
Fortnite Next-Gen Runs at 4K (1080p on Series S) and 60FPS; DualSense Support on PS5

Epic Games shared the details of the promised Fortnite next-gen update. The game will run at 4K@60 on PS5 and XSX, while Series S does 1080p at 60 frames per second.

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bouzebbal1308d ago

Question, how is the game on x1x?

AngelicIceDiamond1308d ago

You realize the main consoles are 4k right? So what exactly is wrong with the S here? Explain.

Muzikguy1308d ago (Edited 1308d ago )


Do current gen systems play the game at the same spec as the series S? If so, why is it needed?

AngelicIceDiamond1308d ago

@muzik So what's the point of either of these console version considering the game runs at 4k 60 on 1X? What's the point of the X Series and PS5 versions then?

Necr0philiac1307d ago

You can tell these guys fear the S and its low price.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1307d ago
Jin_Sakai1308d ago

Also loving the new PS5 features!

“Select Your Favorite Mode from the PS5 Home Screen — Fortnite supports PS5’s Activities, starting with the ability to go straight into the Battle Royale Lobby with either Solo, Duos, or Squads selected. Once in the Lobby, choose to queue up for your selected mode!”

SullysCigar1308d ago

Just saw Yong Yea playing Astro and gushing about the DualSense lol

He actually does a really good job of explaining how each usage feels. He also descirbes how the haptics are layered on top one another "like when you have good speakers and can hear each instrument individually".

Lot's to look forward to next gen!

1308d ago
crazyCoconuts1308d ago

I'm betting in a few years it won't

TheProblem1308d ago

Big mistake from Microsoft. They thought it would fly off the shelves. Pre order uptake has been slow. They should have made more x’s

Baza1308d ago (Edited 1308d ago )

Cheap Xbox consoles for increasing install base and more Game Pass subscriptions for Microsoft!

Popsicle1308d ago

Exactly. The Series S was created to provide a low price entry point for Gamepass. It is a Gamepass machine and nothing else.

Darkborn1308d ago (Edited 1308d ago )

People don't understand its only going to cripple all next gen games that are multiplat. Some studios I'm wiling to be will skip Xbox just to make a game on ps5 and not deal with a 4 Teraflop machine.

SullysCigar1308d ago

I hadn't thought of that, wowsers...

AngelicIceDiamond1308d ago

"People don't understand its only going to cripple all next gen games that are multiplat."

How exactly When the console does 1080p-1440p and the main consoles hit 4k? So now are we gonna dig up the old, dead useless resolution argument?

Popsicle1308d ago

@AngelicIceDiamond the GPU is not the major concern because many of the actions provided by the GPU such as resolution should be scalable for the most part. The biggest issue I see between the Series S and the Series X/PS5 is the difference in ram. The difference in ram has a greater potential to hold back next gen when compared to the GPU.

Darkborn1308d ago

@AngeliclceDiamond I didn't mention resolution. I meant about everything. AI won't be as smart, ram is a huge difference, less enemies will be allowed on the screen, the open world will be less populated. Tons of stuff will be sacrificed to make it available on a weaker console as well as resolution drops.

AngelicIceDiamond1308d ago (Edited 1308d ago )

@Dark and you know this how? Show a link.

Edit: better yet what would that have to do with the main consoles since they're stronger? What you said isn't accurate with the main consoles at all. Maybe for the S buy not the X or PS5.

Darkborn1308d ago (Edited 1308d ago )

@angelic look at last gen shadow of mordor example. They cut out features and had less nemesis randomization due to it being on last gen specs. There are tons of cases of this stuff. And yes, all games will have to be made compatible with the lowest common denominator first, and then upscaled. I'm not talking about resolution and fps, you can make games at 16k 500 fps if you wanted, but it would have bad visuals.

Edit* that's also why the pro can't do 4k right, but resogun did it at launch of the OG ps4.

1Victor1307d ago

Can someone please tell moldybrain that he looked in on the angelicicediamon account.
By now everyone over 10 should know developers make games for the lowest system first and upscale to the higher end as it’s easier that way and if you don’t know that ask your elder(friends, family or game store employees) gamers they will tell you.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1307d ago
SegaGamer1308d ago

You weren't going to buy any variation of Xbox console next gen anyway, so I don't see why you care that it exists.

Every time the Series S is mentioned, you get one of these stupid posts saying it shouldn't exist, but you never actually say why. Is it just because games won't run as well as they do on the Series X and PS5? If that is the case, the Switch, Wii U and Wii shouldn't have existed either, because they are much weaker than the other consoles they were up against.

We all know every game will run better on the Series X and PS5, but I don't see why a cheaper and less powerful machine can't exist for those on a budget, or aren't as interested in high end graphics, or still gaming on a 1080p tv, or parents who want to get their kids a new console for Christmas but see the Series X or PS5 as being a bit out of their price range.

