
Square Enix Teases Announcements for Final Fantasy XVI, XIV, & More in 2021

Square Enix developers have teased their plans for 2021 including the Final Fantasy series and more.

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1253d ago
CrimsonWing691253d ago

Looking forward to FF16 news. I know this isn’t probably the case, but re-watching the footage I was wondering if it’s possible this could be Square’s take on the Soulsborne genre mixed with a DMC kind of combat system?

The reason I thought that is every battle is kind of like one-on-one (unless these are boss battles). It may not be as difficult or even implement the get killed/lose everything mechanic, but what if somehow they made it play out in a similar structure to a Souks game without the punishment?

Eh, it’s probably just wishful thinking on my part. At first I wasn’t gung-ho about how different the game felt from Final Fantasy games, but the thought of them trying a Dark Souls take on it seems intriguing to me. I’d rather that than a DMC clone.

bouzebbal1253d ago

I never understood teasers of announcements, especially when they are obvious like this one

CrimsonWing691253d ago

I guess they’re there to generate hype and buzz?

RPGer1252d ago

Marketing 101: Always make product relevant. Promote it.

Unknown_Gamer57941252d ago

That's how things seem to work these days. Companies build hype trains by not only announcing games, but by slowly announcing more details overtime, and yes, announcing that they will be announcing more details. I'm sure some company somewhere at some point has announced when they will announce when they plan to announce more details for their upcoming game. Hype train!

1253d ago Replies(4)
oakshin1252d ago

Sounds like you don't won't a ff game lol

But please no they have changed the ip enough comes a point of you want something different make something different i can't understand squares need to fix something that isn't broken

You got the king of jrpgs and the devs just couldn't leave it alone we never asked for this shit we just deal with it are act like ff is dead it's complicated

CrimsonWing691252d ago (Edited 1252d ago )

Oh, trust me, I want an FF game, but let’s not kid ourselves here, what they showed in that trailer looked nothing like an FF game aside from enemies, summons, and a chocobo.

I’m just saying, “is it possible this could this be like?” based on the gameplay in the trailer. If anything I wish all future entries adopted the FF7 Remake hybrid turn-based/action gameplay. Oddly enough that doesn’t seem to be the case with this entry.

But if they are going in a Soulsborne direction, if the franchise had to change, that’s the direction I’d be ok with.

Teflon021252d ago

Definitely would be the dumbest move, white those games are great. that's not what FF players want in the slightest. They also all look 1v1 because they're likely not showing all your companions yet and want to save them to reveal later. Atleast I hope. I really don't want this to be a 1 guy running around the whole game solo type of thing. Especially after the last game was basically a main cast of dudes girls would argue over. Let us have some females back in the group and such. But guess that'll probably be project athena at this point lol

1252d ago
+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1252d ago
Outlawzz1253d ago

I hope ff16 isn't a disaster of a story like 15 was. Never finished cus of how uneventful it was. Maybe royal edition fixed it who knows

Snookies121253d ago

FF XV seriously messed up by splitting its story across a movie and an anime. All of those events should have just taken place in the game, and it would have been such a great story. Royal did add some necessary scenes to the game, and expanded it a bit. However, they really just failed to deliver the true potential the game had. Which is a shame, because there is a really great story under there. It just failed at telling it right. Also, the DLC chapters should have been woven into the main story with the Royal edition. Not sure why they didn't do that...

Outlawzz1253d ago

The movie set it up for some massive epicness lol then you get to the actual game and it's all "selfies with your friends in a royce". Needless to say, I was extremely underwhelmed lol

Snookies121252d ago

@Outlawzz - Yeah, the movie was really great actually. Had me so hyped for the game.

gamer78041253d ago (Edited 1253d ago )

It’s too early to tell, but so far I’m not a fan of the setting and tone of ff16, need to see more though to know. I couldn’t finish 15.

Outlawzz1253d ago

It looked ok imo. I remain optimistic for it. Just happy their done with 15 and the endless episodes.

gamer78041252d ago

can agree with that, 15 was probably one of the worst FF games i've played in a long time. I hope they can redeem themselves with 16 but my hopes are really low after seeing it.

bouzebbal1253d ago

15 was a disaster, and FF team has got better since Ff7R. I'm sure they'll pull something good. Let's be optimistic for a sec

Outlawzz1253d ago

I just bought ff7r, haven't played yet but haven't heard any negatives on it. The thing with that is, they already have the source material to pull from so it's a little harder to break what's not broken on that front lol

Teflon021252d ago

Want to hear all the negatives about FFVIIR?

2 key things and that's about it honestly. It's a great game outside the fact the freeroaming is essentially stuck as chapter select because how the game has to work to follow the story of course lol

But it's dodge mechanic is damn near useless. There's no speed to it and also has no invincibility frames so really all it's used for is cancelling animations and getting to move before a animation finishes is all. Honestly the most annoying dodge mech I've used in a while. Should either be fast or have invincibility. Literally just block, will be alot more effective

Second is that end. it should have ended after the Rufus and the Turks fight just before leaving midgar and maybe the Bike scene after. But everything after that was just annoying because it didn't make sense. Just put there to give the game a big final battle when it didn't need it since everyone understands what it is

bouzebbal1252d ago


No, it should have ended at Midgar and it did.. The game stayed very faithful to the original.. And ended so well.

Nebaku1252d ago

Worth mentioning that Square has 9 development teams. The ones working on FF7 remake are likely not the same ones who did 15.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1252d ago
DarK-SilV1253d ago

FF15 story sucked so hard ,you had all these characters yet you didn't even know them, it was like fighting invisible enemies, no screen time for most of the characters,

Outlawzz1253d ago

Yea I didn't get too far into into it but they all felt kind of dull. I stopped eventually, the world was nice but the characters didn't really bring it to life.

andy851253d ago

It won't be. Yoshida who saved FFXIV is producer for XVI. I'm quietly excited for it

AceRimmer3021252d ago

15 was awful. The story was lousy, the world generic and the fighting mindless.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1252d ago
on_line_forever1253d ago

I want :

- Vagrant story remake devolped by FromSoftware .

- parasite eve 1 & 2 remake.

Is that hard for you Square Enix ?!

Snookies121252d ago

I just want anything Chrono series related... Square Enix hate their Chrono series fans, haha...

ecchiless1252d ago

great games, vs is my ps favorite game from squaresoft, add xenogears and chrono cross and you get my favs games from squaresoft.

Nuvem1252d ago

FF16 releasing in March 2022. Said it.

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MeteorPanda28d ago

The way it was handled was so dumb. One shots in melee...your teammates are to ostupid to get away from its attack. So you most often end up alone in a certain fight.

Hofstaderman28d ago

Two words, one accessory....Safety Bit

MeteorPanda28d ago

Needing an accessory to keep a.i from dying and only one of them isnt great.


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