an APU heat probe to be a more complete picture but not sure someone like gamers nexus will care.

Measuring exhaust temps with MOBILE PHONE is useless. You can have higher exhaust temps but lower component temps. Hopefully there will be a better test to confirm one way or the other.

Old tweet from GE :

"Taking a thermal image of the back of a PS5 is not a thermal test. It should be hot. That means it's working properly. It'd be like thermally imaging the back of a passive PSU and declaring that one near ambient under full load is "good" because all the heat is trapped in the box"

Anyway, Gamer Nexus straight out laughet to Austin's testing methodology :

"A lot less copper doesn't mean worse cooling. Where is the 3-5C number from? Is that from a real test by someone? Sony?"


"The number is taken by a thermal camera at the exhaust."
"lol. OK."


Orbilator1009d ago

I could have three GPUs in my pc all same spec and same manufacturer. And I bet they don't all run at the same temp, I bet the spread is much bigger in temps than 4 degrees. This is total bull , 3 to 4 degrees is not an issue at all.

gamer78041009d ago (Edited 1009d ago )

this is how headlines work, but the article is accurate and technically the title is too. The heatsink is not as good, and the console runs overall hotter which is not a benefit. The overall toll on the console may be come to light in coming years but it could also not make a difference in the end if the heat is pushed out better or the amount of heat is not enough to affect long term.

Also they do mention the longer fans in this quote "The wing blades on the new 17-wing Delta protrude longer into the center than the original 23-blade Delta fan."

I appreciate these differences in the consoles being explored in articles like this, like the xbox 360 consoles that had differences, I want to make informed purchases.

Nitrowolf21009d ago (Edited 1009d ago )

runs hotter based on what, the exhaust heat? I'm no expert but wouldn't that be an indicator that the console is pulling out more heat, thus providing a more cooling internally?

If it you want to measure if it's actually running hotter you measure the internal, not where the heat comes out. I would be concern if it was pulling that kind of heat if the internal was also hotter than the base models.

I mean, this is in theory correct right? If I throw a exhaust on a empty box that is filled with heat, one pulls 40 degree and the other box pulling out 45 degree, wouldn't that mean the inside of the 45 degree is getting cooler at a faster, bigger rate? it's such a small difference for sure, but that's how that works.

Hardly seems accurate when he's measuring with a phone too

gamer78041009d ago

Nitrowolf2 His methods aren’t the most accurate but can be used as a comparison if the same methods are used on both. Either way hotter isn’t good. Amount of airflow could be a factor though.

gravedigger1009d ago (Edited 1009d ago )

No, gamer 7804. Austin's testing methodology is pure crap. Even Gamer Nexus mocked his testing methodology ( pointed it out in few posts above). Higher exhaust temp. doesn't mean it is worse. On the contrary :

Do you see the main difference? Peoples jumped on less material, but i see a drastic design change. The new design assures that there's no more than 2 banks of heatsink for the airflow to cool, while previous design it would go up to 3 (very thick 3) at the bottom left of the heatsink on older PS5. To me it seems they realized that the airflow was really not properly cooling the 3rd row. At some point the air getting to the 3rd row will probably have lost momentum and create more like an hot air pocket, stagnant almost, as the static pressure even if it still has some airflow, is not optimal and is hindering the cooling performance of the 3rd and 2nd bank of heatsinks.
Reaching temperatures over guarantees, reconfiguring the cooling system, and voila, a rearrangement of the cooling bank in a subsequent revision was often with less material, but more inteligently built.

gamer78041008d ago

@gravedigger we need much more in depth analysis and testing before saying anything conclusive. In general hotter is not necessarily better given the same airflow and housing design

gravedigger1006d ago

Quote :

"@gravedigger we need much more in depth analysis and testing before saying anything conclusive. In general hotter is not necessarily better given the same airflow and housing design "

Same airflow? airflow isn't the same if heatsink is smaller and fan RPM is lower since it is queiter. That means there is more airflow space inside the console and smaller heatsink with a fan which pushing more heat outside of it, means it is more effective cooling solution

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1006d ago
1nsomniac1009d ago

When your variable clock rates are dependant on core temperature, 3-4 degrees is massive.

I would be shocked if that’s a true reading with such a minor heatsink change tho. You’ve got to consider that possible 4 degree increase is on top of what could already be an environmentally hot area. That could easily create a visibly noticeable down clock.

IRetrouk1009d ago

It's hotter at the exhaust, which means the systems now better at moving hot air away from the internals🤦‍♂️

1nsomniac1008d ago (Edited 1008d ago )

… 🧐 that’s the whole point…. If it’s hotter at the exhaust then the silicon is getting hotter so it’s having to dissipate more. Which will also increase environmental temperature which in turn further increases internal temperatures. As is the circle of thermal physics. That’s how it works.

chiefJohn1171009d ago

But it still isn't a lie, it runs hotter making the fan worse. However it's not that big a deal as far as we can tell

IRetrouk1009d ago

The exhaust heat is hotter, which means the heatsink is doing a better job at cooling, not worse....the fan is also a better design🤦‍♂️

Zarock1009d ago

Hotter means lower GPU boost clocks though.

