
New Details Emerge For Halo Infinite: Free-to-Play Multiplayer At 120FPS

Halo Infinite just had some interesting details leaked about the state of its multiplayer mode including a possible 120FPS mode on Series X and free to play business model.

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Jin_Sakai1403d ago

Is the F2P still locked behind the Xbox Live Gold paywall? As for 120fps I wouldn’t be surprised considering the visuals seen during the campaign reveal.

RamRod881403d ago (Edited 1403d ago )

This only reinforces my belief of the gold paywall being removed for next gen.

pwnmaster30001403d ago

Lol MS been doing this for awhile, so why would it reenforce your believe?

alb18991403d ago

Pwnmaster did gamepass always exist or Xcloud?
Companies adapt to the times and to the market.

sinspirit1403d ago

Live Gold is their most successful service. They're not getting rid of it. Why does everyone hear some idea and roll with it so hard. Live makes them tons of money. GamePass doesn't. They aren't losing Gold. Simple business.

RosweeSon1403d ago

They not gonna dissolve their biggest stream of income. What they will do is migrate it to Gamepass then it’ll be we got 50 million on gamepass (because they have to to play online) they not just gonna go free to play after all these years. They should do but won’t happen.

UltraNova1403d ago (Edited 1403d ago )

No, not at all. As others already mentioned, Gold is still their big money maker. The best they can do is finally decouple F2P games from Gold.

ILostMyMind1402d ago

If you need GP to play it still is behind paywall.

NeoGamer2321402d ago

From a gamer view a network paywall is a bad thing for sure.

But, it does cost these companies a lot of money to run a network like XBL. So the money has to be retrieved elsewhere. I would rather them retrieve it directly and tell me what I am paying for then indirectly through other means such as microtransactions.

To me though instead of charging gamers for the network they could take a completely different approach. You spend time waiting in multi-player games for matchmaking and things like that to happen. Why don't they embed advertising in those dead spots and make advertisers pay for the network? Also in MP games I think it would be ok to have advertising billboards. Advertising is embedded in every sport. And to me, MP is a sport. So, why not start treating it like one?

RamRod881402d ago (Edited 1402d ago )

Why would they purposely get rid of 12 months gold subs but still have 1 and 2 months if they weren't going to be making some sort of change with online pay wall some time in the next month or so? Right now, Xbox console players are the only ones who have to pay for xbox live gold when PC and I imagine Xcloud players won't have to either. I believe Xbox wants the unify all the platforms, and getting rid of Gold makes sense. A lot more Xbox players will sub to gamepass or gamepass ultimate if they don't need to pay for Xbox live.

Livingthedream1402d ago

I don't see them removing it, why would they. Besides the other platforms have the same model now. Yes I know with Sony you don't have to pay to play free games online, but you have to pay to play online for games you paid for. Would be great it all online multiplayer was free, then you can always jump on PC

ForwardDude1402d ago

Gamepass ultimate still has gold included. Gold is here to stay. Microsoft removed the one year subscription to prevent people from buying 3 years of gold and convert it to 3 years of Gamepass for 1$. Halo Infinite alone cost 500Million. How are they ever going to make money if nobody actually pay for Gamepass for 3 years.

RauLeCreuset1402d ago

"Why would they purposely get rid of 12 months gold subs but still have 1 and 2 months if they weren't going to be making some sort of change with online pay wall some time in the next month or so?"

If you're asking what other reasons there might be, maybe to force people to either go all in on Game Pass Ultimate or have to pay almost twice as much for a year of Gold as they would under the 12 month sub.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 1402d ago
Elda1403d ago

Yep!...It all makes sense now.

1402d ago
1403d ago
-Foxtrot1403d ago

If true then why not announce this at their event?

It’s a big deal if real

RamRod881402d ago

Their event was focused on games and only games. Next month they are going to be talking more about services and hardware so I imagine that is when they will say something. With that said, I do agree announcing it last month would have been a good idea.

BlackRaven85_11402d ago

Everybody wanted games? Everybody got games. They'd still complain whether details are out or not. It's a damned if you do damned if you don't situation for them.

Yodasfavoritesoda1402d ago

I think u need to get off ur 480 p phone and go watch the presentation in 4k. U act like it looked bad. Squash the bugs and it’s looks amazing way better than the competitions 30 FPS cartoon characters or remastered dlc that can’t hit 60 FPS without a res cut

IRetrouk1402d ago (Edited 1402d ago )

It did look bad lol, what do you think all the memes and articles have been about? 🤷‍♂️ even dominos took the piss😂
Looks amazing?😂😂
Oh...your serious........

