
Goofy or Normal? Skater XL Review | AusGamers

AusGamers has produced an in-depth Skater XL review and writes:

And that’s where the sport side of skateboarding, the art side of skateboarding and the spectacle side of skateboarding have always had issues as far as expression goes -- which one is skateboarding?

Skater XL answers that by just being what it is. However, it fails at one of the most key aspects of the platform upon which it’s presented -- as a videogame it’s pretty barebones. Don’t get me wrong the hybrid Skate flickit controls against each analogue stick being a *sort of* extension of your left and right feet is pretty cool, but you rob Peter to pay Paul with this system in that controlling the actual direction of your avatar is done by using the left and right triggers, so you have to ‘unlearn’ how you move in a game meant to allow for fluid movement. There’s weight and physics applied to all of this too, so getting deeper into the trick manifest starts to ask you to articulate input in ways you shouldn’t in this day and age of gaming. Long and short: a kickflip is easy, a nollie 360 inward heelflip frontside 180 to backside salad isn’t.

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Skater XL Tampa Pro 2022 DLC Proceeds go to Boards for Bros.

Rayan from NoobFeed writes - With the 'SXL Tampa Pro 2022 DLC Pack,' Easy Day Studios has released their first-ever Skater XL DLC pack. The DLC pack for Skater XL Tampa Pro Esports Contest is now available, with all sales going to Boards For Bros, the official charity partner of Skatepark of Tampa.

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Skater XL Skatepark of Tampa Pro 2022 map out now

Easy Day Studios launched a new update today for Skater XL that celebrates the upcoming 28th Annual Tampa Pro skateboarding competition and the first-ever Skater XL Tampa Pro Esports Contest.

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How will Skate 4 compete with Skater XL and Session?

Skate 4 Alpha gameplay has leaked but in an era where the skateboarding genre has returned with new tricks, can a new Skate game compete with its rivals?

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TravsVoid769d ago

I don't remember which of these two games it was but it seemed more like a tech demo compared to what the Skate series usually has content wise. I see the skate series having wider audience potential.

Yi-Long768d ago

I think if you just nail the gameplay aspect so it’s always just fun to skate around, do flips, tricks, getting in a flow, and you build gorgeous fun cities to skate in, it will always be a success. Just fill that world with lots of variety in its areas, lots of stuff/missions to do, and make you feel part of it, and you could simply focus on new locations every year.

Will Skate 4 be a success!? I don’t know. It’s EA. What we want from a game and what they’ll give you are often worlds apart.

Hikoran768d ago

The only thing other skating games have shown me is that it can't just be about skating and that's it, it needs to have some sort of story or objective etc. Like Skate does.

sourOG768d ago

If done right it won’t even be close.

adaminoregon768d ago

Its not going to be an issue because neither of those games is even close to as good as skate is.

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