
PS5 DualSense Teardown Features Repairability, Internal Look & DS4 Internal Comparison

With the PS5 peripherals and whatnot already out in the wild, we now get a full-on PS5 DualSense teardown which features the controller's innards! Check out hoiw the battery, analog nubs, motherboard and more check out in side-by-side screenshots with the DualShock 4.

ArchangelMike1307d ago (Edited 1307d ago )

I'm loving all these teardown vids. Looks like the Dualsense controller is a legit next-gen controller. Those haptics and adaptive triggers are a real game changer. I'm definitely not throwing my DualSense against the wall.

That said, I'm hoping to get Demon's Souls Remaster... soo... yeah good to know that the controller is repairable 😂

Edit: I have to say though, of all my dualshock controllers, I've never had any problems with stickdrift. But then again I always store the controllers on the base, and never rest them upside down on the sticks.

Jin_Sakai1307d ago

Same here. Never had issues with stick drift and I’ve had quite a few controllers. Honestly don’t know anyone who’s had that problem. These aren’t Joy-Con controllers.

That aside the DualSense looks well build and is a true next gen controller.

SyntheticForm1307d ago

My Xbox One controller has drift.

Basically, if I set it down, I'll be looking at the sky in any game I'm playing within a few seconds.

Double_O_Revan1307d ago

I have 4 Dual Shocks between my 2 PS4s and never had a problem. My son has a few controllers as well for his system, and he did come to me recently and say 1 of his has drift. Can't remember which stick it was, but he is definitely harder on his controllers than I am. So out of maybe 7 controllers between us, only 1 had any drift issue.

1307d ago
1307d ago
darthv721307d ago (Edited 1307d ago )

I inherited some with stick drift but as for causing it myself... I'm not that hard on the sticks (that's doesnt sound right).

I know it can happen from mistreating the controller, and there are those who jam on the sticks pretty hard in certain games. On a side note, tronicsfix is a cool YT channel. he generally tends to buy broken stuff in bulk and repair them to flip.

bouzebbal1307d ago

I'm experiencing 1 of my DS4 drifting.. Weird enough the up gets activated when I press L2.. So not possible to aim and stay steady with that controller lol.. I only use it for racers..

DS looks great, I'm so curious about the vibrations and triggers

1nsomniac1307d ago (Edited 1307d ago )

This is such a weird site. Throughout the whole video the guy praises how good the controller seems then makes one tiny comment about a known fault with the old controller and everyone jumps on it to declare there’s never been a problem and he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

Despite Sony in the past publicly issuing a global press release that they would replace them free of charge whether in warranty or not. If they had any of the common faults - Drifting, peeling thumbsticks, stuck shoulder buttons.

It’s public fact, get over it, move on. Why act so hurt over such a minute and perfectly legitimate concern/comment?

Sony made some good revisions to the DS4 controller to improve the quality of them further down the road. Let’s all hope they learnt from that. Higher quality products are better for all of us.

Storm231307d ago

I have owned around 5 Dualshock 4's. My newest one has been good with no drift but my other 4 have it. Really hoping there is no drift on the Dual Sense. 1.5 weeks!

boing11307d ago

Depends on how big of a dead zone game is using I think. The lower, the better obviously. I'm playing Warzone a lot recently and the dead zone I'm using there is 0.05. Anything below and it starts drifting sometimes. Happens on both but my controllers are old and warn out. I think it's something to expect after years of usage.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1307d ago
Vanfernal1307d ago

Only issue I had with the DS4 is battery life. My original DS4 doesn't even last half an hour on a full charge. But I'm sure they fixed that for the Dualsense.

mrsolidsteel201307d ago


Same here, I’m interested to see how long the battery life is for the DS5.

