
Has Xbox360 Maxed Out? Killzone 2 The True Next Generation Of Gaming HipHopGamerShow 12/7/08 Enjoy

* Did Cliffy B Lie To Me At E3? Analyist Discuss Gears possibly going to PS3 once again
* Microsoft aiming for the wii next year, Is The casual market really starting to take over the hardcore now?
* Killzone 2 Beta Review
* And Much Much More Enjoy

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Breakfast5654d ago

Pace yourself man....dont you want a long run?

WANNA GET HIGH5654d ago (Edited 5654d ago )

Yes the 360 has been maxed out.U cannot notice a big difference between gears1 and 2 and that is the 360 best looking game.But u can notice a huge difference between resistance2 and killzone2.But that dose not mean new 360 exlusve games will not look better than gears2.All they have to do is make an engine with different graphics style than the one gears1 and 2 used and u will see a very lovely game.The ps3 was built with the cell and a 10yr life span so it still has a long way to go before it gets maxed out.Dont forget killzone2 is using only %60 of its power and dont forget we have not seen god of war3 and uncharted2.

faisdotal5654d ago

How do we ban this HipHopGamer douche?

Panthers5654d ago

@ above.

Just leave the site. I actually like these shows

005654d ago (Edited 5654d ago )

Let see if I can spin this, For resistance 2 wouldn't that mean the first game had to look not has good to see such a noticeable difference?,
And Killzone one was on a last gen console so of course there is going to be a major difference between one and two.

Well I think that should about do it.

v1c1ous5654d ago

all he needs is one show flaming the 360 for the ps3 brigade to forget how he also flames the ps3 once a month to appear "unbiased" and they forgive him.

Lifendz5654d ago

I doubt that was freestyle though.

I watch the show for entertainment and not the truth. If he's right, good stuff. If not, hey, I never came to the show looking for real news anyway. The kid makes me laugh and his show is entertaining.

The Killer5654d ago

i think 360 maxed out with gears of war 1 with only minor improvements can be done more than gears of war 1 and we saw that with halo 3,gears of war 2,fable 2 etc!!

beardtm5654d ago

Resi 5 looks better than Gears 2 and Killzone 2.

We will see what platform it looks/performs best on when it comes out.

My bets on 360.

MNicholas5654d ago

Even Microsoft said so. They asked if it wouldn't be better to have good graphics now (360) than better graphics later (PS3).

The question isn't which machine is more powerful but which is better suited to your gaming tastes. The fact is that both machines are very different in terms of game selection, features etc. Each one to his own.

ultimolu5654d ago (Edited 5654d ago )

Oh wow...if he was singing the praises of the 360, he wouldn't be a douche, right?

San anto5654d ago

"How do we ban this HipHopGamer douche?"


egm_hiphopgamer5654d ago

I've been doing shows for almost a year i don't think i'm gonna run out of titles or anything to say about the game and hip hop industry as long as the business is alive i'm alive and your alive as well because your input counts too thanks for the support 1luv and god bless but notice wheneve i do have a title the title is generated from what's been going on recently in the game industry and that's the key to keeping things fresh you feel me 1luv and god bless to you and everybody even if you don't like my show aight peace

TheSadTruth5654d ago

First he ropes in all the PS3 fanboys by bashing Sony, then he shifts gears and

-Flamebait episodes to encourage more attention, get lots of hype, huge amount of views
-Changes to positive reviews and optimistic viewpoints, to start building a long term audience that will come to his site without using n4g

You can clearly see people only visit his site currently with attention grabbing headlines, will he be able to build a solid audience now? I think so, just read the comments from the fanboys.

One thing's clear: He's got you Sony fanboys by the balls

Monchichi0255654d ago

Just a friendly reminder to talk anything Hiphop gamer says with a grain of salt cuz he's a self admitted Sony fanboy. and I qoute:

"I'm not a big fan of xbox the system cuz I prefer ps3 more but at the same time the PS3 is more newsworthy than the 360 so in my position i lean on the ps3 side alot more."

Nothing against him personally, but know where the source comes from. Plus, don't he know the 360 is a lot more hip hop this generation becuase it's more affordable for the mass market. Ya heard?!

bigman73875654d ago

If you really don't want to listen to him, guess what? DON'T CLICK THE LINK. It really is that simple. There are hundreds of articles that go through this site without getting viewed by anybody.

