
Black Myth: Wu Kong studio CEO Demonstrates Gameplay is Real, Thanks for Reception

Feng Ji, the founder of developer Game Science, has been seen in a video playing the Black Myth: Wu Kong's Demo that blew the Internet away with its visuals a fresh concept.

According to a translation by ResetEra users (verified by IGN), Ji said that although the team is happy with the reception, they won’t let the popularity get to their heads and even asked viewers to forget what they have seen because the trailer was not their best effort and the final product will be improved in numerous ways.

blackblades1378d ago

Dont know why people think it's fake, bunch of.....

LordoftheCritics1378d ago (Edited 1378d ago )

If I were the dev, I'd take it as a huge compliment. It's like getting called 'hacker' in mp shooters.

blackblades1378d ago

I was called that back in my black ops days. Anyways people shouldnt be throwing out hate. They literally showed gameplay which people wanted games that look good as well. Then they come around saying it's fake etc... etc...

lemlurirza1375d ago

I get paid over $90 per hour working from home with 2 kids at home. I never thought I'd be able to do it but my best friend earns over 10k a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The potential with this is endless. Heres what I've been doing,

HERE► https://bit.ly/2zPpkEQ

RaidenBlack1376d ago

The gameplay is different. I checked. The first encounter was not this long.

KwietStorm_BLM1376d ago

A gameplay demo is exactly that. It's a demonstration of someone actually playing the game. Have you ever played through a game the exact same way twice? Let alone a game still in active development?

RaidenBlack1376d ago

That's wot I meant ... the build is legit.
The gameplay's being different MEAN its a playable demo. AND NOT the case of the dev just holding the controller and re-purposing the same shown footage to prove its a playable demo.
Like the fabricated one of the Watch_Dogs' E3 reveal demo as hinted by Digital Foundry.
@KwietStorm, understand what the comment indicated.

ravens521376d ago

Hes saying for people who think what he was playing was what we all saw. But it wasnt you could see the 2 videos are different by watching the game

UnSelf1376d ago

This game looks better than any PS5 exclusive, XBOX exclusive or PC game on the horizon.

This is how its done. None of that corporate bullshit

RememberThe3571376d ago

Literally Horizon is on the Horizon. This game looks great and I'm looking forward to it, but I'll take a new Horizon over this any day.

jeremyj29131376d ago

Reminds me of Lost Soul Aside 💁🏾‍♂️

Silly gameAr1376d ago


You're high, or just trying to stir up trouble.

Ceaser98573611376d ago

Lol Unself calm down.
The game looks great but better lol! We havent even seen anything from PS5 exclusives and Xbox SX exclusives.
And Black Myth was a demo. Lets wait for the final release. Next gen games will look like that or even better with time

King_Noctis1376d ago (Edited 1376d ago )

I do agree. I’m more interested in this game than any other next gen games out there.

“ God of war says hi”

Have GoW been announced for next gen yet? Where is its gameplay?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1376d ago
1376d ago
SamPao1376d ago

I dont think anyone said its fake... lol

blackblades1376d ago

Guess you havent seen what I seen on twitter and you tube.

Viking_mo1376d ago

A lot streamers called if fake

Ceaser98573611376d ago

When people see something that good they call it fake. So lets wait for the release.. I am sure comparison will be out.

leahcim1376d ago

Because is the only real next gen game exhibed to date and is not from a "traditional" company.

1376d ago
fr0sty1376d ago

Doesn't look any better than Tsushima IMO, visually.

jznrpg1376d ago

Yeah it looked real the first time

silenthillstrangler1376d ago

Um maybe because china is well known for faking everything.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 1375d ago
Julion07151378d ago

The game looked amazing all the way around how can you hate on that? Puzzles me

1378d ago Replies(1)
Jin_Sakai1376d ago

One of the best looking next gen games I’ve seen and it seems to be targeting 60fps which is great.

1376d ago
Jin_Sakai1376d ago

Ok. I’m sure it will look great on PS5. I wasn’t just talking about the visuals. The gameplay and animations look amazing.

1376d ago
GoodGuy091378d ago

The lost soul aside reveal looked pretty unreal too. But then you look at the recent gameplays of the game and they look....iffy. I do hope final will look at least as good as the reveals for both. And keep in mind that the reveals for these games are very early.
I just can't really trust game reveals with rediculously amazing visuals and gameplay anymore because of this generation being very much that lol.

sprinterboy1376d ago (Edited 1376d ago )

Gamers today, moan at cgi, moan at 1minute reveal trailers, now they moan and call fake at 13mins of constant gameplay footage.
Unbelievable jeff/S

RememberThe3571376d ago

This is a studio that's only ever put out mobile games and is contracting out large parts of this game. There's nothing wrong with being sceptical but also looking forward to seeing more. A lot of us have been excited by a great reveal then a game turns out to be fake or suck. We don't have to all be glowing balls of positivity at all time. We're allowed our nuances.

sprinterboy1376d ago

Name one game that's had a 13minute non stop gameplay segment and has ended up being fake?

