
Nvidia RTX 3080 cards are selling for thousands on eBay, and people are pissed

The RTX 3080 has been a disaster, and eBay scalpers are now trying to cash in. Will be a long time until prices stabilise

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RazzerRedux1353d ago

I was ready to buy one this morning, but everything sold out in literally seconds. Between failing to purchase the 3080 and failing to preorder PS5, my bank account suddenly has more cash there than expected. Somehow....that makes me sad.

lonewolf101352d ago (Edited 1352d ago )

I went for a pre-order for October (fingers crossed) on the 3080 , hopefully either no-one buys these from Ebay and just waits, or Ebay do the decent thing and remove them, hopefully the bas****s get stuck with them. Bot sites gloating they got their users loads of them :(


GottaBjimmyb1352d ago (Edited 1352d ago )

the pricing on these being so low per power compared to what is currently on market made this an inevitability. The only fix is for people to wait for stock resupply. Helps the userbase and helps Nvidia, double win. Nvidia gets extra sales from morons who bought hundreds, and users get the price that is attributed to them by Nvidia. If everyone still buys them on Ebay, we are screwed.

Sarcasm1352d ago

@GottaBjimmyb Agreed. The entire market has to collectively start ignoring the scalpers. People who cave in (idiotically) to buy from them is what keeps the scalpers alive and do what they do.

Also if any moron is willing to pay $1500-$2000 for a 3080, they should just wait for a damn 3090. Come on people.

Father__Merrin1352d ago

It's bot purchases. Curry's stock was In at 1pm and literally all allowance


3080 at £9000 bid

Thunder_G0d_Bane1352d ago

Hahahahahaha that actually made me laugh hard.

I ain’t buying either as it stands not at launch but will get both further down the line when there’s more titles to take advantage of both.

Toiletsteak1352d ago

It seems some consumers have had enough with scalpers on eBay lately, with reports of people heavily overbidding on 3080 listings and not paying to cost scalpers eBay fees and other inconveniences.

Look it up. It's hilarious and they deserve it!

OCEANGROWNKUSH1352d ago (Edited 1352d ago )

Hilarious? More like Sad and pathetic. Just sounds to me like people need a better use of their time... Be an adult, if you dont get one simply get it later. If you spend any amount of time sitting on ebay shill bidding on graphics cards because you are so salty about not getting one you need to take a long hard look at what your life has become.

1352d ago
Lionsguard1352d ago

Sounds to me like you're a scalper.

MarkyMark891352d ago (Edited 1352d ago )

They did not sit on ebay to shill bid.. A guy created a bot that picks up on 3080 sales, create's an account that place's bids on 3080's ranging from $6k-20k to make sure the sellers have a hard time, but I am sure we have plenty of others who are salty like you stated and placing a bunch of $10k bids... But in all honesty I don't blame them, Its the same thing most of the buyers did to even purchase one..

I saw multiple people post receipts on PCMR claiming they only got one because of a simple bot they created, with no intention of using the card at all, just up selling it. I mean look at most of the sales before the up bidding starting, people posting 3080's for $1400. Sell the one now, buy another when stock is back in full force, essentially paying nothing for a GPU upgrade, slime balls. The real problem is people who buy from the scalpers thinking they are not scum like the folks they bought it from. They are both the problem.. Nvidia claims they will be constantly sending new stock to retailers everyday.. But we all know they want this, keeps the hype going when people cannot easily go purchase one. Newegg Tweeted that all 3080 sales went to humans.... 5 Minutes every card they had at 9am went poof lol, mean while Ebay Scapler post say otherwise, dozens and dozens with Newegg receipts.. Lol just don't get why Newegg even cares to state that, the job is done the product is sold nothing needs to be said by them, just a dumb move by the PR on that website.

Pyrofire951352d ago

Barely any time was spent actually, it's just a bot hiking the prices. Scalpers don't deserve to make money off this, it's technically price gouging which is illegal.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1352d ago
Ghostbob1352d ago

Fuck the scalpers they need scalping!

elazz1352d ago (Edited 1352d ago )

This was obviously a paper launch. Anywhere between 10.000 and 30.000 cards globally means production just wasn't ready. We probably have to wait until December / January before supply gets much better. It seems they just wanted to release before the next gen consoled and new AMD cards.

-T9X-69-1352d ago

Agreed. Especially after Newegg's response on Twitter saying they sold out in 5 min (They sold out in 2min, and their website was down from 9:00 to 9:02) no bots got any cards and they were all human. Calling major BS on that one when Ebay has scalpers showing multiple receipts from Newegg.

Parasyte1352d ago

And NewEgg had the balls to say this wasn’t due to bots, they were all human orders. Considering how quickly they sold out, that is a flat out lie!

FlyingFoxy1352d ago

I was watching the Nvidia site for the Founders cards yesterday in the UK, it went from notify me to out of stock in a single quick refresh, there was BS for sure. Not that i mind now anyway as i have a better/cooler AIB card ordered for the same price.

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purple1011d 10h ago

adds between 8.3-15.3 milliseconds of latency on the game they tested, - no thanks

darksky16h ago

Base latency is 130.8ms and frame gen takes that up to 139.1ms. A 7% increase in latency is hardly a deal breaker.

Zenzuu16h ago

That's hardly a deal breaker and not really noticeable. Even the folks at Digital Foundry said so as well.

darthv721d 10h ago

Impressive results... sadly I don't have a 120hz display. I was thinking this technique could increase fps on any game that supports it regardless of the display.

purple1011d 9h ago (Edited 1d 9h ago )

I have a vrr telly in the lounge,

On another point, what if it were the other way around where the developer aims for higher fps, then used something like pssr to make the resolution higher, that might be better?

Any which way, PS5 pro sure looks interesting now, being they have already doubled frame rate, with JUST just this fsr3.0

sagapo15h ago

It’s up to dev’s to implement FSR 3 support tho but most probably will I guess (hope).

Eonjay1h ago

Yes it would increase the framerate but it would add more noticeable latency. The impact of latency goes down the more natural frames produced. So a monitor that can push bast 60 will naturally allow the game to operate much smoother. Add VRR to this and now you have a much more enjoyable experience.

BlackDoomAx16h ago

Can it deliver the 60fps dream?

purple1017h ago(Edited 7h ago)

no, it delivers approx 80fps.

which is why I say why not target 60fps with this new tech and use the upscaling pssr, (Sonys version of Nvidia's DLSS, that seems so popular in the pc realm)

then we have best of both, better believe ps5pro will be doing all the above.

andy8516h ago

Now I've extensively tried it I'm not too fussed about 120 fps. Give me a locked 60 and more details and I'm more than happy

anast11h ago(Edited 11h ago)

120 is a bit slow. My eyes can't look at anything less than 260fps.

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