
Xboxygen : Halo Infinite demo was running on PC, confirms 343i

And is "representative" of the Xbox Series X version

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Hakuoro1410d ago

So sad... Why is Microsoft hiding game play and content played on SX...

xHeavYx1410d ago

Probably because the game needs a lot of development time, it was obvious from what they showed.

Marquinho1410d ago

They need to improve those textures. Saw quite a lot of visual issues there.

Hope they have enough time to polish all this.

XSX is still a day one for me, nothing has changed, but they really need to hire someone who knows what people want to see on those events. They had the content, they just spent way too much time on secondary titles and left us with virtually no content for the heavy hitters.

djplonker1410d ago (Edited 1410d ago )

Is it not a launch title?

Only has 3 months to go gold before November, I cant see either console releasing in the month of December.

solideagle1410d ago

then why did they show it? It's a holiday/launch release which is 3-4 months away. how much are they going to improve it? This game might be delayed?

ocelot071410d ago


That is why Phil Spenser gets a lot of hate yet people always seems to defend him.

Just a few weeks he said he felt good about what Xbox has to offer after watching Sony's event. How can he honestly think that with what was shown today? It was piss poor in my opinion. Ill admit it I was secretly thinking Microsoft was going to have an great showing today.

But it was just as lacklustre as ever.

morganfell1410d ago (Edited 1410d ago )

"Only has 3 months to go gold before November"

And they do not get all of that. It needs a few weeks for certification of the Gold Master then another few weeks for reproduction and shipping. During the latter they can work on a patch but that is primarily bug fixes. There won't be a massive visual improvements because they have to stabilize the frame rate and at this point in the beta that is done.

darthv721410d ago (Edited 1410d ago )

This still is rather interesting. I like the character models but the background looks really dull. Would this be an example of deferred rendering or whatever that new feature is called? Where the part that isnt meant to be focused on is blurred or rendered lower while the main focus rendered higher.

look at the detail on the fingernails and then look at the trees in the back...


_dangerclose_1410d ago (Edited 1410d ago )

Isn't the game supposed to launch in like three months or so, Holiday 2020? That's not a lot of time left.

Profchaos1410d ago

If they intend to launch it alongside xsx that's time they don't have.

ForwardDude1410d ago

Holiday 2020 is in 4 month and the game look worst than Last of us 2 on PS4. I didn't notice before seeing the youtube side by side video. Now it's the only thing I see.

Xb1ps41410d ago

Damn man... I was for sure going to get the x first but after this show I changed my mind.. it’s just been too long of a wait just to show that off and still feel like it’s going to be another long wait for ms to get into the swing of things..

I got the one x thinking they would bring something for that console and they never did so I’m not going to drop another few hundred bucks just to say “ I have the most powerful console” while PlayStation clearly has the games on lock..

Army_of_Darkness1410d ago


Bro, even if Ms only showed a Barbie and sponge Bob square pants video game only, I'm sure you'd still buy a xsx 😜🤣

bouzebbal1410d ago

Then why bother showing it?? Desperate much?

DJStotty1410d ago


Microsoft's holiday is November, so expect Halo and Series X November 2020

Hakuoro1410d ago


Your comment matches my thoughts exactly.

I thought Microsoft was really going to bring it this time, all that money and those studios were going to come to the show big time. None of that happened it was one of their worst showings in a history of bad showings.

Sony must be feeling on top of the world after that.

All Sony needs to do is nail the price, and if possible try to launch before Microsoft (which given MS isn't even showing games on console yet seems quite possible) and it's another slam dunk on Microsoft.

indysurfn1409d ago

I'm calling it.
If I was to make Halo a MMO i would add a word like Infinite to the title.
If I was to make Halo a MMO I would expect it to last 10 years(which is what they said it should last 10 years). If was a bigwig a Microsoft and I wanted Halo to be as big as possible to grow the game pass membership.
If I wanted to increase appeal to the largest growth it can have on pc I would make it a MMO.