Not like anyone is forcing you to watch it.

chanto235654d ago

you didn't understand what he tried to say...what he meant was that the graphical leap between Resistance 2 compared to Killzone 2 is huge...he wasn't comparing Resistance 1 with the second and Killzone 1 with the second.

Resistance 2 and Killzone 2 are PS3 only games that are supposed to show the power of the PS3 better than a 3rd party game. Same thing Gears should do for the 360, but between Gears 1 and Gears 2 the leap what small, hence he implied the 360 is maxed out, at least for the unreal engine.

Timesplitter145654d ago (Edited 5654d ago )

dude, punctuation

And why do you always show your arms? Most of us are guys, you know...

And finally, I think rappers are clowns. For some real music, see ''Maggot Brain'' by Funkadelic. Music is regressing...

Saint Sony5654d ago (Edited 5654d ago )

I hope it does well, but I'm pretty sure it's just another Lair.. ah no sorry not Lair.. what was it.. the famous Halo 3 killer.. oh yea HAZE!... wow!

How many hyped PS3 titles has actually lived up for it?

ps. The game with such a long production time will have to be something really really really damn sweet or PS3 will be laughed for ever. According to Killzone 1 ... failing is imminent.

pps. I'm just trying to lessen the hype, so Killzone 2 won't have to suffer so much. Without any of it's hype it would do perfectly well, but now people wait a bit too much from it and it can't deliver the promises.

GUNS N SWORDS5654d ago (Edited 5654d ago )

the hardware for ps3 and 360 hasn't changed since they came out, I'm getting tired of this age old debate.

SuperM5654d ago (Edited 5654d ago )

Looks like the Hiphopgamershow is to much for the 360 fanboys to handle :)

And just to point it out, there is a difference between being a fan and being a fanboy. Just because you prefer a system doesnt make you a fanboy, everyone has a preference, thats just how it is. If you bash something just because its not on your favourite console, then you are a fanboy.

Hiphopgamer is definately no fanboy, he just has his preferences like everybody else. Anyone who actually watch the show would know (unless you are a fanboy yourself, then you will scream fanboy for anyone saying something positive about sony)

Anyway keep up the good work Hiphop

mikeslemonade5654d ago

The developer who made Forza said they used 90% of the 360 hardware and that was last fall. Right now the 360 is maxed out, but in there small defense developers can make games in more effiecient ways, so they squeeze just a little bit more, but it's not like PS3 where the full hardware isn't even being utilized yet(60% for Killzone 2). Right now 360 is being fully ultilized using all three processors.

Also the proof is in the pudding because no game on 360 in 2008 any better than it did in 2007. Gears of War 2 is the exception because of the engine and obviously Cliffy B is able to squeeze more out of the 360 because it's much easier because they got the formula from Gears 1. Gears 2 doesn't make a leap ahead in the graphics compared to Gears 1 neither. And also I don't think it's conclusive to say Gears 2 looks that much better than Bioshock.

BigBaehr5654d ago

Even if you nonbelievers continue to spew the "Killzone isn't proven" BS, what will you then say when GOW3, the established graphical powerhouse of last gen, comes. You will be on your knees begging for mercy in the end.

JsonHenry5654d ago

From what I can tell from being in the beta Killzone 2 does not look much better than any other top notch title out there. I mean, the weapons look better than in most. But the lighting, particle effects, and environment do not look anything head and shoulders above any other title, whether on the PS3 or the 360.

The reason everyone likes Killzone 2 so much is because the "feel" of the game. Your character moves like he is actually wearing combat armor. The guns jump all over the place when you shoot. Everything just feels like it actually has some "weight" to it, if that makes sense.

As far as the mutliplayer mode goes, it feels just like Resistance 2, IMO.

BigBaehr5654d ago

"the lighting, particle effects, and environment do not look anything head and shoulders above any other title"

Did we play the same beta? WTF are you smoking. It is what you mentioned above that seperates KZ2 from the boys.

JsonHenry5654d ago

Go play CoD4 or WaW, Gears, Far Cry 2, or R2. They look on par with KZ2.

