
Control Ultimate Edition disc requires one-time online connection to play on Xbox

Control's new Ultimate Edition requires you connect to the internet to play its single-player campaign - but only once, and only for the disc-based version of the game on Xbox.

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Sciurus_vulgaris1322d ago

505 Games doesn’t seem to like good PR.

philm871322d ago

It's not exactly bad though is it?

NEXUS-61322d ago

The Ultimate edition is a slap in the face for people (+me) who already have the original release.

This one time sign in is just a cherry on top.

ThomasDaTank1322d ago

Then you clearly don’t know the definition of bad.

philm871322d ago

They didn't have to do an upgrade to next gen at all, and I bet they wish they didn't with all the freebie grabbers out there not realising it actually costs money.

How inconvenient is it? Surely 99% of console owners have an internet connection?

Sciurus_vulgaris1322d ago

A single player game shouldn’t require online access to play. And 505 Games should have made sure the XB1 version of the game was properly compressed. At minimum Control’s base game should be fully playable from the disc.

4Sh0w1322d ago

One time...not a big deal imo.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1322d ago
1322d ago Replies(1)
wiz71911322d ago

@Nexus I’m with you on that , I just recently bought Control since I caught it on sale .. Now I feel like I should of waited to get all the DLC plus the next gen version. I feel cheated , one thing for sure I’m not upgrading.

Miraak82 1322d ago

I’ve felt that way with most games since FF15 , started seeing the patterns in a lot of games early on and in most cases I never buy games on release anymore. Most single player games I wait at least a year cause theres always a complete/ definitive version at a lower price

gamer78041322d ago

You can’t even keep your save games with control ultimate edition You have to start all the way over. Jus terrible all around.

1321d ago
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Ristul1322d ago

So without an internet connection, the disk is useless?

Skate-AK1322d ago

It is until you authentic it via booting it while online.

Ristul1322d ago

Thats very anti consumer if you ask me.

DJStotty1322d ago

I think in this day and age, the territories where xbox will be launching, more or less every household has an internet connection lol.

This will be made into another nonsensical issue

ssj271322d ago

Tell me about it i just got ghost reacon for $6 on amazon just to find out i couldn't play it without been online i was like wtf is this for real not even free next time f $@ ubisof they lost me completely

derektweed11321d ago

You should have researched the game before buying. That's totally on you. It's like buying destiny and them complaining you can't play without being online.

Amplitude1322d ago (Edited 1322d ago )


Nah my dude you're missing the point.
A massive number of us here don't support this since a massive number of us buy physical games for collecting and preservation.
By requiring an online activation to play, you're effectively now just renting the game until the 505 and/or Xbox servers go down. This is why I never buy switch games where only 20% of the game is on the cart.

If that's the norm for single player games it would be terrible for 30 years from now.

That being said, there are definitely gonna be games that don't fit on a disc considering the massive size of CoD. So hey maybe we'll just have to deal with it this time.

Aggesan1321d ago

This! The whole point of buying a disc instead of digital is for a feeling of actually owning the product.

Regarding large games like Cod, I think they won't get that large on ps5/xbs.
The reason CoD is so large is because of uncompressed assets. This is needed because the harddrives and cpu can't transfer and uncompress compressed data to the RAM fast enough.
This isn't a problem with the new consoles, so they should be able to compress the data way more aggressively now. Thus having an overall much smaller install size of the game.

Sorry for bad grammar, not native english speaker.

russo1211321d ago

People, this is the time to stop next gen disaster, Sony and MS needs to make public announcements they are consumer friendly. It seems Sony and MS are lip tight about always online, always connected. This is a major issue to be dealt. By this time I'm only considering PC gaming, until MS and Sony made it very clear they are against 2013 MS policies.

MetroidFREAK211321d ago

AAA game development is just gross now

ApocalypseShadow1321d ago (Edited 1321d ago )

And look, I was just telling people in my last comments what's coming. Snuck in here and there. And there are influencers running around talking about how everyone should have internet by now and this is okay. Even for single player games. Just nonsense.

I've been warning people. Sadly, they're not listening but only to the influencers who are trying to groom gamers into acceptance.

anast1322d ago

Who would agree to buy this? and only the Xbox version lol

SullysCigar1322d ago

Yeah, thanks to PlayStation "compression techniques" they said it's not an issue. Looking forward to smaller games sizes on PS5 too.

TornRaptor1321d ago

That will be welcome with the tiny included ssd they included.

gold_drake1322d ago

what is the point of that exactly?

1322d ago Replies(3)
DJStotty1322d ago

To download the remainder of the game, as per article :-

"Eurogamer understands this is because the disc does not actually contain all of the game's campaign data, the remainder of which is then downloaded."

Nothing to do with DRM before them rumours get circulated

ThomasDaTank1322d ago

So basically controlling the product you bought. This is what a lot of publishers want. There is no reason as to why the whole game isn’t on the disc. Online requirements should be for patches, updates or dlc if you’re buying a physical game, not the game itself. Defeats the purpose of physical games.

DJStotty1322d ago

That is down to the devs, not Microsoft.

Melankolis1322d ago

"That is down to the devs, not Microsoft."

Microsoft should've prohibited this kind of practice. This basically means Microsoft let a publisher sell an unfinished product in their platform.

VariantAEC1321d ago

Why are people hating on DJ?
He is right read the article people!

DJStotty1321d ago


I always get it lol, even when i am correct, people do not like it.


"This basically means Microsoft let a publisher sell an unfinished product in their platform."

Most games launched on all platforms, require day 1 "updates" to finish the product, this is no different.

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