SullysCigar1307d ago

Sony have claimed 50% longer life for DualSense, which sounds great. I've been lucky with my DS4s I guess, they're launch models and last 3 hours plus still. I've always got a cable handy just in case, but just tend to plug in in once I've finished playing for the night.

nickanasty2061307d ago

Yeah, even the largest amount of gamer rage won't have me spiking a 70 dollar controller. I have learned the hard way over the years when i was younger. Not worth the cost of replacing for a brief moment of rage.

excaliburps1307d ago

Same. Stick drift was never an issue for me, but I have a couple of friends who experienced it, so I know it's a real issue.

Thatgrammar1307d ago

I have never had stick drift problems until October of this year. I have had my controller since 2016 and it has now developed a very slight drift in the right stick. All my other controllers (I have 4 dualshock 4 controllers total) are fine. The original controller that came with the PS4 on day one lost its rubber after about a year of use on the right stick. The PS3 controllers never gave me any problems, but the PS4 controllers are so much more useful and comfortable when they work. Hopefully the dualsense doesn’t have any issues.

ArchangelMike1307d ago (Edited 1307d ago )

As it so happens I've had many more problems with my PS3 controllers - stick drift, battery charging issues, random disconnnects from the PS3 etc; but obviously I've had those for much much longer. But with PS4 controllers I haven't had any problems - although I have to admit that I don't really use my launch Dualshock4's since I got newer colour variants (which I believe had improved stick builds).

Nitrowolf21307d ago

I've never had stick drift either but I know some have

Miraak82 1307d ago (Edited 1307d ago )

All 4 of my controllers that I’ve bought all had stickdrift but I also play highly competitive multiplayer games in long sessions which probably wears them down way faster

JimmyDM901307d ago

I have two launch DS4s. One has stick drift in the left stick. The other controller is fine. Though both had the rubber on the joysticks completely fall apart after a few years.

MaximusTKG1307d ago

It’s very strange. I get about two new controllers a year. So roughly 14 controllers. Never had stick drift, all the way up until two months ago when I bought one. Drifts all the time. 1 out of 14 isn’t terrible I guess.

ziggurcat1307d ago

"I have to say though, of all my dualshock controllers, I've never had any problems with stickdrift."

Two of mine have had that. My current one is 1 of the 2, but it was too late to replace. With the PS5 around the corner, it didn't make sense to invest in a new DS4.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 1307d ago
Thundercat771307d ago

The Dualsense is the only real next Gen controller. Can't wait to play on the PS5 with it.

ArchangelMike1307d ago

Imagine if Sony also release a Dualsense Elite controller.

Timzster1307d ago

Nice look into the inside of this thing. As with all PS controllers, I always like to see how these are torn down and what the parts and pieces look like.

1307d ago
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Xbox Exclusives on PS5 - Has Xbox Studios Taken Advantage of the PS5 DualSense Features?

Here's an in-depth look at whether Microsoft took advantage of the PS5 DualSense controller's features with the Xbox games on PS5.

franwex5d ago

This guy wrote a whole dissertation.

VenomUK5d ago

I’m going bed now so have only previewed this article but credit to James Lara at MP1st.com for such a unique and in depth investigation! From comparing the audio captured from the controllers’ vibrations to determining the in-game source of vibration and its effect in Hi-Fi Rush, this seems like a scientific approach has been taken. Wow. Man must really cares about the topic, I gotta respect that passion. 🫡

anast5d ago

I thought you were joking, then I clicked to read it.

anast5d ago

Xbox on PSN took a minute to get used to.

Phoenix0294d ago

Sega on Nintendo was mind blowing

gold_drake5d ago

i love how this is so indepth only to say "well yes, but mostly no"

haha xD good article tho


PS5 beta adds DualSense controller sound enhancements and Share Screen interactions

Beta starts today for invited participants in select countries.

As the new year kicks into high gear with an amazing slate of PS5 game releases like The Last of Us Part II Remastered, Tekken 8 and Helldivers 2, along with FINAL FANTASY VII Rebirth later this month,SIE are pleased to roll out another PS5 system software beta today with a number of quality-of-life enhancements and new features.

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Iceball2000117d ago

Those are some neat features.