When the game actually comes out I hope someone puts screens together and match it against other current gen games to show you what I mean.

The reason people like KZ2 is not because of the graphics (which are good, just not special) it is the gameplay and the feel of the game.

RememberThe3575654d ago

Wow... You actually believe what your saying...

Microsoft Xbox 3605654d ago (Edited 5654d ago )

Don't believe a word from Jsonhenry. He is just a troll judging by his passed comments. How long did it take you to come up with that BS comment? We know it's either BS or you're playing on a Zenith CRT TV.

Mind showing us proof that you have K2 beta installed or even having a PS3? No random online pics.

Raptors5654d ago

So...every single system in video game history has pushed out some fantastic games originally thought not possible towards the end of their console lifespan. And now, all of a sudden the 360 is the exception to the rule? Honestly guys, this fanboy stuff is really getting out of hand. I'm not saying you have to like the 360, but at least lets be sensible about it. This site is going to hell and the fanboys are taking it with them.

DaTruth5654d ago

That being the case, the Cryengine can make games to take advantage of future improvements in hardware so it wouldn't be much to take advantage of the 360 which is just a bunch of outdated PC parts in a slick looking box, it was outdated on release. Sony went with something new, Parallel processing and a whole new tech(something they always do) and it produces stuff like K2 which is somewhat comparable to Crysis.

INehalemEXI5654d ago (Edited 5654d ago )

For those that still think KZ2 is not bringing something new to the table visually...


watch in HD too ^^

Ive completed Cod4 ,and R2 etc. there is no FPS that does what KZ2 does graphically sorry but no ...not even crysis (many textures and physics in crysis are still more impressive though) has all the fx seen in KZ2. stunning environments.

As impressive as that video is , its still preview code. Its most likely not fully populated and polished....Yet its so frigan purty.

JsonHenry5654d ago (Edited 5654d ago )

Killzone 2 is the ONLY reason I have not sold or traded my PS3 yet.

And NO KZ2 is not even close to comparable to Crysis. Crysis looks better by far. But KZ2 is a lot more fun to play and has better atmosphere.

mikeslemonade5654d ago (Edited 5654d ago )

Compare the ONLINE BETA for COD4 with Killzone 2 beta. I think if you compare a game's single player final product it's going to look about the same as Killzone 2. The online for COD4 was amazing on release but not anymore.

I don't why you say Killzone 2 is the only reason you are keeping your PS3. I read your posts before I know sure as hell that you never thought Killzone 2 would even live up to the hype or match the E3 05 trailer. The point is things change and PS3 is just getting started with Killzone 2 only utilizing 60%. There's a lot more games coming out in 2009 that you haven't seen and i'm not going to name them because they've been said countless times.

INehalemEXI5654d ago (Edited 5654d ago )

Crysis and KZ2 both look good , granted 1 is out and one is not..so thats an assumption. From what ive played of Crysis its on this pc im using ...and what ive seen of KZ2...Crysis looks better in ways yet KZ2 looks better then Crysis in ways also.

Look at that video and tell me which game looks like it nails sci fi/realistic shooter genre best visually? Never mind that you has glaucoma. Just because I have crysis on my high end pc does not mean im going to miss KZ2...

Not only by feel do I think KZ2's guns >crysis guns also visually they may be better detailed not only that but KZ2's reload animations blow Crysis away too.
Crysis is modable though....Its also probably got the best jungles...with the trees able to be mowed down and all. Each has/will have its own pro's and con's trust me.

5654d ago
INehalemEXI5654d ago (Edited 5654d ago )

LMAO, like Michael Pachter knows all....that dude is wrong more oft then not... HHG is affiliated press just because his show integrates Hip Hop and gaming culture you question...IGN not only does games but movies,tv shows, and babes , im not complaining...and I only watch if I feel like it. No one's going to force you to click.

The Lazy One5654d ago

let's compare two games running on the same engine designed to be multi platform on the 360 (gears 1 and gears 2) to two games with platform specific engines that have been in development since before the launch of any of the next gen consoles (resistance 2 and KZ2).

Far Cry 2 and Gears 2 are comparable to KZ2 on every level, especially considering that they've had fractions of the development time.