Something tells me that you don't think the Series S shouldn't exist, it's more that you don't want it to exist for fanboy reasons.

green1308d ago (Edited 1308d ago )

Very well said. Why these people complaining just don't focus on the news in regards to their console of choice is beyond me. They would rather spend all their time complaining about the competition.

As for the news, great for X/S and PS5 owners being able to play the game with next gen updates at 60fps.

Melankolis1308d ago

It does concern some people that it might hold back the quality of the games, whether it's true or not it remains to be seen, i can understand. It doesn't have to be 100% fanboyism.

Wii, Wii U, Switch have different approach of development than their competitors though.

SegaGamer1308d ago


If there are people that genuinely feel this way, then I am not seeing any evidence to back up their concerns.

Pretty much every game I have seen announced for the Series X and PS5 so far seems to be aiming for 4k 30/60fps, so I don't see where people are getting the idea that games will be held back by the Series S.

green1308d ago

@melankolis: show me one game that is being held back? Show me the developers that are making games that have complained that the series S is a hinderence to them? If not them please all should quietly shut up.

From all I have seen, the only difference between X and S are resolution and a few graphical features. That's all.


Luc201308d ago

What's the point of getting an underperforming brand new console if the game plays better/similar minus maybe the loading times?

SegaGamer1308d ago


Uh, read my post again, you will see the reasons there.
The Series S being almost half the price of a Series X and PS5 will be reason enough for some people.

Mnms21881308d ago

Is not about being a fanboy, we can only go as far as the s can take us . Microsoft made a really weak console for next gen.

Darkborn1308d ago

I complain because it will hold all games back. Why don't they create games for ps3 as well as ps5 then if all that will change is "resolution?" you idiots.

Popsicle1308d ago

For me it has nothing to do with being a fanboy. I have the Series X and PS5 both on preorder. I fear that the Series S's lack of of RAM and to a much lesser extent considerably weaker GPU will hold back game development for 3rd party games on both next gen consoles and Xbox's 1st party games. There is a reason the Wii, Wii U, and Switch have never had comparable 3rd party support when compared to Microsoft and Sony, and the reason is that the games do not scale down easily and are a real pain to program for when trying to maintain the same experience from platform to platform.

This doesn't mean that there is not a place for the weaker Nintendo consoles. There absolutely is as evidenced by the markets positive reception to their products. The primary difference is that they are appealing to a niche and are not competing directly with Sony and Microsoft. Since their console is not in direct competition, there is little chance that the lack of power will in any way hold back game development on Xbox and Playstation consoles. The same cannot be said for the Series S in this case.

SegaGamer1308d ago


"we can only go as far as the s can take us"

I didn't see the Nintendo Switch stopping the current gen going forward, so why would the Series S do that? Current gen games on the Nintendo Switch were adjusted so they would run on it, the same will happen to games on the Series S. The fact that the Series S can run games at 1440p and 1080p 60fps means they have a lot of room to cut out certain graphical features on that system if they have to, which, at the same time, will have no effect on the quality of games on the Series X and PS5.

ecchiless1308d ago

so 300 is the half of 400..... maths...

1Victor1307d ago (Edited 1307d ago )

You all want to see a game hindered by series S look at halo and tell me it isn’t and it’s not delayed to fix some of the hindrance of series S.
Now kindly STFU with the saying that series S isn’t hindering next gen games

King_Noctis1307d ago

A comment that make sense get downvoted to hell and back. You’re right, people keep saying Xbox Series S “held back” next gen, but they themselves forget that alot of multiplatform games on PC have even lower hardware requirements than the Xbox Series S.

King_Noctis1307d ago


Except that Halo Infinite will also be releasing on the original Xbox One and Xbox One S as well, both of which are much weak than Xbox Series S. Do some research first before commenting.

SegaGamer1307d ago (Edited 1307d ago )


N4G, the home for Sony fanboys. I don't usually like singling out one set of fanboys over the rest, because I see them all to be as bad as each other, but Sony fanboys have become worse than all of them at this point. Literally any news about Xbox, Nintendo or PC gaming has the same Sony fanboys jumping in and telling us how bad the competition is and how amazing Sony is.

It's even got to the point now where I see Sony fanboys flagging actual news as "Lame" because they don't like the news being posted. How are those people still allowed to have a say on what get's submitted as news? It just shows how badly moderated N4G is. Nobody outside of N4G has a good word to say about the site anymore, and it's 100% because of fanboys, especially Sony fanboys.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 1307d ago
Muzikguy1308d ago

Next gen system playing games at current gen specs. That's gotta be a first

gravedigger1308d ago (Edited 1308d ago )

Yeah, 3rd party devs won't support Dualsense features because it's a gimmick. LOL And here we ware, besides COD, Ride 4, Fifa, NBA, Dirt 5....