FlavorLav011402d ago

Miles Morales has been confirmed 4k@60 so I’m not sure about the “Rez” cut you’re referring to. While on the other hand Halo Infinite-wise, “Squash the bugs” and it still looks uninspired, flat, missing textures and particle effects.

AngelicIceDiamond1402d ago

It's not F2P if you have pay.... Nvm wow just wow.

Anyway the rumor popped back up again here https://gamerant-com.cdn.am...
The rumors keep resurfacing to ignore.

Born2Game831402d ago

Exactly. How is it F2P?? if u need live gold???

Atom6661402d ago

And what if it's F2P on PC?

No paywall.

Although I suspect all of the Gold rumors have some truth to them. Let's see how ballsy they can be.

GamerRN1402d ago

Personally I'd rather see 60fps and better graphics...

I have a 75" Q90R and it does 4k 120 but no HDR at that framerate. Personally I don't think console gamers need 120. Feels like a bridge to PC gaming to me

Saijahn1402d ago

It’s looking more likely that Xbox live is a thing of the past. No more multiplayer paywall. Just waiting on official word at this point, I’m curious though if this means if the mp will be on ps5 and mobile with crossplay enabled...

Wouldn’t mind welcoming Sony players etc to the world of halo MP

1402d ago
BeOpenMinded1402d ago (Edited 1402d ago )

Its recently been reported MS are no longer charging for live independently. Not just this game will be free but i imagine another type of service will take the place

ziggurcat1402d ago (Edited 1402d ago )

They'll just eliminate it as a separate service, and simply integrate XBL into Gamepass subscriptions. That's what I think will happen.

Kribwalker1402d ago ShowReplies(1)
+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 1401d ago
RamRod881403d ago (Edited 1403d ago )

If this is true, it would be huge for Halo's popularity.

potatoseal1403d ago (Edited 1403d ago )

Why do you think that? Is it because it would be Free-to-play?
If yes, then I can agree. I bet they'll have a Battle Royal lol

Steppenwolfmother1403d ago

What’s wrong with having a battle royal mode of it still offers all the other traditional multiplayer modes people expect?

Tedakin1403d ago

I think they already said they won't have Battle Royale, but will have a new version of Warzone from the last game.

RamRod881402d ago

Well yeah. Making the online more accessible for any game helps with popularity. Look at CoD Warzone.
Halo fits perfectly with a battle royal mode. I can imagine a ODST Battle royal where you drop in from the sky. I would almost be dumb not to make a battle royal mode for Halo. Of course still offer tradition arena game modes and BTB as well.

Atom6661402d ago

Halo battle royale would be amazing. For all the jokes and negative treatment, you got what, 50 million people to jump onto Warzone? It's not going away.

F2P will mean that people without GP, on presumably either XB or PC will have free Halo.

This sounds like the rebirth of the Halo Online idea from a few years ago over in Russia.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1402d ago
1403d ago Replies(3)
crazyCoconuts1403d ago

Could be if done right. Especially with PC cross-play thrown in

Baza1402d ago

Lol. The benefit of F2P here is not to gain popularity. Everyone with a Xbox will play Halo one way or another not to mention accessibility on Game Pass. The motivation for Microsoft is designing gameplay focused on microtransactions $$$

Atom6661402d ago

It's coming to PC too, MS would love if all XB owners had GP but it's not true, and F2P can only exist if you monetize them somehow.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1402d ago
GoodGuy091403d ago

120fps on the series x would be great actually considering the visuals are quite low. If the mp goes free 2 play then well played 343. Ill just play the singleplayer off of gamepass.

THC CELL1403d ago (Edited 1403d ago )

None of us are going to see true 120fps unless we update our TVs u no that right
Next gen ready tv
Here a next gen ready for ya

ElementX1403d ago (Edited 1403d ago )

Huh? I just bought a 65" CX that will support 120fps

LOGICWINS1403d ago

Not everyone is gaming on a TV. Remember that Microsoft is looking to cater to PC gamers as well who game on 144hz monitors. My TV does 1080p/120fps and upscales the image so Im good to go.

THC CELL1403d ago (Edited 1403d ago )

How can it it need hdmi 2.1

East76lands1403d ago

Exactly, I have a 4K TV with a 120hz panel but only it only has 2.0 HDMI slots. Very frustrating as I paid just under a grand for it 2 years ago specifically for gaming.

ElementX1403d ago (Edited 1403d ago )

Are you asking me? CX is #1 on ign https://www.ign.com/article...

alb18991403d ago

You don't need HDMI 2.1 for 120fps until 1440p. 2.1 is needed for 120fps/4k.

alb18991403d ago

My tv support 120fps/1440p.

