
Destiny 2's PS5 update is phenomenal

The free PS5 and Xbox Series X optimisation upgrade for Destiny 2 arrived yesterday, though it was a bit of a faff to get on the PS5. Essentially, you had to delete Destiny 2 from your PS5 then select to install the PS4 version via the three dots before the PS5 option appeared. The download is just over 60 GB, though, so shouldn’t take long provided you have a stable internet connection.


Its BEAUTIFUL on Series X. I honestly can't stop playing it now. To bad I fell so far behind that I don't know what to do anymore.

MetalProxy1272d ago

I tried to play it the other day and was so lost and confused with the new super high level my character became. I want to enjoy it but can’t unfortunately

cobrapinto1271d ago

I haven't played since the second DLC. Not sure I want to for the very same reason.

ABizzel11271d ago

Glad to see people enjoying it again. The update is nice. I've been playing on PC for a while and playing it on PC compared to last-gen consoles was a night and day difference and the reason I started playing again. I hit 60fps Ultra, or over 100fps on Medium in 4K vs 1080p @ 30fps on PS4, and it looks and plays so much better.

Killer73nova1271d ago

I gotta hop on soon! Waiting to get done with my finals so I can catch up to my friends. Especially excited on the series x graphics !

Sarcasm1271d ago

That's hilarious because it's the exact same experience I had on my PC. Loaded it up recently, and had no idea where the hell I'm supposed to go, or what to do.

JesusBuiltmyHotrod1271d ago

Playing without the dualsense is not the same, it's a game changer for shooters imo.

Ju1271d ago

Ha ha ha. No matter how often I try to go back to this game, it totally lacks direction and I get lost. Every single time. Looks like I am not the only one running around trying to find things to do. Sure thing, there are things one can randomly pick up. But the lack of goals is striking in that game. which is a real shame. I looks great, handles great, plays great. And then nothing. Plays like a screensaver.

JonTheGod1271d ago

I've not played since Peter Dinklage was patched out of D1. Not out of protest, just indifference.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1271d ago
SKGROOVE1272d ago

I'm enjoying the update. All these years since D1 playing at 30fps this is a big jump. 4K 60 and an fov slider is great

Neonridr1271d ago

when I jumped from PS4 to PC with the release of Shadowkeep it's like I was awoken. With my 3080 @ 1440p I run the game at 144fps and I can't go back now.

Glad to see the console versions are getting better, that 30fps was such an eyesore.

SKGROOVE1271d ago

Yeah I can't go back now.

LucasRuinedChildhood1271d ago (Edited 1271d ago )

Anyone know if this game has been updated to take advantage of the DualSense? No mention of this in the article.

SullysCigar1271d ago

I'd imagine they'll announce that once the PS5 version launches, or patch in shortly after.

Guyfamily9991271d ago

It uses the haptic feedback, the rumble feels noticeably better, but nothing on the adaptive triggers.

LucasRuinedChildhood1271d ago


Hopefully they update it to use the adaptive triggers in the future. Borderlands 3 did and it's so much more enjoyable.

1272d ago Replies(4)
spicelicka1272d ago

It should have been 60 fps long ago, there are plenty of 60 fps shooters on last gen systems. This isn't a next gen update as much as it's an update to bring it to industry standards. The engine for this game is ancient, you can tell from the outdoor lighting. What makes up for it is the art style and skyboxes. I don't understand why you need a next gen system to run it at 60, the Pro and One X should be able to handle that easily.

1271d ago
RedDeadLB1271d ago

I think you are overestimating that tablet CPU the last gen consoles have. I don't think a single 60fps pro/one x version of any game actually runs at a stable 60.

Magog1271d ago

MGS5 ran at 60fps on the base ps4.

spicelicka1271d ago

Halo 5 runs at 60fps, Gears 5 runs at 60fps, Modern warfare runs at 60fps, Apex runs at 60fps. Only reason Destiny doesn't because they're using an old ass engine that they made Destiny 1 one on which was already cross-gen with even older consoles. An unstable 60fps is far better than being locked to 30fps. I switch between Destiny 2 and Halo 5 all the time on the OG Xbox one and Halo 5 is wayyy smoother every time.

RedDeadLB1271d ago

MGSV is not nearly as CPU intensive, Apex legends was far from stable 60fps (and is also using Source engine and dropping to 720p at times, which is the definition of an "old ass engine"), the new Modern Warfare also ran at a pretty unstable framerate across the board in Warzone and Gears, again, is not CPU intensive in MP. The main bottleneck for 60fps was the CPU. One X has a better gpu than Series S, but everything runs worse on it because of the CPU.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1271d ago
343_Guilty_Spark1271d ago (Edited 1271d ago )

Did the reviewer only have a PS5 or was a decision made not to mention the Series X version?

SullysCigar1271d ago

Imagine an Xbox One X, add a share button to the controller, et voilà!

Sirk7x1271d ago

Put PS5 in title, receive clicks.

SmokinAces1271d ago (Edited 1271d ago )

Did you read the article?

"Given that cross-save exists and the Xbox Game Pass is full of Destiny 2 DLC, I’ll probably download it on my Series X as well, just to complete the 4K trifecta."

He made a decision to play it on the console he preferred apparently.

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