I'm calling it, Halo infinite is a MMO.

UltraNova1409d ago

Dear lord, I've never seen a train in perpetual derailment before...

Elit3Nick1409d ago

343 has confirmed that the demo was an older build than what they have right now. In the short gameplay trailer they also released yesterday you can see significantly better lighting.

Unspoken1409d ago

Yeah I would say this build is likely (hopefully) behind the dev occuring in the console. First gen cross console games seem to have this type of roll out and showing. And at the very least it wasn't a CGI trailer and they provided us with actual gameplay. I can see alot of tweaks being applied all the way up to launch date and probably on launch as well as after. Optimizations should continue on Series X and PC for the foreseeable future.

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 1409d ago
majiebeast1410d ago

This wasn't even running on Series X? HAHAHAHAHA

Best thing coming out of this show was the brute meme.

rainslacker1410d ago

Guess this means we can't criticize the technical aspects of the graphics issues that popped up, which were somehow so relevant on the PS5 show, because these won't be problems on the XSX....or something.

Just gotta wait for the fan boys to get that talking point from the guys over at reddit who can think of things like that. Then we can listen to it repeated constantly for the next 3-4 months.

Got to watch it finally on the TV at home, and while it looked OK, it did just looked like a sharper version of a current gen game, and didn't really do anything that next gen GPU's are capable of. The lighting alone was fairly basic. Lots of texture pop in. Particle effects were limited or basic.

I know their devs have more talent than this, even if its on PC, and MS new engine is pretty good, so at this point I'm thinking they are behind schedule because I think a lot of these things could be fleshed out with more time. But, I don't think MS is really going to feel they're in a position where they can delay this game, so it'll probably be a publish now, fix later deal....which is disappointing.

bouzebbal1410d ago

the bad AI and animations is what chocked me the most... wow!

Unspoken1409d ago (Edited 1409d ago )

This appears to be an extremely earlier build for demo use. I've seen this before. There is only a short time to polish the game but it could already be in the works even prior to this showing as the optimize across the board. Those issues could easily be fixed. Going to wait until release date to see what is available at launch.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1409d ago
chiefJohn1171410d ago (Edited 1410d ago )

Still in development, had some pop in I saw. 3-⁴ months is a lot of dev time

Hakuoro1410d ago

3 months isn't a lot of time honestly. Games like this have a 4-5+ year development. TLOU 2 was in development for 6 years. But I guess that's the difference between Microsoft and Sony and selling games traditionally versus gamepass and GaaS.

Microsoft highlights how special Sony games really are. TLOU 2 and Ghost look better in actual game play than any of Microsoft's cinematic trailers.

morganfell1410d ago

3 months? No. 2 months. The last month is all cert/reproduction/shipping. They are starting to chase bugs right now. Polish isn't anything major at this point. I can't believe this game will ship without multiplayer (it is possible that could come later) but if its coming at launch then there is a lot of time being spent on that. Not just bugs but balance and testing.

chiefJohn1171410d ago (Edited 1410d ago )

You compared 30fps games that don't come close to the open world scale and action of Halo infinite. We not worried about how it "look" we worried about how it play! That's why gamers are pushing for 60fps standard. Why halo fans begged for split screen to return. For it to have more meat to the campaign like original halos than halo 5 did. You drive to visual narrative but Halo fans not worried bout that, Halo 3 had nothing on Crysis or even halo 4 yet it was way better. We worried about getting the best gameplay possible over visuals. We'll leave that to the 30fps move games. GodFall look waaaay better than R&C but I have a hunch you'll play R&C over it even tho it has PS4 graphics

rainslacker1410d ago

2-3 months really isn't a lot of time when it comes to development. Code lock, where new features are not added anymore, and optimization and full bug fixing begins in earnest for what's already done at the 6-8 month mark. Within the last month before going gold, final builds will be put together for certification, so realistically, a final build is going to need to be done within a month or two now. MS can fast track the certification process, giving them a few more weeks, but no, if this game is releasing in 3-4 months, then I wouldn't expect major improvements. They may fix things like the texture pop in, but putting in advanced lighting at this stage isn't going to happen. Advanced lighting, which is what everyone seems to be harping on lately, would already be implemented, and if they add it now, then the graphics can possibly take a hit.