I_am_Batman1403d ago (Edited 1403d ago )

The LG C9 has been available for over a year now. While the chipset doesn't support HDMI 2.1 natively, it has a built in daughterchip to unlock full HDM 2.1 functionality. Incidentally it's one of the most popular high-end TVs of last year (this years model is the CX). Since then many other TVs with full HDMI 2.1 functionality have been released and sold so no, not everyone will have to upgrade. 'Next-gen ready' TVs have been around for a while now.

Sony are very clever in marketing their upcoming TVs as PS5-ready. It seems that some people now think that this is cutting edge technology that isn't available on the market yet.

Also most 120fps games will probably not be 4k so even HDMI 2.0, 120Hz TVs will be able to display some 'true 120fps' games.

sprinterboy1403d ago

I know right, without a 4k hdmi 2.1 tv most gamers who have already bought a 4k TV won't benefit from any of the features on nxt gen consoles anyway, its why I held off tbh.

Felix_Argyle_Catbro1403d ago

I play using my 144Hz PC monitor.

DJStotty1403d ago (Edited 1403d ago )


Nice try, John Lewis (overpriced) and Sony TV (overpriced), and does not even state if that TV is 120hz, most probably still 60hz.

How about this one, 120hz 4K Samsung :


DJStotty1402d ago

Even a gaming monitor is better than that Sony Tv you listed :-


QSPR1402d ago

I have this TV. doesn't have HDMI 2.1 but has the benefits of VRR, eARC, 2k 120hz. I don't need 4K 120hz for now.

BlackRaven85_11402d ago

What are you talking about? TVs can run at that frame rate these days. No need for Next Gen Ready TV like Sony is marketing. I know where you got that phase from. My Samsung can do 120fps, HDR and 4k. Amazing right? It's almost as if Sony were just saying that filler to sell you their expensive Bravio TVs.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 1402d ago
KyRo1403d ago (Edited 1403d ago )

Not many people have TVs able to run games at 120fps. It's catering to a small pool of users. Yes it's cool that it can be done, but it seems like a massive waste of resources on console when the extra power could be used elsewhere.

Also let's not forget the amount of TVs out there that say they have a high refresh rate but I face it's just a image processing technique that give a smoother look overall but it's not 120fps and when that mode is used for gaming you can expect massive input lag.

Felix_Argyle_Catbro1403d ago

Some people use their consoles with PC monitors.

KyRo1402d ago

Felix, them people would fall into the small minority. I got disagrees which I don't care about but we have to remember most of us here are more hardcore gamers, reading up on the latest news. The casual market are the biggest markets. They don't care for shit like FPS like us.

He'll you've only got to look at the set up threads on neogaf to see how bad some set ups really are lol

DJStotty1402d ago (Edited 1402d ago )

120 hz retail around 600+ pound in the UK, they are becoming pretty affordable now.

deafdani1402d ago

Halo Infinite is also coming out for PC. And PC gamers are used to playing at 120 fps or more on their monitors....

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1402d ago
potatoseal1403d ago (Edited 1403d ago )

If this turns out to be true, there are still many questions.
Do you have to purchase the campaign?
Is it seperate from the MP?
Unlike the PS4's 'free-to-play' games, is this one locked beind the paywall of Xbox Live Gold?
Why would they go with bad visuals with 120 fps, when the vast majority of people don't own a TV that can do 120 FPS?
Even if they did, it needs to be compatible with the lowest common denominator, the Launch Xbox One. They would not like to play against people that have an advantage of 120 FPS against their 60fps.

THC CELL1403d ago

I got this new TV

A lot of people have not prep for new TV update as it's been less info in media

1403d ago
THC CELL1403d ago

Bumpy the Samsung Qt is great too but I go with Sony bravia as I have everything Sony including speakers and phone it's my choice and I'll say what I want. Ya did well listing better but most screen are from LG
Samsung screens are amazing

Imortus_san1402d ago (Edited 1402d ago )

Sony TVs have been shit since they moved to Android.

I_am_Batman1403d ago

The individual differences in skill and reaction times will usually be greater than the advantage that 120fps gives you over 60fps. I'd expect the fps difference to only manifest in the upper ranks of competetive play at which point most people will play on PC anyway.

They could of course separate the leaderboards or ranked queues by platform, but there has never been a level playing field on PC and it hasn't been much of a problem. Casuals won't care enough, and highly competative players will likely play on better hardware anyway.

1402d ago
Felix_Argyle_Catbro1403d ago (Edited 1403d ago )

Anything above 60Hz on TVs is rare, but not when it comes to PC monitors. Just use your Xbox with those.

Tedakin1402d ago

I'm assuming it's like COD Warzone. Even if you don't own the game you get the MP free....

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1402d ago
cesar41403d ago ShowReplies(3)
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