Also, no need to pay for online on PS4/PS5 to play Fortnite. It's really F2P

And favorite mode directly from the home screen on PS5. Oh man.... Quickly jump in the game

Kyizen1308d ago

S has its place but it is not a next gen console

1308d ago
1308d ago
King_Noctis1307d ago

It should exist to be an option for those who are unwilling or don’t have enough money to afford a true next gen console.

Darkborn1307d ago (Edited 1307d ago )

If you don't have money to afford next gen, then stay on current gen. Don't ruin all the next gen games with an inferior console dragging all games into the dirt. I expect that either all games will be down scaled, or a ton of games will skip Xbox.

King_Noctis1307d ago

“ Don't ruin all the next gen games with an inferior console dragging all games into the dirt”

I’m sorry, but do older PC hardware drag newer PC games into the dirt? Why is it that alot of new multiplatform games on PC have even lower hardware requirements than the Xbox Series S?

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 1307d ago
shadowT1308d ago

I like the DualSense support

Father__Merrin1308d ago

Disappointed series S won't support 1440p I'm still looking forward for my delivery of the S

aaronaton1308d ago

I can't believe there is someone out there that is going to purchase the Xbox Series S. They should capture you and run experiments.

Workshyskiver1308d ago

If someone only has a 1080p TV, why wouldn't they? Its not for me personally but there are plenty of people out there that have no plans on buying a 4k tv that the extra power is for all intents and purposes, useless.

crazyCoconuts1308d ago

They tried to, but discovered it to be a Russian bot that got distracted while trying to meddle with the US elections

gamer78041308d ago

tons of people have 1080p tvs or at a small enough size they dont' need 4k. why spend the extra money especially if on a tight budget. I don't know why people are so upset or even comment on the series s. makes total sense just targeting a different market. and honestly some of the new 4k tvs have awful stutter anyways so they might want to use their tv for movies and games and not just games.

AngelicIceDiamond1308d ago

I don't believe hes getting an S but its sounds like to me your are the one they need to run tests on since you're having a heart attack, a melt down, panic attack over someone else purchases. you have some damaged and twisted psychology. "Its called a preference", look it up its a real thing. Anyone who's buys an S in your warped mind should see a Doctor. Yeah someone needs to see a doctor alright. I have no plans of buying the S because I want the options to buy disc and download. But I'm not in complete and utter shocked like you are "I can't believe" Again its called preference. P-R-E-F-E-R-E-N-C-E

Neonridr1308d ago

you realize people buy what benefits them. Does a PC gamer really need a 4K GPU if all they are going to play at is 1080p or 1440p? Why waste your money if you can't even benefit from it. I get that you are future proofing yourself a bit by purchasing a Series X, but that doesn't mean everyone is going to just do it from the get-go.

deadfrag1308d ago

People that are buying the Séries S think they only going to get lower resolution but that's not true! Detail will be lower, effects will be lower quality ..... and so on so on its not just an issues with resolution!

boing11308d ago

I can understand people with 1080p TVs, if that would be just the case of resolution. That's what they said about Series S, right? Same games, just lower res? What about frame rates, though? PUBG runs in 30fps on Series S and 60fps on Series X. Is that OK?

Binarycode1308d ago

LMFAO. XBOX is the experiment.

chiefJohn1171307d ago (Edited 1307d ago )

Not everyone has $500+ for a console or a 4k tv. Series S is something I would've gotten as teenager when my family was struggling.
It's funny cause I also said where the hell was cheap gaming like series S and Gamepass when I was young and broke lol

King_Noctis1307d ago

What’s wrong with someone who wanna buy cheaper console?

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 1307d ago
garos821308d ago

seems like 3rd party is embracing the dual sense! im guessing/hoping the implementation is easy and hoping the tech doesnt go to waste

jukins1308d ago

Yea im excited about developers actually using this. Hope it sticks throughout the gen. Seeing as its the controllers which "connects" you most to what you see on screen the immersion possibilities have me excited. And when psvr2 I hope they use an even more evolved solution for those controllers.

Got my controller yesterday. Just the overall feel is amazing even without actually using it.

Not relevant but funny to me. My kids saw all my accessories and said "you got all play no station" made me sad lol

garos821308d ago

can you use the dual sense on ps4 to play games? obviously without he haptic feedback stuff

jukins1307d ago

No but oddly it works in ps3 supposedly. Not sure if there any feedback

Magog1307d ago

They will use it. Everyone used vibration before. It's just a question of how well they implement it. I think a lot will simply because they enjoy the quality of it themselves.

1308d ago Replies(3)
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