That said, no the 360 is not maxed yet. Just because games use all the hardware they're given doesn't mean they can't use all the hardware better later. Shadow of the Colossus is a great example of pushing hardware in different ways to make beautiful games on maxed out hardware.


Silly PS3 fanboys comparing Unreal Engine 3 vs tweaked Unreal Engine 3. Compare Gears of War 2 to something new instead like Alan Wake just saying man dont bash me:)

AAACE55654d ago

Yes, the Ps3 will have a 10 year lifespan. But not what you think!

The Ps2 almost has a 10 year life span. It doesn't mean that Sony will come out with a Ps4 after 10 years... it means that when the new console comes out, the Ps3 will play the same role the Ps2 does now!

Sony, MS and Nintendo will all launch their next console around the same time of each other.

I'm not saying anything bad about the Ps3... Just explaining what the 10 year plan really means! People will still be playing it, and there will be great games for it just like the Ps2 still got great games after the Ps3 came out.

Elven65653d ago

Take what developers say about power with a grain of salt, theirs no meter on the console telling the devs how much power they are using. If a developer says "Hey I'm using 60% of the PS3's power" it's only 60% of what they know, not the system has a whole.

I bet you 99.9% of the time it's all developer hype to stir talk about the game.

Regarding the show, I don't mind Hiphopgamer, he seems like a cool guy, just not into his shows, or his titles.

y0haN5653d ago

Every week he changes his stance. It's just getting tedious.

pavarotti5653d ago

gears 2 only looks slightly better than gears 1 because epic had pretty much fully OPTIMISED THE GAME ENGINE, i repeat GAME ENGINE the first time around....basically, they had already maxed THE GAME ENGINE with gears 1. there wasn't much more they could do!

just like kz3 wont be much better than kz2, because of the very same reason. kz2 looks so incredible because it's running on a SUPER GAME ENGINE. man, there's some idiots on this site.

pop in a lauch itle from the ps2, then put in a recent release to see the difference. are you lot, and ofcourse a know nothing hit getter like hiphop gamer, really trying to say that a console has been maxed in under 3 years????? when no other console has been maxed so quickly?? seriously. get a grip ffs.

although, microsoft not having many game studios, cant and shouldn't expect a third party dev to spend the time, money and effort to craft great GAME ENGINES(like kz2's)....those sort of investments have to come from first-party in-house devs.

now, we do have a member(i wont mention his name) who claims to be a developer on here. it's interesting that he never posts in these sort of threads. is it because he's a blagger who doesn't want to get found out? or because he's frightened of losing his bubbles from the vegenful fanboys when he undoubtably upsets one side of the fanboys????

seriosly, only on n4g does this sort of nonsense exist, and is applauded. only last week hip-hop was a "sell-out" now it's a 300+reply topic that has had the sdf turn out in force...n4g, saddest site and community on the net.

mikeslemonade, post a link please saying that forza2 used 90% of the 360s power. although, forza2 does have lots of things happening behind the scenes..eg, all the real-time calculations going on for the car and such.

capitals are for the idiots that have come on here talking absolute sh!t as usual.

Yipee Bog5653d ago

feel extremely embarrassed with that rap at the beginning of the 1st vid? I literally had to stop watching it. Is that what the hiphopgamer thing is all about? very unimpressed.

DaTruth5653d ago (Edited 5653d ago )

Sorry, the engine is multiplat and it's fully optimized form is on the PC and the graphics for Gears look amazing on the PC. So I guess your comment fails.

+ Show (43) more repliesLast reply 5653d ago
power of Green 5654d ago

LOL Alan Wake is more graphically impressive than KZ2 and Ferarri Project kills GT5.

There are multi platform games that beat gears and KZ

PirateThom5654d ago

Alan Wake hasn't even been seen on 360 hardware.

Aclay5654d ago (Edited 5654d ago )

@ POG,

How the hell do you know that Alan Wake "kills" Killzone 2 graphically when you haven't seen anything but a damn trailer that was probably running off of the PC version? As far as I'm concerned Heavy Rain looks just as good as Alan Wake, if not better.

And what the heck is Ferrari Project? Ferrari Challenge? That game doesn't even come close to Gran Turismo 5 Prologue son. That Ferrari game from System 3 was a flop. You are in serious denial POG.