I think the game didn't look bad or anything. There were some technical issues which are mostly annoying and not game breaking, but given the standards I've seen Xbox fans go on about the past couple months, what was shown here should not be excused or be thought of as acceptable.

If you want to wait for release before criticizing, that's fine, but at least be consistent when you turn around and criticize Sony on the same things, which were no where near as bad. This was supposedly their next gen showcase. You guys set the standards, not Sony fans. Now, you have a game that looks like a current gen game they just applied some basic filters to to make it sharper, with substandard animations, rather simplistic AI even by current gen standards.

Expect more, or you will always get less.

IRetrouk1409d ago (Edited 1409d ago )

Is it open world? Is it not just hubs like god of war, uncharted, tlou2 and gears 5?

Petebloodyonion1409d ago (Edited 1409d ago )

2 months is pretty short @chiefJohn117
Yes they can polish the game but that won't change much from what we saw
And as Morganfell points out, What about the multiplayer aspect of the game? It's a core experience of Halo
will they do a Tlou2/RDR2 and launch it later?
and ill agree with Rain about MS track record about launching an imperfect game and fix it later.
And somehow I do feel that MS will rush the game to meet the 2020 launch time.

MS has done well in the past 2 years to change the relationship they have with the media and the perception of the brand. ex: Angry Joe is more positive, Geoff Keighley was praising the conference, Peter North of Gamespot seems to be now happy with Xbox, etc.
Having a rushed game could easily harm that goodwill.

Edit : Damn they will rush the game...
They plan to beta test some after the game release and they are committed to Halo until 2030
So expect a crappy release that they will patch...
I hope that I'm wrong but it doesn't smell good.

Unspoken1409d ago

@morganfell they technically have all the way up until launch. Same as previous gen games which came with a day one patch. Hell, both consoles will have day one patches or shortly after to address issues. This unfortunate trend is to get the product into the hands of consumers, then fix they remaining issues.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1409d ago
badz1491410d ago

TLoU Part2 and Ghost of Tsushima shit all over EVERYTHING shown today for the Series X! and now we know it's not even running on the SX? those must be PC with 2080Ti and 32GB RAM and the i9 10900K...best PC configuration for games right now and yet...TLoU2 and GoT look better still.

whatever happened to those 12TF of power they are so proud about? can't all that POWER make their games look better and also 60fps? it's over 6X more powerful than base PS4 and almost 3X more powerful than the Pro fgs!

DJStotty1410d ago

"And is "representative" of the Xbox Series X version"

gravedigger1409d ago

Patrick Klepek :

"FYI, I was part of a private Halo Infinite demo this afternoon with a Q&A and didn’t really come away with much more about what that game is. The demo was basically another run through what all of you already saw today. A little frustrating."


+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1409d ago
Vengeance11381410d ago

Must have been a really low spec PC to get those kinda visuals, i mean... yikes!

MecheSlays1410d ago

The 4k gameplay vid looks a little better. Still last gen like tho.

gamer78041410d ago

It’s not done even at launch. Ray tracing is coming post launch

I_am_Batman1410d ago (Edited 1410d ago )

It's not even the look of the game that threw me off. I wasn't expecting a graphical benchmark, considering it's a cross-gen game. The lack of polish was somewhat shocking though. Constant pop in for shadows and foliage that's fairly close to the player, tires of the vehicle clipping through the ground, explosion fragments getting stuck in mid air, light maps taking a second to correctly load in after the minimap is closed and some really low res textures.