IRetrouk1009d ago

Hotter exaust heat mans the heatsink is drawing more heat away from the console...

spwittbold1009d ago

"only 3-4 degree difference." Since you seem so inclined to give science lessons on fans, here's a lesson in elementary math.

"Only a 3-4 degree difference." This is just an uninformed statement. A sad one too when they said in the video why 3-4 degrees matters here. This is also why your math teachers have you providing a label to go along with your answer in grade school and beyond - scale matters and in this case it's Celsius not Fahrenheit.

In electronics.....3-4 degrees Celsius can be the difference between overheating and throttling a GPU/CPU performance. An example an AMD CPU will often begin throttling around 90+ degree Celsius, below that it should should be operating at full performance (meaning 89 and below (generally.)

IRetrouk1009d ago

It's exhaust heat though, that actually shows the heatsink is drawing more heat from the internals than what the original done..... this is an improvement, not sure why people are trying to twist it to bad.

Sarcasm1009d ago

It's also Austin Evans, one of the worst "tech" youtubers, who has no actual tech knowledge and gained popularity because of his weird personality in the early stages of youtube's social media boom.

gazgriff2k121008d ago (Edited 1008d ago )

The new model runs loader and hotter. If you owned a ps3 or ps4 then you will know why this becomes a big problem. Yes even a couple of degrees is going to have very serious effects on console life span and performance. One of the
reasons i was so hyped for ps5 was because its not very loud. It my not be a bid problem now but will be as console gets older and louder and hotter. I can not have a small jet engine under my tv anymore its the reason i stopped playing my ps4

Rhythmattic1008d ago

I just watched it.... Total Poptarts they are........
I might have given this channel a 5.5 out of 10........ But its SOOOOOO Bad.. Ill give it a 5.2.

z2g1008d ago (Edited 1008d ago )

now I see why you pulled my article down.... the truth is emerging.

but if the performance of the heat index is hotter - ie not as good then its worse. that's the definition. doesn't matter if its a different fan or whatever, its running hotter.

the only reason they did this was to cut production costs. period.

Obscure_Observer1008d ago (Edited 1008d ago )

3-5 degrees. It got worse. Its simple as that.

It may or may not have an impact on console's lifespam. We don't know yet.

All we know that's good move for Sony's wallet. Gamers? Not so much.

strifeblade1008d ago (Edited 1008d ago )

Damage control... A few degrees hotter consistently will lessen the life span of the system especially 3-5 degrees no joke. Heat is the enemy of electronics. Normal human temperature is 37... What's a few degrees hotter right? LOL

Christopher1007d ago

Not how it works when the temperature at which it starts to degrade lifespan is controlled by the fans.

KingofBandits1008d ago (Edited 1008d ago )

They also ignore the fact that the PS5 has ALWAYS had two fan designs. the full blade and the shorter blade. The Shorter blade fan runs quieter by about 5db (if I remember right) and that longer blade model was shown in Sony's official tear down video as well. This does not change the fact that this new model runs hotter and has a smaller/cheaper heatsink design, which in the long run probably wont mean much as the PS5 does not have over heating concerns. I can see though what has not changed is the power supply and its coil whine buzzing...which can be heard in the video on both models

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 1006d ago
Jin_Sakai1009d ago

Nice. Just want everyone wanted to hear.

Asuka1009d ago (Edited 1009d ago )

So smaller heat sink overall and no longer any copper. Sure technically it does run hotter and that does make it "worse" but I don't think in the grand scheme of things it's going to matter. Sony sees an opportunity to cut cost and they believe that this is appropriate. Still a bummer though that we're losing that heat sink not even a year into this console cycle as it was one of the talking points leading right up to its launch.

barom1009d ago

Can’t believe so many people just take the words for granted. The temperatures were measured on the outside of the PS5 where the vents are. This could mean that the PS5 is actually being more efficient at pushing the hot air out. Wait for a better analysis of you’re worried.

IRetrouk1009d ago

The fact that the exhaust heat is hotter shows that the new heatsink is doing a better job at removing heat than the old one, the fans better too, this isn't internal heat they are measuring, just the exhaust.

Asuka1008d ago (Edited 1008d ago )

Yeah I think you're getting it backwards. It's hotter because the heat sink is smaller providing less surface area to dissipate that heat. Meaning the heat is more concentrated in a smaller area. So of course the exhaust heat is going to be hotter because the heat sink itself is hotter. And last I checked more heat does not equate to better efficiency.

Also as I said I don't really think this is a big deal Sony knows what they're doing they wouldn't purposely release something that's going to be faulty.

DogJosha1008d ago

Sony has been subpar with their heating issues since before most of its users have been born. Never trust that they know what they are doing when it comes to heat management.