Graphics Whore5654d ago

You can always count on green to be in denial mode.

jakinov5654d ago

Pshizzle, green

Alan WAke is a PC then 360 game not 360 then PC, everything they've shown is from PC and PC graphics are signifcantly better because it's hardware isn't fixed.

Sir_Ken_Kutaragi5654d ago (Edited 5654d ago )

What did he say??? Did Cliffy B say -

'I do not get a Stiff One thinking of 15 year old 'Gears of War' Fans!!!' ;-D

Gears on PS3??? NO THANKS!!!

p.s Has anyone played 'WipeOut:HD' on a SONY HD:TV(KDL-40W4000)on the 'SOL 2' track
(while playing your own music off the PS3)???
F**K-ME!!! ;-P It was the most AMAZING thing i have ever seen!!! ;-P
That was Next-gen!!! Not xBox 360 CR*P!!! ;-D
The PS3 is AMAZING!!!;)

dukadork5654d ago

played on a 110' HD projector with custom soundtrack


I love that (sol) track, looks amazing
bubbles for you buddy!

steck675654d ago

It isnt fair when you compare a PC game to a console game.

AngryTypingGuy5654d ago

Let's wait until both Alan Wake and KZ2 to come out before deciding which looks more amazing, as both games will, no doubt. However, sometimes screenshots and even video that you see on the web before release can be deceiving. Until you're actually playing it on your TV, know never know how it'll look before hand.

Everyone is so excited over these two games because of graphics, but there's always the possibility that game play-wise, they'll be duds. Let's hope not.

Sir_Ken_Kutaragi5654d ago

110' HD projector??? Er yeah that would kick'@SS!!!;)
That track(SOL 2)is Amazing. Can't wait for SOL 3!!! ;-D
(Never did play SOL 1 tho) ;-D
Bubble for you to;)

Microsoft Xbox 3605654d ago (Edited 5654d ago )

Alan Wake and Killzone 2 were both announced back in 2005 E3. Only Killzone 2, the graphical powerhouse, has a set release date. Who knows if Alan Wake even exists? The people developing that game can't squeeze out the promised graphics on my POS hardware specs. GTFO

olivia5654d ago

love it when the guy in the end said that xbox 360 sh*t on him twice,i almost crap my pants on that one.oh and if gears ever come to ps3 the 360 is doom sooner than expected.you will find it in the trash where it belongs.and even though i sound like a sonyfanboy i am realy loyal to a true gaming giant not a wanna be(:

Rhythmattic5654d ago

power of Green. you sir, are the Definition of Delusional.

jcfilth5654d ago

The 360 is maxed out!!! for those of you who don't remember, it was the Unreal Engine 3 that got an upgrade and that's what gave GeOW2 a better lightning and shadowing affect, that's why it looks "better".


joevfx5649d ago

Alan wake and KZ2 are two totally different games. you do relize that somethings liek graphics need to be sacrificed when a ton of stuff is goign on on screen at once and processing powerer is needed to do stuff like AI and physics. Alan wake doenst have all that crap going on on screen all at one time. SO you cant really compair the two games.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 5649d ago
005654d ago

you're trying way to hard to get hits.

WANNA GET HIGH5654d ago (Edited 5654d ago )

If u dont like hes show dont watch.

005654d ago

"Has Xbox360 Maxed Out? Killzone 2 The True Next Generation Of Gaming"

Seriously did you not read the title.

elorm95654d ago

He doesn't bash the 360. So if I said 360 pushed the standards for an online community, am I biased? :|

xSHROOMZx5654d ago

Every article Ive seen from this idiot is always biased. Check his last 4-5 webshows. F***ing biased f****t. Oh and btw, cant see a difference between gears 1 and gears 2? O....k..... and Gears 2 is tha best looking game on any system right now. Resistance 2 graphic wise is crap, and K2 does look aight, but we all know tha 1st was s**t, gameplay wise. What sucks is there is really nothing to look forward to for game anymore, on 360 or PS3, both of my systems are starting to collect dust. My Wii isnt cuz of my kids playing it, so Im not biased myself, Im just getting sick and tired of this "hiphopgamer" idiot posting s**t boosting Playstation only and bashin 360 then claim hes not biased at all.... what tha f**k ever!

