
The Xbox Series X seems to have a disc drive problem

Whirring, clicking and more.

Babadook71299d ago

Lets hope these are isolated issues.

SullysCigar1299d ago

Agreed. Seems some of the drives aren't even accepting discs, which is weird. As long as it's within the expected failure rates and they replace quickly and for free, it's just frustrating more than anything.

blackbeld1299d ago

Xbox does it again! Now Xbox fanboys go buy two xbox's just in case one will broke then you still got to play on the other. LOL

SavageFlamingo1299d ago

@blackbeld Both consoles are having hardware issues. Which happens at every launch. If you're going to use the word fanboy, don't be one yourself. They're both great machines.

Shiken1298d ago


Just gonna pretend that the PS5 isn't have storage issues that reconstructs the SSD when going out of sleep mode, and even can potentially brick the console?

Get out of here with that fanboy shit. Isolated problems happen with every console launch. It is a known risk of being an early adopter.

frostypants1298d ago (Edited 1298d ago )

I've restrained myself from multiple opportunities to buy either of these new consoles. The upside of being "first" doesn't justify the risk of the early adopter burn lottery.

amazinglover1298d ago

@Shiken Did you even read what @SavageFlamingo actually wrote?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1298d ago
Godmars2901299d ago (Edited 1299d ago )

Worse, given current times, it could just be "fake news". Like those pointless smoking console videos.

God you people are sad...

StoneyYoshi1299d ago

There is video proof showing multiple consoles powering back off the moment they press the power button as well as multiple videos of the disk issues. Some wont go in, some click trying to pull the disk in and fail, and some are just getting very loud vibrations when having a disk in the drive.

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LOGICWINS1299d ago

Yes, but what concerns me is that this was the exact same problem that bricked my OG Xbox 20 years ago. It ended up not being able to open the disc drive. I still remember how pissed I was because I had Prince of Persia Two Thrones stuck inside the box lol.

I'm actually happy this is occuring at launch as opposed to several years later when the console is out of warranty. Microsoft has the opportunity to fix the issue before I get mine next year.

darthv721299d ago

Ive had that happen with the tray. It was the tray belt broke and i had to take it apart.

StoneyYoshi1299d ago

MS has had disk drive issues with each console they have produced, and so has Sony. Now we will soon find out if Sony still has these issues too on the PS5.

oof461298d ago

@StoneyYoshi: My 360, I had to use the paper clip trick to get a disc out, after the tray stopped working once. For my PS1, I literally had to flip it upside down in order for the laser to keep reading.

porkChop1298d ago

The only issue I had was a handshake issue between my SX and my monitor. I turned my SX on before the HDMI was plugged, and after connecting the cable there was no image. I just had to turn the system off and on, and now it's synced with my monitor. Works like a charm.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1298d ago
darthv721299d ago

Slot loading drives... ive had similar clicking on other devices including my car cd player. Sucks when it happens.

purple1011299d ago

does it scratch game disks a la xbox360

Sitdown1299d ago

I thought that only happened if you were moving it.

StoneyYoshi1299d ago

Usually that was the case but there were some cases where it would happen the moment the disc was inserted into the drive. I believe XBO also had this issue at launch but I could be wrong.

JonTheGod1298d ago

Didn't that only happen if you moved the console with a disc in the tray?

LoveSpuds1298d ago

That isn't true fella, I bought mine from Blockbuster and had to return it the next day, along with my copy of Gears of War as the disk drive had scored small circles into the disk. My console was placed in a TV cabinet the whole time.

Sayai jin1298d ago

Oooh yes, I knew of many people having the scratched disk on 360. I also knew a lot of people that had the circular scratched disk on PS2. I've been lucky, I never had the widespread and dreadful RROD or the YLOD(not wide spread).

JonTheGod1297d ago

I had both RROD on 360 and YLOD on my PS3. Sad times.

lifeisgamesok1299d ago

It might be a small number of faulty consoles. I had 2 Xbox One's with disc drive issues. The one I have now only sucks the discs in half way but at least it still works I guess

1299d ago Replies(4)
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