
Press-Start - Microsoft Flight Simulator Xbox Series X Review

The World In Even More Hands.

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Microsoft Flight Simulator Xbox Series X Review - The World In Even More Hands

Microsoft Flight Simulator is a game that you have to play to understand just how incredible of an experience it is.

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iplay1up21040d ago (Edited 1040d ago )

Fantastic in game detail! I am having a blast with this. Can't wait for the Top Gun DLC.

Locutus_of_borg1040d ago

It’s a really refreshing change from the normal games I play , quite therapeutic, set a flight line, power down the engine and fly over parts of the world at 300 foot ..
there are a few places that are lacking a lot of detail for obvious reasons like Area 51 , some of the German beach fortifications on Normandy beach are showing up as houses , and there was also a van parked outside my house on the day the photography was done and it’s also showing up as a house in the middle of the road , but it’s all good, I’m loving it …

King_Noctis1040d ago

Yeah paid reviews by MS. Who would want to play this dumb game right? MS haz no gaem.


NeoGamer2321039d ago (Edited 1039d ago )


Sony releases something different like Dreams.... Wow, what innovation!

Microsoft releases something different with Flight Simulator.... MS haz no gaem.

Seriously. This may not be a game subject area you are interested in, so the big question I would have is why bother commenting? Personally, I spent a few hours on PC with it, and it was kind of cool. Not something I will play hundreds of hours, but definitely something I will come back to from time to time for something different then action-adventures, shooters, twin stick shooters, and RPGs.

yeahokwhatever1039d ago

Neo, "I spent a few hours on PC with it, and it was kind of cool." is exactly why giving this kind-of-game-like-software a 10/10 is silly. It's pretty much how I feel about it. I was super hyped, bought it, played for a few hours, got incredibly bored. I loaded it up sporadically a few more times, each time having a little less fun. I eventually removed it from my computer because it wasn't worth it. "10/10"? No. THAT is LOL.

yeahokwhatever1039d ago

I got this game day 0 on PC. Its not THAT great. It's OK, but the building generation is often hilarious/bad. It's also hugely inconsistent graphically, which is sort of jarring at times. I appreciate what they did, but its not somehow a perfect game, in fact it legitimately feels like 90% tech demo and 10% game at best. (im fine with that, i upgraded to 32gb of ram just for this game). Also, after you fly around all of the places you know, the fun sort of ends. I still come back occasionally, but meh.

slowgamer1040d ago

A case of love it or hate it. In my case when I tried it on pc it takes a bit too much consentration and learning to actually have quick fun. Also can't really keep over 100 gig game in a hard drive to just fly couple times a week somewhere for a moment. Not for me.

1040d ago Replies(3)
slowgamer1039d ago

Seems that project wingman which came to gamepass PC today is more up my alley

Om4ever1040d ago

I played it but after a few hours I get bored

1040d ago
NeoGamer2321039d ago

To me, this is a diversity game. There aren't necessarily millions that want to play it, but there is a crowd, and on consoles you can only play it on one console.

Returnal is much the same. It isn't a massive crowd, but if you wanna play a rogue-like game, you can't get that on XB Series as next gen title yet.

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Flawed but Popular Simulators - Microsoft Flight Simulator X

— PC Gaming Enthusiast:

It probably doesn’t make sense to point out the flaws of a game that’s over 11 years old, but I’m going to do it anyway. Mind you, I’ve put about 667 hours into it so far, which goes to show that despite my gripes I can’t help but play it. Even so, there are some notable issues with this simulator that I can’t help but notice with each play session.

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Finch2312d ago

I am mostly a pc gamer and love my flight sims. But I got to say I got a Xbox original because of these flight sims (combat flight simulator) from Ms. Still too this day I am waiting for it to come to console. Love there flight sims but besides waiting for a console version I'm now waiting for even a new pc version. Microsoft really has the best flight sims and they just letting it go to waste on both fronts. Come on ms get one or the other out of not both.

AKR2311d ago

They closed the development studio that was responsible for making the Flight Simulator series (it was called ACES) all the way back in 2009. On top of that, they handed over the rights to Dovetail Games who is now making Flight Sim World. I mentioned this in the article.

Basically, I don't think the official MS-made Flight Simulator will ever return.

Finch2311d ago

Yea unfortunately I know. But still would love to see a return. Mostly the combat flight simulator.

AKR2311d ago

This is just an opinion piece.


This weeks Humble Bundle: Simulators 4

Humble Bundles weekly bundle this week is Simulators 4, and it includes Out Of The Park Baseball 15, Kill The Bad Guy, Real Boxing, Emergency 2014, Gnomoria(Early Access), and Microsoft's Flight Simulator X: Steam Edition.

For only $1 You can get OOTPB15, Kill The Bad Guy, and Real Boxing. If you pay at least $6 you get those 3 and Emergency 2014, and Gnomoria(Early Access). If you pay at least $10 you get those 5 and Microsoft's Flight Simulator X: Steam Edition.

The Charities that will be supported are:

Electronic Frontier Foundation which is a non-profit organization that specializes in protecting your privacy and free expression in the digital world.

American Red Cross who help out all over the world with a variety of disasters, and do all kinds of work like helping people donate blood to save others. They do a lot and will use the money donated through HumbleBundle.com for a lot of good.

Some really good games in there and there is a nice slider that lets you ch...

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