Breakfast5654d ago

This is last weeks show.

Yes there are hypocrites on this site. You know what console you support :)

lol...but thats not the point. Point is that the serious flamebait titles, gotta stop.

GiantEnemyCrab5654d ago

haha 2.5 you beat me to it. Sooo many hypocrite sheep/lemmings or whatever you want to call them at.

360 is definately not maxed out and even HHG knows it.


Im sorry but no game looks better than killzone2.And dont think im a ps3 fan boy either(read my profile).The only game that gose close to killzone2 is mgs4.But that dose not mean gears2 is not a graphics power house.
My list of top 10 best graphics in game.

3)Gears of war1/2
4)Heavy rain
7)Stardust HD
8)Wipeout HD
10)Halo 3

beardtm5654d ago

i disagree.

crysis, resi 5 and gears 2 look better than killzone 2 imo.

bruiser815654d ago

You put Halo 3 above Ratchet and Clank !!!???

Kleptic5654d ago

oh you've played Killzone 2?...

Gears 2?...hahahahah...wrong...sorry ...played the multiplayer beta of killzone 2 for about 40 hours...and have played through the entire SP ofGears 2...and Gears 2 has nothing on it, and nearly every preview that talked about graphics pointed that out...Gears 2 looks great...and is the pinnacle of UE3 now...but its UE3 shortcoming's are still EVERYWHERE...the lighting is still goofy, with seemingly random sources that don't create shadows in ways that they should...the particle effects look lifted directly from Gears 1 or UT3 (which they most likely are)...yet the character models are still some of the best in the business...I'm not saying Gears 2 is a bad looking game...its easily top 5 of this generation so far...and by far the best on the 360...yet it doesn't even take MGS4 graphically...let alone Killzone 2...

'best looking console game so far' has been said by over 5 credible gaming websites in regards to Killzone 2...from the beta alone...not to mention the recent SP preview...so its not just many PS3 owner's opinion..its kind of everyone's...or at least those that chose to accept it...

RE5 isn't out yet either...and I agree its a great looking game from what I have seen...but you sitting here saying 'i disagree, RE5 and Gears 2 looks better' is simply ridiculous, as you have obviously ONLY played Gears 2...most of the previewers of Killzone 2 have also played demo's of RE5...I would imagine they wouldn't be saying 'best looking console game' if they felt RE5 was already better...

video wise...RE5 has some parts that look great...and others look pretty weak...as it goes with early previews though...I'm sure the final game will be well above par...but I can guarantee that the only people saying Killzone 2 'is ok looking' are those that have never played any of it...and had a preconceived opinion on it anyway...

watch the tech video on GT of Killzone 2...they tech director points out just how many things Killzone 2 that no other game has done (physics based 'live' ragdoll animation, in which a living enemy still has ragdoll impulses from bullet hits, and has recorded mo-cap for correction...translates into the best looking hit response in video gaming...and then gets into lighting...200 true lights on screen at once...all of which create shadows, and reflect off of other surfaces)...and several other features (like full screen lens flare) that have only been done by CryEngine 3...if you don't like the art style of killzone 2...so be it...but no one can seriously say Gears 2 looks better, from a technical standpoint, and keep a straight face...

5654d ago
INehalemEXI5654d ago

I think its funny how people expect him to make "non flamebait titles." Its not like he's the only or first to make titles like that...Its his job you know to excite his viewers.

We all know what fanboys of either side discuss amongst each other...so lets not make a story with those exact words as a title.

Hits a little to close to home? He riles up both sides with those titles that state exactly whats typed in forums all over.

RememberThe3575654d ago

Did YOU just call SOME ONE ELSE a lemming? If you Xbox leads, you follow. Who's the lemming?

Anyway, to expect some one to make a boring title is pure ignorance. Look how many people are commenting. These head lines are working, strieght up.

And what I've seen from Killzone 2 I have not seen before in any other game. That said I have not played Crysis so I don't know about that one.

The Unreal Engine just can't put out the same visuals that are seen in games like Heavy Rain and Killzone 2. I'm not saying it's the console, I'm saying it's the engine. Unfortunately none of MS's first party studio's have really been able to push out what I think the 360 can do.

