
The First 17 Minutes of Blinx: The Time Sweeper on Xbox Series X

Check out the first 17 minutes of Blinx: The Time Sweeper on Xbox Series X, out today on Game Pass!

In Blinx, you play as Blinx the Cat, and you're required to retrieve the time crystals that were stolen by the Tom-Tom Gang. Vacuum trash, collect time crystals, and manipulate time in this 3D platformer that first released on the original Xbox.

Applejack1041d ago

This was one of my very first games when I got my OG Xbox along with JSRF. I really do miss games like this.

JayRyu1041d ago


My first xbox games were JSRF and Ninja Gaiden. We need another Jet Set Radio. Future was so fun and ran smoothly on the OG Xbox.

JSRF is another Gem 💎 MS, make a sequel happen!

TheEnigma3131041d ago

This should have been a franchise. OG xbox had so many gems that should have carried over

zenintude1040d ago (Edited 1040d ago )

Technically it is a franchise… there is a sequel

TheEnigma3131040d ago

reoccurring I should say. I vaguely remember the sequel.

TheDoomedGuy1041d ago

Why don't they get a dev to remaster or remake whichever means a complete renewal of the game.

This is what I like about what Sony does with older titles. Really think MS could do the same with the fable franchise. I know they did something with the 1st game but they could do all three.

Same with the original perfect dark. I mean seriously people would eat this up

Lightning771040d ago

Fable, perfect Dark, Battletoads Killer Instinct needed developers. MS 4 short years ago only had 5 studios. Now they have 22 or 23 studios games like Fable, perfect Dark etc are being revived. MS hasn't forgotten about these games they just had no teams to make them before.

TheDoomedGuy1040d ago

Bluepoint didn't...doesn't...bel ong to Sony either. They outsource their exclusives to them.

MS coulda done something similar this whole time. It's partnerships...that thing they claimed to have but I've yet to see.

Lightning771040d ago (Edited 1040d ago )

Battletoads and killer Instinct were outsourced by MS. Blinx in the grand scheme of things isn't a popular game. A cult following at the most at the bottom of the basket when compared to MS Ip's. It also doesn't help that MS squashed the IP 6 years ago. Unless they planning on reviving the IP??? I dunno. You have a better chance at seeing Kameo or Viva Pinata get revived then Blinx.

I've owned and played blinx had allot of fun with it back in 2003 October to be exact. Being realistic, don't expect to see a reboot or Blinx The Time Sweeper 3.

Again MS hasn't forgotten about any of its games they just need dedicated studios to revive them.

TheDoomedGuy1040d ago

But they don't need dedicated studios. They can be revived through a solid remaster.

Capcom has done it with RE2 and Sony does it with shadow of the colossus, medieval, demon souls, etc.

lellkay1041d ago

This game was actually pretty good

1041d ago
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darthv72612d ago

I may be one of the few who enjoyed blinx. I been saying this should return in modern form.

FreeckyCake612d ago

It's in dire need of a remake, or at least an HD remaster!

Auron611d ago

No need for an hd remaster if you have the disc put it in a xbox to play it in 4k. Or just purchase it from the store or play it thru gamepass.

Venoxn4g611d ago

For me always will be Conker

TicklefistCP611d ago

In these days of remakes and remasters it is fucking criminal that the OG Xbox is the only way to play JSRF natively.


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