Don't get me wrong, it's not like we don't see this stuff in released games, but a game that is held up as the early flagship title for 'the most powerful console ever' should have a higher quality than that. I wonder if Microsoft would consider delaying it if they feel like they don't have enough time to polish it up for launch.

Hakuoro1410d ago (Edited 1410d ago )


Sony was showing game play of their big games with RT and on a PS5 dev kit, so that's a pretty poor excuse.

Elda1410d ago

Looks last gen with high resolution.

_dangerclose_1410d ago

Yeah 4k can only do so much that's why touting resolution is pointless I mean 4k Pac-Man is still just Pac-Man.

ForwardDude1410d ago

The game would have been an excellent Xbox One X game. But now it will be a mediocre Killzone Shadow Fall type of game. Good as a launch title, but forgotten in 6 months when better games are released.

Hakuoro1410d ago (Edited 1410d ago )


Honestly Killzone was WAY more impressive as a launch game than this is.

Killzone looked very much "next gen" compaired to PS3 games. Halo looks like an Xbone game when it's supposed to be a next gen game.

Unspoken1409d ago

Game trailers in CGI or full on gameplay of early build demo. Pick one to complain about.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1409d ago
FlavorLav011410d ago

Yea, no need to upgrade parts yet for what we just saw

Unspoken1409d ago

No, definitely not as this game is targeting cross gen as a baseline.

Baza1409d ago

And that pop-in though! Yikes!!

Unspoken1409d ago

Doubt it will be there at release. I believe this was a showing of an unreleased game in development. I might be mistaken.

waverider1410d ago

I wont believe that. I cant

crazyCoconuts1410d ago

It really is like a bad dream.

MajorLazer1410d ago

Absolutely awful. I gave them another chance, thought maybe they'd have a great show today. It was another absolute stinker with barely any gameplay shown, again. Very dissapointed.

MADGameR1410d ago (Edited 1410d ago )

HOW many chances are you going to give them? They gave X Box fans NOTHING for 5 years (almost the ENTIRE generation) and you're still going to give them a chance? So if MS says ''we have more to show at a later date'', are you going to give them a chance? What if they disappoint again? Then what?

fiveby91409d ago

You should really consider PS5 first then. What have you got to lose? Great games pedigree and a strong lineup for PS5. I've known several friends make the switch this gen to PS4 and they don't regret it.

solideagle1410d ago

this was supposed to be why consumers should buy XSX and they ran the demo on PC...
wwwwhhhhhaaaaaatttttt -_-

1409d ago
RaidenBlack1410d ago

RT to be added via an update?
Didn't BF:V had it on launch 2 years ago?

ActualWhiteMan1410d ago

BF:V 😂 What a trash game to compare it to.

1410d ago
StoneyYoshi1410d ago

No. BF5 had a patch later on since RTX cards weren't even out yet when that game was released. They just happened to showcase RT with that game.

RazzerRedux1410d ago

So did we see anything actually running on the hardware?

Rude-ro1410d ago

Not yet.. still probably being engineered to solve the heat that will be produced in said box form.
That design is for the simple niche pc build but if it is pushing a 2080ti for the use of a home console.... 😬 With Microsofts history of inept cheap builds.. could be a huge concern.

My 2080 super has 5 fans in a very breathable pc case... and can still get kinda hot with long gaming sessions... I could not imagine the more powerful build of the x in such a small form factor not having issues.

djplonker1410d ago

I didn't want this to be the way I leaked this info but..... Here is a screenshot of an upcoming xbox exclusive terminator game running on the hardware.


darthv721410d ago

If you had said commando... you might have won over some people.

Hakuoro1410d ago (Edited 1410d ago )

Doubtful, I mean the lead up to this was all lies. They lied about the amount of game play they lied about the number of games when it comes to Halo it's clear they lied when they said the game was being made for SX and scaled down to xbone.

It's all lies from these guys.

dumahim1410d ago

I guess they weren't clear on their messaging, again.

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