The 360 is not maxed out, they just don't have the right people pushing the hardware. At least thats what I hope.

Anyone who says that Gears 2 is on the same level as Killzone 2 is talking out of their ass.

computer5654d ago

Kleptic hit the nail on the head. Play Killzone 2 before you say RE5 or Gears 2 look better. And after that, the only way you can say Killzone 2 looks worse is if you played it on a 9 inch black and white TV.

So many fanboys just want Killzone 2 to fail it's not even funny.

Kleptic5654d ago

this reply system is all weirded out for whatever reason...my original comment was towards 2.8 on the first page, but I guess it got pushed back to this page...and lost its correct number...

and that was cryengine 2 by the way, not 3...I always say that by accident...

but yeah^^ I agree...a lot of people desperately want the game to fail...and its not hard to see why...for one, MS has nothing on the horizon to compete with it...only chance is whatever IW comes up with for the follow up to CoD 4...but the glaring issue with that is that the PS3 will get it too...there are no exclusive shooters coming to the 360 any time soon (probably not this generation anyway) to really compete with Killzone 2...as killzone 2 is YEARS in development and cost more money than Gears 1, 2, and UT3 combined...

the media isn't much different either...this game automatically set its self up for a very ugly first impressions as no one in the media enjoyed being lied to about the original trailer (I blame the media anyway, who would honestly believe that was gameplay?...that looked nothing like gameplay entirely because of the scripting)...as tretton claimed it to be real time, then doubled back claiming 'he meant resistance'...

aside from a number of glowing previews...the discussion between the guys at the 1up yours podcast on december 5th related to killzone 2 really illustrated whats going to happen imo...they all finally put enough time into the game to get a good idea of what to expect...and found it to be an insanely polished shooter with unprecedented visuals (they ALL admit that Gears 2, and no other console game, touches it...not just the ps3 fanboy bettenhausen)...yet it doesn't try anything radically different...however, a lot can be said for a great playing, and great looking first person shooter...the most successful shooter of this generation so far did absolutely nothing new gameplay wise...and they all predict that killzone 2 will end up the shooter to beat come February...

i'm trying hard to keep this out of hardware issues...as the 360 is definitely a formidable console in terms of visuals...while Killzone 2 is designed to fully take advantage of everything the PS3 has (particularly BD with uncompressed texture streaming, as well as the CPU)...the 360 could also get a game several steps ahead of the normal competition too, if a developer would actually invest the time and money it takes...

and thats the point...Killzone 2 is not just a 'ps3 is teh pw3r' argument...this is more what happens when a publisher gives a dev nearly unlimited cash...and unlimited time...and that is why Killzone 2 will be so hard to beat from anything MS offers...it will take a 360 exclusive at least to match it, as multiplatform development hinders both version usually...and MS simply doesn't throw 60 million dollars to an internal dev to go nuts with...they throw it at rockstar or SE instead, just to get rights to DLC or to share a once exclusive PS3 game...

you can hate the PS3 all you want...you can still think the 360 is more powerful all you want...but the simple fact is that fanboys are on their own with this one...killzone 2 IS delivering...i know it sucks...but the media is slowly starting to admit it...and PS3 owners are happy as shat with the game so far...there are some certified hardcore 360 fans on the beta forum for killzone 2 fully admitting that its the best and most addictive first person shooter they have ever played on a console...if Sony cuts the price of the PS3 around killzone 2's window...i guarantee there will be TONS of 360 fanatics jumping ship...

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 5654d ago
cp685654d ago (Edited 5654d ago )

Poor xbox360. Not sure what trine is? It's the new PSN console exclusive shocker baby:


The 360 is officially a thing of the past. Go get yourself a ps3 already. Just in time to get familiar with the XMB, and get ready to camp for KZ2. That's right.

Foxgod5654d ago

Trine is coming to pc as well, arent ps3 fabois always yapping that some 360 games are also on pc, and therefore not exclusive ?

0verdrive5654d ago (Edited 5654d ago )

lol yes, but those are usually huge 360 "exclusives" like l4d, halo, gears1 and probably gears2. trine is a psn title. on top of that its a platformer, which are much more enjoyable to play on console because of the controllers. those exclusive shooters, however, are much better on pc, due to kb and mouse controls. plus, higher end pcs put out much better graphics than the 360 and ps3.