CRASHBASHUK116d ago (Edited 116d ago )

there also a new turn off/ rest mode screen

jznrpg116d ago

Looking forward to these nice little upgrades


This leaked DualSense V2 looks to solve PS5 players’ biggest pet peeve

Listing for the DualSense V2 spotted over on Best Buy. Featuring improved battery life over its predecessor, the DualSense V2 could become a must-have PS5 accessory for those looking to stay wireless while gaming.

Read Full Story >>
Einhander1972143d ago

I have the Cobalt Blue controller and it lasts twice as long as my launch white controller did out of the box already.

Profchaos141d ago

Yeah I got the black controller and it's been way better than my launch ones also. I had to return my launch one cause of stick drift and the replacement had the springs snap in the L2 trigger then that replacement got drift again then I finally tried the black controller it's been flawless so happy with it

dumahim140d ago (Edited 140d ago )

My original didn't last a year before stick drift took over. (edit: actually, don't think it made it 6 months since I first experienced the drift in AC which I started playing around January after the PS5 launch). I bought the black one as soon as it came out. Now it doesn't last a day's worth of gaming.


never had a problem with the battery life or stick drift good to know that they improved it.

isarai142d ago

This is the 1st controller I've had stick issues with unfortunately, took it apart and cleaned it even though it already looked clean, but the drift came back after couple days. Kinda bummed about it honestly cause I take good care of my stuff

EvertonFC141d ago (Edited 141d ago )

Same fella, never had a problem with previous gens but this one I'm on my 3rd already and I take very good care of my controllers and tech in general.
I've put it down to GT7 and rocket league 😂🤣

Profchaos141d ago (Edited 141d ago )

Same I'm on my 4th since launch 2 with drift and 1 with the springs snap off if the trigger all warranty replacements but it's still annoying.

This is the only generation I've had an issue since the duelshock on PlayStation 1,2,34 PSP vita in fact all of those are still going strong and I've not even had drift with the switch joycon which was apparently common.

I definitely feel the launch whit controller was a lesser build quality perhaps rushed to meet launch date while the coloured revisions are better quality they have thicker trigger springs at minimum.
When I called it out in here that I was a bit disappointed I had three break I was called a liar

CrimsonWing69141d ago

Same here, even my replacement controller for the one with stick drift got stick drift. Third times the charm though, haven’t had issues yet.

I’m also extremely OCD careful with my stuff. Making sure dust doesn’t get in the hardware, keeping things clean, not being rough on the controller. I’ve just never had the stick drift issue until these PS5 controllers.

141d ago Replies(1)
EvertonFC141d ago

After 6 hours of gaming I'm normally walking the dog, or making something to eat or take a break and listen to a podcast while battery charging.
Had a couple of drifts though

frostypants140d ago (Edited 140d ago )

The early gen controllers almost universally go wonky. all three of mine did (two white, one black). Every controller made since they released the galaxy series of colors has revised internals. The SKUs changed accordingly. The fact that they are actually calling this new one "V2" makes me think it's a pretty big overhaul because they've already quietly made changes to these.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 140d ago
GoodGuy09142d ago

I was thinking all it really needs is a battery upgrade and there ya have it. Hall effect sensors would be great too but this is a good upgrade.

darthv72142d ago

i didn't think battery life was much of an issue. Stick drift though....

blackblades141d ago

Me either and I think it wont solve the issue cause some people will still B* about it or something

CobraKai141d ago

I got the drift on my launch controllers. I dont play games long enough in one session for the battery to be an issue. I usually charge my controllers once every 3 days.

Profchaos141d ago

Same it's not amazing but I've never one been stuck unable to play. Drift is a far bigger problem

Abnor_Mal141d ago

I have no problem with battery life, but what I would have liked on this new version would be back buttons/paddles.

BlackDoomAx140d ago

They have the Edge for that. Or you could go the cheap way and install an extremerate, it's easy and nice.

Abnor_Mal140d ago

The Edge is not worth the price if all I want is the back buttons, all the other bells and whistles the Edge can do I’m not interested in.

The PS4 back buttons were a very inexpensive solution that could have been added to the DS

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