
Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1+2 PS5 Trophies Transferring Not Working? Here’s a Fix

Here's a fix for Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1+2 PS5 trophies not unlocking after doing a save transfer. Check out the guide for this easy fix.

LucasRuinedChildhood1162d ago

Only half of my Crash 4 trophies transferred.

corpsemaker1162d ago

Is there a fix to make the series x version actually work lol?

Orchard1162d ago

They really couldn’t have screwed up next gen upgrades on PS5 any more if they’re tried...

Profchaos1162d ago (Edited 1162d ago )

Mine works but outside of some lighting changes and the draw distance and the little circle that exists around your skater on the ground on PS4 was fixed in on ps5 it's the same game there is no significant benifit outside of duelsense functionality so I find it hard to justify paying for the upgrade for ps4 and especially Xbox one owners Given the lack of duelsense features which actually have a significant impact on the games feel

Profchaos1162d ago

Had this problem myself I had to delete my ps5 save game re upload my save from PS4 and re-download on ps5 then I got everything popping up now I just need to grind level 100 and get the hard get there's.

Blaze9291162d ago

Sony really should have thought about this better


Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 3+4 remakes were deemed “too ambitious” to make

Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 3+4 remakes are likely off the table forever, as new claims from anonymous Activision devs bury your hopes for good.

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Snookies1227d ago

I at least wanted 3... Sad to hear this...

-Foxtrot27d ago

"Tony Hawk himself purported that plans were in place until Vicarious Visions’ obligations to Activision’s mammoth FPS game franchise, Call of Duty, got in the way"

Same what happened to Raven Softworks sadly

We'll never get Singularity 2

XiNatsuDragnel27d ago

Oof cmon that's sad and we need a singularity 2 plz

isarai27d ago

How can remakes of a game that's already been made be too ambitious to be made? 🤣

LucasRuinedChildhood27d ago (Edited 27d ago )

The article says it was too ambitious for them to remake 1-4 in a single package for the deadline they had, not that remakes of 3+4 are too ambitious to be made in general. So they cut back to 1+2.

They were going to remake 3+4 later but unfortunately they got diverted to the Call Of Duty mines.

If Microsoft want to prove that they have had any sort of positive influence on Activision whatsoever, I'll be expecting Pro Skater 3+4.

Just let Toys For Bob remake the maps. The mechanics are already perfect.

FinalFantasyFanatic26d ago

It's a pity they never got around to that second collection, I don't really care for Call of Duty much myself, so to hear they picked that over more Tony Hawk remakes stings a little.

Smellsforfree26d ago

Not sure what the issues were with this one, but in general, I would say one reason being player expectations for modern games. Games from the late 90s/early 2000s were small (less than 100) teams and the assets (3d models, textures, etc.) were very low quality and therefore didn't take as long as to develop/polish as they do today. There were a lot of really large scoped games back then that would be difficult to develop to today's standards.

There were 721 cars in Grand Turismo 4 (2004), for example.

phoenixwing27d ago

This is kinda pathetic on Activision. Hire someone else to do a remake if you have to. Not every dev needs to be working on cod

Number1TailzFan27d ago

Yeah, on top of that who wants to buy COD every year? Seriously.. any good MP game should easily be good for 2-3 years before needing a sequel if it has enough content or a few updates here and there.

VersusDMC26d ago

They shat out modern warfare 3 with a 16 month development time that has them at a nice 56%(ps5) on metacritic and it was still the 2nd best selling game of 2023. Currently the 2nd best selling game of 2024. And modern warfare 2 was the 7th best selling game of last year.

Seems like everyone wants to buy it no matter what.

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jbl31642d ago

Microsoft should force Activision to make Tony 3 and 4 remake. I hate how it was canceled for no reason.