PeptoBismol5654d ago (Edited 5654d ago )

is that why Gears 2 looks identical to the 1st?

to the phantom disagree, i have a 360 & PS3, check my profile

MNicholas5654d ago (Edited 5654d ago )

The 360, because of it's straightforward hardware architecture and superb dev tools provided by Microsoft, has been fully utilized by many devs. Any improvements from here on in are not technical but artistic.


Yes i read the title.If u go thro some of hes past shows he has titles like "360 price cuts destroys the ps3".Some time he has titles in 360 favour and sometimes he has titles in ps3 favour.And watch the review he did about gears2 and u will know he is not bias.He gives props to the 360 and ps3.He even showed us that he has both consoles.Just becausse the title looks bias dose not mean he is bias.

Homicide5654d ago

Uncharted 2 will look identical to the first. I guess PS3 is maxed out too?

littletad5654d ago

It hasn't been maxed out. If Donkey Kong Country and God of War 2 hasn't already told us, systems continue to get better regardless of what year we are in the console life.

Danja5654d ago

I agree the 360 hasn't been maxed out , it's up to the devs to utilize the hardware and get the best outta it..

alot of ppl didn't even think that a game like GOW2 was possible on the PS2...it even made launch 360 games look like crap..

Uncharted 2 will improve graphically over the 1st game...just watch the teaser trailer and look at the animations..it's way better

ElementX5654d ago

If Gears 2 looks identical to the first, how come I read articles saying it has better graphics than Resistance 2? Does that mean Gears 1 graphics are better than Resistance 2? I've played Gears 2 and Resistance 2, Gears has better graphics.

SuperM5654d ago

I highly doubt Uncharted 2 will look identical to the first. By the time they release the game im sure they will have upped the graphics by quite abit. But other then just on the graphical side of things, uncharted is going to add a bunch of new gameplay elements aswell, and no im not talking about tiny tweaks like new ways to hit someones head off, im talking about big gameplay elements like Stealth and new climbing system. I definately think naughty dog is going to kick it to the next level with Uncharted 2. I think that the extra processing power that they have availible is also going to be used alot for other stuff then just graphics, like better water physics, destructible enviroments, you name it.

Besides even if Uncharted ended up looking the same, we would still have KZ2 to prove that the system is capable of more. What does 360 have to prove that its capable of more then gears2? nothing, because gears2 is the best they have.

Anyway im sure that 360 has alot of power that can still be tapped out of it. First and foremost in form of optimizing the code. But i think they will need to move on from the Unreal engine 3 though. Perhaps if the Unreal engine 4 comes out for this generation of systems that it will be more optimized and can squeze some more juice out of the 360. Only time will tell. I dont think we will see anything like KZ2 on the 360 though, ever. Maybe they will get something which is similar just from a graphical standpoint, but then there is no way they will be able to push as much stuff on screen as in KZ2. The xenon just doesnt have the power to keep up with the cell processor on that area. I dont think they will ever get that graphics either though. But look better then now? ofcourse. There is imo a huge leap between KZ2 and Gears2. 360 can probably get to something in between.

MNicholas5654d ago

because unlike the PS2 (and PS3) the 360 hardware is very straightforward and easy to utilize. In addition, unlike Sony, Microsoft provided it's developers with superb development tools and plenty of hand-holding, enabling to make full use of the hardware.

In contrast, the PS2 was a nightmare for developers. Even polyphony digital struggled with it. This is why GT4 was so vastly superior to GT3 as it took them years to come to terms with it. One saw similar improvements with God of War, Jak, etc for the same reason. Some of the later PS2 games even had PC like shaders.

Similarly, the PS3 is very complex and presents developers with a huge learning curve. How many developers output from RSX to Cell? A handful at best and even those struggle with the precise timing required to make it work. Most just render to VRAM and call it a day. That's where the improvement will come. Like the PS2 before it, as the developers get their game engines to work in smaller and smaller chunks and refine the rendering systems you will see further improvements, of the sort that none would have expected. Games like Killzone 2, GT5: Prologue, and Uncharted already outperform what the RSX specs would suggest is possible.

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