IRetrouk1008d ago

You don't know any of that, we don't know what the internal temps are to compare, the only thing we know is the heatsink has got smaller and is removing more heat from the system than before, the heatpipes are twice as long as they were too, that could also help keep internals cooler...we just don't know enough to say its a worse design, and what we do know points to it being better.

strifeblade1008d ago

Damage control man. Give it a rest.. It's worse and they cut cost at your expense. Move on

babadivad1008d ago

That or the fans. Still a lot of variables that needs to be sussed out.

barom1007d ago

At the end of the day, we do not have enough information. Seeing higher temps on the outside of the console is USUALLY a good thing as it most likely means it pushes out the heat better. In fact, it kind of is the only way for it to be cooler. That heat has to go somewhere. Check out the analysis of different PS4 Pro versions (think Digital Foundry did one) if you need evidence. People who build their PCs can also chime and tell you the same thing. It's all about moving the heat OUT.

If you add on the fact that it runs quieter too, then that's also a good sign as well though they changed the fan so we can't say much. The only bad sign is that it seems to run ~5W higher, which means there's a bit more heat generated inside the box but I doubt that 5W would make that big of a difference.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1007d ago
Silly gameAr1009d ago

PSU can make anything positive sound negative. Man, I love N4G.

Orchard1009d ago

PSU is not N4G or run by N4G - completely separate website, as are the other submissions.

And I highly doubt “PlayStation Universe” is anti PlayStation…

Orbilator1009d ago

Yeah but n4g gotta take some blame for publishing this trash on there website

Knightofelemia1009d ago (Edited 1009d ago )

Things change with board revisions everybody knows that a few degrees hotter I doubt will kill the machine. Sony thoroughly tests their shit last thing they want is to repeat the mistake Microsoft made with the 360 of heating issues. NA has yet to see the new board revision PS5's are still hard to find out in the wild. These guys make it sound like they never heard of a board revision before.

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Vits1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

Yeah, with none of the headset's standout features. No HDR, no eye tracking, no headset feedback, no adaptive triggers, and no haptics. Don't get me wrong, it's still a quality headset with good lenses and screens, but without those features it is not a no-brainer for PCVR, it falls more into the "it's fine" category and you get better value elsewhere with the PICO 4 and Quest 3.

Still, if you already have a PSVR2 and a gaming PC, this is a huge extra value for not that much extra money. And if you have a PS5 and a PC, this might be worth it for you as well. And hopefully someone can mod the extra features to it in the future, then it will be back at the no-brainer category for PCVR.

darthv721h ago

Perhaps the Sony PCVR releases will have those features? I mean not every PCVR game has them because the other headsets dont support them. We can assume them making the headset work on PC will also bring along some of their VR titles that will include the things you mentioned.

Vits36m ago

Their statement doesn't leave room for them supporting those features in the future.

"PS VR2 was designed from the ground up specifically for PS5 – so you’ll notice that some key features, like HDR, headset feedback, eye tracking, adaptive triggers, and haptic feedback (other than rumble), are not available when playing on PC."

Grievous1h ago

You'd need an API on the PC that supports those features.

crazyCoconuts51m ago

I think one of the Vive headsets supports eye tracking so I'd think SteamVR has an API for that at least. Hopefully they'll add in support for the other stuff over time

Vits37m ago

Which they should develop as part of fully supporting the platform. Or, at the very least, work with the currently available OpenXR extensions to fill the gap.

fan_of_gaming57m ago

"if you already have a PSVR2 and a gaming PC, this is a huge extra value for not that much extra money." this is my situation, and I think it's great. Even if I won't get all the headset's features for the PC VR games, I'll now have access to 2 of the 3 main VR platforms for just the cost of the adapter.

DivineHand12556m ago

This is sad to here. One step forward and 2 steps back. If PSVR isn't doing well on playstation, why do they believe they will find more success on the PC with even more competition over there after crippling the headset.

Babadook729m ago(Edited 26m ago)

You bring up valid points although I think it's likely PSVR2 would surpass Quest 3 eventually. Some of these features (like haptics and HDR) could be patched in by modders.

I'd get this for my Mac if the emulation scene supports it well enough.

Jingsing24m ago

To be fair the lenses are often criticised, Fresnel is no longer consider a viable lens option. If I had a gaming PC and was into VR I wouldn't buy a semi proprietary headset that has mostly been designed or the PS5.

StormSnooper14m ago

Well yeah because PC doesn’t have those things. Geeez what do you want? Magic?

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 14m ago
PrinceOfAnger1h ago

I might buy PSVR2
to play Hellblade 2 and other games in VR!

anast38m ago

Hellblade 2 should have been a VR exclusive.

ocelot071h ago

A little steep for a adapter. But I have been wanting this for a long time.

Jingsing26m ago(Edited 20m ago)

lol the nest of wires adapter is back with loads of missing features, The headset is already DOA for PC.