RememberThe3571375d ago

I'm not saying this game is fake. I'm saying it's not blasphemy to be skeptical that the entire thing will be a 10/10 standard bearing revolution.

1376d ago
King_Noctis1376d ago (Edited 1376d ago )

“ Name one game that's had a 13minute non stop gameplay segment and has ended up being fake?”

I believe Anthem can claim that trophy. However, I do believe Black Myth’s gameplay to be real. But we need to be cautious though.

thornh1376d ago

I think one of the big reasons is because it's coming from a Chinese developer. Now, there are certain things I don't like about China (ahem, censorship re: COD video and a whole bunch of more important things) BUT I can only imagine there are a great number of very talented and artistic people in China who are not well known to the rest of the world. China (the communist party, not necessarily the people) has gotten a well deserved bad reputation for stealing ideas, etc. I have no doubt that the game and the demo are completely legitimate (wow! it was so good!). I HOPE beyond all hope that these developers can showcase their incredible talent and bring this game to the whole world WITHOUT the Chinese government putting their big fat fingers in the pie (Activision, EA, etc. keeps your damn hands off of it too!). I support these developers and ANYONE in the world yearning to be FREE to express themselves.

yeahokwhatever1376d ago

I'd love nothing else but to completely agree. Except the communist party of china IS the Chinese people, at least the people who are in power, which means the other people are allowing it to an extent. Where are the demonstrations in Beijing in defense of Honk Kong?

Rebel_Scum1376d ago

Why would the Han Chinese in Beijing give a toss about the justice system in Hong Kong? Especially when they believe Hong Kong to be theirs (which it pretty much is/was).

yeahokwhatever1373d ago

exactly my point. the people of china ARE communists. I was replying to this: "China (the communist party, not necessarily the people) has gotten a well deserved bad reputation for stealing ideas, etc. " China is full of commies and should be stopped. I've got no love for countries with concentration camps, organ harvesting, etc.

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Black Myth: Wukong Will Reportedly Offer New Game Plus At Launch, Features Over 80 Boss Fights

Game Science's upcoming action role-playing  game, Black Myth: Wukong, will reportedly offer a New Game Plus mode at launch, and will feature over 80 boss

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savedsynner12d ago

IIRC I think the game is mostly boss fights, like a boss rush mode or Shadow of the Colossus. I would imagine From could do 80 boss fights in a souls game if 90% of the enemies were bosses lol.

Double_O_Revan11d ago

That's what I felt when I watch the trailers. It will be mostly boss fights or sub boss fights. That's still cool. I love Shadow of the Colossus. I don't need a million little enemies. Just the vide I got from the trailers.

gold_drake13d ago


for some reason, i thought it was out already haha

anast12d ago

You might be thinking about "Wo Long Fallen Dynasty".

Double_O_Revan11d ago

I've made that mistake many times. Almost even bought it when it showed up on sale a few weeks ago. Had to look it up to be sure.

potatoseal13d ago

Wow. This is really shaping up to be a special game. Hope that turns out to be true

TheProfessional12d ago (Edited 12d ago )

Happy this isn't vaporware! That is a lot of bosses though I wonder if some are randomly generated?

rpvenom12d ago (Edited 12d ago )

It won't be randomly generated. A lot of it is based on chinese mythology.

They probably reduced the cannon fodder enemies and mini-bosses to hit 80+ bosses.. is my assumption.. but I really hope I'm wrong and we get a action rpg masterpiece. Been anticipating this game for a long time.

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Black Myth: Wukong PlayStation Store Page Is Live, May Be Available For Pre-Order Soon

The PlayStation Store page for Black Myth: Wukong is now live, suggesting that the game may soon be available for pre-order.

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Sonic188146d ago

UE5 with a 60fps option. I can't wait


Definitely picking this up day one on PC. Hopefully all the gameplay videos aren’t smoke and mirrors.

Sonic188146d ago (Edited 46d ago )

That should always be your first choice if you own a medium to high end PC especially for multiplatform games


I wouldn’t say always but ever since I bought a new PC it definitely has been. I’m a console guy and I always will be but I’ve been shifting into PC lately.

Markusb3346d ago

yes please, this is the one game i am looking forward to after Stella blade this year, hope it plays like the videos suggest

Miacosa46d ago

Could be one of the first PS5 Pro optimized titles.

AuraAbjure46d ago

Holy smokes this game is hype 🔥 The Monkey King may have swallowed the mud pill but he hath not asseverated Nirvana!


Black Myth: Wukong will launch with full Path Tracing and DLSS 3.5 support on PC

"Enabling Full Ray Tracing in Black Myth: Wukong sees environmental effects and detail taken to the next level," Nvidia says.

Read Full Story >>
WolfSeed78d ago

They really trying here. Respect.


I really hope this game is not just a “boss fight” type format and more of a Souls format. I have seen demo’s of the game where the player was running through a level but I’m still not entirely convinced. I’d like to see a full level of raw gameplay. Either way it’s a day one for me on PC.